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Motherboard Troubleshooting is a subevent during Thelxie's Fantastic Adventures.

It can be accessed with Icon Motherboard Troubleshooting at Freminet's Temporary Camp.


Broken Circuits
Tutorial Thelxie's Fantastic Adventures Motherboard Troubleshooting Broken Circuits
The debugging process features broken circuits. Broken circuits will immediately connect when the signal passes through an inductive switch of the corresponding color.
Tutorial Thelxie's Fantastic Adventures Motherboard Troubleshooting Multi-Circuits
There can be up to two different circuits involved in one debugging process. Circuit starting points and endpoints will have the same color.
Debug Manual
Tutorial Thelxie's Fantastic Adventures Motherboard Troubleshooting Debug Manual
After the debugging process has gone on for a while, you can use the debug manual to obtain clues about how to set the circuit up.
Branching Paths
Tutorial Thelxie's Fantastic Adventures Motherboard Troubleshooting Branching Paths
When a signal passes through an inductive switch of a specific color, the branching path connection direction will change. You can repeatedly activate such inductive switches this way.


I - Basic Cicuit Structure[]

The key to debugging the motherboard is in being familiar with the circuit structure. Connect the source of the signal to the receiving end to ensure the signal is transmitted smoothly!

Unlocks 2023-11-23 10:00

Component Functions
Thelxie's Fantastic Adventures Motherboard Troubleshooting Component Functions Broken Circuits
Broken Circuits
When the signal passes through the inductive switch, the broken circuits of the corresponding color on the motherboard will be connected.
You will have broken circuits of at most two different colors in one test.
Primogem 40
Thelxie's Badge 4
Mora 50,000
Agnidus Agate Fragment 4

II - Beginner Open/Closed Principle[]

If you want two independent circuits to influence each other, then a simple inductive switch might be a good choice...

Unlocks 2023-11-23 10:00

Component Functions
Thelxie's Fantastic Adventures Motherboard Troubleshooting Component Functions Broken Circuits
Broken Circuits
When the signal passes through the inductive switch, the broken circuits of the corresponding color on the motherboard will be connected.
You will have broken circuits of at most two different colors in one test.
Thelxie's Fantastic Adventures Motherboard Troubleshooting Component Functions Multi-Circuits
While debugging, there will be two different colored sets corresponding to signal sources and endpoints. When all signal sources have been connected to the endpoints of the corresponding color, then this circuit debugging will be judged successful.
Primogem 40
Thelxie's Badge 4
Mora 50,000
Varunada Lazurite Fragment 4

III - Concise Synchronous Strategy[]

Synchronizing the signal sounds incredibly difficult, but it is said an experienced engineer can do it with just two ordered switches...

Unlocks 2023-11-24 04:00

Component Functions
Thelxie's Fantastic Adventures Motherboard Troubleshooting Component Functions Broken Circuits
Broken Circuits
When the signal passes through the inductive switch, the broken circuits of the corresponding color on the motherboard will be connected.
You will have broken circuits of at most two different colors in one test.
Thelxie's Fantastic Adventures Motherboard Troubleshooting Component Functions Multi-Circuits
While debugging, there will be two different colored sets corresponding to signal sources and endpoints. When all signal sources have been connected to the endpoints of the corresponding color, then this circuit debugging will be judged successful.
Primogem 40
Thelxie's Badge 4
Mora 50,000
Vayuda Turquoise Fragment 4

IV - Ingenious Assemblage Ideas[]

Sometimes circuits are like life, and one always runs into unavoidable situations. In such situations, flexible and circuitous thinking can always be of use...

Unlocks 2023-11-24 04:00

Component Functions
Thelxie's Fantastic Adventures Motherboard Troubleshooting Component Functions Broken Circuits
Broken Circuits
When the signal passes through the inductive switch, the broken circuits of the corresponding color on the motherboard will be connected.
You will have broken circuits of at most two different colors in one test.
Thelxie's Fantastic Adventures Motherboard Troubleshooting Component Functions Multi-Circuits
While debugging, there will be two different colored sets corresponding to signal sources and endpoints. When all signal sources have been connected to the endpoints of the corresponding color, then this circuit debugging will be judged successful.
Primogem 40
Thelxie's Badge 4
Mora 50,000
Shivada Jade Fragment 4

V - Efficient Signal Distribution[]

Limited resources mean that signals must sometimes use public circuits. This is when using branching paths to avoid chaos might be a good idea...

Unlocks 2023-11-25 04:00

Component Functions
Thelxie's Fantastic Adventures Motherboard Troubleshooting Component Functions Branching Paths
Branching Paths
Trigger the inductive switches of the corresponding colors to control the direction in which the branching path will link the circuit.
You will find up to two different-colored branching paths in one debug test.
Thelxie's Fantastic Adventures Motherboard Troubleshooting Component Functions Multi-Circuits
While debugging, there will be two different colored sets corresponding to signal sources and endpoints. When all signal sources have been connected to the endpoints of the corresponding color, then this circuit debugging will be judged successful.
Primogem 40
Thelxie's Badge 4
Mora 50,000
Prithiva Topaz Fragment 4

VI - Precise Sequential Ranking[]

It is said that excellent engineers can always use a logical sequential ordering of signals to ensure that there won't be any signal congestion, even when the circuits are strained...

Unlocks 2023-11-25 04:00

Component Functions
Thelxie's Fantastic Adventures Motherboard Troubleshooting Component Functions Branching Paths
Branching Paths
Trigger the inductive switches of the corresponding colors to control the direction in which the branching path will link the circuit.
You will find up to two different-colored branching paths in one debug test.
Thelxie's Fantastic Adventures Motherboard Troubleshooting Component Functions Multi-Circuits
While debugging, there will be two different colored sets corresponding to signal sources and endpoints. When all signal sources have been connected to the endpoints of the corresponding color, then this circuit debugging will be judged successful.
Primogem 40
Thelxie's Badge 4
Mora 50,000
Vajrada Amethyst Fragment 4

VII - Asynchronous Signal Processing[]

Sometimes, overly simple circuits can actually result in errors when the motherboard synchronizes circuits. Perhaps lengthening the circuit to avoid this issue is a reasonable solution...

Unlocks 2023-11-26 04:00

Component Functions
Thelxie's Fantastic Adventures Motherboard Troubleshooting Component Functions Branching Paths
Branching Paths
Trigger the inductive switches of the corresponding colors to control the direction in which the branching path will link the circuit.
You will find up to two different-colored branching paths in one debug test.
Thelxie's Fantastic Adventures Motherboard Troubleshooting Component Functions Multi-Circuits
While debugging, there will be two different colored sets corresponding to signal sources and endpoints. When all signal sources have been connected to the endpoints of the corresponding color, then this circuit debugging will be judged successful.
Primogem 40
Thelxie's Badge 4
Mora 50,000
Nagadus Emerald Fragment 4

VIII - Comprehensive Control and Mastery[]

In complex scenarios, there really isn't much room for a simple trick or quick fix to solve your problem, but one should rather use their experience and trial and error to continually debug it and find the proper solution...

Unlocks 2023-11-26 04:00

Component Functions
Thelxie's Fantastic Adventures Motherboard Troubleshooting Component Functions Branching Paths
Branching Paths
Trigger the inductive switches of the corresponding colors to control the direction in which the branching path will link the circuit.
You will find up to two different-colored branching paths in one debug test.
Thelxie's Fantastic Adventures Motherboard Troubleshooting Component Functions Multi-Circuits
While debugging, there will be two different colored sets corresponding to signal sources and endpoints. When all signal sources have been connected to the endpoints of the corresponding color, then this circuit debugging will be judged successful.
Primogem 40
Thelxie's Badge 4
Mora 50,000
Mystic Enhancement Ore 8


No.Soundtrack NameAlbumPlayed In
48Comedy of ErrorsPelagic PrimaevalityMotherboard Troubleshooting

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishMotherboard Troubleshooting
Yuusei! Mazaaboodo Debaggu
Korean메인보드 테스트 계획
Meinbodeu Teseuteu Gyehoek
SpanishDepuración de la placa baseMotherboard Purification
FrenchDépannage de carte mèreMotherboard Troubleshooting
RussianОтладка главной платы
Otladka glavnoy platy
Mainboard Debugging
VietnameseXử Lý Bo Mạch Chủ
GermanProblembehandlung der HauptplatineMotherboard Troubleshooting
IndonesianPenyelesaian Masalah MotherboardMotherboard Troubleshooting
PortugueseConsertando a Placa-Mãe
TurkishAnakart Sorunlarını Giderme
ItalianDebug della scheda madreMotherboard Debugging