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Tyrant of Fire and Iron is an enemy encountered in the On the Trail of Behemoths event.



Energy Drops
TypeHP ThresholdDrop(s)
Pyro75%Orb ×1
50%Orb ×1
25%Orb ×1
0%Orb ×1


State Physical Pyro Hydro Electro Cryo Dendro Anemo Geo
Base 10% 60% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10%
Horns Intact 70% 120% 70% 70% 70% 70% 70% 70%
Horns Intact (Enhanced) 130% 180% 130% 130% 130% 130% 130% 130%

Toggle Levels

Level Scaling

Note that HP and ATK values may change in Co-Op Mode, some Quests, and certain Domains (including Spiral Abyss and Imaginarium Theater). For more details, see Enemy/Level Scaling § Other Multipliers.


Most attack names are unofficial.

Upon being aggroed, strikes the ground in front with its claw, dealing 50% ATK as Physical DMG.
Twin Molten Horns
The Emperor of Fire and Iron has a pair of horns on top of it that grants it a 60% RES increase to all DMG and enables it to use stronger attacks. The horns are Pyro-infused and can be destroyed using Elemental Reactions. When the horns are destroyed, the Emperor of Fire and Iron will become paralyzed for a period of time.
  • If Research Topic: Environment Enhancement Experiment is enabled, the horns' durability and RES increased are doubled.
Ward Data
GU Required to Break
Molten HornsPyro489696482496
Molten Horns (Enhanced)Pyro961921929648192
Left Claw Strike
Slams its left claw into the ground, dealing 60% ATK as Physical DMG.
Right Claw Strike
Swings at the target with its right claw, dealing 50% ATK or 60% ATK as Physical DMG.
Charging Strike
Rushes towards the player and swings one of its claws, dealing 70% ATK as Physical DMG. This attack is only used while the Molten Horns are intact.
Leaping Crush
Locks onto the player, leaps into the air, and slams down at the player's location, dealing 80% ATK as Physical DMG. After this attack, its horns become exposed to melee attacks for a period of time. This attack is only used while the Molten Horns are intact.
  • If Research Topic: Molten Throne is enabled, the struck area will become a Molten Throne. The Molten Throne deals 7% ATK as Pyro DMG every 0.5 seconds to players, and heals the Tyrant of Fire and Iron by 1% Max HP every 2 seconds if it is within the area.
Volcanic Eruption
Shoots countless fireballs out of its horns, each dealing 50% ATK as Pyro DMG upon landing and leaving the struck ground burnt. Burnt ground deals 6% ATK as Pyro DMG every 0.5s to players standing on it. This attack can be used up to 3 times in a row and is only used while the Molten Horns are intact.
Molten Trail
Thrusts a fireball into the ground with its claw, dealing 30% ATK as Pyro DMG and causes a trail of explosions, dealing 70% ATK as Pyro DMG and leaving the ground burnt. Burnt ground deals 6% ATK as Pyro DMG every 0.5s to players standing on it. This attack is only used while the Molten Horns are intact.
Searing Coronation
Moves to the center of the arena and half-buries itself to charge a massive explosion, dealing 100% ATK as Pyro DMG and leaving ground near the center of the arena burnt. Burnt ground deals 6% ATK as Pyro DMG every 0.5s to players standing on it. While charging the explosion, its horns are exposed to melee attacks. This attack is only used while the Molten Horns are intact.
  • If Research Topic: Blazing Coronation is enabled, spawns 2 lava crystals while charging. The lava crystals are Pyro objects and are weakest against Hydro. If charging completes, downs all active characters, and restores 12 GU to the Molten Horns for each intact lava crystal. If both lava crystals are destroyed, this attack will be interrupted, and the Molten Horns will lose 24 GU.
Partial Regeneration
After the Molten Horns' durability drops below 33%, inserts its claws into the ground to absorb elemental energy from the environment, restoring 6 GU to the Molten Horns every 3 seconds for a total of 5 times.

While absorbing, also gains an extremely strong 20 GU Pyro aura that decays over 15 seconds.

After absorption completes, enters an enhanced state for 30 seconds, during which:
  • ATK is increased by 80%
  • The Tyrant of Fire and Iron can only use Left Claw Strike and Right Claw Strike, but their DMG is converted to Pyro.
Some time after its horns have been broken, digs into the ground and resurfaces with a new pair of intact horns.


Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishTyrant of Fire and Iron
Korean용암철갑 폭군
Yong'amcheolgap Pokgun
SpanishTirano PiroacorazadoPyro-Armored Tyrant
FrenchTyran du feu ferreuxTyrant of Ferrous Fire
RussianТиран огня и железа
Tiran ognya i zheleza
ThaiTyrant of Fire and Iron
VietnameseBạo Chúa Thép Lửa
GermanTyrann von Feuer und Eisen
IndonesianTyrant of Fire and Iron
PortugueseTirano de Fogo e Ferro
TurkishAteş ve Demir Tiranı
ItalianTiranno del Fuoco e del Ferro

Change History[]

