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Thunder Manifestation is a Character Card obtained in Genius Invokation TCG.


Thunderous Wingslash Character Card SkillThunderous WingslashNormal Attack12
Deals 1 Electro DMG.
Strifeful Lightning Character Card SkillStrifeful LightningElemental Skill3
Deals 3 Electro DMG to opposing characters affected by Lightning Rod. (If there are no eligible opposing characters, deals DMG to the active character instead)

Lightning Rod
When the attached character takes DMG from Thunder Manifestation or its summons: Remove this state, cause this DMG instance to increase by 1.
(Only one of this status can exist on the field at once. Some of Thunder Manifestation's skills will target the character to which this is attached.)
Thundering Shackles Character Card SkillThundering ShacklesElemental Burst32
Deals 2 Electro DMG, summons 1 Thundering Shackles

Thundering Shackles
End Phase: Deals 3 Electro DMG to opposing characters affected by Lightning Rod. (If there are no eligible opposing characters, deals DMG to the active character instead)

Lightning Rod
When the attached character takes DMG from Thunder Manifestation or its summons: Remove this state, cause this DMG instance to increase by 1.
(Only one of this status can exist on the field at once. Some of Thunder Manifestation's skills will target the character to which this is attached.)
Usage(s): 1
Lightning Probe Character Card SkillLightning ProbePassive Skill
(Passive) When battle begins, create a Lightning Strike Probe on the opponent's side of the field.

Lightning Strike Probe Buff Icon Lightning Strike Probe
After a character on whose side of the field this card is on uses a Skill: Attach Lightning Rod to the active character on that side. (Once per Round)

Lightning Rod
When the attached character takes DMG from Thunder Manifestation or its summons: Remove this state, cause this DMG instance to increase by 1.
(Only one of this status can exist on the field at once. Some of Thunder Manifestation's skills will target the character to which this is attached.)

Talent Cards[]

Grieving Echo Equipment CardGrieving EchoStrifeful Lightning3
Combat Action: When your active character is Thunder Manifestation, equip this card.
After Thunder Manifestation equips this card, immediately use Strifeful Lightning once.
When Thunder Manifestation, with this card equipped, is in play, when opponents with Lightning Rod attached take DMG: You draw 1 card (Once per Round)

Proficiency Reward[]

After reaching Proficiency 10, the following Dynamic Skin is obtained:
Grieving Echo Equipment Card GoldenGrieving Echo3


"Lingering Hatred" Thunder Manifestation

As long as the grudges of the land do not fade, so will the roaring thunder persist.

Stage Appearances[]

Thunder Manifestation appears in 3 stages:

Finnick Icon FinnickLament of the Thunder ManifestationFriendly Fracas
Finnick Icon FinnickHowl of the Thunder ManifestationSerious Showdown
Rhemia Icon RhemiaDuel: RhemiaDuel


Attack or ConditionAudio & Transcription
Character SelectMedia:vo gcg monster monster raijin selectonstage 01.ogg
DefeatedMedia:vo gcg monster monster raijin die 01.ogg



Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishThunder Manifestation
Léiyīn Quánxiàn
Incarnation of Thunder Sound
Léiyīn Quánxiàn
Raion Gongen
Incarnation of Thunder Sound
Korean뇌음뇌음 권현권현
Noe'eum-ui Gwonhyeon
Incarnation of Thunder Sound
SpanishManifestación del TruenoThunder Manifestation
FrenchManifestation du tonnerreThunder Manifestation
RussianМанифестация грома
Manifestatsiya groma
Thunder Manifestation
ThaiThunder Manifestation
VietnameseThực Thể Sấm SétThunder Entity
GermanVerkörperung des DonnersEmbodiment of Thunder
IndonesianThunder Manifestation
PortugueseManifestação TrovejanteThunder Manifestation
TurkishYıldırım AlametiLightning Omen
ItalianManifestazione del tuonoThunder Manifestation

Change History[]

