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Vasara Trees are trees, usually created by the Aranara, that contain dreams and memories. The speed of a Vasara Tree's growth is reliant on the memories contained within the seed used to plant it.[1]

During The Rhythm that Leads to the Gloomy Path, The Rhythm that Nurtures the Sprout, and The Rhythm that Reveals the Beastly Trail, the Traveler accompanies the Aranara to cleanse the dreams of the Vasara Trees by defeating the Fungi inside and removing traces of Marana. As thanks for making the tree healthy again, each Vasara Tree bears a Vasoma Fruit, which is the accumulation of the dreams and memories of the Vasara Tree.[2] The three Vasoma Fruits are offered to the first Vasara Tree, the Ashvattha Tree. However, the Ashvattha Tree has been corroded by Marana, and Arama takes its place, growing into the new Ashvattha Tree.[1]


When the Aranara were first created, Viaghara, the ruler of the jungle, blessed them under the first Vasara Tree. Viaghara's "pact with the divine" prevented the Aranara from being harmed by the birds and beasts of the forest.[3]

Vasara Trees are the natural culmination of an Aranara's life; essentially, Aranara are "seeds" that will one day grow into Vasara Trees. For many Aranara, it is an honor to become one, especially if doing so will protect others.[4] After an Aranara becomes a Vasara Tree, they retain some level of consciousness; a Vasara Tree can still dream and act autonomously. Accordingly, other Aranara will still treat the tree as the Aranara it used to be (e.g., the Vasoma Fruit is not a gift from "Araji's Vasara Tree," but Araji himself).[1]

Aranara can choose when to become a Vasara Tree. For example, Arana, despite being an ancient Aranara, "refuses" to turn into a Vasara Tree because she still wants to "play with humans."[5]

The Aranara Araji, Aramaha, and Arayama turned into the three Vasara Trees encountered during Aranyaka.[1] These three Aranara sealed each of the Ashvattha's Concourses after Old Vanarana was sealed and the Marana came into existence, turning the concourses and the Vasara Trees within them into sacred places.[6] Aramuhukunda also turned into a Vasara Tree in Old Vanarana to suppress Marana's Avatar, but this tree was withered away.[1]

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishVasara Tree
Vasara no Ki
Korean바사라 나무
Basara Namu
SpanishÁrbol vasara
FrenchArbre vasara
Thaiต้น Vasara
Ton Vasara
VietnameseCây Vasara
IndonesianPohon Vasara
PortugueseÁrvore Vasara
TurkishVasara Ağacı

Change History[]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 World Quest, Aranyaka: Part III - Nursery of Lost Dreams, Part 1: For Fruits, Seeds, and Trees
  2. World Quest, Aranyaka: Part II - Dream Nursery: The Rhythm that Leads to the Gloomy Path
  3. Artifact, Deepwood Memories: Laurel Coronet
  4. World Quest, Aranyaka: Part II - Dream Nursery, Part 4: Festival Utsava
  5. NPC Dialogue: Araja
  6. World Quest, Aranyaka: Part II - Dream Nursery, Part 2: Encounter in the Woods

