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The Strange Tale of Suikou's Tipsy Tincture is the second part of the True Tales of the Violet Garden: Act I - The Strange Tale of Suikou's Tipsy Tincture during the Hues of the Violet Garden event.


  1. Wait until the following day (06:00 – 08:00)
  2. Go to the Ritou docks
  3. Go to the International Trade Association
  4. Go to the Outlander Affairs Agency
  5. Go to the warehouse near the docks
  6. Talk to Venti


UI Quest Quest Description

Head to the Ritou docks according to the arrival schedule. The guests should arrive at 08:00 the next day.
(Wait until the next day)
Icon Quest Step Step Description

It is time for the ships to arrive. Head for the Ritou docks.
(After waiting till the next day)
Media:vo rcjeq002 1 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: According to the Arrival Schedule, there will be a ship arriving from Mondstadt today.
Media:vo rcjeq002 1 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: The artist for The Five Kasen portraits should be on board.
Media:vo rcjeq002 1 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: The boat should be arriving soon, so let's head down to the docks.
(Approach the docks)
Media:vo rcjeq002 2 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Hello! You must be here to take part in the Irodori Festival? We're the festival guides and will show you around.
Media:vo rcjeq002 2 lil 01.ogg Lyra: Yes, that's right. We are bards from Mondstadt.
Media:vo rcjeq002 2 lil 02.ogg Lyra: Word has it that Inazuma has undergone many changes of late. We hope to find fresh inspiration here.
(Paimon looks about at the passengers)
Icon Dialogue Talk Uh, Paimon? What are you doing?
Media:vo rcjeq002 2 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: These guests are all bards, aren't they? Well, where's Tone-Deaf Bard then?
Media:vo rcjeq002 2 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Strange, he is pretty famous in Mondstadt... Do you think he didn't receive an invitation?
Icon Dialogue Talk Even if he was invited, there's a chance he still wouldn't show up.
Media:vo rcjeq002 2 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Huh, why's that?
Icon Dialogue Talk Well, you know. Venti's an...
Media:vo rcjeq002 2 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Oh... Paimon sees what you're getting at. Even though Venti no longer rules over Mondstadt, he's still an archon.
Media:vo rcjeq002 2 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: If he came rushing to Inazuma at the first mention of a festival, not only would it seem a little childish, it would also sorta be shameless of him, too.
Media:vo rcjeq002 2 klee 01a.ogg Media:vo rcjeq002 2 klee 01b.ogg Klee: (‍Mr.Mr./MissMiss‍) Honorary Knight! Paimon!
(Klee rushes off the ship to them, Albedo disembarking moments later)
Media:vo rcjeq002 2 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: It's Klee! Were you also invited to the Irodori Festival?
(If the player has not met Klee yet, an introductory note appears on screen)
Klee IconKlee — Fleeing Sunlight
Spark Knight Klee of the Knights of Favonius, reporting for duty!
Inquisitive, enthusiastic, and innocent, this little knight is a ball of laughs to be around.
Though she does often get herself into some trouble, but is playfulness not the purview of young children?
Now, take a guess: is Klee currently planning to go out for an adventure, or is she going to Starfell Lake for some fish blasting?
Whichever the case, she'd best be careful, or the monster of the confinement room is going to catch her!
Media:vo rcjeq002 2 klee 02.ogg Klee: No, Albedo's the one who received the invitation.
Media:vo rcjeq002 2 klee 03.ogg Klee: But because everyone in the Knights of Favonius has been really busy these days, Albedo arranged for someone here to issue me a Dependant Pass.
Media:vo rcjeq002 2 albedo 01.ogg Albedo: Greetings, (TravelerTraveler) and Paimon. After hearing that Inazuma was making preparations for the Irodori Festival, I predicted that I might run into you here.
(If the player has not met Albedo yet, an introductory note appears on screen)
Albedo IconAlbedo — Kreideprinz
Albedo is Chief Alchemist and Captain of the Investigation Team of the Knights of Favonius. His groundbreaking achievements in the field of alchemy have earned him a reputation as a genius.
Not one to socialize, the genius researcher is usually seen wearing the same calm, cool expression. Only when he is buried in his research does his more energetic and enthusiastic side seem to emerge.
Soil and chalk... Albedo spends much time alone, pondering profound alchemical conundrums, but there seems to be no end in sight to his research.
Media:vo rcjeq002 2 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: Hah, Paimon knew it! Albedo's the one they've invited to paint The Five Kasen.
Media:vo rcjeq002 2 albedo 02.ogg Albedo: It seems that you already know why I'm here. Just so you're aware, I'll be using my pen name in Inazuma, Calx.
Media:vo rcjeq002 2 albedo 03.ogg Albedo: By the way, do you know where the International Trade Association is? I'll be meeting with the editorial director of the Yae Publishing House there.
Media:vo rcjeq002 2 paimon 09.ogg Paimon: Yeah, the International Trade Association is where you'll be staying in Inazuma. We'll be heading there, too.
Media:vo rcjeq002 2 albedo 04.ogg Albedo: Great, let's get going then.
Icon Quest Step Step Description

The Irodori Festival guests will be putting up at the International Trade Association, and Albedo has also agreed to meet his editor there, so that's where you're headed.
(Approach International Trade Association)
Media:vo rcjeq002 3 klee 01.ogg Klee: Wow, it's so beautiful here. So many things I've never seen before!
Media:vo rcjeq002 3 albedo 01.ogg Albedo: Slow down, Klee. Please, be careful not to bump into others.
Media:vo rcjeq002 3 albedo 02.ogg Albedo: *sigh* Telling Klee so many stories about Inazuma during the trip was probably not the best idea.
Media:vo rcjeq002 3 albedo 03.ogg Albedo: As a result, she could hardly sleep all the way here. It appears she's even more excited now that we've arrived.
Icon Dialogue Talk That's how kids are.
Icon Dialogue Talk Nothing wrong with a little excitement.
Media:vo rcjeq002 3 albedo 04.ogg Albedo: Strange... It seems that the editorial director, Mr. Hirayama, isn't here yet. I'm certain he said that he'd be sure to arrive before me. This might be a problem.
Icon Dialogue Talk What's wrong?
Media:vo rcjeq002 3 albedo 05.ogg Albedo: Well, Mr. Hirayama was supposed to meet with me and give me some reference materials about The Five Kasen today. That way, I could better visualize the content for my paintings.
Media:vo rcjeq002 3 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: You mean you had no idea what you'd be painting before you arrived in Inazuma?
Media:vo rcjeq002 3 albedo 06.ogg Albedo: I only know of The Five Kasen by name. Because of the sheer age of the tale, very little has been passed down to this day, so Mr. Hirayama decided to help me collect some more information.
Media:vo rcjeq002 3 albedo 07.ogg Albedo: I'm the type of painter who can complete a painting quickly as long as I'm inspired. So I agreed on only receiving the details today.
Media:vo rcjeq002 3 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: So when do the paintings have to be done by?
Media:vo rcjeq002 3 albedo 08.ogg Albedo: According to the festival plans, the portraits will be revealed one at a time throughout the various stages of the Irodori Festival. The first one depicting Suikou will need to be done before the festival's official opening ceremony, which is the day after tomorrow.
Media:vo rcjeq002 3 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: The day after tomorrow!? Then you're already running out of time!
Media:vo rcjeq002 3 albedo 09.ogg Albedo: There's no need to panic. When I was working on light novel illustrations, because the manuscripts are shipped by boat, things were always tight and finished at the last minute.
Media:vo rcjeq002 3 albedo 10.ogg Albedo: Just last month, to ensure the latest book of A Legend of Sword would be finished for the Irodori Festival, I had to complete the final chapter's illustrations the same day I received the manuscript.
Media:vo rcjeq002 3 albedo 11.ogg Albedo: I heard that my illustrations were sent to print as soon as they arrived in Inazuma. I still don't know how well they turned out.
Media:vo rcjeq002 3 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Uh... Paimon isn't sure if she should feel sympathetic for your working conditions, or compliment you on your artistic genius.
Media:vo rcjeq002 3 albedo 12.ogg Albedo: Of course, I would still prefer to receive any possible reference materials in advance so that I can be better prepared.
Icon Dialogue Talk Speaking of which, Miko did mention...
Media:vo rcjeq002 3 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Oh, right! The editors of the Yae Publishing House will all be around the Outlander Affairs Agency these next few days.
Media:vo rcjeq002 3 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: Who knows, maybe Mr. Hirayama's over there too. We'll take you over there to see if we can find him, Albedo!
Media:vo rcjeq002 3 albedo 13.ogg Albedo: Alright, it's worth a try. Klee, you haven't slept for a while now. Please stay at our residence in the International Trade Association and get some rest. We will be back soon.
Media:vo rcjeq002 3 klee 02.ogg Klee: Okey-dokey. Don't worry, Albedo, I'll be on my best behavior!
Icon Quest Step Step Description

Albedo's editor, Editorial Director Hirayama, has not shown up. Perhaps he might be found near the Outlander Affairs Agency.
(Approach the Outlander Affairs Agency)
Media:vo rcjeq002 4 aratani 01.ogg Aratani: This can't be happening! The moment we need to contact Onodera is when he's on special leave.
Media:vo rcjeq002 4 aratani 02.ogg Aratani: Kuroda and I will go back to Inazuma City for an emergency printing run. The demand for this book is so high though, even with the emergency prints it still might not be enough.
Media:vo rcjeq002 4 murata 01.ogg Murata: Despite everything, we're still lucky that we found out today. If this had happened a few days later, then we'd really be in boiling water.
Media:vo rcjeq002 4 murata 02.ogg Murata: *sigh* Hey, do you think that the suspicious guy they found in the warehouse has anything to do with this?
Media:vo rcjeq002 4 kuroda 01.ogg Kuroda: Well, the editorial director is on his way over there to investigate the situation as we speak.
Media:vo rcjeq002 4 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Uh, sorry to interrupt, but what's going on here?
Media:vo rcjeq002 4 murata 03.ogg Murata: Oh, hey Traveler. Don't worry, it's nothing. Just an internal issue, that's all. How can I help you?
Media:vo rcjeq002 4 albedo 01.ogg Albedo: I'm looking for the editorial director, Mr. Hirayama. Does anyone know where he is now?
Media:vo rcjeq002 4 murata 04.ogg Murata: Mr. Hirayama is currently at the warehouse down by the harbor...
Media:vo rcjeq002 4 kuroda 02.ogg Kuroda: Hold on a second, Murata.
Media:vo rcjeq002 4 kuroda 03.ogg Kuroda: Uh, excuse me, but you must be Calx, the one who was invited to paint The Five Kasen for the festival?
Media:vo rcjeq002 4 albedo 02.ogg Albedo: Yes, that's me.
Media:vo rcjeq002 4 kuroda 04.ogg Kuroda: My name is Kuroda. You must be inquiring about information regarding The Five Kasen.
Media:vo rcjeq002 4 kuroda 05.ogg Kuroda: I do apologize, but please make yourself comfortable at the International Trade Association, and I will let Mr. Hirayama know to send you the materials right away.
Media:vo rcjeq002 4 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Oh, no need! You guys look super busy, so we can go find him ourselves.
Media:vo rcjeq002 4 kuroda 06.ogg Kuroda: Ah well, a—about that...
Media:vo rcjeq002 4 albedo 03.ogg Albedo: Excuse me, but is there something wrong with the latest volume of A Legend of Sword?
Media:vo rcjeq002 4 kuroda 07.ogg Kuroda: Huh! How did you know?
Media:vo rcjeq002 4 albedo 04.ogg Albedo: Since you were all aware that Mr. Hirayama needed to send me some supporting materials, that means the editorial director didn't forget about it. Instead, something urgent must've cropped up.
Media:vo rcjeq002 4 albedo 05.ogg Albedo: To add to that, despite being aware that I am Calx, you are still unwilling to let me go to Mr. Hirayama directly.
Media:vo rcjeq002 4 albedo 06.ogg Albedo: After considering these factors, the only reason you would try to stall me is if something happened to A Legend of Sword, which I did the illustrations for.
Media:vo rcjeq002 4 kuroda 08.ogg Kuroda: Well, uh... *sigh* I'm very sorry. The situation is just as you said, Calx. I suppose it doesn't hurt to tell you now...
Media:vo rcjeq002 4 kuroda 09.ogg Kuroda: Earlier today, someone spotted a suspicious outlander sneaking around inside the Irodori Festival warehouse down by the docks, so they promptly alerted the Tenryou Commission.
Media:vo rcjeq002 4 kuroda 10.ogg Kuroda: The Tenryou Commission was concerned about potential cargo theft, so they contacted everyone who was renting space in the warehouse. It was then that we realized that the latest copies of A Legend of Sword had suddenly gone missing!
Media:vo rcjeq002 4 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: What? The books are missing!?
Media:vo rcjeq002 4 kuroda 11.ogg Kuroda: Shh... Not so loud!
Media:vo rcjeq002 4 kuroda 12.ogg Kuroda: Not only is this book an eagerly anticipated release in the last phase of the Irodori Festival, but the author, Zhenyu, will be personally attending the release party as well.
Media:vo rcjeq002 4 murata 05.ogg Murata: Because of the dire situation, Mr. Hirayama immediately hurried to the warehouse to determine whether the theft was related to that suspicious outlander.
Media:vo rcjeq002 4 albedo 07.ogg Albedo: I see. It would be a great misfortune if A Legend of Sword would not be released on schedule, and quite the disappointment for Zhenyu as well.
Media:vo rcjeq002 4 albedo 08.ogg Albedo: If Mr. Hirayama has gone to the warehouse at the docks, then I'll go down to see if I can be of any help.
(If player has completed Yae Publishing House's Invitation)
Media:vo rcjeq002 4 paimon 04a 1.ogg Paimon: So the author of A Legend of Sword is Zhenyu, sounds familiar... Hey, isn't that Xingqiu's pen name?
Media:vo rcjeq002 4 albedo 09a.ogg Albedo: Oh? Do you know him?
Icon Dialogue Talk We've met on a couple of occasions.
Media:vo rcjeq002 4 paimon 04a 2.ogg Paimon: Xingqiu would definitely be upset if he discovers that his books are missing... Let's accompany Albedo to the warehouse, too.
(If player has not completed Yae Publishing House's Invitation)
Media:vo rcjeq002 4 paimon 04b 1.ogg Paimon: Zhenyu... Hmm, sounds like a name from Liyue. Albedo, what kind of person is the author of this book?
Media:vo rcjeq002 4 albedo 09b 1.ogg Albedo: I have not met him personally, but the editors said that he is actually the second son of the Feiyun Commerce Guild family in Liyue.
Icon Dialogue Talk The second son of the Feiyun Commerce Guild?
Icon Dialogue Talk Isn't that Xingqiu?
Media:vo rcjeq002 4 albedo 09b 2.ogg Albedo: Oh? Do you know him?
Icon Dialogue Talk We've met on a couple of occasions.
Media:vo rcjeq002 4 paimon 04b 2.ogg Paimon: Whoa, that's a real twist! Paimon never would have guessed that Xingqiu would be publishing a light novel together with Albedo!
Media:vo rcjeq002 4 paimon 04b 3.ogg Paimon: But enough about that, Xingqiu would definitely be upset if he discovers that his books are missing.
Media:vo rcjeq002 4 paimon 04b 4.ogg Paimon: Let's accompany Albedo to the warehouse, too.
(Talk to Murata again)
Media:vo dialog rcjeq002 murata 01.ogg Murata: Aratani and Kuroda are going back to Inazuma City to start printing extra copies of A Legend of Sword. I'll stay here and hold down the fort.
Media:vo dialog rcjeq002 murata 02.ogg Murata: Of course, I still hope those novels can be found soon and that things won't take a turn for the worse.
Icon Quest Step Step Description

The copies of "A Legend of Sword"'s latest volume have gone missing. Hirayama has also gone to the warehouse where the incident took place. Head over there quickly and investigate.
Media:vo rcjeq002 5 kujousara 01.ogg Kujou Sara: ...
(If the player has not met Kujou Sara yet, an introductory note appears on screen)
Kujou Sara IconKujou Sara — Crowfeather Kaburaya
The active chief general of the Tenryou Commission. Decisive and valiant in battle.
If the Raiden Shogun is the great thunder of the heavens, then Kujou Sara is the lightning that cannot be parried. The lightning flashes first, and the thunder swiftly follows.
As the adopted child of the Kujou Clan, she is swift and stern... That is how most people see her.
And to her, aiding the Shogun in realizing Eternity is her foremost goal, even if she knows that she will not be around to see it come to pass.
Media:vo rcjeq002 5 venti 01.ogg Venti: ...
Media:vo rcjeq002 5 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Huh? It's you!... Why are you here!?
Media:vo rcjeq002 5 kujousara 02.ogg Kujou Sara: I'm here on behalf of the Tenryou Commission, of course. Is that surprising?
Media:vo rcjeq002 5 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: No, Sara, Paimon wasn't talking about you...
Media:vo rcjeq002 5 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: So, Tone-Deaf Bard... The suspicious outlander in the warehouse wouldn't happen to be you, would it?
Media:vo rcjeq002 5 venti 02.ogg Venti: Ehe... Considering the evidence, it appears that the suspicious outlander is... indeed me.
Media:vo rcjeq002 5 kujousara 03.ogg Kujou Sara: As I have told you, you are a suspect. Before your allegations of theft and illegal entry as a stowaway are cleared, you are to remain silent. Don't make me say it again.
Media:vo rcjeq002 5 kujousara 04.ogg Kujou Sara: Traveler, Paimon, do you know this self-proclaimed bard from Mondstadt?
Icon Dialogue Talk Well, I can't say he's a complete stranger...
Icon Dialogue Talk You could say we're quite familiar...
Media:vo rcjeq002 5 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Uh, listen Sara... Knowing him, it's safe to say that he wasn't behind the theft. But, what's this about being a stowaway?
Media:vo rcjeq002 5 kujousara 05.ogg Kujou Sara: Although he claims to be a special guest for the Irodori Festival, he's failed to present his Invitation Letter. Therefore, we can only suspect that he might've entered the country illegally.
Media:vo rcjeq002 5 kujousara 06.ogg Kujou Sara: And just a moment ago, we caught him in a Dandelion Wine crate near the Sailing Breeze.
Icon Dialogue Talk Could we ask him a few questions?
Media:vo rcjeq002 5 kujousara 07.ogg Kujou Sara: If it would help shed any light on the situation, then please, be my guest.
Media:vo rcjeq002 5 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Uh, Venti... You didn't really come here illegally, did you?
Media:vo rcjeq002 5 venti 03.ogg Venti: Ouch, your words wound me... We've been apart for so long, and the moment we meet again, all I'm greeted with is grilling questions and suspicious glares.
Media:vo rcjeq002 5 venti 04.ogg Venti: *sigh* You arrived in Inazuma via similar means, or, so I heard... You of all people should be more understanding, don't you think?
Media:vo rcjeq002 5 kujousara 08.ogg Kujou Sara: "Similar means"?
Icon Dialogue Talk Let's not bring up past now!
Icon Dialogue Talk We had no choice!
Media:vo rcjeq002 5 venti 05.ogg Venti: Haha, I merely jest. Fear not, for the person who sent me the invitation is none other than Kamisato Ayato of Yashiro Commission. It's unlikely that someone acquainted with the likes of him would ever be here illegally, right?
Media:vo rcjeq002 5 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: But why weren't you on the same ship as the other bards?
Media:vo rcjeq002 5 venti 06.ogg Venti: Well, once I received the Invitation Letter, I couldn't help but want to come to Inazuma a little early. It was then that I happened upon a cargo ship bound for Inazuma transporting Dandelion Wine, so, naturally, I decided to set sail with them.
Media:vo rcjeq002 5 venti 07.ogg Venti: Once aboard, I found the captain to be a kindred spirit, and I was treated to an abundance of fine liquor along the way. Uh, I must have fallen asleep in the cargo crate while carefully comparing the tastes of Dandelion Wine and Inazuman sake.
Media:vo rcjeq002 5 venti 08.ogg Venti: And when I woke up, I found myself in this warehouse with a Tenryou Commission general glaring at me from atop the crate.
Media:vo rcjeq002 5 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: Coming from Venti, this story is quite believable. But, it still feels a bit...
Icon Dialogue Talk Childish...
Icon Dialogue Talk Shameless...
Media:vo rcjeq002 5 hirayama 01.ogg Hirayama: Excuse me, I'm the owner of the stolen goods from the Yae Publishing House, and there are some questions I would like to ask you.
Media:vo rcjeq002 5 hirayama 02.ogg Hirayama: Based on what you just said, it seems you've been in the warehouse for some time now. If that's the case, did you happen to hear anything unusual?
Media:vo rcjeq002 5 venti 09.ogg Venti: Actually, I did hear some faint footsteps around me a couple of times. But I didn't consider the sound anything out of the ordinary.
Media:vo rcjeq002 5 hirayama 03.ogg Hirayama: Hmm? But if you clearly heard something, why didn't you feel it was unusual?
Media:vo rcjeq002 5 albedo 01.ogg Albedo: Oh, I seem to understand now.
Media:vo rcjeq002 5 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: Huh? What did you notice, Albedo?
Media:vo rcjeq002 5 albedo 02.ogg Albedo: When it comes to burglars, they are generally associated with prying or rummaging through things. What Venti means is that he did not hear anything unusual like that.
Media:vo rcjeq002 5 albedo 03.ogg Albedo: As for the sound of footsteps, because this is a warehouse where many goods are coming in and out each day, it is quite normal for people to be walking around.
Media:vo rcjeq002 5 hirayama 04.ogg Hirayama: I see, but if that's the case, then we're back to square one regarding the stolen books.
Media:vo rcjeq002 5 albedo 04.ogg Albedo: No, not quite. From the facts that have been presented to us, we can draw at least three conclusions now.
Media:vo rcjeq002 5 albedo 05.ogg Albedo: First, whoever took the novels is not a spur-of-the-moment burglar, they had their sights on the books from the very beginning. Second, the culprit was very familiar with the warehouse and might even have a key. And third...
Icon Dialogue Talk There must be more than one criminal involved.
Media:vo rcjeq002 5 albedo 06.ogg Albedo: I knew you'd catch on, (TravelerTraveler). One person couldn't possibly transport so many heavy books in such a short window of time, it must have been a team effort.
Media:vo rcjeq002 5 albedo 07.ogg Albedo: It goes without saying that Venti clearly does not match up with our culprits.
Media:vo rcjeq002 5 kujousara 09.ogg Kujou Sara: Yes, I agree with your reasoning.
Media:vo rcjeq002 5 kujousara 10.ogg Kujou Sara: Mr. Hirayama, the Tenryou Commission will continue by investigating the warehouse staff. If you come across any further clues, please notify us immediately.
Media:vo rcjeq002 5 hirayama 05.ogg Hirayama: Yes, understood. I'll leave it to you, then.
Media:vo rcjeq002 5 venti 10.ogg Venti: Hee hee, I suppose I'm free as a bird then...
Media:vo rcjeq002 5 kujousara 11.ogg Kujou Sara: Not so fast. Even though we've cleared the theft allegations, we still haven't ascertained whether your arrival in Inazuma was legal or not.
Media:vo rcjeq002 5 venti 11.ogg Venti: Aw, 'tis a shame! I thought surely after my honest account you might let me off the hook.
Media:vo rcjeq002 5 paimon 09.ogg Paimon: Sara's quite the meticulous one. So where's your Invitation Letter, Venti?
Media:vo rcjeq002 5 venti 12.ogg Venti: Yes, the Invitation Letter. Eh-he, I'm truly sorry. I can't seem to remember where I may have put it.
Media:vo rcjeq002 5 paimon 10.ogg Paimon: Ugh... How could you lose something so important!?
Media:vo rcjeq002 5 venti 13.ogg Venti: Don't be mistaken, I was well aware of how important it was. But I didn't bring any luggage with me, and the letter was too big to fit in my pocket, so I kept it in my hand the whole trip.
Media:vo rcjeq002 5 venti 14.ogg Venti: Strange... Though I had a little too much to drink, I know that I kept it in a secure place. I even recall being most pleased at coming up with a good idea at the time.
Media:vo rcjeq002 5 paimon 11.ogg Paimon: If you were holding the invitation in your hand the whole time, then why did you put it down?
Media:vo rcjeq002 5 venti 15.ogg Venti: Well, to properly compare the taste of Mondstadt wine and Inazuman sake, I had to hold a glass in each hand.
Media:vo rcjeq002 5 venti 16.ogg Venti: I couldn't both hold the invitation and a glass at the same time. But surely I wouldn't put it in just any random place, it could easily be misplaced.
Media:vo rcjeq002 5 albedo 08.ogg Albedo: In which case, I believe there's only one place it could be. Have you figured it out, (TravelerTraveler)?
Media:vo rcjeq002 5 paimon 12.ogg Paimon: Huh? You're way ahead of Paimon! Do you two already know where the Invitation Letter is?
Icon Dialogue Talk In his shoe?
Media:vo rcjeq002 5 paimon 13a.ogg Paimon: Huh, that doesn't sound right. The invitation is pretty big, isn't it? And, if it's in his shoe, he would feel it when he's walking!
Media:vo rcjeq002 5 venti 17a.ogg Venti: Haha, drinking too much may occasionally render the tongue a little numb, but it's true, it certainly wouldn't affect the feet.
(Option removed, dialogue returns to option selection)
Icon Dialogue Talk In his cape?
Media:vo rcjeq002 5 paimon 13b.ogg Paimon: Huh? Are you sure? His cape doesn't even have any pockets to put stuff. But hey, a cape with pockets isn't a bad idea, you should try and get it tailored sometime, Venti.
Media:vo rcjeq002 5 venti 17b.ogg Venti: Well, people do often claim that capes and the like serve no real purpose other than aesthetics, I suppose a cape with pockets would really turn the tables on that crowd.
(Option removed, dialogue returns to option selection)
Icon Dialogue Talk In his hat?
Media:vo rcjeq002 5 venti 17c.ogg Venti: Ah yes, I remember now. I knew you'd help me find it, (TravelerTraveler).
Venti finds the Invitation Letter stuffed under his hat...
Media:vo rcjeq002 5 kujousara 12.ogg Kujou Sara: Hmm. This is indeed an Invitation Letter issued by the Yashiro Commission. Now that we've confirmed this guest's identity, I have no further questions.
Media:vo rcjeq002 5 kujousara 13.ogg Kujou Sara: However, starting tonight, I would advise you to stay at the International Trade Association.
Media:vo rcjeq002 5 kujousara 14.ogg Kujou Sara: Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll be leaving now.
Media:vo rcjeq002 6 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: There goes Sara. Alright, let's go talk to Mr. Hirayama about Albedo's reference materials.
Media:vo rcjeq002 6 albedo 01.ogg Albedo: Mr. Hirayama, I'm Calx. We had originally arranged to meet today.
Media:vo rcjeq002 6 hirayama 01.ogg Hirayama: Ah, yes, so you are Calx! I'm very sorry that you've arrived in Inazuma only to find such a mess.
Media:vo rcjeq002 6 hirayama 02.ogg Hirayama: These are the materials regarding The Five Kasen. All the information that we could find is compiled here.
(Opens Five Kasen Summary)
Media:vo rcjeq002 6 albedo 02.ogg Albedo: Let's see here... Yes, it's just as I had suspected. Monikers such as "Suikou" and "Aoi no Okina" aren't the real names of The Five Kasen.
Media:vo rcjeq002 6 albedo 03.ogg Albedo: "Though there were once many stories regarding each of The Five Kasen, the validity of their contents can no longer be verified in present times." ...Alas, what a shame.
Media:vo rcjeq002 6 albedo 04.ogg Albedo: But at the very least we know that most of the stories were written according to a similar style, so there is still something we may glean from this.
Media:vo rcjeq002 6 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: So is the info useful for your paintings, Albedo?
Media:vo rcjeq002 6 albedo 05.ogg Albedo: To some extent, yes. However, I must admit that it is still lacking, and fails to fulfill the most crucial element... inspiration.
Media:vo rcjeq002 6 hirayama 03.ogg Hirayama: I am sorry that this information is not as exhaustive as you'd hoped. However, it is not possible to gather anything more at the moment.
Media:vo rcjeq002 6 hirayama 04.ogg Hirayama: Though, Lady Yae did say that there are many variations of the stories about The Five Kasen, and everyone has a different story in their heart.
Media:vo rcjeq002 6 hirayama 05.ogg Hirayama: So all you need to do is to follow through with what's in your own heart and create something that you yourself find interesting.
Media:vo rcjeq002 6 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: That does sound like something Miko would say.
Media:vo rcjeq002 6 albedo 06.ogg Albedo: Thank you, Mr. Hirayama. No need to worry, I'll find inspiration for the portraits.
Media:vo rcjeq002 6 hirayama 06.ogg Hirayama: Great. I'll leave it to you then, Calx. Oh, and there's one more thing I need to ask of everyone.
Media:vo rcjeq002 6 hirayama 07.ogg Hirayama: Tomorrow morning Mr. Zhenyu, the author of A Legend of Sword, will be arriving in Inazuma by boat. If you see him, please do not mention the stolen novels for the time being.
Media:vo rcjeq002 6 hirayama 08.ogg Hirayama: Whether the stolen books are eventually recovered or not, the Yae Publishing House will do its best to ensure that the novel's release is a success!
Icon Dialogue Talk I get it now.
Media:vo rcjeq002 6 hirayama 09.ogg Hirayama: You have my gratitude. I'll be going, then.
Media:vo rcjeq002 6 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Well, seems there's nothing more we can do here. Let's go.
Media:vo rcjeq002 6 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Huh? Venti? What are you doing over there? You don't want us to leave you behind, do you?
Media:vo rcjeq002 6 venti 01.ogg Venti: (TravelerTraveler), Albedo, would you mind coming over here for a moment? There's something peculiar that I think you should see.
(Obtain Five Kasen Summary ×1)
Icon Quest Step Step Description

Venti seems to have found some clues. Go over and see what he's found.
(Talk to Venti)
Media:vo rcjeq002 7 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: What is it, Venti? A piece of paper?
Media:vo rcjeq002 7 venti 01.ogg Venti: Indeed. When I awakened to find myself in the warehouse this morning, I discovered this paper in the cargo crate where I was sleeping.
Media:vo rcjeq002 7 venti 02.ogg Venti: I didn't think much of it then, I thought it was merely a scrap piece of paper that had fallen into the cargo. After a quick glance, I stuffed it into a place nearby.
Media:vo rcjeq002 7 venti 03.ogg Venti: But on second thought, I think it's worth having you take a look at what's written on it.
(Opens The Five Kasen's Splendor: Suikou)
Media:vo rcjeq002 7 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Let me see... "Suikou Chapter"? Wait a minute, isn't Suikou the name of one of The Five Kasen?
Media:vo rcjeq002 7 venti 04.ogg Venti: The story told in this poem roughly boils down to Suikou getting tipsy and letting some poems that were meant for the Shogun get stolen.
Media:vo rcjeq002 7 venti 05.ogg Venti: Huh, this story sounds familiar to my ear, where have I heard it...
Media:vo rcjeq002 7 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Seriously!? It's literally the same story you just experienced yesterday!
Media:vo rcjeq002 7 venti 06.ogg Venti: Ahahaha. Indeed, it is. Interesting, isn't it?
Icon Dialogue Talk It almost seems related to the stolen novels.
Media:vo rcjeq002 7 albedo 01.ogg Albedo: Yes, I concur. The person who left this paper could quite possibly be the criminal or even a witness to the theft.
Media:vo rcjeq002 7 albedo 02.ogg Albedo: But why leave the paper here in such a fashion? And if the one who left it here was a witness, why didn't they attempt to stop the burglary?
Media:vo rcjeq002 7 venti 07.ogg Venti: All right, let's not get ahead of ourselves.
Media:vo rcjeq002 7 venti 08.ogg Venti: Meeting together in Inazuma like this is a most rare occasion. Since we've been busy from the start of the day, let us find an inn with good drink to keep our thirst at bay!
Media:vo rcjeq002 7 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Hey! You just sobered up and you're already thinking about more drinks?
Media:vo rcjeq002 7 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: And let's not forget that Albedo still has a portrait to complete. We don't have time to be slacking off!
Media:vo rcjeq002 7 albedo 03.ogg Albedo: No, it's fine. Let's all go for a drink together. It'll be my treat.
Media:vo rcjeq002 7 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: Wait a minute, what about your portrait?
Media:vo rcjeq002 7 albedo 04.ogg Albedo: As I mentioned before, I'm the kind of artist who can work quickly once I'm inspired. And now, it seems I've found my source of inspiration.
Media:vo rcjeq002 7 albedo 05.ogg Albedo: If I use a model as reference for the piece, we must pay him back with the appropriate recompense.
Media:vo rcjeq002 7 venti 09.ogg Venti: Haha, in that case, we'll need to order more dishes!
(Obtain The Five Kasen's Splendor: Suikou)
(A cinematic plays)
Venti: One Year
Venti: The poet Suikou made his way to Tenshukaku
Venti: And presented the Kasen's work for the Shogun's perusal
Venti: But a page from the works of Aoi no Okina had been torn out
Venti: And Suikou was questioned regarding the matter
Venti: Suikou pleaded guilty
Venti: He admitted to drinking at the tavern the night before
Venti: And vaguely recalled a mysterious figure approaching while he was intoxicated
(Cinematic ends)
Media:vo rcjeq002 8 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Wow, you really came through, Albedo. You were able to complete the first portrait before the opening ceremony.
Media:vo rcjeq002 8 venti 01.ogg Venti: Yes, it really is a sight to behold. Not only does it hearken to the traditional style of Inazuma, but it also makes use of modern aesthetics. My figure is particularly striking, even though I'm sound asleep in the portrait, I still appear as glorious as always.
Media:vo rcjeq002 8 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Hey, don't get too full of yourself, Tone-Deaf Bard! You were just a model, the person in the artwork isn't actually you.
Media:vo rcjeq002 8 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Well, Albedo, who will be your next portrait?
Media:vo rcjeq002 8 albedo 01.ogg Albedo: The next one will be Aoi no Okina of The Five Kasen.
Media:vo rcjeq002 8 venti 02.ogg Venti: Albedo, might I suggest waiting a little before starting on the next one? Who knows, you might soon discover another story.
Media:vo rcjeq002 8 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Another story?
Media:vo rcjeq002 8 albedo 02.ogg Albedo: I believe he's referring to the possibility of finding another paper with tales of The Five Kasen. According to the reference materials I was given, we've only found the first of a total of four chapters.
Media:vo rcjeq002 8 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Do you think the mysterious person who left the first paper will strike again?
Media:vo rcjeq002 8 albedo 03.ogg Albedo: It certainly is a possibility. Also, there are some points regarding the stories of The Five Kasen that have left me rather curious.
Media:vo rcjeq002 8 albedo 04.ogg Albedo: For example, the reference materials make mention of five legendary figures, yet all the popular stories only consist of four parts.
Media:vo rcjeq002 8 albedo 05.ogg Albedo: It appears that throughout all the stories, there is never a chapter dedicated to Kuronushi.
Media:vo rcjeq002 8 venti 03.ogg Venti: Yes, I'm also curious about these stories myself. But who knows, they may merely be akin to the old saying in Mondstadt: "Seeds of stories, brought by the wind and cultivated by time."
Media:vo rcjeq002 8 venti 04.ogg Venti: So, for now, we need but just wait patiently.
(Examine Suikou's Likeness)
Suikou's Likeness: (This is Suikou's likeness, as done by Albedo.)
Suikou's Likeness: (Venti was used as the model for this work, and it shows Suikou prone after getting dead drunk. It also incorporates some unique fashion features from Mondstadt.)
Suikou's Likeness: (Venti seems to love this picture very much, and a certain someone has had to remind him several times that he's not actually in the picture.)

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishThe Strange Tale of Suikou's Tipsy Tincture
Cuìān Mǐngdǐng Yíwén
Cuìān Mǐngdǐng Yíwén
Yoidore Suikou no Ayashiki Jiken
The Strange Case of Suikou the Drunkard
Korean취중 취암의 괴이한 사건
Chwijung Chwi'am-ui Goe'ihan Sageon
The Strange Case of Drunken Suikou
SpanishEl cuento de Suikou el borrachoThe Tale of Suikou the Drunkard
FrenchL'étrange histoire de la teinture d'ivresse de SuikouThe Strange Story of Suikou's Dye of Drunkenness
RussianСтранная история хмельной настойки Суико
Strannaya istoriya khmel'noy nastoyki Suiko
The Strange Tale of Suikou's Tipsy Tincture
Thaiเรื่องเล่าประหลาดของขี้เมา Suikou
The Strange Tales of Suikou the Drunkard
VietnameseCâu Chuyện Đáng Ngờ Về Suikou Say Rượu
GermanDie mysteriöse Geschichte von Suikou dem TrunkenboldThe Mysterious Story of Suikou the Drunkard
IndonesianKisah Aneh Si Pemabuk SuikouStrange Story of the Drunkard Suikou
PortugueseO Conto de Suikou BêbadoThe Tale of Drunk Suikou
TurkishSuikou'nun Sarhoş Eden Karışımının Garip Hikayesi
ItalianLa strana storia di Suikou l'ubriacone

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