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Yumemizuki Mizuki[Note 1] (Japanese: 夢見月瑞希 Yumemidzuki Mizuki) is a playable Anemo character in Genshin Impact.

Gameplay Info[]

Ascensions and Stats[]

Toggle Ascension Materials

Elemental MasteryElemental Mastery
Ascension Cost (0 → 1)
Vayuda Turquoise Sliver 1
Sea Ganoderma 3
Old Handguard 3
Ascension Cost (1 → 2)
Talisman of the Enigmatic Land 2
Vayuda Turquoise Fragment 3
Ascension Cost (2 → 3)
Talisman of the Enigmatic Land 4
Vayuda Turquoise Fragment 6
Ascension Cost (3 → 4)
Talisman of the Enigmatic Land 8
Vayuda Turquoise Chunk 3
Ascension Cost (4 → 5)
Vayuda Turquoise Chunk 6
Ascension Cost (5 → 6)
Vayuda Turquoise Gemstone 6

Total Cost (0✦ → 6✦)

Mora 420,000 Mora


Talent Pure Heart, Pure DreamsPure Heart, Pure Dreams
Normal Attack
  • Description
  • Advanced Properties
  • Attribute Scaling
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Normal Attack
Performs up to 3 attacks, dealing Anemo DMG.

Charged Attack
Consumes a certain amount of Stamina and deals AoE Anemo DMG after a short casting time.

Plunging Attack
Calling upon the power of Anemo, she plunges towards the ground from mid-air, damaging all opponents in her path. Deals AoE Anemo DMG upon impact with the ground.

Internal CooldownPoise
Stagger EffectBlunt
TagTagTypeTypeS. L.S. L.H. F.H. F.V. F.V. F.
Normal Attack 1-Hit1UNormal Attack2.5s/3 Hits9.802Shake00
Normal Attack 2-Hit1U8.796Shake00
Normal Attack 3-Hit1U13.382Shake00
Charged Attack1UNo ICD90Shake00
Plunging Attack Collision0UNo ICD5Light2000
Low Plunge1UNo ICD50Heavy2000
High Plunge1UNo ICD100Heavy8000
1-Hit DMG (%)52.2856.260.1265.3569.2773.1978.4283.6488.8794.199.33
2-Hit DMG (%)46.9150.4353.9558.6462.1665.6870.3775.0679.7584.4589.14
3-Hit DMG (%)71.3776.7282.0789.2194.5699.92107.05114.19121.33128.46135.6
Charged Attack
Charged Attack DMG (%)130139.75149.5162.5172.25182195208221234247
Charged Attack Stamina Cost50
Plunging Attack
Plunge DMG (%)56.8361.4566.0872.6977.3182.689.8797.14104.41112.34120.27
Low Plunge DMG (%)113.63122.88132.13145.35154.59165.17179.7194.23208.77224.62240.48
High Plunge DMG (%)141.93153.49165.04181.54193.1206.3224.45242.61260.76280.57300.37
Talent Aisa Utamakura PilgrimageAisa Utamakura Pilgrimage
Elemental Skill
  • Description
  • Gameplay Notes
  • Advanced Properties
  • Attribute Scaling
  • Preview
Weaves memories of lovely dreams, entering a Dreamdrifter state where she floats above the ground, and dealing 1 instance of AoE Anemo DMG to nearby opponents.

  • While in the Dreamdrifter state, Yumemizuki Mizuki will continuously drift forward, dealing AoE Anemo DMG to nearby opponents at regular intervals.
  • During this time, Yumemizuki Mizuki can control her direction of drift, and the pick-up distance of Yumemi Style Special Snacks from the Elemental Burst Anraku Secret Spring Therapy will be increased.
  • Increases the Swirl DMG that nearby party members deal based on Yumemizuki Mizuki's Elemental Mastery.
  • Dreamdrifter will end when Mizuki leaves the field or uses her Elemental Skill again.
  • When this skill hits at least one enemy, it generates 1 Elemental Particle.
    • This particle generation can trigger up to 4 times per use of the Elemental Skill.
  • During Dreamdrifter, Mizuki can deal continuous DMG 7 times over the 5 seconds, and up to 13 times over 10 seconds with her Passive Talent 1 unlocked.
  • During Dreamdrifter, Mizuki gains a small amount of Interruption Resistance.
Passive Effects
  • Passive Talent 1, Bright Moon's Restless Voice Bright Moon's Restless Voice: "When Yumemizuki Mizuki triggers Swirl while in her Dreamdrifter state, Dreamdrifter's duration increases by 2.5s. This effect can trigger once every 0.3s for a maximum of 2 times per Dreamdrifter state."
  • Passive Talent 2, Thoughts by Day Bring Dreams by Night Thoughts by Day Bring Dreams by Night: "While Yumemizuki Mizuki is in the Dreamdrifter state, when other nearby party members hit opponents with Pyro, Hydro, Cryo, or Electro attacks, her Elemental Mastery will increase by 100 for 4s."
Constellation Effects
  • Constellation Level 1, In Mist-Like Waters In Mist-Like Waters: "When Yumemizuki Mizuki is in the Dreamdrifter state, she will continuously apply the 'Twenty-Three Nights' Awaiting' effect to nearby opponents for 3s every 3.5s. When an opponent is affected by Anemo DMG-triggered Swirl reactions while the aforementioned effect is active, the effect will be canceled and this Swirl instance has its DMG against this opponent increased by 900% of Mizuki's Elemental Mastery."
  • Constellation Level 2, Your Echo I Meet in Dreams Your Echo I Meet in Dreams: "When Yumemizuki Mizuki enters the Dreamdrifter state, every Elemental Mastery point she has will increase all nearby party members' Pyro, Hydro, Cryo, and Electro DMG Bonuses by 0.04% until the Dreamdrifter state ends."
  • Constellation Level 3, Till Dawn's Moon Ends Night Till Dawn's Moon Ends Night: Increases this talent's level by 3, up to a maximum of 15.
  • Constellation Level 6, The Heart Lingers Long The Heart Lingers Long: "While Yumemizuki Mizuki is in the Dreamdrifter state, Swirl DMG dealt by nearby party members can Crit, with CRIT Rate fixed at 30%, and CRIT DMG fixed at 100%."
Internal CooldownPoise
Stagger EffectBlunt
TagTagTypeTypeS. L.S. L.H. F.H. F.V. F.V. F.
Skill DMG1UNo ICD30Light2000
Continuous Attack DMG1UElemental Skill1.2s20Light2000
Skill DMG (%)57.7462.0766.4172.1876.5180.8486.6292.3998.16103.94109.71115.49122.71
Continuous Attack DMG (%)44.9148.2851.6556.1459.5162.8867.3771.8676.3580.8485.3389.8295.44
Dreamdrifter Duration5s
Elemental Mastery-Based Swirl DMG Increase0.18% per Point0.21% per Point0.24% per Point0.27% per Point0.3% per Point0.33% per Point0.36% per Point0.39% per Point0.42% per Point0.45% per Point0.48% per Point0.51% per Point0.54% per Point
Talent Anraku Secret Spring TherapyAnraku Secret Spring Therapy
Elemental Burst
  • Description
  • Gameplay Notes
  • Advanced Properties
  • Attribute Scaling
  • Preview

Summons forth countless lovely dreams and nightmares that pull in nearby objects and opponents, dealing AoE Anemo DMG and summoning a Mini Baku.

Mini Baku:
Follows the current active character. At regular intervals, the Mini Baku will create 1 Yumemi Style Special Snack nearby. After a nearby active character picks up a Special Snack, if their HP is higher than 70%, the Snack will explode and unleash a Munen Shockwave, dealing 1 instance of AoE Anemo DMG to nearby opponents. Otherwise, it will heal the one who picked it up based on Yumemizuki Mizuki's Elemental Mastery. When Yumemizuki Mizuki triggers healing by picking up a Yumemi Style Special Snack, the amount of healing is increased by 100%. If some time passes without a Snack being picked up, it will explode and release a Munen Shockwave, dealing 1 instance of AoE Anemo DMG to surrounding opponents.

Constellation Effects
  • Constellation Level 4, Buds Warm Lucid Springs Buds Warm Lucid Springs: "Picking up a Yumemi Style Special Snack from the Elemental Burst Anraku Secret Spring Therapy will both deal DMG and heal, and will restore 5 Energy to Yumemizuki Mizuki. Energy can be restored this way 4 times per Anraku Secret Spring Therapy duration."
  • Constellation Level 5, As Setting Moon Brings Year's End As Setting Moon Brings Year's End: Increases this talent's level by 3, up to a maximum of 15.
Internal CooldownPoise
Stagger EffectBlunt
TagTagTypeTypeS. L.S. L.H. F.H. F.V. F.V. F.
Skill DMG2UNo ICD100Air480600
Munen Shockwave DMG1UElemental Burst2.5s/3 Hits30Light2000
Skill DMG (%)94.08101.14108.19117.6124.66131.71141.12150.53159.94169.34178.75188.16199.92
Munen Shockwave DMG (%)70.5675.8581.1488.293.4998.78105.84112.9119.95127.01134.06141.12149.94
Snack Pick-Up HP Regeneration130.56% Elemental Mastery
140.35% Elemental Mastery
150.14% Elemental Mastery
163.2% Elemental Mastery
172.99% Elemental Mastery
182.78% Elemental Mastery
195.84% Elemental Mastery
208.9% Elemental Mastery
221.95% Elemental Mastery
235.01% Elemental Mastery
248.06% Elemental Mastery
261.12% Elemental Mastery
277.44% Elemental Mastery
Energy Cost60
Talent Bright Moon's Restless VoiceBright Moon's Restless Voice
1st Ascension Passive
When Yumemizuki Mizuki triggers Swirl while in her Dreamdrifter state, Dreamdrifter's duration increases by 2.5s. This effect can trigger once every 0.3s for a maximum of 2 times per Dreamdrifter state.
Talent Thoughts by Day Bring Dreams by NightThoughts by Day Bring Dreams by Night
4th Ascension Passive
While Yumemizuki Mizuki is in the Dreamdrifter state, when other nearby party members hit opponents with Pyro, Hydro, Cryo, or Electro attacks, her Elemental Mastery will increase by 100 for 4s.
Talent All Ailments BanishedAll Ailments Banished
Utility Passive
  • Description
  • Gameplay Notes

When Yumemizuki Mizuki is in the party, party members have a chance to recover 30% additional HP when using healing foods that do not have reviving properties. The trigger chance for this effect increases with the corresponding character's Friendship Level. (This effect will always trigger if the Traveler is the character consuming healing food.)

  • The probabilities of triggering the additional healing at each Friendship Level are as follows:
    Friendship LevelTrigger Probability

Talent Upgrade[]

1 → 2
Mora 12,500[12,500]
Old Handguard 6[6]
Teachings of Transience 3[3]
2 → 3
Mora 17,500[30,000]
Kageuchi Handguard 3[3]
Guide to Transience 2[2]
3 → 4
Mora 25,000[55,000]
Kageuchi Handguard 4[7]
Guide to Transience 4[6]
4 → 5
Mora 30,000[85,000]
Kageuchi Handguard 6[13]
Guide to Transience 6[12]
5 → 6
Mora 37,500[122,500]
Kageuchi Handguard 9[22]
Guide to Transience 9[21]
6 → 7
Mora 120,000[242,500]
Famed Handguard 4[4]
Philosophies of Transience 4[4]
Fading Candle 1[1]
7 → 8
Mora 260,000[502,500]
Famed Handguard 6[10]
Philosophies of Transience 6[10]
Fading Candle 1[2]
8 → 9
Mora 450,000[952,500]
Famed Handguard 9[19]
Philosophies of Transience 12[22]
Fading Candle 2[4]
9 → 10
Mora 700,000[1,652,500]
Famed Handguard 12[31]
Philosophies of Transience 16[38]
Fading Candle 2[6]
Crown of Insight 1[1]


Constellation In Mist-Like WatersIn Mist-Like Waters
  • Description
  • Gameplay Notes

When Yumemizuki Mizuki is in the Dreamdrifter state, she will continuously apply the "Twenty-Three Nights' Awaiting" effect to nearby opponents for 3s every 3.5s. When an opponent is affected by Anemo DMG-triggered Swirl reactions while the aforementioned effect is active, the effect will be canceled and this Swirl instance has its DMG against this opponent increased by 900% of Mizuki's Elemental Mastery.

  • The DMG increase provided by this Constellation is as inserted to the Swirl DMG calculation as follows:
Constellation Your Echo I Meet in DreamsYour Echo I Meet in Dreams
When Yumemizuki Mizuki enters the Dreamdrifter state, every Elemental Mastery point she has will increase all nearby party members' Pyro, Hydro, Cryo, and Electro DMG Bonuses by 0.04% until the Dreamdrifter state ends.
Constellation Till Dawn's Moon Ends NightTill Dawn's Moon Ends Night
Increases the Level of Aisa Utamakura Pilgrimage by 3.
Maximum upgrade level is 15.
Constellation Buds Warm Lucid SpringsBuds Warm Lucid Springs
Picking up a Yumemi Style Special Snack from the Elemental Burst Anraku Secret Spring Therapy will both deal DMG and heal, and will restore 5 Energy to Yumemizuki Mizuki. Energy can be restored this way 4 times per Anraku Secret Spring Therapy duration.
Constellation As Setting Moon Brings Year's EndAs Setting Moon Brings Year's End
Increases the Level of Anraku Secret Spring Therapy by 3.
Maximum upgrade level is 15.
Constellation The Heart Lingers LongThe Heart Lingers Long
While Yumemizuki Mizuki is in the Dreamdrifter state, Swirl DMG dealt by nearby party members can Crit, with CRIT Rate fixed at 30%, and CRIT DMG fixed at 100%.
Each Constellation activation requires one Yumemizuki Mizuki's Stella Fortuna Yumemizuki Mizuki's Stella Fortuna.


Character Event Wishes[]

Yumemizuki Mizuki has been promoted or featured with a drop-rate boost in 1 Event Wish:

Wish Featured Duration Version
Dawn's Drifting Reverie 2025-02-12
Dawn's Drifting Reverie 2025-02-12
Yumemizuki MizukiAnemo Yu­me­mi­zu­ki Mi­zu­ki Mizuki Yu­me­mi­zu­ki Mi­zu­ki
February 12, 2025 – March 4, 2025 5.4

Chronicled Wishes[]

Yumemizuki Mizuki has not been included in any Chronicled Wishes.


  1. Follows Japanese name order.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishYumemizuki Mizuki
Mèngjiànyuè Ruìxī
Mèngjiànyuè Ruìxī
Yumemidzuki Mizuki
Korean유메미즈키 미즈키
Yumemijeuki Mijeuki
SpanishYumemizuki Mizuki
FrenchYumemizuki Mizuki
RussianЮмэмидзуки Мидзуки
Yumemidzuki Midzuki
ThaiYumemizuki Mizuki
VietnameseYumemizuki Mizuki
GermanYumemizuki Mizuki
IndonesianYumemizuki Mizuki
PortugueseYumemizuki Mizuki
TurkishYumemizuki Mizuki
ItalianYumemizuki Mizuki

Change History[]

Version 5.5

Version 5.4

  • Yumemizuki Mizuki was released.


  1. YouTube: Genshin Impact Version 5.4 Special Program (Timestamp: 6m 12s)
  2. Bilibili: Genshin Impact Version 5.4 Special Program (Timestamp: 05m 59s)
  3. Twitter: JP VA Announcement
  4. YouTube: Genshin Impact Version 5.4 Special Program (Timestamp: 7m 27s)

