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The Two Musketeers' Triumph is the fifth and final part of the Roses and Muskets event.



The Two Musketeers' Triumph

After the suspects' arrests, the results for the winner of the Fontinalia Film Festival are preparing to be announced. Xavier asks the Traveler to fetch Cheveruse, who was busy escorting the accused to the Fortress of Meropide herself. The Traveler heads to the Administrative Area, where they find her talking to Wriothesley. She informs him about the three she would be bringing in; Wriothesley had not made any promises or guarantees regarding her "heads-up", though she also points out that he did not outright refuse her. Cheveruse, having sympathized with the siblings, asks Wriothesley to give everyone the latest copy of the Steambird when the case was revealed, which would make Baptiste and Veronique seen as heroes and Morris as the villain.

The three return to the venue just as the winner is announced; Xavier's "The Two Musketeers", who thanks his crew, the "Musketeer Pictures". Ayaka, having made a new friend in the form of Cheveruse, states that the city has exceeded her expectations. She then asks her if she would be willing to travel to her home nation of Inazuma, which Cheveruse accepts should she have the time. Chiori asks Ayato if he had accomplished everything he needed for the trip, which he confirms. She then asks about Ogura Textiles & Kimonos, pleased to hear that Ogura Mio is still doing well and asks him to send her regards. Finally, she learns that the thunderstorms surrounding Inazuma had gone, which Ayato confirms and that the islands are in peace and prosperity. Xavier then has Furina carry the Furina Award due to her invaluable assistance as a director, which she reluctantly does to avoid embarrassing herself.


No.Soundtrack NameAlbumPlayed In
07Luminescence of EventideFountain of BelleauThe Two Musketeers' Triumph (Quest)

Other Langauges[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishThe Two Musketeers' Triumph
Liǎngge Chòngqiāng-shǒu de Kǎixuán
The Two Musketeers' Triumphant Return
Liǎngge Chòngqiāng-shǒu de Kǎixuán
Nijuushi no Gaisen
The Two Musketeers' Triumphant Return
Korean 화승총 사수의 귀환
Du Hwaseungchong Sasuui Gwihwan
SpanishEl triunfo de «Las dos mosqueteras»The Triumph of "The Two Musketeers"
FrenchLe triomphe des deux mousquetairesThe Two Musketeers' Triumph
RussianТриумф «Двух мушкетёров»
Triumf "Dvukh mushketyorov"
VietnameseKhúc Khải Hoàn Của Hai Người Lính Ngự Lâm
GermanTriumphzug der zwei MusketiereThe Two Musketeers' Triumphal Procession
IndonesianKemenangan Si Dua MasketirThe Victory of the Two Musketeers
PortugueseO Triunfo dos Dois Mosqueteiros
Turkishİki Silahşor'un Zaferi
ItalianIl trionfo de Le due moschettiere

Change History[]
