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Washer Octopus is an exploration mechanic in Sea of Bygone Eras, Fontaine.


Resonant Anemone
Tutorial Resonant Anemone
This marvelous marine creature can resonate with the tune played by the Washer Octopus. It will enter a resonant state when continuously affected by music.
Use the power of the "symphony" to change the movement state of the Washer Octopus such that it can affect a nearby Resonant Anemone.
Wonderchime Flowers and Allochromatic Anemones
Tutorial Wonderchime Flowers and Allochromatic Anemones 1
A mysterious life form in the deep seas that consumes musical energies. The Allochromatic Anemones next to it are actually the organ by which it receives music.
Hold to unleash a Play Soundwave and change the direction the Allochromatic Anemones are facing.

Tutorial Wonderchime Flowers and Allochromatic Anemones 2
Allochromatic Anemones can receive music played by Washer Octopi. When Allochromatic Anemones receive music, Wonderchime Flowers will start to sway according to the rhythm.
The beat to which these flowers sway will change based on the music received.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishWasher Octopus
Horagai Tako
Korean소라 문어
Sora Muneo
SpanishTornilloctópodoScrew Octopus
FrenchPieuvres-rondellesWasher Octopi
RussianСпиральный осьминог
Spiral'nyy os'minog
Spiral Octopus
VietnameseBạch Tuộc Nón Ốc
GermanMuttern-OktopusNut Octopus
IndonesianWasher Octopus
PortuguesePolvo Noz
TurkishŞapkalı Ahtapot
ItalianPolpo rondella

Change History[]

