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Their Childhood: Time Waits for No One is a Daily Commission in Fontaine.


  1. Ask the two brothers on the ground
  2. Find all the hiding kids (0/3)
  3. Talk to Lovi


Gameplay Notes[]

  • The children can be found at the following locations:
  • The children have unique idle quotes while hiding:
Aurele: This page is about...
Verut: Can't find me...
Lovi: Hehe, not gonna catch me!


This commission grants the following AR-dependent rewards upon completion:

Primogem Adventure EXP Mora Companionship EXP Fine Enhancement Ore Mystic Enhancement Ore
12–15 10 175 2,775 25 1–4 0–1
16–20 10 200 3,200 30 1–4 0–1
21–25 10 200 3,625 35 1–3 0–2
26–30 10 225 4,050 35 1–3 0–2
31–35 10 225 4,475 40 1–3 0–2
36–40 10 250 4,900 45 0–2 1–3
41–45 10 250 5,325 50 0–2 1–3
46–50 10 250 5,750 50 0–2 1–3
51–55 10 250 6,150 55 0–1 1–4
56–59 10 250 6,575 60 0–1 1–4
60 10 9,075 60 0–1 1–4


UI Quest Quest Description

You meet Aurele and Verut once again in the Court of Fontaine. They seem to be playing some game again...
(Talk to Verut or Aurele)
Verut: Brother, let's hide over there. I bet it'll be better than the location she picked!
Aurele: Hey, Verut, stay close to me! If you get lost, I won't be able to find you right away, you know!
Icon Dialogue Talk What are you two doing here?
Icon Dialogue Talk Still playing hide-and-seek, are we?
Verut: Hey, it's you! Are you free by any chance? C'mon, hide with us! Lovi's probably hidden herself already.
Icon Dialogue Talk Tell me about Lovi...
Verut: There's no time, c'mon! She knows this place really well... We need to find a better hiding spot!
Verut leaves in a hurry...
Aurele: *sigh* Verut... When will he listen...
Aurele: Sorry, but I'll have to trouble you to go another round with us. Verut's really excited, for... whatever reason...
Icon Dialogue Talk Maybe it's because he's found a new friend.
Aurele: My thoughts exactly. Still, so long as he's happy, it's all good...
Aurele: Let's hope he doesn't get too excited and follow Lovi to hide in some strange spot or another...
Icon Dialogue Talk Tell me about Lovi...
Aurele: A girl we just met. She saw us playing hide-and-seek, and she insisted on joining in.
Aurele: Her personality's quite like Verut's, so they get along like a house on fire.
Aurele: In any case, her father doesn't seem to have much time to play with her either, so I guess we're all in the same boat there.
Aurele: My apologies, but please, do play hide-and-seek with us again.
Aurele: I guess I should find a place to hide myself, or Verut will be upset... and if he cries right in the middle of the street, I'll be all out of options...
Aurele leaves...

(Talk to Aurele)
Aurele: ...I think I've read this page before.
Icon Dialogue Talk You're reading?
Icon Dialogue Talk You're quite an avid learner, aren't you?
Aurele: Huh. You sure arrived quickly. I had only just started reading.
Aurele: Lovi's father got her to pass this book to me. He even said that I could ask him about anything I didn't understand in it.
Aurele: But in truth... Heh. What is there in this book that I *do* understand...
Aurele: Anyway, leaving that aside, I'll head back to our meeting point. You did find me, after all, and the rules are the rules.
(Approach Verut)
Verut: I'm not gonna get found this time, hehe...
(Talk to Verut)
Verut: Agh, you found me so quickly! I was just planning on switching locations...
Verut: Now I'll have to go back to the meeting point...
(Approach Lovi)
Lovi: No problems here...
(Talk to Lovi)
Lovi: Ugh, so you found me... Huh? Wait, who are you?
Icon Dialogue Talk A friend of Aurele and Verut.
Lovi: Oh! They mentioned you before... Verut said you're really good at this.
Lovi: Well, guess I got to see it for myself today. You really are good at this, huh?
Lovi: You got me good. Guess I'll head back to the meeting spot, then.

(After finding all three children)
Aurele: Why are you looking at me like that?
Verut: You were secretly reading a book again, weren't you? You weren't playing seriously at all!
Lovi: That's right. Come on! Be serious!
Aurele: Well, the two of you took the good spots, and I'm not very good at this... so I just went to read to pass the time, you know?
Verut: Bleh! You're a lying liar!
Lovi: Hmph! Bookworm!
Aurele: Seriously? Spare me...
Icon Dialogue Talk Alright, let him be.
Icon Dialogue Talk Weren't you two having fun anyway?
Verut: Hehe, Lovi's really good at hide-and-seek. She knows all sorts of interesting hiding spots.
Verut: Hehehe, this place is pretty awesome when Lovi's around!
Lovi: Verut climbs walls super fast, and he's really strong. He gave me a hand quite a few times.
Lovi: As long as we go together, I bet no one but you would be able to find us!
Aurele: Alright, I think we're more or less done for the day. Let's send you home first, Lovi.
Lovi: And then... you're gonna ask my dad questions again, right?
Aurele: W—Well, there are some things that I'll need to consult him about, you know...
Lovi: Well, sure, my dad's definitely going to be home right now, so let's head back. My mom said that the two of you should stay for dinner, you know...

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishTheir Childhood: Time Waits for No One
Tāmen de Tóngnián - Shíguāng Bù Děng Rén
Their Childhood - Time Waits For No One
Tāmen de Tóngnián - Shíguāng Bù Děng Rén
Karera no Kodomo Jidai - Toki wa Matte Kurenai
Korean그들의 어린 시절・기다리지 않는 시간
Geudeurui Eorin Sijeol - Gidariji Anneun Sigan
SpanishMomentos de la infancia: el tiempo no espera a nadieChildhood Moments: Time Waits for No One
FrenchLeur enfance : Le temps n'attend pasTheir Childhood: Time Does Not Wait
RussianИх детство: Время не ждёт
Ikh detstvo: Vremya ne zhdyot
Thaiวัยเด็กของพวกเขา - กาลเวลาไม่รอใคร
VietnameseThời Thơ Ấu Của Họ - Thời Gian Không Đợi Ai
GermanIhre Kindheit – Die Zeit wartet nichtTheir Childhood - The Time Doesn't Wait
IndonesianMasa Kecil Mereka: Waktu Cepat BerlaluTheir Childhood: Time Flies So Fast
PortugueseMomentos da Infância: O Tempo Não Espera por Ninguém
TurkishÇocukluk Ne Güzel Şey: Zaman Kimseyi BeklemezWhat a Beautiful Thing Childhood Is: Time Waits For No One
ItalianLa loro infanzia: Il tempo non aspetta nessuno

Change History[]

