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Their Childhood: Good Times is a Daily Commission in Fontaine.


  1. Talk to Verut
  2. Find all the kids (0/3)
  3. Talk to Aurele


Gameplay Notes[]

  • The children can be found at the following locations:
  • The children have unique idle quotes while hiding:
Aurele: This passage isn't too bad...
Verut: You can't catch me... You can't catch me...
Lovi: That Aurele, honestly...


This commission grants the following AR-dependent rewards upon completion:

Primogem Adventure EXP Mora Companionship EXP Fine Enhancement Ore Mystic Enhancement Ore
12–15 10 175 2,775 25 1–4 0–1
16–20 10 200 3,200 30 1–4 0–1
21–25 10 200 3,625 35 1–3 0–2
26–30 10 225 4,050 35 1–3 0–2
31–35 10 225 4,475 40 1–3 0–2
36–40 10 250 4,900 45 0–2 1–3
41–45 10 250 5,325 50 0–2 1–3
46–50 10 250 5,750 50 0–2 1–3
51–55 10 250 6,150 55 0–1 1–4
56–59 10 250 6,575 60 0–1 1–4
60 10 9,075 60 0–1 1–4


UI Quest Quest Description

Aurele, Verut, and Lovi all seem to be playing some game again...
(Talk to Verut, Aurele, or Lovi)
Verut: It's my turn to catch people, huh? I'll get you for sure, Lovi!
Lovi: I wouldn't be so sure! There's some places even you can't climb up to.
Verut: Well, um, that's because my shoes aren't suited to climbing. If I change shoes, I can definitely get you!
Lovi: Then let's both take our shoes off. That'll make things fair!
Aurele: Stop! You're both not allowed to run around barefoot. There's all sorts of abandoned bits and bobs everywhere. What if you get cut?
Lovi: Okay...
Verut: Fine...
Verut: Um, brother, when you were trying to catch me earlier, you were kinda distracted, weren't you? I ran past you earlier, and you didn't respond at all.
Aurele: Huh? Did that happen? I didn't notice...
Lovi: Exactly! I ran an entire round earlier, and you didn't seem to see me at all!
Aurele: But... Huh? It's you! Why are you here?
Icon Dialogue Talk Why's Lovi here?
Lovi: Dad said that he needed to go out to work. Mom has to work as well.
Lovi: Aurele happened to come to return a book, so Dad asked him to take care of me, so I came over to play with them.
Icon Dialogue Talk Still hide-and-seek, then?
Aurele: Yes. Mr. Delerue happens to need to go on a business trip, and Aunt Dumay also needs to work, so they asked that I take care of Lovi.
Aurele: So I brought her here to play with us... I hope her dress won't get too dirty...
Aurele: Never mind that, let's continue playing. Who's going to do the catching this time?
Icon Dialogue Talk I thought you didn't like hide-and-seek.
Icon Dialogue Talk Why the sudden enthusiasm for hide-and-seek?
Aurele: Well, um, *cough* I've been trying to write a review recently, and I've had some questions that need consideration.
Aurele: I've found that, well, my mind is more agile when I am exercising, so...
Lovi: But he zones out easily and sometimes just stands there talking to himself. He won't react no matter what you say to him.
Verut: Why don't you join us? You're way better than my brother is at hide-and-seek.
Icon Dialogue Talk No problem.
Icon Dialogue Talk I'm not gonna go easy on any of you.
Verut: Hehe, go ahead and do your best. Lovi and I are masters of hide-and-seek.
Verut: Then let's begin. C'mon, Lovi! We've got hiding spots to find!
Lovi and Verut run like the wind, while Aurele leaves slowly, pondering as he does...

(Talk to Aurele)
Aurele: No... This logical sequence doesn't line up. I need to come at this from a different angle...
Aurele: How about... No, no...
Aurele: Huh? Oh. You found me. I'll head back to the meeting point, then.
Aurele: Is this point of view correct? No, it... Actually, is it right or wrong...
(Approach Lovi)
Lovi: That Aurele, honestly...
(Talk to Lovi)
Lovi: I wonder if Aurele will be able to put his thoughts together...
Lovi: Uh, what? You actually found this place? Seriously, how many times have you played hide-and-seek?
Lovi: Well, I'll head back to the meeting point. I'll hide myself better next time!
(Approach Verut)
Verut: You can't find me... You can't find me...
(Talk to Verut)
Verut: So you found me anyway, huh? Guess you really are better at this.
Verut: I'll head back to the meeting point. I hope my brother does better...
Icon Dialogue Talk Why do you hope so?
Verut: Well, he did say it himself, didn't he? His brain works better after we play hide-and-seek.
Verut: But he has too many thoughts, and he needs to squat on the ground, trying to recall and memorize them for a long time.
Verut: Lovi told me that those ideas of his are very precious things, and so we shouldn't disturb him.
Verut: That's why when we're playing hide-and-seek with him, if we're about to catch him, we purposely take our time until he finishes collecting his thoughts.
Verut: It's just that if it's my brother's turn to catch people, we'll have to wait for him for a long while...
(After finding all three children)
Aurele: No, no... The argument is insufficiently rigorous here...
Lovi: Oh well, looks like Aurele's in his own world again. Anyway, thanks for playing with us again!
Icon Dialogue Talk Will he... be okay?
Icon Dialogue Talk Won't he... be exhausted?
Lovi: As long as he doesn't start drinking coffee like water, as my dad did, he should be fine.
Verut: Leave that one to me! I won't let my brother drink too much coffee... If it really comes down to it, I'll hide all of his coffee from him.
Lovi: *sigh* I was planning to hide my dad's coffee here... But I guess that's a bust.
Verut: It sure is tough being a reviewer...

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishTheir Childhood: Good Times
Tāmen de Tóngnián - Hǎo Shíguāng
Their Childhood - Good Times
Tāmen de Tóngnián - Hǎo Shíguāng
Karera no Kodomo Jidai - Yoki Jidai
Korean그들의 어린 시절・좋은 나날
Geudeurui Eorin Sijeol - Joeun Nanal
SpanishMomentos de la infancia: qué gran épocaMoments of Childhood: What a Great Time
FrenchLeur enfance : Les bons momentsTheir Childhood: The Good Times
RussianИх детство: Хорошие деньки
Ikh detstvo: Khoroshiye den'ki
Thaiวัยเด็กของพวกเขา - ช่วงเวลาดี
VietnameseThời Thơ Ấu Của Họ - Thời Khắc Đẹp Đẽ
GermanIhre Kindheit – Schöne ZeitTheir Childhood - Beautiful Time
IndonesianMasa Kecil Mereka: Masa-Masa IndahTheir Childhood: Good Times
PortugueseMomentos da Infância: Bons Tempos
TurkishÇocukluk Ne Güzel Şey: Unutulmaz AnlarWhat a Beautiful Thing Childhood Is: Unforgetable Moments
ItalianLa loro infanzia: Bei tempi

Change History[]

