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A researcher from Fontaine is presently on the outskirts of The Chasm, studying the harmonic motion between gems known as Vibro-Crystals.
Connect Transmitter and Receiver Crystals and attempt to produce various effects that will allow you to defeat your foes with ease!

Vibro-Crystal Research is an Event in Version 2.6.

Event Details Icon Harmonics Research Facility[]


  • 2022-04-21 10:00 - 2022-05-05 03:59



  • During the event, help the Fontaine researcher who has come to Liyue to study the harmonic motion between gems known as Vibro-Crystals. Complete the challenge to obtain rewards such as Primogems, Hero's Wit, Weapon Ascension Materials, Mystic Enhancement Ore, and Mora.
  • During the first 6 days of the event, one new challenge will be unlocked each day. During this challenge, you can use characters provided by the event or your own to form into two groups and complete the first and second halves of each combat trial.
  • Each group in each stage can configure their own Vibro-Crystal setup to obtain different combat buffs. The Vibro-Crystals are divided into two types: Transmitter Crystals and Receiver Crystals. Transmitter Crystals govern the triggers for the buff effects, while Receiver Crystals will trigger the buffs once the conditions are met. After connecting Transmitter and Receiver Crystals, when the trigger conditions of the corresponding Transmitter Crystal is reached in the challenge, the buff effect of the corresponding Receiver Crystal can be obtained. Only the character that triggered the "Transmitter Crystal" will receive the buff effects.
  • When multiple "Transmitter Crystals" are connected to the same "Receiver Crystal", the same effect triggered by using different conditions in the challenge will be stacked, and the effect will be slightly enhanced after stacking. Only the character that triggered the "Transmitter Crystal" will receive the stacked buff effects.
  • The goal of the challenge is to defeat as many opponents as possible within the time limit to score points. When the challenge ends, you will receive medals based on this score and you will also obtain Primogems, Hero's Wit, Weapon Ascension Materials, Mystic Enhancement Ore, and Mora.
  • Cannot start the challenge while in Co-Op Mode.
  • Elemental Resonances will not take effect in the "Vibro-Crystal Research" challenges, nor will you be able to use food or other items.
  • Although there are no additional rewards for completing a given challenge with over 2,000 points, a Vibro-Crystal Research Medal 4 platinum medal will be awarded if at least 5,000 points are obtained.
  • Under 500 points Vibro-Crystal Research Medal 0 no medal will be awarded.


Tutorial Vibro-Crystal Research 1
During the "Vibro-Crystal Research" event, you must split your characters into 2 parties for the challenge. Before you start combat, you may equip each party with a Vibro-Crystal Harmonics Schema. Combine Transmitter Crystals and Receiver Crystals to obtain different combat buffs.

Tutorial Vibro-Crystal Research 2
Each Transmitter Crystal can only project its radiation upon one Receiver Crystal, but each Receiver can receive transmissions from 3 Transmitters. Using different Transmitter Crystals to trigger Receivers will increase their effects. Check the Vibro-Crystal Harmonics description to see the extent to which these buffs may extend.

Tutorial Vibro-Crystal Research 3
As the challenge proceeds, successfully triggering the harmonic response between Transmitter and Receiver Crystals will accrue Harmonic Points. When these points reach a certain amount, the Harmonic Strength will increase, granting characters combat buffs: all party members' CRIT DMG will be increased. However, if you do not trigger a harmonic response within a certain time period, the Harmonic Strength you have gained will fade...

Tutorial Vibro-Crystal Research 4
During this challenge, you must defeat opponents that constantly emerge to obtain points within the allotted time. Of those opponents, Nemeses will provide more points. Once the challenge ends, you will gain different insignias based on the number of points you gained.

Trial Characters[]

All Trial Characters are at Level 80 with fixed weapons and artifacts.

Challenge Rewards[]

Name &
Date Available
Vibro-Crystal Research Medal 1 Bronze (500) Vibro-Crystal Research Medal 2 Silver (1,000) Vibro-Crystal Research Medal 3 Gold (2,000)
Elemental Presets
2022-04-21 10:00
Primogem 70
Mora 20,000
Lustrous Stone from Guyun 2
Mora 20,000
Hero's Wit 2
Luminous Sands from Guyun 5
Mora 20,000
Mystic Enhancement Ore 3
Diffracted Hypothesis
2022-04-22 04:00
Primogem 70
Mora 20,000
Mist Veiled Mercury Elixir 2
Mora 20,000
Hero's Wit 2
Mist Veiled Lead Elixir 5
Mora 20,000
Mystic Enhancement Ore 3
Stimulating Deduction
2022-04-23 04:00
Primogem 70
Mora 20,000
Piece of Aerosiderite 2
Mora 20,000
Hero's Wit 2
Grain of Aerosiderite 5
Mora 20,000
Mystic Enhancement Ore 3
Fluid Principles
2022-04-24 04:00
Primogem 70
Mora 20,000
Lustrous Stone from Guyun 2
Mora 20,000
Hero's Wit 2
Luminous Sands from Guyun 5
Mora 20,000
Mystic Enhancement Ore 3
Stable Response
2022-04-25 04:00
Primogem 70
Mora 20,000
Mist Veiled Mercury Elixir 2
Mora 20,000
Hero's Wit 2
Mist Veiled Lead Elixir 5
Mora 20,000
Mystic Enhancement Ore 3
The Conversion Enigma
2022-04-26 04:00
Primogem 70
Mora 20,000
Piece of Aerosiderite 2
Mora 20,000
Hero's Wit 2
Grain of Aerosiderite 5
Mora 20,000
Mystic Enhancement Ore 3

Battle Pass Missions[]

This event added additional "This BP Period" Battle Pass missions to the Luxuriant Vibrance Battle Pass. The Battle Pass EXP (BP EXP) obtained from these missions do not count towards the weekly experience limit of 10,000 BP EXP.

MissionsBattle Pass EXP BP EXP
[Event] Obtain a total of 6,000 points during the "Vibro-Crystal Research" event2,250

Total Rewards[]

Mora 370,000 Mora

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishVibro-Crystal Research
Zhènjīng de Yánjiū
Vibration Crystal Research
Zhènjīng de Yánjiù
Shinshou no Kenkyuu‍[!][!]
Vibration Crystal Research
Korean진동진동 수정수정 연구연구
Jindong Sujeong Yeon'gu
Vibration Crystal Research
SpanishInvestigación de minerales resonantesInvestigation of Resounding Minerals
RussianИсследование кристаллов
Issledovaniye kristallov
Crystal Research
Wichai Phluek
Crystal Research
VietnameseNghiên CứuNghiên Cứu Pha LêCrystal Research
GermanKristallseminarCrystal Seminar
IndonesianPenelitian Kristal ResonansiCrystal Resonance Research
PortugueseEstudo de Cristais

Change History[]
