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Tlazolli's Forge is a Quest Domain for Tribal Chronicles Quest Wailing Cacophony in A Prayer for Blessings, Told to Crested Peaks: Act III - Melodious Chant.

Trial Character[]

WLWL Character
& Weapon
Talents & Artifacts Attributes


XilonenGeo Lv. 61 C3 Xi­lo­nen
Peak Patrol Song Lv. 61 R1 Peak Patrol Song
  • Normal Attack Lv. 4
  • Elemental Skill Lv. 7
  • Elemental Burst Lv. 4
Icon Attribute Health Max HP: 19960
Icon Attribute Attack ATK: 1262
Icon Attribute Defense DEF: 1169
Icon Attribute Elemental Mastery Elemental Mastery: 34
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit Rate: 50.6%
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit DMG: 72.4%
Icon Attribute Energy Recharge Energy Recharge: 135.0%

Medal of the BraveProspect of the BraveFortitude of the BraveOutset of the BraveCrown of the Brave
Artifact Lv. 16
Set Bonus
Brave Heart 4-Piece


XilonenGeo Lv. 71 C3 Xi­lo­nen
Peak Patrol Song Lv. 71 R1 Peak Patrol Song
  • Normal Attack Lv. 5
  • Elemental Skill Lv. 8
  • Elemental Burst Lv. 5
Icon Attribute Health Max HP: 20,217
Icon Attribute Attack ATK: 1,395
Icon Attribute Defense DEF: 1,587
Icon Attribute Elemental Mastery Elemental Mastery: 42
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit Rate: 51.8%
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit DMG: 91.9%
Icon Attribute Energy Recharge Energy Recharge: 135.0%

Royal FloraRoyal PlumeRoyal Pocket WatchRoyal Silver UrnRoyal Masque
Artifact Lv. 16
Set Bonus
Noblesse Oblige 4-Piece


XilonenGeo Lv. 90 C3 Xi­lo­nen
Peak Patrol Song Lv. 90 R1 Peak Patrol Song
  • Normal Attack Lv. 8
  • Elemental Skill Lv. 11
  • Elemental Burst Lv. 8
Icon Attribute Health Max HP: 26,151
Icon Attribute Attack ATK: 1,742
Icon Attribute Defense DEF: 2,197
Icon Attribute Elemental Mastery Elemental Mastery: 105
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit Rate: 57.1%
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit DMG: 91.9%
Icon Attribute Energy Recharge Energy Recharge: 135.0%

Royal FloraRoyal PlumeRoyal Pocket WatchRoyal Silver UrnRoyal Masque
Artifact Lv. 20
Set Bonus
Noblesse Oblige 4-Piece


XilonenGeo Lv. 90 C3 Xi­lo­nen
Peak Patrol Song Lv. 90 R3 Peak Patrol Song
  • Normal Attack Lv. 10
  • Elemental Skill Lv. 13
  • Elemental Burst Lv. 10
Icon Attribute Health Max HP: 20,370
Icon Attribute Attack ATK: 1,362
Icon Attribute Defense DEF: 3,282
Icon Attribute Elemental Mastery Elemental Mastery: 105
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit Rate: 26.0%
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit DMG: 91.9%
Icon Attribute Energy Recharge Energy Recharge: 186.8%

Beast Tamer's TalismanMountain Ranger's MarkerMystic's Gold DialWandering Scholar's Claw CupDemon-Warrior's Feather Mask
Artifact Lv. 20
Set Bonus
Scroll of the Hero of Cinder City 4-Piece

Trial Characters at Level 75 or above that are equipping the set Noblesse Oblige may be out of date.


  1. Pursue Tlazolli
  2. Defeat the enemies
    • An Exquisite Chest unlocks after the fight.
  3. Continue via the Molten Fissures and solid Phlogiston walls
  4. Defeat the enemies
    • A Common Chest can be found on the left side after these enemies.
  5. Continue via the Molten Fissures and solid Phlogiston walls
  6. Defeat the enemies
  7. Pull the levers to open the gates, then use the Molten Fissures and solid Phlogiston walls to reach them before they close
  8. Confront Tlazolli


See Walkthrough above for the locations.

Video Guides[]

Tlazolli's Forge Guide

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishTlazolli's Forge
Razoori no Koubou
Tlazolli's Workshop
Korean트라졸리의 공방
Teurajolli-ui Gongbang
SpanishTaller de TlazolliTlazolli's Workshop
FrenchAtelier de TlazolliTlazolli's Workshop
RussianМастерская Тласоли
Masterskaya Tlasoli
Thaiเวิร์กชอปของ Tlazolli
VietnameseXưởng Của Tlazolli
GermanTlazollis WerkstattTlazolli's Workshop
IndonesianBengkel Kerja Tlazolli
PortugueseOficina de Tlazolli
TurkishTlazolli'nin Atölyesi
ItalianFucina di Tlazolli

Change History[]

