Genshin Impact Wiki
Genshin Impact Wiki
Genshin Impact Wiki

Tubby the Teapot Spirit is an open-world NPC found in the Serenitea Pot. Her location is indicated by the UI Tubby icon on the map. Talking to her will allow players access to Trust Rank, Create Furnishing, Switch Realm Style, Realm Depot, and other features of the Serenitea Pot.

She discusses the Sub-Space Creation adeptal power with the Traveler and recalls how she once met a golden-eyed adeptus.



The teapot spirit that resides in the Serenitea Pot.
Is in charge of affairs within the teapot and seems to know still more about its inner workings.

Map description


Tubby appears as a small floating blue Finch with stripes of orange and white around her beak. Her appearance greatly changes in certain Trust Ranks.

Quests and Events[]

World Quests

Web Events


(Talk to Tubby)
(If the player's Trust Rank is 1–3)
Media:vo tips mimitomo friendship1 plumpy 01.ogg Tubby: Maybe you are not used to the place at the moment, but once you've materialized enough rooms and furniture through Sub-Space Creation, it will feel just like home.
(If the player's Trust Rank is 4–6)
Media:vo tips mimitomo friendship2 plumpy 01.ogg Tubby: We have put in much work of late, and to much avail. Slowly but surely, the area is coming to life.
(If the player's Trust Rank is 7–9)
Media:vo tips mimitomo friendship3 plumpy 01.ogg Tubby: Would you care to sit down and join me for some tea?
(If the player's Trust Rank is 10)
Media:vo tips mimitomo friendship4 plumpy 01.ogg Tubby: This realm is truly beginning to thrive. I cannot help but be stirred...
Icon Serenitea Tubby Trust Rank
(Opens Trust Rank menu)
Icon Serenitea SwitchSwitch Realm Style
(Opens Realm Layout Preview menu, other Realm Layouts available at Trust Rank 8)
Icon Serenitea Create Create Furnishing
(Opens Creation menu)
Icon Dialogue Shop Realm Depot
(Opens Realm Depot shop)
Icon Dialogue Talk Tell me about yourself...
(Trust Ranks 1 to 3)
Media:vo tips mimitomo friendship1 plumpy 02.ogg Tubby: When breaking new ground, laying foundations, and furnishing a home, it is best to select an auspicious day for the work at hand.
Media:vo tips mimitomo friendship1 plumpy 03.ogg Tubby: I'll teach you more about this another day. There are many methods by which one might tell if a certain day bodes well or ill.
(Trust Ranks 4 to 6)
Media:vo tips mimitomo friendship2 plumpy 02.ogg Tubby: This Realm Within has clear and sunny skies all year round. It's not that it can't reproduce the weather outside, I simply enjoy dozing off in the sun.
Media:vo tips mimitomo friendship2 plumpy 03.ogg Tubby: The sunlight after lunch is so warm and comfortable.
(Trust Ranks 7 to 9)
Media:vo tips mimitomo friendship3 plumpy 02.ogg Tubby: Tianheng Bohea, Yunlai White Tea, Bishui Green Tea... I have them all, and each is a centuries-old treasure.
Media:vo tips mimitomo friendship3 plumpy 03.ogg Tubby: Sometimes, Chubby will also give me some rare flower teas. You should be able to meet him come the weekend.
(Trust Rank 10)
Media:vo tips mimitomo friendship4 plumpy 02.ogg Tubby: I do, in fact, have an adeptus name, it's just awfully difficult to remember... What was it again... Ah yes, "Rain Calmer."
Media:vo tips mimitomo friendship4 plumpy 03.ogg Tubby: There was once a time of unending battle, when the land was swept by great storms, and neither the sun nor moon would shine.
Media:vo tips mimitomo friendship4 plumpy 04.ogg Tubby: Ping and our old friends longed for days of sunshine, and thus, they gave me this name.
Media:vo tips mimitomo friendship4 plumpy 05.ogg Tubby: That is why I always take on the color of the blue sky, no matter what form I take when presenting myself to others.
Icon Dialogue Talk Goodbye.
Media:Vo tips mimitomo bye plumpy 01.ogg Tubby: If you ever have any questions about The Realm Within, you may ask me.
(In another player's Serenitea Pot)
Observe: (Guess this must be the teapot spirit...?)
Icon Serenitea Speedup Improve friendship to make creation quicker
(If creation in progress)
Guest-assisted creation complete.
(If all creations are already boosted)
Support speed-up limit reached
(If already boosted that day)
No remaining support attempts
(If no creation in progress)
Not creating any furniture
Icon Dialogue Talk Leave


Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
Ā yuán
Ā yuán
SpanishGordiGordi[• 1]
  1. Spanish: Gordi is an endearing diminutive of gorda "fat."

Change History[]

Version 3.3
  • Increased the number of furnishings that could be purchased from the Realm Depot's Furnishing tab each day after reaching Trust Rank 10.
    • Vial of Adeptal Speed can now be purchased 10 times per day.
    • All other furnishings in the Furnishings tab can be purchased 6 times per day.

Version 3.0

  • Added "Convert Wood" tab to the "Create Furnishing" menu.

Version 2.1

  • Furnishing Blueprints already obtained from past events will now automatically appear as "Sold out" in the Furnishing Blueprints section.

Version 2.0

  • "Riches of the Realm" and "Creatures of the Realm" sections were added to the Realm Depot.

Version 1.6

  • Closing Trust Rank, Realm Layout, Creation, and Realm Depot Menus now return to dialogue.

Version 1.5

  • Tubby was released.

