Toranosuke is an open-world NPC located in Kujou Encampment, Inazuma.
Toranosuke's location at the Kujou Encampment after completion of the The Seventh Samurai World Quest.
(To be added.)
Toranosuke wears a standard uniform modeled from the ashigaru (Japanese: 足軽) of feudal Japan. He wears a purple-gray shitagi, lavender kobakama, white socks and waraji sandals. His eggplant-colored armor with pale gold accents consists of dou (breastplate) with the Inazuma Shogunate's crest, kote (armored sleeves), haidate (thigh guards), and sune-ate (greaves). He is also wearing a jingasa (Japanese: 陣笠) with the crest of the Inazuma Shogunate. He is equipped with a juumonji yari (cross-shaped spear), whose shaft is lavender colored, and contains the Shogunate crest under the spearhead.
Quests and Events[]
World Quests
Idle Quotes[]
...more filming?
- "Are we going to do more filming?"
Dialogue Set #1[]
- (During Tatara Tales)
- Toranosuke: Is there something I can help you with?
What's all this "Mikage Furnace" and "Tatarigami" talk?
- Toranosuke: It's just a small problem. We need a little time to sort out...
- Toranosuke: You're an adventurer, aren't you? This place isn't suitable for you or your ilk. Get out of here.
Dialogue Set #2[]
- (After completing "The Seventh Samurai")
- Toranosuke: Mr. Xavier, do we need to keep filming?
- Xavier: But of course! There are so many more topics out there waiting for us!
Are you guys still "filming"?
- Xavier: Ahh... If it isn't you, my gallant (herohero/
heroineheroine)! - Xavier: I'm discussing what to film next with this soldier over here.
- Xavier: I want to document the legends of the tanuki and the kitsune. But as for our good soldier...
- Toranosuke: Well, I recommend that you head into the city and capture the might of our samurai on film, Mr. Xavier.
So, have you guys reached a conclusion?
- Xavier: Hmm... I suppose we've reached a common understanding after ample discussion.
- Xavier: And that is to... make a "film" that includes both elements.
- Xavier: The story I have in my head is that of a samurai slaying monsters and demons in Inazuma in ages past!
- Xavier: And of course, there shall also be the most quintessential elements of love and comedy...
- Xavier: However, this is just a preliminary thought. I still have much material to gather.
- Xavier: Ahh... If it isn't you, my gallant (herohero/
See you.
- Xavier: Alright then. Farewell, my fair (herohero/
heroineheroine), I wish you only the best of luck!
- Xavier: Alright then. Farewell, my fair (herohero/
- Nakagawa Kiyohide (Japanese: 中川 清秀), his childhood name was Nakagawa Toranosuke (Japanese: 中川 虎之助), was a daimyō in Azuchi–Momoyama period.
Other Languages[]
Language | Official Name |
English | Toranosuke |
Chinese (Simplified) | 虎之助 Hǔzhīzhù |
Chinese (Traditional) | 虎之助 Hǔzhīzhù |
Japanese | 虎之助 Toranosuke |
Korean | 토라노스케 Toranoseuke |
Spanish | Toranosuke |
French | Toranosuke |
Russian | Тораносукэ Toranosuke |
Thai | Toranosuke |
Vietnamese | Toranosuke |
German | Toranosuke |
Indonesian | Toranosuke |
Portuguese | Toranosuke |
Turkish | Toranosuke |
Italian | Toranosuke |