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Where the Boat of Consciousness Lies is the fourth part in the Teyvat storyline Archon Quest Chapter III: Act V - Akasha Pulses, the Kalpa Flame Rises.


  1. Wait till 16:00 and find Nahida in the Sanctuary of Surasthana
  2. Talk to Nahida once you have made your preparations
  3. Go through the passage and reach The Balladeer
  4. Talk to The Balladeer
  5. Defeat the Everlasting Lord of Arcane Wisdom
  6. Enter Greater Lord Rukkhadevata's last memory
  7. Talk to Nahida
  8. Leave this place using the Boat of Consciousness
  9. Reach the Irminsul from the past
  10. Find the remaining consciousness of Greater Lord Rukkhadevata
  11. Talk to Nahida
  12. Talk to Paimon

Gameplay Notes[]

  • Leaving during the middle of any of the four quest-specific Domains will place the player back at the Sanctuary of Surasthana, as if Step 2 was just completed, but upon interacting with the domain's start point, the most recent unfinished domain can be re-entered.
  • During Step 5, Nahida will join the party as a trial character.
  • The first time players fight Shouki no Kami's second phase, players are not required to deal damage and only need to survive until the cinematic begins.
  • Two major events occur in this quest that result in significant changes to the game world at its conclusion:
  • This quest may be blocked by Tighnari's Story Quest because of a shared location until the 3rd step of Into the Hinterland is completed.
  • Completing Step 7 grants the Wonders of the World achievement ...I'm Sorry, Sir, But You're Ineligible.

Trial Character[]

WLWL Character
& Weapon
Talents & Artifacts Attributes


NahidaDendro Lv. 90 C3 Na­hi­da
  • Normal Attack Lv. 8
  • Elemental Skill Lv. 8
  • Elemental Burst Lv. 8
Icon Attribute Health Max HP: 22,938
Icon Attribute Attack ATK: 1,781
Icon Attribute Defense DEF: 755
Icon Attribute Elemental Mastery Elemental Mastery: 485
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit Rate: 57.1%
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit DMG: 91.9%
Icon Attribute Energy Recharge Energy Recharge: 144.7%
Icon Attribute Dendro DMG Bonus: 30%

Royal FloraRoyal PlumeRoyal Pocket WatchRoyal Silver UrnRoyal Masque
Artifact Lv. 20
Set Bonus
Noblesse Oblige 4-Piece

Trial Characters at Level 75 or above that are equipping the set Noblesse Oblige may be out of date.


UI Quest Quest Description

Although you have saved Lesser Lord Kusanali, there is no time to celebrate or rest, for there is a nascent god to stop and Irminsul to save... Now, the fate of Teyvat is in your hands.
(After the previous quest)
Media:vo xmaq304 1 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: We might as well prepare for a fight, (TravelerTraveler).
Media:vo xmaq304 1 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: When we're done, we can take a walk around. After all, we missed out on a lot of stuff when we were locked up.
(Talk to Viraf outside the Sanctuary of Surasthana, optional)
Media:vo dialog xmaq304 viraf 01.ogg Viraf: The blond-haired Traveler? How did you come out from the Sanctuary of Surasthana? It's normally forbidden to enter that place.
Media:vo dialog xmaq304 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Um, sorry, we don't know the rules here...
Media:vo dialog xmaq304 viraf 02.ogg Viraf: It's fine, just pay more attention next time. Anyway, I'm looking for Grand Sage Azar. Have you seen him?
Media:vo dialog xmaq304 viraf 03.ogg Viraf: The more I think about it, the more I believe there's something fishy about Alhaitham's return. I need to let the Grand Sage know somehow...
Media:vo dialog xmaq304 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: You're finally starting to put two and two together...
(Talk to Vihar outside the Akademiya, optional)
Media:vo dialog xmaq304 vihar 01.ogg Vihar: Hey, it's you guys! How did your plan go? Are you here for Nilou?
Media:vo dialog xmaq304 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: It went really well! And yeah, where's Nilou?
Media:vo dialog xmaq304 vihar 02.ogg Vihar: Great to hear! Nilou's already returned to the Grand Bazaar. Just now, a crowd of Akademiya students came by to ask Nilou for her signature. I've never seen her run away so fast!
Media:vo dialog xmaq304 vihar 03.ogg Vihar: To think the Akademiya wants to ban artistic performances... Hehe, I think their students would be the first to disagree.
(Talk to Rahman inside the Grand Bazaar, optional)
Media:vo dialog xmaq304 rahman 01.ogg Rahman: Eh? How did you find the time to walk around? Did you manage to rescue Lesser Lord Kusanali?
Media:vo dialog xmaq304 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: We did! She's handling some Akasha stuff right now.
Media:vo dialog xmaq304 rahman 02.ogg Rahman: That's great, haha. Just now, Dehya went to find Asfand, the senior consultant of the Corps of Thirty, and explained everything to him.
Media:vo dialog xmaq304 rahman 03.ogg Rahman: In response, Asfand said, "Why didn't you tell me earlier. If it was to rescue the Dendro Archon, we would've helped as well," hahaha...
Media:vo dialog xmaq304 rahman 04.ogg Rahman: I didn't know we could have even counted the city guards of the Corps of Thirty among our potential reinforcements. It looks like we were a bit too conservative with our plan.

(Enter the Sanctuary of Surasthana)
Media:vo xmaq304 4 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: How's it going, Nahida?
Media:vo xmaq304 4 nahida 01.ogg Nahida: I'm done with the parts that needed my involvement to complete.
Media:vo xmaq304 4 nahida 02.ogg Nahida: Although it's my first time working with the Akasha like this, its internal structure and operation procedures are easy for me to understand. Greater Lord Rukkhadevata's design is truly brilliant.
Media:vo xmaq304 4 nahida 03.ogg Nahida: Oh, also, this is for you.
Media:vo xmaq304 4 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Huh? What's this little floaty thingy?
Media:vo xmaq304 4 nahida 04.ogg Nahida: It's a small device I put together just now. You can think of it as an upgraded Akasha Terminal.
Media:vo xmaq304 4 nahida 05.ogg Nahida: You may not need it right now, but it should be helpful in certain situations.
Media:vo xmaq304 4 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Wait! This thing has the same characteristics as Paimon!
Media:vo xmaq304 4 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: We're both small things that float...
Media:vo xmaq304 4 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: *sigh* All the things that make Paimon special got copied... When Paimon appears with the Traveler from now on, people won't remember Paimon because she isn't unique anymore...
Icon Dialogue Talk Are you actually upset...?
Icon Dialogue Talk It looks completely different from you!
Media:vo xmaq304 4 nahida 06.ogg Nahida: It's alright, Paimon. It can't replace you.
Media:vo xmaq304 4 nahida 07.ogg Nahida: It's only a flying device, but you're (TravelerTraveler)'s irreplaceable friend.
Media:vo xmaq304 4 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: Waah, you're so good at comforting people, Nahida. If only (TravelerTraveler) was as smart as you...
Icon Dialogue Talk Hmm...
Media:vo xmaq304 4 nahida 08.ogg Nahida: Hm? I was simply telling you what I feel to be the truth. I wasn't trying to comfort you.
Media:vo xmaq304 4 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: Nahida, you're a natural at this! What you just said made Paimon even happier!
Media:vo xmaq304 4 nahida 09.ogg Nahida: By the way, there's something I need to confess...
Media:vo xmaq304 4 nahida 10.ogg Nahida: Even though I'm the archon and in control of myself again, I'm not very good at fighting...
Media:vo xmaq304 4 nahida 11.ogg Nahida: You may have heard that an archon's power is derived from their people's faith. However, I'm not as well-loved as Greater Lord Rukkhadevata.
Media:vo xmaq304 4 nahida 12.ogg Nahida: If we get into a situation where combat is our only option, I'll have to count on you, and I'll do my best to provide support.
Icon Dialogue Talk Don't worry.
Icon Dialogue Talk Fighting is my forte.
Media:vo xmaq304 4 nahida 13.ogg Nahida: I'm glad I can rely on you.
Media:vo xmaq304 4 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: Hmm, so the God of Wisdom isn't good at fighting. That actually sounds about right.
Media:vo xmaq304 4 nahida 14.ogg Nahida: I've located where the false god is. Time is of the essence, so let's skip to it.

(Enter Deus Foundry)
Media:vo xmaq304 5 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: What is this place? Is this really the way we need to go?
Media:vo xmaq304 5 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Wow... Who woulda thought there'd be a place like this hidden right slap bang in the middle of the city!
Media:vo xmaq304 5 nahida 01.ogg Nahida: The sages wanted to realize their god creation plan without being discovered. The safest and most convenient way would be to build within the Akademiya itself.
Media:vo xmaq304 5 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Hmm, that's true. They were already hiding one god, so why not two?
Media:vo xmaq304 5 nahida 02.ogg Nahida: Judging from the structure here, the project is a huge undertaking. The sages really saw the god creation plan as their ultimate goal.
Media:vo xmaq304 5 nahida 03.ogg Nahida: But this place doesn't seem like it could have been constructed by the Akademiya alone...
Media:vo xmaq304 5 nahida 04.ogg Nahida: The Fatui under The Doctor sure didn't hold back — they provided a lot of technological support.
Icon Dialogue Talk It's to help one of their own Harbingers become a god, after all.
Media:vo xmaq304 5 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Yeah, or else they wouldn't have been that generous!
Media:vo xmaq304 5 nahida 05.ogg Nahida: Is that it, though? I've always felt that this "Doctor" is different from the Akademiya sages. He doesn't seem to share their sense of urgency...
Media:vo xmaq304 5 nahida 06.ogg Nahida: Instead of being interested in the end product, it's like he's enjoying the experimental process.
Media:vo xmaq304 5 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Hmm... The Fatui Harbingers are all such weirdos, so The Doctor being weird is actually normal.
Media:vo xmaq304 5 nahida 07.ogg Nahida: So... this Fatui that they're trying to turn into a god... is called "The Balladeer"?
Media:vo xmaq304 5 nahida 08.ogg Nahida: We had previously come into contact with his consciousness. He harbors particularly strong obsessions...
Media:vo xmaq304 5 nahida 09.ogg Nahida: One is the desire for a Gnosis, since he was created to be the vessel for one.
Media:vo xmaq304 5 nahida 10.ogg Nahida: The other obsession is probably related to his past. I can't quite explain it.
Media:vo xmaq304 5 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: Paimon knows that he was a prototype puppet for the Raiden Shogun before he became a Fatui Harbinger...
Media:vo xmaq304 5 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: That's why he wants a Gnosis so badly. There's no way he'd willingly be a test subject, not with that temper and ego of his.
Media:vo xmaq304 5 nahida 11.ogg Nahida: It sounds like you know The Balladeer quite well.
Icon Dialogue Talk We've had a few encounters...
Icon Dialogue Talk But none of them were pleasant.
Media:vo xmaq304 5 nahida 12.ogg Nahida: I see. Tell me more about him and what he's like...
Media:vo xmaq304 5 nahida 13.ogg Nahida: The more we know now, the better we can plan for and react to any future situation.
You tell Nahida everything you know about The Balladeer...
Media:vo xmaq304 5 nahida 14.ogg Nahida: Ah... I see. How fascinating.
Media:vo xmaq304 5 nahida 15.ogg Nahida: Alright, time to go. Let's get through here and meet him in person.
(Approach the pipes with horizontal brass plates)
Media:vo xmaq304 11 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: It looks like we can climb up these pipes...
(Approach the central structure)
Media:vo xmaq304 11 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: The pattern on the ground seems to be all messed up... Let's go around and see if there's a way to fix it.
(Approach the cart)
Media:vo xmaq304 11 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: It seems to have stopped. Let's continue.
(Approach the stuck cart)
Media:vo xmaq304 11 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Hmm, the cart is stuck. Maybe there's something wrong with the tracks. Let's try adjusting the direction of the device to clear the tracks.
(Exit the elevator)
Media:vo xmaq304 6 nahida 01.ogg Nahida: Looking at its operational status, we must prepare for the worst. The god they wanted to create... is likely close to completion, or already completed.
Icon Dialogue Talk That's not a surprise...
Icon Dialogue Talk I've already seen him control the weather.
Media:vo xmaq304 6 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Oh no, what should we do... Paimon can't imagine how hard it would be to fight against a Fatui Harbinger with a Gnosis...
Media:vo xmaq304 6 nahida 02.ogg Nahida: Are you nervous, Paimon?
Media:vo xmaq304 6 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: If you really want to know... of course Paimon's nervous! Aren't you too, Nahida?
Media:vo xmaq304 6 nahida 03.ogg Nahida: Yes, I am. This is probably the first time I'm faced with a calamity of this degree since my birth.
Media:vo xmaq304 6 nahida 04.ogg Nahida: I feel not just nervous, but curious as well.
Media:vo xmaq304 6 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Curious...? Curious about what?
Media:vo xmaq304 6 nahida 05.ogg Nahida: Curious about our fate.
Media:vo xmaq304 6 nahida 06.ogg Nahida: To me, everything we perceive in this world, everything we learn, and everything that happens to us is considered knowledge.
Media:vo xmaq304 6 nahida 07.ogg Nahida: And if it's a form of knowledge, then it can be understood.
Media:vo xmaq304 6 nahida 08.ogg Nahida: However, only fate is about that which has yet to occur, so it has always drawn my curiosity.
Media:vo xmaq304 6 nahida 09.ogg Nahida: So to me, "fate" is the ultimate knowledge.
Media:vo xmaq304 6 nahida 10.ogg Nahida: That's also why I love observing humans and all the things that happen to them. It all brings me great satisfaction.
Media:vo xmaq304 6 nahida 11.ogg Nahida: And now, at long last, I'm not just an observer anymore.
Media:vo xmaq304 6 nahida 12.ogg Nahida: I will personally experience my own fate, with you by my side. Hehe, isn't this such a wonderfully exciting thing?
Media:vo xmaq304 6 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Ah, so that's what you mean! Paimon thinks she understands what you're feeling.
Icon Dialogue Talk I'm also looking forward to it.
Icon Dialogue Talk We won't lose.
Media:vo xmaq304 6 nahida 13.ogg Nahida: Agreed! Okay, let's continue on. I can sense "his" aura from here...
(Exit the domain)
(A cinematic plays)
Cutscene's Travel Log summary:
After entering the depths of the foundry, you come face to face with the very core of the god creation plan — the Fatui Harbinger known as The Balladeer. Just as Nahida reaches out with her hand, seeming to summon a certain power, The Balladeer suddenly wakes up and repels all of you. Although the sages haven't gotten the chance to infuse the Divine Knowledge Capsules into him, the power of a god has already been vested in The Balladeer. Abandoning his former name, "Kunikuzushi," The Balladeer has become a real god — Shouki no Kami.
(Nahida uses her power on The Balladeer, awakening him)
The Balladeer: Who would have thought...
The Balladeer: The world would be so eager for my "birth"
The Balladeer: I remember you
The Balladeer: Buer, the God of Wisdom
The Balladeer: And standing beside you... the Traveler
Paimon: Is he all-knowing and powerful now like Greater Lord Rukkhadevata?
Nahida: No, I can't feel the same kind of divinity I felt from the Greater Lord
Nahida: It seems that the sages didn't get the chance to infuse the Divine Knowledge Capsules into him
Nahida: But even still...
Nahida: He has undoubtedly become a true "god" now
Paimon: So we're too late?
Paimon: The Balladeer has already... already become a god...?
The Balladeer: "The Balladeer"
The Balladeer: A long bygone title
The Balladeer: When my spirit ascended to divinity
The Balladeer: I felt as if I had existed for the same number of epochs as heaven and earth
The Balladeer: Looking back
The Balladeer: The existence of what once called itself "Kunikuzushi" appears infinitely small
The Balladeer: And ugly
Shouki no Kami, the Prodigal
Everlasting Lord of Arcane Wisdom
(Cinematic ends)
Media:vo xmaq304 7 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: This imposing aura... It really feels like a god's...
Media:vo xmaq304 7 nahida 01.ogg Nahida: A body that capitalizes on The Balladeer's original construction as a mechanical puppet, with the Gnosis serving as a constant power supply...
Media:vo xmaq304 7 nahida 02.ogg Nahida: How much effort and resources did the sages put into this...?
Media:vo xmaq304 7 nahida 03.ogg Nahida: From a purely technological perspective, it's a commendable achievement indeed. It's no exaggeration to say this is the culmination of human wisdom.
Media:vo xmaq304 7 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: You sure are something, dishing out compliments at a time like this...
Media:vo xmaq304 7 nahida 04.ogg Nahida: But I don't think he's reached the spiritual height of a god.
Icon Dialogue Talk So he's still the same, old Balladeer on the inside.
Icon Dialogue Talk I'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing...
Media:vo xmaq304 7 scaramouche 01.ogg Everlasting Lord of Arcane Wisdom: Strife is engraved upon every god and every Gnosis brought forth into this world.
Media:vo xmaq304 7 scaramouche 02.ogg Everlasting Lord of Arcane Wisdom: Can you feel it? The exhilaration of such power, and the thrill of anticipation for our contention...
Media:vo xmaq304 7 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Nahida wouldn't feel the same things as you!
Media:vo xmaq304 7 scaramouche 03.ogg Everlasting Lord of Arcane Wisdom: Do you not realize... that you are interrupting a conversation between gods? Lowly creature, know your place!
Media:vo xmaq304 7 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: !!!
Icon Dialogue Talk Still the same Balladeer we know...
Media:vo xmaq304 7 nahida 05.ogg Nahida: The strife engraved upon a Gnosis... You're talking about the Archon War.
Media:vo xmaq304 7 nahida 06.ogg Nahida: Teyvat's current peace was not easily won. I didn't personally participate in the Archon War, but the way I see it...
Media:vo xmaq304 7 nahida 07.ogg Nahida: All those losses were meaningless, driven by the demands of the "laws." There's no point in bringing it up again.
Media:vo xmaq304 7 scaramouche 04.ogg Everlasting Lord of Arcane Wisdom: Hehehe, is that so? Yet I am deeply disappointed that I was never allowed the fortuity to personally participate in the Archon War.
Media:vo xmaq304 7 scaramouche 05.ogg Everlasting Lord of Arcane Wisdom: This is a first — encountering a god in this world who does not crave power.
Media:vo xmaq304 7 scaramouche 06.ogg Everlasting Lord of Arcane Wisdom: No wonder your own people have abandoned you, God of Wisdom.
Icon Dialogue Talk But from now on...
Icon Dialogue Talk Nahida's followers will only continue to increase in number.
Media:vo xmaq304 7 scaramouche 07.ogg Everlasting Lord of Arcane Wisdom: Hmph. Your judgment is as your existence: unsubstantial.
Media:vo xmaq304 7 scaramouche 08.ogg Everlasting Lord of Arcane Wisdom: This is where everything ends, Buer, the God of Wisdom.
Media:vo xmaq304 7 scaramouche 09.ogg Everlasting Lord of Arcane Wisdom: You should know that wisdom cannot solve every problem. Like now, where your only option is to face me in combat.
Nahida: ...
Media:vo xmaq304 7 scaramouche 10.ogg Everlasting Lord of Arcane Wisdom: Come...
Media:vo xmaq304 7 scaramouche 11.ogg Everlasting Lord of Arcane Wisdom: Let us reenact a scene of the Archon War. Come and inaugurate my birth as a god.

(A cinematic plays a certain amount of time after entering the second phase)
Cutscene's Travel Log summary:
Despite your best efforts, you are no match for Shouki no Kami. Seeing that you are losing, Nahida throws herself in front of you. Shouki no Kami's giant limb grabs Nahida, and The Balladeer, beneath his mechanical shell, reaches out to seize her Gnosis. As you look upon what seems like a destined defeat, you somehow feel a strong sense of déjà vu. Your surroundings start to collapse as Nahida uses her power. As it turns out, all your previous fights were in a samsara dream.
According to Nahida, this is the 168th loop. Now, she's sending you all the battle experience collected previously in the form of Canned Knowledge. Meanwhile, Nahida also sends everything that happened just now to the people of Sumeru in the form of knowledge and asks them to help you find a way to defeat this false god.
Now, all of Sumeru's wisdom is at your disposal. As the First Sage of the God of Wisdom Buer, you begin the true battle against Shouki no Kami.
The Balladeer: This is supposed to be a battle between gods, yet you choose to hide behind a mortal
The Balladeer: And now, you're acting like you'd sacrifice yourself for a human...
The Balladeer: Are you having fun proving a false sense of heroism to yourself, Buer?
(The Balladeer rams his hand through Nahida's chest, to the Traveler's horror)
Nahida: The data collection is almost complete
Nahida: Do you even know how many times you've tried to take my Gnosis from me?
(Their surroundings shatter and Nahida, the Traveler, and Paimon are relocated to the positions they were in before the fight began)
Nahida: We just concluded the 168th loop
Nahida: Did you know that, in the effort to create you
Nahida: The people of Sumeru were forced to live through the exact same number of Sabzeruz Festivals and samsara cycles?
The Balladeer: The power of dreams... When did you use it on me...
(The Traveler remembers Nahida using her power on the Balladeer earlier, which was stored in the Neo Akasha Terminal)
The Balladeer: You can't even defeat me in a dream
The Balladeer: What do you hope to achieve with this little trick?
Nahida: Come, Traveler, just like before
Nahida: Allow me to awaken the memories in your dreams
(Nahida bestows canned knowledge of the past samara cycles unto the Traveler)
Paimon: All that battle experience!
Nahida: It's more than that
Nahida: "Compile everyone's wisdom in the name of the archon"
(Various characters are seen around Sumeru as they receive Nahida's instructions to help find a way to defeat the Balladeer)
Nahida: That is the original function of the Akasha
Nahida: I've sent everything that happened just now
Nahida: To the people of Sumeru in the form of knowledge
Nahida: I've asked them... to help you find a way to defeat the false god
(Nahida links the people of Sumeru through the Neo Akasha Terminal, charging it to its maximum level)
Nahida: Now, all of Sumeru's wisdom is at your disposal
The Balladeer: Meaningless tricks won't save you!
(The Shouki no Kami violently slams against the Traveler and the others, quaking the entire shrine, then unleashes the Electro beam to them. However, the attacks the Balladeer had used while stuck inside the samsara cycle were easily evaded)
The Balladeer: Heh... Are you done with your tricks?
The Balladeer: Can I finally take this as a real battle between gods?
Nahida: Mm, I'll leave this to you
Nahida: The First Sage of Buer
(Cinematic ends)

(After defeating Everlasting Lord of Arcane Wisdom)
(A cinematic plays)
Cutscene's Travel Log summary:
You manage to defeat Shouki no Kami with Nahida's help. She walks forward and takes the Gnosis away from The Balladeer. Having lost the Gnosis, which now houses all his strong obsessions, The Balladeer falls out of his giant mechanical shell in despair and drops to the ground.
Now, with the power of another Gnosis in her hands, Nahida can finally understand the final memory of Greater Lord Rukkhadevata. A Divine Knowledge Capsule materializes in her hand — this is the last memory of the Greater Lord.
The Balladeer: Humans... filthy humans...!
(Nahida floats up to Shouki no Kami's core and begins extracting the Electro Gnosis)
The Balladeer: No!
The Balladeer: Wait!
The Balladeer: Please
The Balladeer: Anything but the Gnosis...!
The Balladeer: That's mine!
The Balladeer: Don't even try...!
The Balladeer: I'll never...
The Balladeer: I'll never go back!
(Nahida extracts the Gnosis as the tethers tying the Balladeer to the machine snap, sending him plummeting to the ground)
Nahida: We haven't yet found the answer to the most important mystery
Nahida: Irminsul is still waiting to be saved
Nahida: With the power of another Gnosis
Nahida: We may now finally understand the last memory of Greater Lord Rukkhadevata
(A knowledge capsule appears)
Paimon: This is...
Nahida: That's right
Nahida: This is the last memory...
Nahida: Of my predecessor
(Cinematic ends)
Media:vo xmaq304 8 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Huh, this sure seems very different from what Paimon imagined... Shouldn't Irminsul be in this realm of consciousness?
Media:vo xmaq304 8 nahida 01.ogg Nahida: Yes, that is our destination, but I didn't expect the remaining consciousness of Greater Lord Rukkhadevata to be as polluted as this.
Icon Dialogue Talk Polluted?
Icon Dialogue Talk Surely not...
Icon Dialogue Talk It must be due to forbidden knowledge.
Media:vo xmaq304 8 nahida 02.ogg Nahida: Forbidden knowledge? Hmm, it seems you know about a concept that even I don't completely understand. Could you tell me what you know?
You tell Nahida all about what you had learned in the desert.
Media:vo xmaq304 8 nahida 03.ogg Nahida: Your inference seems logical enough...
Media:vo xmaq304 8 nahida 04.ogg Nahida: Forbidden knowledge once polluted the desert thousands of years ago, but was successfully repelled thanks to King Deshret's self-sacrifice and Greater Lord Rukkhadevata nearly exhausting her power.
Media:vo xmaq304 8 nahida 05.ogg Nahida: Then a second instance of forbidden knowledge pollution occurred during the Khaenri'ah cataclysm five hundred years ago.
Media:vo xmaq304 8 nahida 06.ogg Nahida: But I'm afraid it is much more serious this time, with Irminsul itself already in danger.
Media:vo xmaq304 8 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: So if we're in the remaining consciousness of Greater Lord Rukkhadevata, and it's also been affected by forbidden knowledge pollution, then does that mean, in order to save us, Greater Lord Rukkhadevata...
Media:vo xmaq304 8 nahida 07.ogg Nahida: Yes, it's very possible that she sacrificed her life in the fight against forbidden knowledge.
Media:vo xmaq304 8 nahida 08.ogg Nahida: She didn't completely eradicate forbidden knowledge, but if it weren't for her actions, the pollution would have been far more rampant over these past five hundred years.
Media:vo xmaq304 8 nahida 09.ogg Nahida: The way that everyone, including me, has forgotten everything about forbidden knowledge may very well be due to her restoration of Irminsul.
Media:vo xmaq304 8 nahida 10.ogg Nahida: ...
Media:vo xmaq304 8 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Aw, do you feel sad, Nahida?
Media:vo xmaq304 8 nahida 11.ogg Nahida: I'm just sharing her pain... The pollution of her consciousness here is severe. There is madness, chaos, and pain all around us.
Media:vo xmaq304 8 nahida 12.ogg Nahida: Did she fight to resist the forbidden knowledge pollution in such terrible conditions, all the way up till her last breath...?
Media:vo xmaq304 8 nahida 13.ogg Nahida: She even used her last remnant of lucid consciousness to leave a clue for us to follow...
Icon Dialogue Talk By "clue," you mean...
Icon Dialogue Talk The words, "...World... Forget me..."?
Media:vo xmaq304 8 nahida 14.ogg Nahida: Yes, her words were distorted by forbidden knowledge, so that's all we could hear.
Media:vo xmaq304 8 nahida 15.ogg Nahida: But now we have a chance to find the answer to this mystery.
Media:vo xmaq304 8 nahida 16.ogg Nahida: We can cross the polluted consciousness until we've found the right path to meet with her lucid consciousness.
Media:vo xmaq304 8 nahida 17.ogg Nahida: And then... we'll let Greater Lord Rukkhadevata tell us the truth in person.
Icon Dialogue Talk I hope we can use that truth to save everybody.
Media:vo xmaq304 8 nahida 18.ogg Nahida: Each of us need to be mindful of the state of our own consciousness while we are here.
Media:vo xmaq304 8 nahida 19.ogg Nahida: Even with the Gnosis' protection, we must always keep a clear mind. Otherwise, we could go mad at any moment.
Media:vo xmaq304 8 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Eek! That's so scary!
Media:vo xmaq304 8 nahida 20.ogg Nahida: Don't worry, it should be easy enough for you to keep that mind of yours clear, Paimon. Let's go.
(Enter the cavern)
Media:vo xmaq304 11 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: Are we... in the air? And why is there a huge boat!?
Media:vo xmaq304 11 nahida 45.ogg Nahida: That's the Boat of Consciousness, which symbolizes reason here. Its course is the direction our consciousness is traveling towards.
Media:vo xmaq304 11 nahida 46.ogg Nahida: If we lose control over our consciousness, we will fall into madness... So let's make sure the boat stays on course.
(Approach the enemies)
Media:vo xmaq304 11 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: Wow... What are these? The monsters seem to have been affected by them...
(Defeat the Riftwolves)
Media:vo xmaq304 11 paimon 09.ogg Paimon: Look, Four-Leaf Sigils have appeared in the sky!
(Defeat the enemies on the boat)
Media:vo xmaq304 11 paimon 10.ogg Paimon: To control the Boat of Consciousness, we need to find the helm first.
(Start the wheel)
Media:vo xmaq304 9 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: We changed direction. Are we still going the right way, Nahida?
Media:vo xmaq304 9 nahida 01.ogg Nahida: Mm-hmm. Judging from the current route, the Boat of Consciousness will soon take us out of here.
Media:vo xmaq304 9 nahida 02.ogg Nahida: We'll be arriving at our destination soon. How are you feeling? Are your minds still intact?
Icon Dialogue Talk Some strange thoughts came from time to time...
Icon Dialogue Talk But I seem to be okay now.
Media:vo xmaq304 9 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Huh, but everything's been completely normal for Paimon.
Media:vo xmaq304 9 nahida 03.ogg Nahida: Hopefully, there won't be any more interruptions. This time, we should be able to meet Greater Lord Rukkhadevata.
Media:vo xmaq304 9 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Are you saying you've never met Greater Lord Rukkhadevata before?
Media:vo xmaq304 9 nahida 04.ogg Nahida: No, it seems that my birth and her death took place at the same time.
Media:vo xmaq304 9 nahida 05.ogg Nahida: Otherwise, I think she would have given me a little more guidance, and I could have done a better job.
Media:vo xmaq304 9 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Hey, you've done a great job, Nahida! Let's get out of this creepy place and go meet her!

(At Irminsul)
Media:vo xmaq304 9 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: So is this the place you were talking about...?
Media:vo xmaq304 9 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: The base of Irminsul...
(Continue forwards towards the tree)
Media:vo xmaq304 10 nahida 01.ogg Nahida: Well, this is the place.
Icon Dialogue Talk Yes...
Icon Dialogue Talk It's the same place from my memories.
Media:vo xmaq304 10 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Uh... we're here to find Greater Lord Rukkhadevata, right?
Media:vo xmaq304 10 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: But the one standing over there is...
Media:vo xmaq304 10 nahida 02.ogg Nahida: Is that... me...? She looks exactly... like me...
Media:vo xmaq304 10 nahida 03.ogg Nahida: Are you... Greater Lord Rukkhadevata?
Media:vo xmaq304 10 rukkhadevata 01.ogg Greater Lord Rukkhadevata: Yes, that's me. Are you surprised by my appearance?
Icon Dialogue Talk I can't believe my eyes...
Icon Dialogue Talk The two of you look almost exactly the same...
Media:vo xmaq304 10 rukkhadevata 02.ogg Greater Lord Rukkhadevata: Irminsul and the surrounding lands have been reproduced here as they were years ago, but this is just a realm of consciousness.
Media:vo xmaq304 10 rukkhadevata 03.ogg Greater Lord Rukkhadevata: We are manifestations of the same nature, hence why we would appear exactly the same.
Media:vo xmaq304 10 nahida 04.ogg Nahida: Hmm? We're... of the same nature? Why?
Media:vo xmaq304 10 rukkhadevata 04.ogg Greater Lord Rukkhadevata: Because you are me, and I am you.
Media:vo xmaq304 10 rukkhadevata 05.ogg Greater Lord Rukkhadevata: You are me in the new samsara.
Media:vo xmaq304 10 nahida 05.ogg Nahida: The new samsara...
Media:vo xmaq304 10 rukkhadevata 06.ogg Greater Lord Rukkhadevata: As Greater Lord Rukkhadevata, I'm the avatar of Irminsul, and you are the purest branch snapped from Irminsul.
Media:vo xmaq304 10 rukkhadevata 07.ogg Greater Lord Rukkhadevata: Imagine it this way... Even if a tree dies, its branches will eventually take root and grow, continuing the tree's life in another form.
Media:vo xmaq304 10 rukkhadevata 08.ogg Greater Lord Rukkhadevata: I'm merely the remaining consciousness of Greater Lord Rukkhadevata. The real me has presumably died a long time ago.
Media:vo xmaq304 10 rukkhadevata 09.ogg Greater Lord Rukkhadevata: Hmm... Judging from your appearance, I've probably been dead for five hundred years...
Media:vo xmaq304 10 rukkhadevata 10.ogg Greater Lord Rukkhadevata: But you're finally here, my new "self" in this samsara.
Icon Dialogue Talk So this is the connection between you two...
Icon Dialogue Talk Lesser Lord Kusanali and Greater Lord Rukkhadevata...
Media:vo xmaq304 10 nahida 06.ogg Nahida: If this is true, then am I... going to be a great archon like you someday?
Media:vo xmaq304 10 rukkhadevata 11.ogg Greater Lord Rukkhadevata: Though we share the same nature, our fates are bound to be different. All things have their own fate.
Media:vo xmaq304 10 rukkhadevata 12.ogg Greater Lord Rukkhadevata: When a branch grows into a mature tree, it won't be the same as the original tree.
Media:vo xmaq304 10 nahida 07.ogg Nahida: That's why fate is the ultimate knowledge, isn't it?
Media:vo xmaq304 10 rukkhadevata 13.ogg Greater Lord Rukkhadevata: That's a great insight. Yes, very good.
Media:vo xmaq304 10 rukkhadevata 14.ogg Greater Lord Rukkhadevata: It's also precisely why you won't become like me...
Media:vo xmaq304 10 nahida 08.ogg Nahida: Really...
Media:vo xmaq304 10 rukkhadevata 15.ogg Greater Lord Rukkhadevata: But perhaps, you may become an even greater archon than I.
Media:vo xmaq304 10 rukkhadevata 16.ogg Greater Lord Rukkhadevata: I already see a determination in you that I didn't possess in my time, and the future that it leads you to will be yours alone.
Media:vo xmaq304 10 rukkhadevata 17.ogg Greater Lord Rukkhadevata: Along with the blessings from your past experiences.
Media:vo xmaq304 10 rukkhadevata 18.ogg Greater Lord Rukkhadevata: Don't worry. The growth of wisdom is like that of a plant — you only need to wait quietly for the flower to bloom.
Icon Dialogue Talk I have faith in Nahida, too...
Icon Dialogue Talk She will definitely become a great archon.
Media:vo xmaq304 10 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Come to think of it, the sages never had the faintest inkling of the meaning of wisdom...
Media:vo xmaq304 10 nahida 09.ogg Nahida: Thank you... Nothing makes me happier than discovering that the archon I always admired was in fact myself in another fate.
Media:vo xmaq304 10 nahida 10.ogg Nahida: It's so nice to speak with you, Greater Lord Rukkhadevata. I've always wanted to meet you...
Media:vo xmaq304 10 rukkhadevata 19.ogg Greater Lord Rukkhadevata: The feeling is mutual. From the moment I snapped the branch off Irminsul and created you, I've also looked forward to talking with you.
Media:vo xmaq304 10 nahida 11.ogg Nahida: Could you tell me... why you wanted to create me? And what exactly happened when you died...
Media:vo xmaq304 10 rukkhadevata 20.ogg Greater Lord Rukkhadevata: Ah, I see. You're here seeking answers, right?
Media:vo xmaq304 10 rukkhadevata 21.ogg Greater Lord Rukkhadevata: Everything that day, even the sky itself, changed into a color like this...
(The camera pans to a purple branch)
Icon Dialogue Talk I knew it... the Khaenri'ah cataclysm.
Media:vo xmaq304 10 rukkhadevata 22.ogg Greater Lord Rukkhadevata: At that time, The Seven were all summoned to the nation of Khaenri'ah, except for me. I had a more important task to attend to...
Media:vo xmaq304 10 rukkhadevata 23.ogg Greater Lord Rukkhadevata: I had to protect Irminsul.
Media:vo xmaq304 10 rukkhadevata 24.ogg Greater Lord Rukkhadevata: The disaster occurred together with the pollution of forbidden knowledge. At that very moment, with my consciousness connected to Irminsul, I sensed something was wrong.
Media:vo xmaq304 10 rukkhadevata 25.ogg Greater Lord Rukkhadevata: The pain started to torment my mind. By the time I reached Irminsul, it was already displaying signs of corruption.
Media:vo xmaq304 10 rukkhadevata 26.ogg Greater Lord Rukkhadevata: Had I not repelled the pollution of forbidden knowledge with King Deshret thousands of years ago, I might have felt even more hopeless and lost.
Media:vo xmaq304 10 nahida 12.ogg Nahida: So what exactly is... forbidden knowledge?
Media:vo xmaq304 10 rukkhadevata 27.ogg Greater Lord Rukkhadevata: It's a kind of knowledge that doesn't belong to this world, and a form of "truth" that can't be understood.
Media:vo xmaq304 10 rukkhadevata 28.ogg Greater Lord Rukkhadevata: It came from the very bottom of the Abyss. Even I could never understand it.
Media:vo xmaq304 10 rukkhadevata 29.ogg Greater Lord Rukkhadevata: The world is constantly rejecting it, leading to all kinds of bad phenomena.
Media:vo xmaq304 10 rukkhadevata 30.ogg Greater Lord Rukkhadevata: If we allow forbidden knowledge to pollute Irminsul, I'm afraid the entirety of Teyvat could fall apart.
Media:vo xmaq304 10 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: So there's knowledge that even the God of Wisdom can't understand...
Media:vo xmaq304 10 rukkhadevata 31.ogg Greater Lord Rukkhadevata: At that time, I knew I couldn't repel the forbidden knowledge with my strength alone.
Media:vo xmaq304 10 rukkhadevata 32.ogg Greater Lord Rukkhadevata: Which is why I created a device that compiled human wisdom, and named it "the Akasha."
Media:vo xmaq304 10 nahida 13.ogg Nahida: It's truly the world's most amazing invention.
Media:vo xmaq304 10 rukkhadevata 33.ogg Greater Lord Rukkhadevata: Hehe... Thank you. For a long time, I thought dreams were the fruit of human wisdom.
Media:vo xmaq304 10 rukkhadevata 34.ogg Greater Lord Rukkhadevata: Though it was selfish to do so, I borrowed people's dreams using the Akasha. Then I compiled their wisdom and all of my own power...
Media:vo xmaq304 10 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Well, did it work?
Media:vo xmaq304 10 rukkhadevata 35.ogg Greater Lord Rukkhadevata: Thanks to the wisdom of the people of Sumeru, almost all the forbidden knowledge was cleared from Irminsul.
Media:vo xmaq304 10 rukkhadevata 36.ogg Greater Lord Rukkhadevata: But... things didn't go as smoothly as I thought. I had a terrible headache, which gave me an uneasy feeling...
Media:vo xmaq304 10 rukkhadevata 37.ogg Greater Lord Rukkhadevata: And then, I remembered that my consciousness was also connected with Irminsul. It brought me knowledge and wisdom, but vile corruption as well.
Media:vo xmaq304 10 rukkhadevata 38.ogg Greater Lord Rukkhadevata: From the very beginning, my existence had been polluted by the forbidden knowledge.
Media:vo xmaq304 10 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: Oh no... How could that happen...
Media:vo xmaq304 10 nahida 14.ogg Nahida: I've experienced that pain in your consciousness. It must've been a horrible experience.
Media:vo xmaq304 10 rukkhadevata 39.ogg Greater Lord Rukkhadevata: Yes, but my feelings weren't important. The important thing was that...
Media:vo xmaq304 10 rukkhadevata 40.ogg Greater Lord Rukkhadevata: Even if I died, my existence and everything related to me would continue to exist in Irminsul as memories and knowledge, meaning that the forbidden knowledge couldn't ever be permanently eradicated.
Media:vo xmaq304 10 rukkhadevata 41.ogg Greater Lord Rukkhadevata: And... there's no way for me to eliminate myself. It would be a sort of paradox.
Media:vo xmaq304 10 rukkhadevata 42.ogg Greater Lord Rukkhadevata: So, I took the purest branch of Irminsul as my incarnation in the next samsara, and left a trail of clues...
Media:vo xmaq304 10 rukkhadevata 43.ogg Greater Lord Rukkhadevata: All in hopes that you would come here and remove me and my pollution from Irminsul forever.
Media:vo xmaq304 10 nahida 15.ogg Nahida: ...W—Wait. No... I can't!
Media:vo xmaq304 10 rukkhadevata 44.ogg Greater Lord Rukkhadevata: Hehe, so you realized what that implies? You are very smart, indeed.
Media:vo xmaq304 10 rukkhadevata 45.ogg Greater Lord Rukkhadevata: Irminsul has all the knowledge and memories of this world. And as you've realized just now...
Media:vo xmaq304 10 rukkhadevata 46.ogg Greater Lord Rukkhadevata: Removing me from Irminsul means... I essentially will never have existed in this world.
Media:vo xmaq304 10 rukkhadevata 47.ogg Greater Lord Rukkhadevata: But... this is the only way to save Irminsul.
Media:vo xmaq304 10 nahida 16.ogg Nahida: People love you so much and... and they've missed you so much over the past five hundred years. I... I am exactly the same. So how...
Media:vo xmaq304 10 nahida 17.ogg Nahida: How can we just... forget you like this?
Media:vo xmaq304 10 nahida 18.ogg Nahida: Is there really no other way? There must be something else I can do!
Media:vo xmaq304 10 rukkhadevata 48.ogg Greater Lord Rukkhadevata: You're the God of Wisdom, Buer. You should know that there is no other way.
Media:vo xmaq304 10 nahida 19.ogg Nahida: But this... this is so... cruel. I don't want to forget you!
Media:vo xmaq304 10 rukkhadevata 49.ogg Greater Lord Rukkhadevata: No need to feel so sad, Buer. As someone who delights in wisdom, you should feel joy at finally finding the answer.
Media:vo xmaq304 10 rukkhadevata 50.ogg Greater Lord Rukkhadevata: These are the words in their entirety... the answer you've been seeking all along.
Media:vo xmaq304 10 rukkhadevata 51.ogg Greater Lord Rukkhadevata: "Let the world completely forget me."
(A cinematic plays)
Cutscene's Travel Log summary:
Lesser Lord Kusanali embraces Greater Lord Rukkhadevata tearfully. At this sorrowful moment of parting, the last consciousness of the Greater Lord gradually dissipates into beautiful light that illuminates the night sky. All dreams shall now be returned to the people of Sumeru.
"We all nestle under the great tree of wisdom, peering out to perceive the world."
"From the earth, and from the rain, we perceive its wonders until we become a white bird to perch atop a branch..."
"And finally snap off the most important leaf."
"Once upon a time, I alone dreamed in this world."
"In my dreams, everybody would also dream after they fell asleep."
"Wild and wonderful thoughts would emerge from their minds."
"Some tumbled to the ground, and others floated to the sky."
"Connecting all things in the world into one dazzling net."
"Amongst the plethora of worlds were numerous smaller worlds."
"All of fate finding within the tapestry their brilliant glow."
"I gradually understood that these indescribable and constantly changing things"
"Are the most profound things in the world."
"Only they can completely repel the madness."
"Only dreams can awaken consciousness from the deepest darkness."
"I'm the one who posed this question, yet also the one who sought a solution"
"Saving the world with the dreams of the people used to be my answer."
"And now you've also found your own answer."
"And I shall return all the dreams to the people."
"Goodbye, people of Sumeru."
"May you be blessed tonight with the sweetest of dreams."
(Greater Lord Rukkhadevata walks over to Nahida, raises the younger archon's tear-filled face to meet her gaze and lovingly embraces her)
Greater Lord Rukkhadevata: We all nestle under the great tree of wisdom
Greater Lord Rukkhadevata: Peering out to perceive the world
Greater Lord Rukkhadevata: From the earth
Greater Lord Rukkhadevata: And from the rain
Greater Lord Rukkhadevata: We perceive its wonders until we become a white bird
Greater Lord Rukkhadevata: To perch atop a branch...
Greater Lord Rukkhadevata: And finally snap off the most important leaf
Greater Lord Rukkhadevata: Once upon a time
Greater Lord Rukkhadevata: I alone dreamed in this world
Greater Lord Rukkhadevata: In my dreams
Greater Lord Rukkhadevata: Everybody would also dream after they fell asleep
(A dream or memory plays of Greater Lord Rukkhadevata tossing a branch of Irminsul into the air, which is then caught by another Greater Lord who hugs it to her chest. This branch is juxtaposed with Lesser Lord Kusanali, who is how being hugged by the remnant of the Greater Lord's consciousness.)
Greater Lord Rukkhadevata: Wild and wonderful thoughts would emerge from their minds
Greater Lord Rukkhadevata: Some tumbled to the ground
Greater Lord Rukkhadevata: And others floated to the sky
Greater Lord Rukkhadevata: Connecting all things in the world
Greater Lord Rukkhadevata: Into one dazzling net
Greater Lord Rukkhadevata: Among a plethora of worlds
Greater Lord Rukkhadevata: Were numerous smaller worlds
Greater Lord Rukkhadevata: All of fate
Greater Lord Rukkhadevata: Finding within the tapestry their brilliant glow
(The tears in her eyes cascading down her cheeks, Lesser Lord Kusanali painfully clenches her fists, then opening them to summon her Dendro powers before returning Greater Lord Rukkhadevata's hug as she weeps, causing the Greater Lord to fade away before finally shattering into glowing green petals)
Greater Lord Rukkhadevata: I gradually understood
Greater Lord Rukkhadevata: That these indescribable
Greater Lord Rukkhadevata: And constantly changing things
Greater Lord Rukkhadevata: Are the most profound things in the world
Greater Lord Rukkhadevata: Only they
Greater Lord Rukkhadevata: Can completely repel the madness
Greater Lord Rukkhadevata: Only dreams
Greater Lord Rukkhadevata: Can awaken consciousness
Greater Lord Rukkhadevata: From the deepest darkness
(Nahida falls to her knees, devastated, her shoulders wracked with sobs. She looks up as the petals flow upward together in a gentle wind towards the crown of Irminsul. The green petals float over Sumeru as dreams are returned to the people, falling on various people afflicted by Eleazar or who went mad after connecting their minds with the Irminsul)
Greater Lord Rukkhadevata: I'm the one who posed this question
Greater Lord Rukkhadevata: Yet also the one who sought a solution
Greater Lord Rukkhadevata: Saving the world with the dreams of the people
Greater Lord Rukkhadevata: Used to be my answer
Greater Lord Rukkhadevata: And now
Greater Lord Rukkhadevata: You've also found your own answer
Greater Lord Rukkhadevata: And I shall return all the dreams
Greater Lord Rukkhadevata: To the people
Greater Lord Rukkhadevata: Goodbye
Greater Lord Rukkhadevata: People of Sumeru
Greater Lord Rukkhadevata: May you be blessed tonight
Greater Lord Rukkhadevata: With the sweetest of dreams
(Cinematic ends)
Media:vo xmaq304 11 nahida 01.ogg Nahida: ...
Icon Dialogue Talk Nahida?
Icon Dialogue Talk ...Are you alright?
Media:vo xmaq304 11 nahida 02.ogg Nahida: Ah, (TravelerTraveler), I—I'm all right. I'm just a little confused...
Icon Dialogue Talk What are you confused about?
Media:vo xmaq304 11 nahida 03.ogg Nahida: We've just saved the world, right?
Media:vo xmaq304 11 nahida 04.ogg Nahida: So why... why am I crying?
Icon Dialogue Talk ...
Icon Dialogue Talk Don't tell me...
Media:vo xmaq304 11 nahida 05.ogg Nahida: I don't know where this feeling inside of me is coming from, but I feel very sad...
Icon Dialogue Talk Do you still remember... what happened just now?
Media:vo xmaq304 11 nahida 06.ogg Nahida: Just now? We used the power of two Gnoses to successfully connect with the Irminsul consciousness from five hundred years ago...
Media:vo xmaq304 11 nahida 07.ogg Nahida: Then, we removed the remaining pollution from Irminsul...
Icon Dialogue Talk (She's forgotten her...)
Icon Dialogue Talk (Did I manage to remember because I'm not from this world?)
Media:vo xmaq304 11 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Yeah, what's wrong? (TravelerTraveler), weren't you there just now?
(TravelerTraveler): (Paimon doesn't seem to remember either. Has everybody really forgotten Greater Lord Rukkhadevata?)
(TravelerTraveler): (Should I... tell them the truth?)
???: *Buzzing*
(TravelerTraveler): (What's that sound...? I feel... super... sleepy...)
(The Traveler and Paimon fall unconscious)
Media:vo xmaq304 11 nahida 08.ogg Nahida: Huh, that sound... (TravelerTraveler)? Paimon?
Media:vo xmaq304 11 dottore 01.ogg The Doctor: I've been waiting here far too long... But finally, I have the chance to be alone with you. All the precious time I wasted has finally paid off.
Media:vo xmaq304 11 nahida 09.ogg Nahida: The Doctor... What have you done!?
Media:vo xmaq304 11 dottore 02.ogg The Doctor: Just a type of sound wave that can quickly put defenseless people into a dream. As I expected... it doesn't have any effect on gods.
Media:vo xmaq304 11 dottore 03.ogg The Doctor: This is the only thing of interest I found among the sages' research. I thought I'd take it for a little spin.
Media:vo xmaq304 11 dottore 04a.ogg The Doctor: Don't worry. I know you would never forgive me if I actually killed them.
Media:vo xmaq304 11 dottore 05.ogg The Doctor: I'm here to negotiate with you. Naturally, I won't do anything dangerous that could potentially damage our relationship.
Media:vo xmaq304 11 nahida 10.ogg Nahida: Negotiate with me? I heard you had already left Sumeru. Why are you here again now?
Media:vo xmaq304 11 dottore 06.ogg The Doctor: "I" left Sumeru, but "I" also stayed in Sumeru.
Media:vo xmaq304 11 dottore 07.ogg The Doctor: Even the God of Wisdom is restricted by the habits of cognition. How disappointing.
Media:vo xmaq304 11 nahida 11.ogg Nahida: You mean... there are many different versions of you in this world?
Media:vo xmaq304 11 dottore 08.ogg The Doctor: An astute guess.
Media:vo xmaq304 11 dottore 09.ogg The Doctor: Even the same individual will have different cognitions at different ages.
Media:vo xmaq304 11 dottore 10.ogg The Doctor: A long time ago, I made a major decision in hopes of preserving all my perspectives of how I observed the world.
Media:vo xmaq304 11 dottore 11.ogg The Doctor: Observation is the first step of any experiment, but observing the current world doesn't satisfy me. It lacks an important dimension — that of time.
Media:vo xmaq304 11 dottore 12.ogg The Doctor: So I saved "segments" of all my ages, and made them into independent individuals...
Media:vo xmaq304 11 dottore 13.ogg The Doctor: That's all there is to it. Indulge me, how does the God of Wisdom find my method of seeking knowledge?
Media:vo xmaq304 11 nahida 12.ogg Nahida: It's an insult to the very concept of life.
Media:vo xmaq304 11 nahida 13.ogg Nahida: Life inherently has many rules and restrictions, each with its own significance and reason to exist. They can't be broken on a whim.
Media:vo xmaq304 11 dottore 14.ogg The Doctor: Hehehehe... Good. Amazing, even.
Media:vo xmaq304 11 dottore 15.ogg The Doctor: Indeed. It's difficult for humans... to make peace with themselves, not to mention oneself from a different period.
Media:vo xmaq304 11 nahida 14.ogg Nahida: Since you were in the Akademiya, why wait until now to show up? You could very well have stopped us and helped that "fake god."
Media:vo xmaq304 11 dottore 16.ogg The Doctor: Simple, let me ask you this: Would any staff member ever help the subject in the middle of an experiment?
Media:vo xmaq304 11 dottore 17.ogg The Doctor: It was my experiment, so why should I interfere with the results?
Media:vo xmaq304 11 nahida 15.ogg Nahida: ...The Akademiya saw the plan to create a god as their ultimate goal, yet you only saw it as an ordinary experiment...
Media:vo xmaq304 11 nahida 16.ogg Nahida: Y—You really are crazy... If the experiment succeeded, you would have had a new god on your hands. How would you have faced your own god then?
Media:vo xmaq304 11 nahida 17.ogg Nahida: Would you still take the same stance? Would you still hold the same view of yourself?
Media:vo xmaq304 11 dottore 18.ogg The Doctor: I'm first and foremost a scholar. These results should be left to the judgment of the hypothetical "me" confronted with that outcome. But you're right, and that's exactly why I'm disappointed with the conclusion of this experiment.
Media:vo xmaq304 11 nahida 18.ogg Nahida: As an individual, you don't have any sense of belonging... And you seem to have even fewer convictions than a typical scholar.
Media:vo xmaq304 11 dottore 19.ogg The Doctor: Oh, no. I certainly have my own convictions. They just don't fit your standards, that's all.
Media:vo xmaq304 11 dottore 20.ogg The Doctor: All right, that's enough conversation for today. The experiment is over and it's time to tidy up the equipment and reclaim any useful materials.
Media:vo xmaq304 11 dottore 21.ogg The Doctor: For example... the Gnosis.
Media:vo xmaq304 11 nahida 19.ogg Nahida: ...
Media:vo xmaq304 11 dottore 22.ogg The Doctor: Lesser Lord Kusanali, you're an intelligent archon. I'm sure you understand the disparity in our combat abilities at this time... Besides, you have no way to use that Electro Gnosis in battle.
Media:vo xmaq304 11 nahida 20.ogg Nahida: Didn't you say you were here to negotiate with me? Somehow it's starting to seem like you intend to take it by force now.
Media:vo xmaq304 11 dottore 23.ogg The Doctor: Hahaha... I'm merely stating a fact.
Media:vo xmaq304 11 dottore 24.ogg The Doctor: After all, I'm also a scholar. Naturally, I hope to show proper respect and dignity to the God of Wisdom.
Media:vo xmaq304 11 nahida 21.ogg Nahida: Your hypocrisy is built on absolute confidence.
Media:vo xmaq304 11 nahida 22.ogg Nahida: I understand your scheme, but...
Media:vo xmaq304 11 nahida 23.ogg Nahida: ...What if I were to destroy the Gnosis now, and awaken the Heavenly Principles?
Media:vo xmaq304 11 dottore 25.ogg The Doctor: Awaken... the heavenly principles?
Media:vo xmaq304 11 dottore 26.ogg The Doctor: ...
Media:vo xmaq304 11 dottore 27.ogg The Doctor: Do you think that's really possible?
Media:vo xmaq304 11 nahida 24.ogg Nahida: The Heavenly Principles have been silent for many years, but the Gnoses are symbols of their control over Teyvat and all the laws...
Media:vo xmaq304 11 nahida 25.ogg Nahida: Will the destruction of a Gnosis attract the attention of the Heavenly Principles? And if so... how do the Fatui plan to deal with the consequences?
Media:vo xmaq304 11 nahida 26.ogg Nahida: Do you dare... to gamble such a possibility with me?
Media:vo xmaq304 11 dottore 28.ogg The Doctor: Hmph, "gamble"? How surprising.
Media:vo xmaq304 11 dottore 29.ogg The Doctor: I thought you would show evidence or use rigorous reasoning to prove your point... The word "gamble" is the last thing I expected to hear from the God of Wisdom.
Media:vo xmaq304 11 dottore 30.ogg The Doctor: But this is a clever move. You must have seen through me when I first captured your consciousness.
Media:vo xmaq304 11 dottore 31.ogg The Doctor: As a scholar, I respect all possibilities. This has always been my principle and is an essential trait as an experimenter.
Media:vo xmaq304 11 dottore 32.ogg The Doctor: Indeed, I can't ignore this possibility. So tell me then, what are your conditions?
Media:vo xmaq304 11 nahida 27.ogg Nahida: This foreign Gnosis will only lead to disaster if it stays in Sumeru...
Media:vo xmaq304 11 nahida 28.ogg Nahida: But this Electro Gnosis is the prize I obtained after defeating one of your fellow Harbingers.
Media:vo xmaq304 11 nahida 29.ogg Nahida: Now, as the one who initiated this cascade of events, shouldn't you pay the corresponding price?
Media:vo xmaq304 11 dottore 33.ogg The Doctor: Price? Interesting. What price would you have me pay?
Media:vo xmaq304 11 nahida 30.ogg Nahida: ...How about erasing all your other segments?
Media:vo xmaq304 11 dottore 34.ogg The Doctor: Hahaha... So this is how you wish to restrict me, the most threatening opponent of the Nation of Wisdom. What you request of me is like plucking out the eyes I have placed in the dimension of time.
Media:vo xmaq304 11 dottore 61.ogg The Doctor: Segments are extraordinarily difficult to make. They require extremely rare resources and enormous amounts of time and effort. Requiring me to destroy them all here and now... Bravo, a suitably wise decision on your part.
Media:vo xmaq304 11 dottore 35.ogg The Doctor: Yes, how very interesting... Can I assume that you have long been wary of me?
Media:vo xmaq304 11 dottore 36.ogg The Doctor: Among all the versions of me, this segment you see now is the most selfish. If it weren't me, your idea wouldn't have worked.
Media:vo xmaq304 11 dottore 37.ogg The Doctor: What did you see when you were imprisoned? You were observing me, and that's how you know I've long grown tired of their doubts and endless arguments.
Media:vo xmaq304 11 nahida 31.ogg Nahida: Like you said, it's difficult to make peace with yourself.
Media:vo xmaq304 11 nahida 32.ogg Nahida: Being as smart as you are, have you managed to do that?
Media:vo xmaq304 11 dottore 38.ogg The Doctor: ...
Media:vo xmaq304 11 dottore 39.ogg The Doctor: I see. If you think all those versions of me are worth a Gnosis... Then, deal.
Media:vo xmaq304 11 nahida 33.ogg Nahida: You sure didn't hesitate much. Is the relationship between all the versions of you really that bad?
Media:vo xmaq304 11 dottore 40.ogg The Doctor: I don't think there's any need to dwell on that. The surplus versions of me can be exchanged for a Gnosis. Do you think anyone can offer themselves at a higher price?
Media:vo xmaq304 11 dottore 41.ogg The Doctor: Besides, with my abilities, it's only a matter of time until I find better "perspectives." Perhaps it's best to say... you're just temporarily ahead.
Media:vo xmaq304 11 dottore 42.ogg The Doctor: But what I'd like to know is, how can you be sure that I've really erased them?
Media:vo xmaq304 11 nahida 34.ogg Nahida: I can see your remaining honesty...
Nahida: ...
Media:vo xmaq304 11 dottore 43.ogg The Doctor: ...Hmph.
(A cinematic plays)
Cutscene's Travel Log summary:
As Nahida closes her eyes, many voices enter her consciousness: Some are young, some are old, some are angry, and some are helpless... All of them are the voices of The Doctor's segments, each derived from him at a different age. It seems that The Doctor's other segments have all been erased.
(Nahida hears and envisions the thoughts of the other Segments at the moment of their deaths)
Media:Vo xmaq304 11 dottore 44.ogg On-Screen Text: Such an absurd decision / You must be in jest[Note 1]
Media:Vo xmaq304 11 dottore 45.ogg On-Screen Text: Foolish choice / How could I be so shortsighted then[Note 2]
Media:Vo xmaq304 11 dottore 46.ogg On-Screen Text: For someone who can even betray himself / Whatever[Note 3]
Media:Vo xmaq304 11 dottore 47.ogg [sic] On-Screen Text: Let's hope that you are worthy of such a choice[Note 4]
Media:Vo xmaq304 11 dottore 48.ogg On-Screen Text: Wait not like this[Note 5]
Media:Vo xmaq304 11 dottore 49.ogg [sic] On-Screen Text: This will not be the end of it / I will seek revenge[Note 6]
Media:Vo xmaq304 11 dottore 50.ogg On-Screen Text: You will regret this[Note 7]
(Cinematic ends)
Media:vo xmaq304 11 dottore 51.ogg The Doctor: Well? Have you confirmed that it's complete?
Media:vo xmaq304 11 nahida 35.ogg Nahida: ...Here, take it.
Media:vo xmaq304 11 nahida 36.ogg Nahida: The future of Sumeru City will be in my hands alone. I will shut down the Akasha and let curiosity and the thirst for knowledge drive the realm of academics once again...
Media:vo xmaq304 11 nahida 37.ogg Nahida: There won't be any further gaps for you to exploit.
Media:vo xmaq304 11 dottore 52.ogg The Doctor: It truly pains me that my academic achievements have never been appreciated in my homeland. Of course, I have no interest in being rejected by this city for a third time.
Media:vo xmaq304 11 dottore 53.ogg The Doctor: Another chess piece... And where is your Dendro Gnosis?
Media:vo xmaq304 11 nahida 38.ogg Nahida: ...Don't be greedy, Harbinger of Snezhnaya.
Media:vo xmaq304 11 dottore 54.ogg The Doctor: No, this is a different transaction. If you intend to turn off the Akasha anyway, then there's no further use for the Gnosis of Sumeru, is there?
Media:vo xmaq304 11 dottore 55.ogg The Doctor: Besides, isn't it the archon's duty to deliver what's desired of the seeker?
Media:vo xmaq304 11 dottore 56.ogg The Doctor: Oh? Judging from your expression, you don't seem to find the idea very agreeable. Then let's think of it this way... Since you're the God of Wisdom, how about I exchange some knowledge with you?
Media:vo xmaq304 11 nahida 39.ogg Nahida: People exchanging knowledge with the God of Wisdom is the stuff of legends, yet here you wish to exchange knowledge for the God of Wisdom's property...
Media:vo xmaq304 11 nahida 40.ogg Nahida: Arrogant as that is, it has piqued my interest.
Media:vo xmaq304 11 dottore 57.ogg The Doctor: Let me ask you... Have you in all your mighty knowledge ever heard the rumor that "the skies of Teyvat are fake"?
Media:vo xmaq304 11 nahida 41.ogg Nahida: ...Huh?
Media:vo xmaq304 11 dottore 58.ogg The Doctor: That's the secret hidden by Irminsul concerning the "truth" of this world...
Nahida: ...
Media:vo xmaq304 11 dottore 59.ogg The Doctor: Once I finish telling you about this, it will be time for me to say goodbye.
Media:vo xmaq304 11 dottore 60.ogg The Doctor: With negotiations, we've all gotten what we wanted. I'm very glad I got to meet you like this.
Media:vo xmaq304 11 nahida 43.ogg Nahida: Your arrogance may know no bounds, and convictions may mean nothing to you, but I'll still listen to what you have to say.
Secrets and dark truths flow to the mind of the wise. Then... everything falls silent.
Several days later...
Media:vo xmaq305 1 paimon 01a.ogg Paimon: ...Wait for... together... Okay... Wake... up.
(TravelerTraveler): (Hmm...)
Media:vo xmaq305 1 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Are you awake? Collei says it's time for breakfast. C'mon, get up!
Icon Dialogue Talk Good morning, Paimon.
Media:vo xmaq305 1 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Good morning! How're you feeling today?
Icon Dialogue Talk Pretty good.
Media:vo xmaq305 1 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Good to hear. It looks like we've recovered pretty well. Not even Tighnari can stop us from going out now, right?
Icon Dialogue Talk That's right.
(TravelerTraveler): (On that day, we lost consciousness in battle... When we woke up, we found ourselves in Gandharva Ville, and Tighnari and Collei were looking after us.)
(TravelerTraveler): (I heard that it was Cyno who brought us here. Tighnari complained that Cyno was always sending people to him, but he has taken great care of us.)
(TravelerTraveler): (After completely exhausting ourselves, we had a good rest here. After a few days, we finally recovered enough to be able to go back out.)
(TravelerTraveler): (From what Tighnari and Collei have said, the Akasha has been turned off completely, and the people of Sumeru will no longer rely on it.)
(TravelerTraveler): (Such a big change will certainly affect people's lives... But it will definitely be a good thing.)
Media:vo xmaq305 1 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: C'mon, Traveler! Let's go!


No.Soundtrack NameAlbumPlayed In
13Perilous PathCity of Winds and IdyllsShadow Over Mondstadt, Kaeya's Gain, Mondstadt Glider, Justice, for Books' Sake, The Fond Farewell, Festering Desire (Quest), Archon's Rival, Involuntary Sacrifice, Blind Loyalty, Reckless Courage, To Hear Mortal Hearts, The Snowy Past, The Oni's Pride, Sky-Gazers, Land-Walkers, A Centuries-Long Dream, As by a God's Side, Where the Boat of Consciousness Lies, Dream of Falling, Fragmented Testimony, Shade Upon Red Silk, The Truth Shrouded in Shadow, An Opportunity for Rebirth, Fiction and Reality Inside and Outside the Frame (Quest), Memories That Should Not Exist, Switcheroo, Pilgrimage of the Return of the Sacred Flame (Quest)
Event Gameplay
04For Riddles, for WondersForest of Jnana and VidyaWhere the Boat of Consciousness Lies (cutscene), Annals of the Scarlet Sands, Soloist's Prologue, The Dead Past is the Living Present
09Those Lucid DreamsForest of Jnana and VidyaWhere the Boat of Consciousness Lies, Dream of Falling, Annals of the Scarlet Sands
Locations, Domains
33Ethereal MildnessForest of Jnana and VidyaWhere the Boat of Consciousness Lies (cutscene), Soloist's Prologue
Locations, Event Gameplay, Serenitea Pot
74Chatter Between RootsForest of Jnana and VidyaThe End of the Sabzeruz Festival, Where the Boat of Consciousness Lies, A Flower that Blooms Across the Sky
Locations, Domains, Serenitea Pot
45Trifaria ConscientiaThe Shimmering Voyage Vol. 3Where the Boat of Consciousness Lies (cutscene)
46All in One, All in VainThe Shimmering Voyage Vol. 3Where the Boat of Consciousness Lies (cutscene)
47Ominous FandangoThe Shimmering VoyageWhat the Skies Conceal, the Water Reveals (cutscene), Delusion (Quest), Where the Boat of Consciousness Lies (cutscene), The Kabukimono's Finale



  1. The voice-over audio: What a ridiculous decision! You can't be serious!
  2. The voice-over audio: Sheer foolishness. How could I have been so shortsighted back then?
  3. The voice-over audio: You would betray even yourself. Huh! Good riddance!
  4. The voice-over audio: You think this is the end? I'll have my revenge!
  5. The voice-over audio: Wait, please wait!
  6. The voice-over audio: I hope you'll make this moment count.
  7. The voice-over audio: You! You will regret this!

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishWhere the Boat of Consciousness Lies
Yìshí zhī Zhōu Suǒ Zhì zhī Chù
Yìshì zhī Zhōu Suǒ Zhì zhī Chù
Ishiki no Fune ga Yukitsuku Tokoro
Where the Boat of Consciousness Lies
Korean의식의 배가 당도한
Uisik-ui Baega Dangdohan Got
Where the Boat of Consciousness Lies
Spanish¿Dónde estará el Barco de la Consciencia?Where will the Boat of Consciousness be?
FrenchLà où se trouve le bateau de la conscienceWhere the Boat of Consciousness Is
RussianТам, где дрейфует Корабль сознания
Tam, gde dreyfuyet Korabl' soznaniya
Where the Boat of Consciousness Drifts
Destination of the Boat of Consciousness
VietnameseĐích Đến Của Con Thuyền Ý ThứcThe Destination of the Boat of Consciousness
GermanWo das Schiff des Bewusstseins hingehtWhere the Ship of Consciousness Goes
IndonesianPergi ke lokasi Kapal KesadaranGo to the Location of the Boat of Consciousness
PortuguesePara onde vai o Barco da ConsciênciaWhere Will the Boat of Consciousness Go?
TurkishBilinç Gemisinin Çapa Attığı YerThe Boat of Consciousness' Anchored Place
ItalianDove giace la Barca della coscienzaWhere the Boat of Consciousness Lies

Change History[]

