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This page contains information about a past event that may or may not return in a future version.

Good Hunter, Wangshu Inn, and Wanmin Restaurant are currently facing a high volume of orders. They don't have enough delivery staff to cover them all and are looking for help.

During this event, fulfill timed food delivery orders from Sara at Good Hunter, Smiley Yanxiao at Wangshu Inn, and Chef Mao at Wanmin Restaurant to receive rewards — and complete all daily orders to get Primogems!

This event is available for players at Adventure Rank 20 or above.

Event Duration[]

2020-12-11 10:00:00 – 2020-12-18 03:59:59

Event Details[]

During the event period, Travelers can take timed food delivery orders from Sara at Good Hunter, Smiley Yanxiao at Wangshu Inn, and Chef Mao at Wanmin Restaurant via the event menu.

Food must be delivered within the specified time limit and without breaking any other conditions that may apply depending on the food in question (see the list below). Breaking these conditions will ruin the food, in which case Travelers will have to acquire a fresh portion and restart the delivery.

3 delivery orders will be available per day, refreshing at 04:00 daily.

Each order comes with a few special requirements, such as:

  • Deliver within the time limit (the timer does not pause during teleport transitions)
  • No sprinting
    • "fast swimming" is allowed
  • No gliding
  • No climbing
    • "ledge grabbing" (to pull the character up) is allowed
  • Do not take DMG (from any source)
  • Do not become affected by any element
    • Any source of an element (including self applied) will fail the quest
    • In case of rain, advance the time through the clock menu until the weather clears
    • Pools of water can be iced over and stood upon without getting wet.

Teleporting is allowed and necessary. Additionally in case of an order being too frustrating for you, consider using a Portable Waypoint at the target's location to instantly "skip" the run.

Delivery Orders[]

Completing all 3 orders for each day rewards players with Primogem Primogem ×60 per set/day.

Day 1[]

Location Order and Requirements Reward
Good Hunter Express to Stormbearer Point Mondstadt Hash Brown Mondstadt Hash Brown for Hardworking Silio
Deliver within 100s without gliding, sprinting, or taking any DMG.
Mora 30,000
Valberry 3
Wangshu Take-Away to Dihua Marsh Almond Tofu Almond Tofu for Laid Back Ling'guan
Deliver within 90s without taking any DMG or being affected by any elements.
Mora 20,000
Adventurer's Experience 4
Wanmin Fresh to Dunyu Ruins Jewelry Soup Jewelry Soup for Tacit Tingfang
Deliver within 90s without gliding, taking any DMG, or being affected by any elements.
Mora 20,000
Mystic Enhancement Ore 2

Day 2[]

Location Order and Requirements Reward
Good Hunter Express to Dawn Winery Sweet Madame Sweet Madame for Short-Tempered Wallit
Deliver within 110s without taking any DMG or being affected by other elements.
Mora 30,000
Philanemo Mushroom 3
Wangshu Take-Away to Dihua Marsh Matsutake Meat Rolls Matsutake Meat Rolls for Laid Back Ling'guan
Deliver within 80s without gliding, sprinting, or taking any DMG.
Mora 20,000
Adventurer's Experience 4
Wanmin Fresh to Guyun Stone Forest Jade Parcels Jade Parcels for Tacit Tingfang
Deliver within 120s without sprinting or taking any DMG.
Mora 20,000
Mystic Enhancement Ore 2

Day 3[]

Location Order and Requirements Reward
Good Hunter Express to Brightcrown Canyon Flaming Red Bolognese Flaming Red Bolognese for Slacking Angelo
Deliver within 95s without gliding, sprinting, climbing, or taking any DMG.
Mora 20,000
Adventurer's Experience 4
Wangshu Take-Away to Sal Terrae Black-Back Perch Stew Black-Back Perch Stew for Tacit Tingfang
Deliver within 90s without sprinting or taking any DMG.
Mora 30,000
Violetgrass 3
Wanmin Fresh to Luhua Pool Mora Meat Mora Meat for Curious Zi'rui
Deliver within 115s without gliding, taking DMG, or being affected by any elements.
Mora 20,000
Mystic Enhancement Ore 2

Day 4[]

Location Order and Requirements Reward
Good Hunter Express to Brightcrown Canyon Tea Break Pancake Tea Break Pancake for Short-Tempered Wallit
Deliver within 95s without sprinting or taking any DMG.
Mora 20,000
Adventurer's Experience 4
Wangshu Take-Away to Minlin Come and Get It Come and Get It for Laid Back Ling'guan
Deliver within 110s without gliding, sprinting, or being affected by any elements.
Mora 20,000
Mystic Enhancement Ore 2
Wanmin Fresh to Luhua Pool Jueyun Chili Chicken Jueyun Chili Chicken for Tacit Tingfang
Deliver within 115s without gliding, climbing, or being affected by any elements.
Mora 30,000
Cor Lapis 3

Day 5[]

Location Order and Requirements Reward
Good Hunter Express to Dawn Winery Mondstadt Hash Brown Mondstadt Hash Brown for Hardworking Silio
Deliver within 130s without taking any DMG or being affected by any elements.
Mora 20,000
Adventurer's Experience 4
Wangshu Take-Away to Qingce Village Black-Back Perch Stew Black-Back Perch Stew for Tacit Tingfang
Deliver within 80s without gliding or climbing.
Mora 30,000
Jueyun Chili 3
Wanmin Fresh to Jueyun Karst Come and Get It Come and Get It for Laid Back Ling'guan
Deliver within 70s without gliding, climbing, or being affected by any elements.
Mora 20,000
Mystic Enhancement Ore 2

Day 6[]

Location Order and Requirements Reward
Good Hunter Express to Stormterror's Lair Mondstadt Grilled Fish Mondstadt Grilled Fish for Hardworking Silio
Deliver within 110s without taking DMG, sprinting, or being affected by any elements.
Mora 30,000
Windwheel Aster 3
Wangshu Take-Away to Minlin Stir-Fried Filet Stir-Fried Filet for Laid Back Ling'guan
Deliver within 85s without sprinting or being affected by any elements.
Mora 20,000
Adventurer's Experience 4
Wanmin Fresh to Guyun Stone Forest Lotus Seed and Bird Egg Soup Lotus Seed and Bird Egg Soup for Curious Zi'rui
Deliver within 95s without gliding or taking any DMG.
Mora 20,000
Mystic Enhancement Ore 2

Day 7[]

Location Order and Requirements Reward
Good Hunter Express to Stone Gate Fisherman's Toast Fisherman's Toast for Short-Tempered Wallit
Deliver within 130s without sprinting or being affected by any elements.
Mora 20,000
Adventurer's Experience 4
Wangshu Take-Away to Mingyun Village Almond Tofu Almond Tofu for Laid Back Ling'guan
Deliver within 90s without climbing, gliding, or sprinting.
Mora 30,000
Glaze Lily 3
Wanmin Fresh to Qingxu Pool Jewelry Soup Jewelry Soup for Tacit Tingfang
Deliver within 130s without gliding, taking any DMG, or being affected by any elements
Mora 20,000
Mystic Enhancement Ore 2

Battle Pass Missions[]

This event added additional "This BP Period" Battle Pass missions to the Fading Star Battle Pass. The Battle Pass EXP (BP EXP) obtained from these missions do not count towards the weekly experience limit of 10,000 BP EXP.

MissionsBattle Pass EXP BP EXP
[Event] Complete 9 special deliveries in While It's Warm1,200

Total Rewards[]

Mora 490,000 Mora

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishWhile It's Warm
Jiāyáo Shàng Wēn
The Delicious Dishes are Still Warm
Jiāyáo Shàng Wēn
Gurume wa Samenai Uchi ni
Before the Gourmet Food Gets Cold
Korean티바트 배달원
Tibateu Baedalwon
Teyvat Courier
SpanishRecién salido del hornoJust Out of the Oven
FrenchServir chaudTo Serve Warm
RussianПока не остыло
Poka ne ostylo
Until It Did Not Cool Down
A-han Ron-ron
Hot Food
VietnameseĐồ Ăn Chưa Hâm NóngUnheated Food
GermanVorsicht, heißCaution, Hot!
IndonesianSelama Masih HangatWhile It's Warm
PortugueseComida Quente

Change History[]
