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The Proud "Beret Society" is the second part of Wriothesley's Story Quest, Cerberus Chapter: Act I - Reborn in the Land of Grievances.


  1. Go to the Beret Society's gathering place
  2. Chat with the members of the Beret Society (0/3)
  3. Return to the Beret Society's gathering place
  4. Talk to the members of the Beret Society again
  5. Share your thoughts with Wriothesley
  6. Wait until nighttime (18:00 - 24:00)
  7. Meet up with Wriothesley as you agreed


UI Quest Quest Description

Through your conversation, you learn of an organization known as the "Beret Society" that provides support for prisoners who feel helpless and lonely. Wriothesley suggests that you come with him and take a look at their daily lives.
(Go to the Beret Society's gathering place)
Media:vo dyzlq002 1 dougier 01.ogg Dougier: We are honored by your visit, Your Grace. All of us at the Society have been waiting for your arrival.
Media:vo dyzlq002 1 dougier 02.ogg Dougier: Are these two your guests?
Media:vo dyzlq002 1 wriothesley 01.ogg Wriothesley: Mm-hmm. Let me introduce you to them. (TravelerTraveler), this is Dougier, the head of the Beret Society. This is their gathering place.
Media:vo dyzlq002 1 wriothesley 02.ogg Wriothesley: Members can find all sorts of drinks and snacks here, as well as a large variety of books and other resources.
Media:vo dyzlq002 1 wriothesley 03.ogg Wriothesley: Every once in a while, the Society will also host activities and seminars, which are always well-attended.
Media:vo dyzlq002 1 dougier 03.ogg Dougier: You flatter me, Your Grace. All we did was set up an organization in the same way as you would in the world above.
Media:vo dyzlq002 1 dougier 04.ogg Dougier: It's so easy to feel lonely and helpless when you arrive here for the first time. I remember that feeling all too well. None of us knew anything about this place then, after all.
Media:vo dyzlq002 1 dougier 05.ogg Dougier: But that's when the thought came to me. If we could help everyone turn over a new leaf, they would no longer have to lead such gloomy existences.
Media:vo dyzlq002 1 dougier 06.ogg Dougier: Thus, it was with your help that I founded the Beret Society.
Media:vo dyzlq002 1 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Oh, so you were also involved with this, Wriothesley?
Media:vo dyzlq002 1 wriothesley 04.ogg Wriothesley: Ah, my part in this was minimal. All I did was follow procedure and rubber stamp the application.
Media:vo dyzlq002 1 wriothesley 05.ogg Wriothesley: I'm sure you have a very good sense of what this place is about by now. As you know, not everyone takes their sentence seriously — for some, this is just another place where they can eat, breathe, and sleep.
Media:vo dyzlq002 1 wriothesley 06.ogg Wriothesley: But the Society is a great place for those who wish to turn things around.
Media:vo dyzlq002 1 dougier 07.ogg Dougier: Exactly right. Here, we'll keep an eye on each other, and remind each other of our goals. Everyone can focus on rehabilitating our mental states, and even make many new friends.
Media:vo dyzlq002 1 dougier 08.ogg Dougier: Our operations are entirely funded by members' donated goods and Credit Coupons. Same for the things you see here.
Media:vo dyzlq002 1 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Who knew you could find such a place in the Fortress of Meropide...
Media:vo dyzlq002 1 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Oh, right, and what's the deal with the hats?
Media:vo dyzlq002 1 dougier 09.ogg Dougier: Ah, there's nothing deep about it. I just felt like we needed some kind of visible identifier.
Media:vo dyzlq002 1 dougier 10.ogg Dougier: If our members felt joy and pride from being a part of this group, then the hats would become a point of pride for them as well.
Media:vo dyzlq002 1 dougier 11.ogg Dougier: And when we're together, we will feel a sense of community from seeing everyone's hats.
Media:vo dyzlq002 1 dougier 12.ogg Dougier: Optimism, community, hard work, and a desire for a new life... I hope this hat will show everyone everything we have been working towards.
Media:vo dyzlq002 1 wriothesley 07.ogg Wriothesley: In other words, that hat has come to represent something like a model citizen, which also helps them recruit new members.
Media:vo dyzlq002 1 dougier 13.ogg Dougier: Once again, you are exactly right, Your Grace. That's a part of our goal as well. Let's take a little 'ol seat over here — there's no need for us to stand.
Media:vo dyzlq002 1 dougier 14.ogg Dougier: I'll ask the members to get us some drinks. Please wait just one moment. Feel free to look around, too, if you want to learn more about us.
Icon Dialogue Talk So, this meeting was planned all along?
Icon Dialogue Talk He said they had been waiting for a while...
Media:vo dyzlq002 1 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Oh, right! What happened to your slow day, Wriothesley?
Media:vo dyzlq002 1 wriothesley 08.ogg Wriothesley: Seems like I shouldn't underestimate an adventurer's keen sense of observation. I'll bear that in mind the next time I need to do something low key...
Media:vo dyzlq002 1 wriothesley 09.ogg Wriothesley: Kidding of course. We're just discussing some small matters. It shouldn't take long.
Media:vo dyzlq002 1 wriothesley 10.ogg Wriothesley: We've also already gone over the organization's vision. Instead of listening to me try to explain some more, maybe it'd be better if you took a look around for yourself.
Media:vo dyzlq002 1 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Why does Paimon feel like he didn't answer the question at all... Eh. Well, we're already here, aren't we?
Icon Dialogue Talk Yeah, might as well take a look.
Media:vo dyzlq002 1 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: Yeah, they're supposed to be like, the model prisoners, right? So this is what their spot looks like...
(Talk to Boulmier)
Media:vo dyzlq002 2 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Hey, what are you doing over here?
Media:vo dyzlq002 2 boulmier 01.ogg Boulmier: Oh, hello, you are guests of the Duke, are you not? I'm organizing the bookshelves. Want to take a look?
Media:vo dyzlq002 2 boulmier 02.ogg Boulmier: We've got some classics, as well as a few books that the members published themselves.
Icon Dialogue Talk There are writers in the Society?
Media:vo dyzlq002 2 boulmier 03.ogg Boulmier: Yeah. Most of them are writing diaries or autobiographies on their time in the organization.
Media:vo dyzlq002 2 boulmier 04.ogg Boulmier: Some quit drinking, some learned to tailor, some became real good at calligraphy, and even I’ve learned to use a Kamera...
Media:vo dyzlq002 2 boulmier 05.ogg Boulmier: Hah, we find it kind of funny, you see, had we managed to stay above ground, none of us would have ever had the time to learn any of those skills.
Media:vo dyzlq002 2 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Ah, it's all because you have a lot more free time now...
Media:vo dyzlq002 2 boulmier 06.ogg Boulmier: Not only that, but we've also now got the mental space to think about taking on new things. Before we came here, we were constantly exhausted just trying to live.
Media:vo dyzlq002 2 boulmier 07.ogg Boulmier: With how the Duke and Mr. Dougier have organized our lives down here, though, all we need to do is think about the things that we want to do.
Media:vo dyzlq002 2 boulmier 08.ogg Boulmier: You never know what you may be good at until you give it a try.
Media:vo dyzlq002 2 boulmier 09.ogg Boulmier: And while you're here, no matter what you do, you won't get judged for it. After all, there's no need to conform to societal expectations when you're already in jail.
Media:vo dyzlq002 2 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: So this is something like a safe space...
Media:vo dyzlq002 2 boulmier 10.ogg Boulmier: Yeah, that's exactly right. After all, not everyone is good at fighting, or have the physical strength to do hard labor. The Society is exactly what some of us need.
Media:vo dyzlq002 2 boulmier 11.ogg Boulmier: And that's it, I just finished organizing this shelf as well, so feel free to check it out if you want. Just remember to put the books back after you're done!
Media:vo dyzlq002 2 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Don't worry, we will!
(Talk to Boulmier again, optional)
Media:vo dialog dyzlq002 boulmier 01.ogg Boulmier: Please check out as many books as you may like. Just don't forget to return them to their proper places once you're done.
(Examine Books, optional)
Examine Books: (There's a good variety of books here, and it also looks like the selection is regularly updated. If nothing else, one can definitely find something here with which to pass the time.)
Examine Books: (A member's diary is also displayed among the books. It was probably included for recruitment purposes.)
(Talk to Aucelet)
Media:vo dyzlq002 3 aucelet 01.ogg Aucelet: Welcome to our gathering place. Is there anything you'd like me to explain to you?
Media:vo dyzlq002 3 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Oh, it's okay, we're just taking a look around...
Icon Dialogue Talk You sound a bit like a Melusine guide.
Icon Dialogue Talk You sound a bit like a salesperson in a shop.
Media:vo dyzlq002 3 aucelet 02.ogg Aucelet: Well, that's not a bad comparison. It is my job to explain our amenities and benefits to our latest members.
Media:vo dyzlq002 3 aucelet 03.ogg Aucelet: I'm sure Mr. Dougier has already explained some of it, but allow me to fill you in some more.
Media:vo dyzlq002 3 aucelet 04.ogg Aucelet: Besides this space, which our members use to rest and relax, we also have an entertainment room, a fitness room, and a self-study room.
Media:vo dyzlq002 3 aucelet 05.ogg Aucelet: These rooms are open to all of our members. We want everyone to be able to use their free time to the fullest.
Media:vo dyzlq002 3 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Wow, that's pretty cool! Do you have a restaurant, too? If you did, you also wouldn't have to eat at the big cafeteria anymore...
Media:vo dyzlq002 3 aucelet 06.ogg Aucelet: Unfortunately, we don't. For matters like that, we still have to rely on His Grace.
Media:vo dyzlq002 3 aucelet 07.ogg Aucelet: We started a collaboration with the Cafeteria a while back, though, so they'll let us borrow their kitchen to do some simple research into recipes and cooking.
Icon Dialogue Talk You've really thought of everything.
Media:vo dyzlq002 3 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Yeah, Paimon can definitely see how it'd be easier to live your life if you had all this support.
Media:vo dyzlq002 3 aucelet 08.ogg Aucelet: Yep, and that's exactly why Mr. Dougier founded the Society.
Media:vo dyzlq002 3 aucelet 09.ogg Aucelet: We all think we made the correct choice to join him.
(Talk to Aucelet again, optional)
Media:vo dialog dyzlq002 aucelet 01.ogg Aucelet: Life at the Society is rich and fulfilling. We all enjoy it immensely.
(Talk to Dougier or Wriothesley, optional)
Media:vo dialog dyzlq002 dougier 01.ogg Dougier: The Society is planning to host another event soon. We haven't had many new recruits recently, so...
Media:vo dialog dyzlq002 wriothesley 01.ogg Wriothesley: Ah, the one you mentioned to me before? The idea is sound, but I still have some concerns about the specifics...
(Talk to Rigas)
Media:vo dyzlq002 4 rigas 01.ogg Rigas: Hey, you there, newbie!
Media:vo dyzlq002 4 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Uh, hello? Are you talking to Paimon?
Media:vo dyzlq002 4 rigas 02.ogg Rigas: Yep, I'm talking to you. Now, why don't you follow my lead and take a deep breath, before letting everything out like this?
Media:vo dyzlq002 4 rigas 03.ogg Rigas: Hah—!
Media:vo dyzlq002 4 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Eek!
Icon Dialogue Talk What are you doing?
Icon Dialogue Talk That was really loud.
Media:vo dyzlq002 4 rigas 04.ogg Rigas: Haha, that's how I pump myself up every day. A lot of my friends have found it super useful, too.
Media:vo dyzlq002 4 rigas 05.ogg Rigas: With one shout, you can release all the fatigue, resentment and unpleasantness from your lungs, and return to the day with all the optimism in the world!
Media:vo dyzlq002 4 rigas 06.ogg Rigas: Why don't you also give it a try? I promise that it will work!
Media:vo dyzlq002 4 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: P—Paimon's gonna pass...
Media:vo dyzlq002 4 rigas 07.ogg Rigas: Hahaha, feeling shy? That's alright. As long as you remember this trick, it will come in handy one day.
Media:vo dyzlq002 4 rigas 08.ogg Rigas: Just remember to take a deep breath and let it all out if you find yourself at your wit's end.
(Talk to Rigas again, optional)
Media:vo dialog dyzlq002 rigas 01.ogg Rigas: There's no need to be embarrassed about it! Just embrace your emotions, and freely express it for all to hear!
(After you've talked to all three)
Media:vo dyzlq002 6 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Alright, we've talked to everybody... It sure sounds like they're all pretty happy.
Media:vo dyzlq002 6 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: That would explain why Wriothesley only had good things to say about this place.
Media:vo dyzlq002 6 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Huh, it looks like they're starting to wrap up their conversation as well. Let's go over to them.
You return to Wriothesley...
Media:vo dyzlq002 6 dougier 01.ogg Dougier: Of course, Your Grace. I will attend to those matters right away.
Media:vo dyzlq002 6 wriothesley 01.ogg Wriothesley: Okay, then I don't have anything else to add. Oh, you're back — what did you think about this place?
Media:vo dyzlq002 6 wriothesley 02.ogg Wriothesley: Now, note that your review will also affect my review of Dougier and the Society as a whole.
Media:vo dyzlq002 6 dougier 02.ogg Dougier: Wait. I didn't know they were also a part of the evaluation process...
Media:vo dyzlq002 6 dougier 03.ogg Dougier: It's all right with me, though. I'm pretty confident about our growth and activities.
Media:vo dyzlq002 6 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Paimon thinks it's... pretty good?
Media:vo dyzlq002 6 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Don't think anyone expected you to get a society going here of all places!
Icon Dialogue Talk Same here.
Media:vo dyzlq002 6 dougier 04a 1.ogg Dougier: Ah, so it seems that you were able to get a sense of our vision and values. That's all I can ask for, really.
Icon Dialogue Talk It seems alright... on the surface.
Media:vo dyzlq002 6 dougier 04b 1.ogg Dougier: Ah... Yeah, you're right. By themselves, our resources probably don't feel like much.
Media:vo dyzlq002 6 wriothesley 03.ogg Wriothesley: The prisoners here all have very different personalities and psychological needs.
Media:vo dyzlq002 6 wriothesley 04.ogg Wriothesley: Our needs are like violent beasts. If we can't face them properly, they'll grow restless and enraged, causing pain and conflict.
Media:vo dyzlq002 6 wriothesley 05.ogg Wriothesley: But if we can placate them, they will lose their fangs, and even be converted into fuel for far nobler pursuits.
Media:vo dyzlq002 6 wriothesley 06.ogg Wriothesley: Which is why in my opinion, learning to reconcile with oneself is the first step on the path to redemption.
Media:vo dyzlq002 6 dougier 05.ogg Dougier: You've hit the nail on the head, Your Grace. Before I founded the Society, I had met too many people who could not come to terms with themselves...
Media:vo dyzlq002 6 dougier 06.ogg Dougier: And I'm sure that a part of your support is rooted in your desire to help those people find their way.
Media:vo dyzlq002 6 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: And Paimon thought everyone was enjoying life just fine working and fighting...
Media:vo dyzlq002 6 wriothesley 07.ogg Wriothesley: Of course, that lifestyle is more than enough for some people in the Fortress. For others, though, they would just be useless distractions.
Media:vo dyzlq002 6 dougier 07.ogg Dougier: Speaking of fightin'... I'm not sure if you knew this, but even His Grace sometimes fights in the ring.
Media:vo dyzlq002 6 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: Whaaat!? You fight in the ring, too? Wearing those hi-tech boxing gloves of yours...?
Media:vo dyzlq002 6 wriothesley 08.ogg Wriothesley: I almost never need them.
Icon Dialogue Talk Almost never, you say...
Icon Dialogue Talk So... instead...
Faissolle approaches and sees that you and Wriothesley are both here...
Media:vo dyzlq002 6 faissolle 01.ogg Faissolle: Ah...
For some reason, he turns away in a hurry, but Paimon recognizes him all the same.
Media:vo dyzlq002 6 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: Hey, isn't that the guy who lost his hat? Did you come here to relax, too?
Media:vo dyzlq002 6 faissolle 02.ogg Faissolle: !!!
Media:vo dyzlq002 6 boulmier 01.ogg Boulmier: ...
Media:vo dyzlq002 6 rigas 01.ogg Rigas: ...
Media:vo dyzlq002 6 paimon 09.ogg Paimon: What's wrong? Did you forget about us already?
Media:vo dyzlq002 6 wriothesley 09.ogg Wriothesley: Are you feeling alright? You are looking a little pale.
Media:vo dyzlq002 6 faissolle 03.ogg Faissolle: N—No, I'm fine... Thank you for helping me get my hat back.
Media:vo dyzlq002 6 faissolle 04.ogg Faissolle: I... I'm sorry, but I've got to go.
Media:vo dyzlq002 6 paimon 10.ogg Paimon: He's still as weird as before... Paimon's kinda used to it by now, though.
Media:vo dyzlq002 6 wriothesley 10.ogg Wriothesley: Dougier, do you know what's up with him?
Media:vo dyzlq002 6 dougier 08.ogg Dougier: Hmm, I'm also not too sure about that. As far as I recall, he's always been a little strange. I'll check up on him later.
Media:vo dyzlq002 6 dougier 09.ogg Dougier: After all, it's my responsibility as the leader to make sure that no one falls through the cracks.
Media:vo dyzlq002 6 wriothesley 11.ogg Wriothesley: We'll leave him to you, then. Hmm... Where were we before we got sidetracked?
Icon Dialogue Talk Something about useless distractions.
Icon Dialogue Talk Something about boxing gloves.
Media:vo dyzlq002 6 wriothesley 12.ogg Wriothesley: Oh, right, about that. You might have thought that I was joking, but in a place like that, everyone will use everything in their power to win.
Media:vo dyzlq002 6 wriothesley 13.ogg Wriothesley: And when emotions runs high, things often spiral out of control. That'd be when I'd need to pull out my gloves to maintain order.
Media:vo dyzlq002 6 wriothesley 14.ogg Wriothesley: Sometimes, you might need more than just gloves as well... This pair of handcuffs has also come in handy quite a number of times.
Wriothesley goes for the handcuffs, only to hear a sound, as if something has fallen out...
Media:vo dyzlq002 6 wriothesley 15.ogg Wriothesley: ...Oops.
Media:vo dyzlq002 6 paimon 11.ogg Paimon: Oh, isn't that that awful gem? You're still carrying it with you?
Media:vo dyzlq002 6 wriothesley 16.ogg Wriothesley: Yeah, I kept it on me because of its special qualities. It won't affect me as long as I don't let it come into contact with my skin.
Media:vo dyzlq002 6 dougier 10.ogg Dougier: Go on, you guys, pick up the item for His Grace, would you?
Media:vo dyzlq002 6 aucelet 01.ogg Aucelet: Y—Yes, right away.
Media:vo dyzlq002 6 dougier 11.ogg Dougier: That gem shines with quite the dazzling light. I hope it hasn't been damaged. Your Grace, please let me know if there's something wrong with it now.
Media:vo dyzlq002 6 wriothesley 17.ogg Wriothesley: Hmm, it still looks good to me. Say, Dougier, have you ever seen a gem like this?
Media:vo dyzlq002 6 dougier 12.ogg Dougier: Never, Your Grace. Don't think I've ever been rich enough to afford this kind of thing.
Media:vo dyzlq002 6 wriothesley 18.ogg Wriothesley: Hahaha, I guess that's fair.
Media:vo dyzlq002 6 wriothesley 19.ogg Wriothesley: We've already gone over most of the things that I wanted to talk about, so let's wrap up for the day. The Traveler also has some other plans, after all.
Media:vo dyzlq002 6 paimon 12.ogg Paimon: Uh...
Media:vo dyzlq002 6 dougier 13.ogg Dougier: Got it, Your Grace. Take care, everyone. I'll take you to the exit.
Media:vo dyzlq002 6 dougier 14.ogg Dougier: Traveler, Paimon, it was an honor. I'm sure everyone would love it if you were to visit again. That goes for you as well, Your Grace — we wish you all the best in endeavors.
Media:vo dyzlq002 6 wriothesley 20.ogg Wriothesley: Mm, and same to you.
You and Wriothesley leave the Beret Society's gathering place in some confusion.
Media:vo dyzlq002 6 paimon 13.ogg Paimon: Uhh, Paimon doesn't think we made any plans for the rest of the day... Why did you lie to him?
Media:vo dyzlq002 6 wriothesley 21.ogg Wriothesley: Well, what's your opinion of the Society now that you've taken a look around their headquarters?
Media:vo dyzlq002 6 paimon 14.ogg Paimon: Uhh, Paimon thinks it's pretty chill. Weren't you complimenting them the entire time as well?
Media:vo dyzlq002 6 paimon 15.ogg Paimon: Paimon doesn't remember exactly what you said, but wasn't it something along the lines of encouraging people to embrace their new lives with optimism?
Media:vo dyzlq002 6 paimon 16.ogg Paimon: There's only one potential problem. If the Society does too good of a job managing and rehabilitating its members, you may be soon out of a job...
Media:vo dyzlq002 6 wriothesley 22.ogg Wriothesley: Haha, that is certainly a possibility.
Media:vo dyzlq002 6 wriothesley 23.ogg Wriothesley: But at this point in time, they are still reducing my workload by managing and rehabilitating prisoners in my stead.
Media:vo dyzlq002 6 wriothesley 24.ogg Wriothesley: I wanted to see just how much they've managed to accomplish, and also get a sense of Dougier's plans for the future.
Media:vo dyzlq002 6 wriothesley 25.ogg Wriothesley: I arranged for a meeting out of curiosity, but then... I noticed some faint hints of dissonance.
Media:vo dyzlq002 6 paimon 17.ogg Paimon: Dissonance?
Media:vo dyzlq002 6 wriothesley 26.ogg Wriothesley: I'm sure (TravelerTraveler) has sensed it, too.
Icon Dialogue Talk It's a bit hard to put it into words...
Icon Dialogue Talk But there's something off about that place.
Media:vo dyzlq002 6 wriothesley 27.ogg Wriothesley: As expected, you also picked up on it.
Media:vo dyzlq002 6 wriothesley 28.ogg Wriothesley: The whole truth is a bit complicated, so I'll explain everything to you later. I can tell you right now, though, that this was an unexpected turn of events...
Media:vo dyzlq002 6 wriothesley 29.ogg Wriothesley: I had hoped to take care of it in secret, but now, a confrontation may no longer be avoidable. It's hard to predict what might happen next.
Media:vo dyzlq002 6 paimon 18.ogg Paimon: Ehh? You've completely lost Paimon...
Media:vo dyzlq002 6 wriothesley 30.ogg Wriothesley: Why don't you take this opportunity to check back on the gathering place? Just tell them you left something of yours there by accident.
Media:vo dyzlq002 6 wriothesley 31.ogg Wriothesley: If my hypothesis is correct, Dougier should already have left...
Media:vo dyzlq002 6 wriothesley 32.ogg Wriothesley: And with his watchful eye removed, you may well get a very different reception from the members.
Media:vo dyzlq002 6 paimon 19.ogg Paimon: Uhh... Can't you just tell us exactly what to expect?
Media:vo dyzlq002 6 wriothesley 33.ogg Wriothesley: I'm just following the most popular playbook in Fontaine. Investigate, obtain evidence, and then use the truth to render judgment...
Media:vo dyzlq002 6 wriothesley 34.ogg Wriothesley: It's been so long since I got to watch a performance at Opera Epiclese that I've even begun to miss it.
Icon Dialogue Talk I'll trust you for now.
Icon Dialogue Talk I'll take this as another one of your jokes.
Media:vo dyzlq002 6 wriothesley 35.ogg Wriothesley: I'll explain everything to you later. But right now, we need to seize this opportunity.
Media:vo dyzlq002 6 wriothesley 36.ogg Wriothesley: Find out what you can from them now, while they're all in one place. We might not get another chance like this anytime soon.
(Talk to Wriothesley again, optional)
Media:vo dialog dyzlq002 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Then... what are you gonna do?
Media:vo dialog dyzlq002 wriothesley 02.ogg Wriothesley: Good question, what should I do... Hmm, maybe I'll drop by the Ring and sign myself up for a fight.
Media:vo dialog dyzlq002 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Wait, so you're really just gonna make us work while you slack off!?
(Return to the Beret Society's gathering place)
Media:vo dyzlq002 7 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Huh, it's just as Wriothesley said... Seems like Dougier's no longer here.
Media:vo dyzlq002 7 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: You said you felt there was something off about this place, right? So let's see if we can feel something out.
Media:vo dyzlq002 7 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Paimon will do her best to help!
Icon Dialogue Talk Uhh... I also don't know where to start.
Icon Dialogue Talk Let's see if we can strike up a conversation.
Media:vo dyzlq002 7 boulmier 01.ogg Boulmier: Wait, you guys are...
Media:vo dyzlq002 7 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: We're really sorry, we just realized that we'd lost something, and we figured we might have left it here by accident! We'll be on our way as soon as we find it.
Media:vo dyzlq002 7 boulmier 02.ogg Boulmier: O—Okay...
Icon Dialogue Talk Did anyone see a glass bottle by any chance?
Media:vo dyzlq002 7 boulmier 03.ogg Boulmier: ...
Media:vo dyzlq002 7 aucelet 01.ogg Aucelet: ...
Media:vo dyzlq002 7 rigas 01.ogg Rigas: ...
Media:vo dyzlq002 7 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Nobody?
Icon Dialogue Talk It was about the size of my hand.
Icon Dialogue Talk I was using it to store some spice powder.
Media:vo dyzlq002 7 aucelet 02.ogg Aucelet: ...
Media:vo dyzlq002 7 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: It's okay, there's no need to be nervous! It's not like we lost a whole bag of Mora or anything.
Media:vo dyzlq002 7 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: We'll just look for it ourselves if none of you caught a glimpse of it. We're not gonna tell Wriothesley anything, don't worry.
Media:vo dyzlq002 7 rigas 02.ogg Rigas: I—I'll go find Mr. Dougier...
Media:vo dyzlq002 7 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: No need! We're just looking for something. Why does he have to know?
Media:vo dyzlq002 7 rigas 03.ogg Rigas: ...
Icon Dialogue Talk (This is incredibly suspicious.)
Icon Dialogue Talk (Feels like they're all... terrified of something.)
Media:vo dyzlq002 7 paimon 09.ogg Paimon: We can look around for it, yeah?
Media:vo dyzlq002 7 boulmier 04.ogg Boulmier: Uh...
(Talk to Boulmier)
Media:vo dialog dyzlq002 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Are you still organizing the bookshelves?
Media:vo dialog dyzlq002 boulmier 02.ogg Boulmier: Yeah, and, I'm sorry, but... you can't check out the books right now.
Media:vo dialog dyzlq002 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: We weren't thinking about that to begin with! But weren't you super friendly just a moment ago?
Media:vo dialog dyzlq002 boulmier 03.ogg Boulmier: S—Sorry...
(Talk to Boulmier again, optional)
Media:vo dialog dyzlq002 boulmier 04.ogg Boulmier: S—Sorry...
(Examine Books, optional)
Media:vo dialog dyzlq002 boulmier 05.ogg Boulmier: You really can't check them out... Please understand...
(Talk to Aucelet)
Media:vo dialog dyzlq002 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Hey, hello? Anyone home?
Media:vo dialog dyzlq002 aucelet 02.ogg Aucelet: Hello... How can I help you?
Icon Dialogue Talk Can you give us that run-down again?
Media:vo dialog dyzlq002 aucelet 03.ogg Aucelet: The Beret Society offers a variety of resources and benefits to its members, and... Uh... I mean, you've already heard my spiel. I don't know anything beyond what I've already told you.
Media:vo dialog dyzlq002 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: You don't know anything?
Media:vo dialog dyzlq002 aucelet 04.ogg Aucelet: Ah, sorry, that's not what I meant... It's just... There's nothing more I can tell you.
(Talk to Aucelet again, optional)
Media:vo dialog dyzlq002 aucelet 05.ogg Aucelet: Please... Please just leave me alone...
(Talk to Rigas)
Media:vo dialog dyzlq002 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: Heeeey, big guy!
Media:vo dialog dyzlq002 rigas 02.ogg Rigas: Wh—What do you want...
Media:vo dialog dyzlq002 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: Isn't this how you greeted us earlier? Take a deep breath, and let it all out...
Media:vo dialog dyzlq002 rigas 03.ogg Rigas: Oh, yeah, that's right, you sure are a fast learner...
Icon Dialogue Talk Where did your optimism go?
Media:vo dialog dyzlq002 rigas 04.ogg Rigas: Uh, I ate something earlier, so I'm falling into a bit of a food coma, and uh... I mean, not everyone can be super upbeat all the time, right?
Media:vo dialog dyzlq002 rigas 05.ogg Rigas: You're looking for something, you said? I didn't see it, but it should be somewhere nearby...
(Talk to Rigas again, optional)
Media:vo dialog dyzlq002 rigas 06.ogg Rigas: I didn't see it... Why don't you try to look for it somewhere else?
(After talking to Boulmier)
Media:vo dyzlq002 8 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Okay, Paimon sees what you meant now...
Media:vo dyzlq002 8 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Seems like they really don't want to talk to us, so let's just head back...
(Return to Wriothesley)
Media:vo dyzlq002 9 wriothesley 01.ogg Wriothesley: Oh, you're back. How were things at their headquarters?
Media:vo dyzlq002 9 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: It was as if they had all turned into completely different people...
Icon Dialogue Talk They all clammed up.
Icon Dialogue Talk They were all acting super scared.
Media:vo dyzlq002 9 wriothesley 02.ogg Wriothesley: Hmm, that would prove my suspicions.
Media:vo dyzlq002 9 wriothesley 03.ogg Wriothesley: The "dissonance" I mentioned earlier was precisely that fleeting moment of fear behind the cheerful facade.
Icon Dialogue Talk Like that one guy we found hiding in the box.
Media:vo dyzlq002 9 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Right, he was acting super scared too when we saw him at the gathering place!
Media:vo dyzlq002 9 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Hmm... Actually, hasn't he just been acting super paranoid since we first met?
Media:vo dyzlq002 9 wriothesley 04.ogg Wriothesley: And that is precisely why I took his hat.
Media:vo dyzlq002 9 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Oh, so the one who started it all was...
Media:vo dyzlq002 9 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: It was you all along!
Media:vo dyzlq002 9 wriothesley 05.ogg Wriothesley: It's because I wanted to figure out what's really going on.
Media:vo dyzlq002 9 wriothesley 06.ogg Wriothesley: I don't believe any of Dougier's talk about unstable mental states.
Icon Dialogue Talk How long have you been investigating this?
Media:vo dyzlq002 9 wriothesley 07.ogg Wriothesley: Not too long. Dougier made very elaborate preparations for my visit, but I don't know... it almost feels like the performance was too elaborate.
Media:vo dyzlq002 9 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: Okay, but if you think something's wrong, why don't you just take the whole Society into custody?
Media:vo dyzlq002 9 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: Aren't you the Duke? You can do whatever you want in this place.
Media:vo dyzlq002 9 wriothesley 08.ogg Wriothesley: Haha, maybe you're actually a better fit for the position than I am. Just give me the word, and I'll hand you the cuffs.
Media:vo dyzlq002 9 wriothesley 09.ogg Wriothesley: In all seriousness, however, cuffs and the like should be used sparingly. They're mostly for show.
Media:vo dyzlq002 9 wriothesley 10.ogg Wriothesley: Everything I do is on display. The way people see me act determines the kind of world I can create down here.
Media:vo dyzlq002 9 wriothesley 11.ogg Wriothesley: And I've always striven to appear fair and reasonable to the people.
Media:vo dyzlq002 9 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: Uhh... That sounds a bit deep. Paimon's not sure she got all of it...
Icon Dialogue Talk The Duke's actions will set the tone.
Icon Dialogue Talk The Duke's values will be emulated by the people.
Media:vo dyzlq002 9 wriothesley 12.ogg Wriothesley: Yeah, you've hit the nail on the head. I have to lead by example if I want to maintain expectations of justice and order.
Media:vo dyzlq002 9 wriothesley 13.ogg Wriothesley: And that's why even though Dougier had already let a few things slip, I didn't want to turn on him without irrefutable evidence.
Media:vo dyzlq002 9 paimon 09.ogg Paimon: Alright. So you're saying, Dougier has figured out some way to control the members of his society...
Media:vo dyzlq002 9 paimon 10.ogg Paimon: And even though the members are acting all optimistic and motivated, it's all just a show.
Icon Dialogue Talk I doubt it's that simple.
Icon Dialogue Talk I feel like we're still missing something.
Media:vo dyzlq002 9 wriothesley 14.ogg Wriothesley: Indeed. He certainly seems to be using some coercive methods to turn his members into the most upbeat and motivated group of people you've ever seen. But that won't turn out well in the long run.
Media:vo dyzlq002 9 wriothesley 15.ogg Wriothesley: I have some faith, though, that some of the members understood the hint I gave during our visit.
Media:vo dyzlq002 9 wriothesley 16.ogg Wriothesley: The line has been set, and it's quite likely that a fish will bite.
Media:vo dyzlq002 9 paimon 11.ogg Paimon: ...Fish? Bite?
Media:vo dyzlq002 9 wriothesley 17.ogg Wriothesley: Let's give them some time. My guards will need it to finish their investigation, too.
Media:vo dyzlq002 9 wriothesley 18.ogg Wriothesley: You can find me in my office when the time comes.
Media:vo dyzlq002 9 paimon 12.ogg Paimon: Hey, don't just leave before you've explained everything to Paimon! Heeeey!
Icon Quest Step Step Description

With Wriothesley's subtle hints, you and Paimon quickly realize that something is off about the Beret Society. Wriothesley seems to have devised a plan to deal with this...
(After passing time)
Media:vo dyzlq002 10 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: It's finally evening... Wriothesley's probably wrapped up his investigation.
Media:vo dyzlq002 10 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Paimon has no idea what that guy's thinking... Let's just go find him and ask him what he's really up to.
(Meet with Wriothesley)
Media:vo dyzlq002 11 wriothesley 01.ogg Wriothesley: Oh, there you are. How was your luck with tonight's Welfare Meal lottery?
Media:vo dyzlq002 11 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Let's just get straight to the point! Has anything else happened with the Society?
Media:vo dyzlq002 11 wriothesley 02.ogg Wriothesley: Patience, Paimon. Even as the situation continues to brew, we still need to make sense of what we've learned so far, and go over any sticking points.
Media:vo dyzlq002 11 wriothesley 03.ogg Wriothesley: I'm actually still thinking about the first thing that came to my mind when I noticed something amiss. Namely:
Media:vo dyzlq002 11 wriothesley 04.ogg Wriothesley: Why didn't anyone come to me about it?
Media:vo dyzlq002 11 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Oh, that's a good point! Could whatever they're afraid of be so powerful that even you won't be able to do anything about it?
Media:vo dyzlq002 11 wriothesley 05.ogg Wriothesley: But even if such a thing existed, how could they be so sure without checking with me first?
Media:vo dyzlq002 11 wriothesley 06.ogg Wriothesley: It'd be one thing if it was just one or two people, but it seems like everyone's convinced that I won't be able to help.
Media:vo dyzlq002 11 wriothesley 07.ogg Wriothesley: Which leads me to believe that it's more likely that they think I just wouldn't care to help them.
Icon Dialogue Talk Because you instigated Dougier in the first place?
Icon Dialogue Talk Because you've been working with Dougier all along?
Media:vo dyzlq002 11 wriothesley 08.ogg Wriothesley: Yes, something like that. Dougier must have told them something to make them think I won't take their side.
Media:vo dyzlq002 11 wriothesley 09.ogg Wriothesley: So it became imperative for me to refute that, and prove my true stance.
Media:vo dyzlq002 11 wriothesley 10.ogg Wriothesley: Of course, I had originally planned to do this in a more covert way, but I had to improvise when you identified the guy who'd lost his hat with everyone present.
Media:vo dyzlq002 11 wriothesley 11.ogg Wriothesley: There was no way to keep our investigation a secret after that.
Media:vo dyzlq002 11 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: That makes sense... Wait, then does that mean it was all Paimon's fault?
Icon Dialogue Talk Now that you mention it...
Media:vo dyzlq002 11 wriothesley 12.ogg Wriothesley: The last thing that guy wanted was for Dougier to find out that he'd lost it. He would've never brought the matter up on his own.
Media:vo dyzlq002 11 wriothesley 13.ogg Wriothesley: But now, not only has Dougier found out that he'd lost his hat, he's also realized that we were the ones who found it...
Media:vo dyzlq002 11 wriothesley 14.ogg Wriothesley: That likely set his internal alarms off all at once.
Icon Dialogue Talk The hats must be hiding something...
Media:vo dyzlq002 11 wriothesley 15.ogg Wriothesley: Yes, that's the conclusion I came to as well. It's the only thing that could explain the fear.
Media:vo dyzlq002 11 wriothesley 16.ogg Wriothesley: If we didn't act right then and there, Dougier would probably come up with some other way to hide the truth, and we'd be back to square one.
Media:vo dyzlq002 11 wriothesley 17.ogg Wriothesley: So after giving the matter some thought, I tossed that black gem onto the ground.
Media:vo dyzlq002 11 wriothesley 18.ogg Wriothesley: I must say, I was pretty satisfied with the results.
Media:vo dyzlq002 11 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Ah, so you did that on purpose!?
Media:vo dyzlq002 11 wriothesley 19.ogg Wriothesley: Yes, that's right. Of course, that box was discovered as a part of our investigation of the Society from the very beginning.
Media:vo dyzlq002 11 wriothesley 20.ogg Wriothesley: I had no way to know if any of the members had actually seen the gem before, but since I had to do something, I decided to gamble.
Icon Dialogue Talk So that's the "hint" you were talking about earlier.
Media:vo dyzlq002 11 wriothesley 21.ogg Wriothesley: Right, and I said back there that I had no idea what the gem represented. That should've been enough to let people know that it's still early days for my investigation.
Media:vo dyzlq002 11 wriothesley 22.ogg Wriothesley: And since I was traveling with you, heroes who have never turned a blind eye to evil and injustice...
Media:vo dyzlq002 11 wriothesley 23.ogg Wriothesley: They would also understand that we're here to help, rather than to tolerate or uphold the status quo.
Media:vo dyzlq002 11 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: You used us as a part of your plan, too!
Icon Dialogue Talk So that's why you wanted us to come along.
Media:vo dyzlq002 11 wriothesley 24.ogg Wriothesley: My apologies. There was no time and quite a lot to explain, so I figured it might be easier to just let you see a few things for yourselves.
Media:vo dyzlq002 11 wriothesley 25.ogg Wriothesley: But I can assure you that I've now told you everything there is to know.
Media:vo dyzlq002 11 wriothesley 26.ogg Wriothesley: Of course, you're under no obligation, but I would really appreciate it if you could continue to lend me your support and help me figure out the true secret behind the Society.
Media:vo dyzlq002 11 wriothesley 27.ogg Wriothesley: Would you be willing to lend me your support?
Media:vo dyzlq002 11 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: Ugh, but Paimon's still mad at you...
Icon Dialogue Talk Sure, if all you need is some help planning.
Icon Dialogue Talk Sure, if I just need to fight them off.
Media:vo dyzlq002 11 wriothesley 28.ogg Wriothesley: You have my thanks.
Media:vo dyzlq002 11 wriothesley 29.ogg Wriothesley: Now, there are still two outstanding matters in our investigation. The first is the secret of the hats.
Media:vo dyzlq002 11 wriothesley 30.ogg Wriothesley: I've examined one before. There was nothing suspicious about the item itself.
Media:vo dyzlq002 11 wriothesley 31.ogg Wriothesley: The other is the true purpose of the black gem. We haven't been able to get anything out of anyone with actual knowledge of it.
Media:vo dyzlq002 11 wriothesley 32.ogg Wriothesley: It's my hope that a brave fish will take my bait, and venture outside of their dark and murky pool.
Media:vo dyzlq002 11 wriothesley 33.ogg Wriothesley: I'll put some music on while we wait.
You spend some time waiting in Wriothesley's office...
Media:vo dyzlq002 11 avice 01.ogg Avice: ...Excuse me, Your Grace, but may I come in? I'm afraid that someone's been following me.
Media:vo dyzlq002 11 wriothesley 34.ogg Wriothesley: Please do.
(Avice joins the group)
Media:vo dyzlq002 11 avice 02.ogg Avice: I apologize for my lack of composure. These two are the guests that came with you to our gathering place, correct?
Icon Dialogue Talk You know us?
Media:vo dyzlq002 11 avice 03.ogg Avice: Yes, my lover Faissolle told me all about you. Please help us, Your Grace, he's in great danger right now...
Media:vo dyzlq002 11 wriothesley 35.ogg Wriothesley: Slow down, take a deep breath, and start from the top. What happened at the Society?
Media:vo dyzlq002 11 avice 04.ogg Avice: I'm sorry, Your Grace, I will try... I think I should start from when you saw Faissolle last.
Media:vo dyzlq002 11 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: You mean, when we saw him at the gathering place?
Media:vo dyzlq002 11 avice 05.ogg Avice: Yes, he fled immediately, but many members are hot on his heels.
Media:vo dyzlq002 11 avice 06.ogg Avice: Thankfully, he still managed to meet up with me, and explain everything that had happened.
Media:vo dyzlq002 11 avice 07.ogg Avice: Now that he's lost Dougier's trust, what awaits him is agonizing "censure."
Media:vo dyzlq002 11 wriothesley 36.ogg Wriothesley: Censure?
Media:vo dyzlq002 11 avice 08.ogg Avice: Censure is Dougier's method of establishing control, as well as the thing we all fear the most.
Media:vo dyzlq002 11 avice 09.ogg Avice: Rather than listening to me explain what it is, Your Grace, please just let me show it to you...
Avice removes her hat and hairpin...
Media:vo dyzlq002 11 avice 10.ogg Avice: Every secret may be found within—
Media:vo dyzlq002 11 avice 11.ogg Avice: !?
Media:vo dyzlq002 11 dougier 01.ogg Dougier: Ah, here you are. I was wondering where you had run off to in such a hurry.
Media:vo dyzlq002 11 dougier 02.ogg Dougier: Please excuse us, Your Grace. It was never our intention to disturb you like this. You see, Avice's mental state has been rather unstable ever since she arrived at the Fortress...
Media:vo dyzlq002 11 dougier 03.ogg Dougier: She rambles often, and has hallucinations. It may be best to dismiss her babbling as random gibberish.
Media:vo dyzlq002 11 wriothesley 37.ogg Wriothesley: I don't recall hearing a knock, or giving permission for you to come in.
Media:vo dyzlq002 11 dougier 04.ogg Dougier: My apologies. I merely did not wish for Your Grace to be alarmed. Had I not been so focused on recovering her, I would have followed all the rules of etiquette to the letter. So, please forgive my discourtesy.
Media:vo dyzlq002 11 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: Hah, like we'd believe you!
Icon Dialogue Talk We know exactly what you're thinking.
Icon Dialogue Talk You've got some nerve, showing your face here.
Icon Dialogue Talk Indeed, like we'd believe you.
Media:vo dyzlq002 11 dougier 05.ogg Dougier: Please, there's no need to be upset. It's only natural to want to side with the poor, sick girl, but I know His Grace to be a reasonable man.
Media:vo dyzlq002 11 wriothesley 38.ogg Wriothesley: Well then, what if the reasonable man wants to hear the lunatic out?
Media:vo dyzlq002 11 dougier 06.ogg Dougier: That would be perfectly fine with me. Oh, and just so you know, we've also found the missing Mr. Faissolle. I have no idea why he was so upset about losing his hat, really.
Media:vo dyzlq002 11 dougier 07.ogg Dougier: Thankfully, he has already returned to his senses. We've brought him back to our place, so there's no need to worry.
Media:vo dyzlq002 11 avice 12.ogg Avice: ...!
Media:vo dyzlq002 11 avice 13.ogg Avice: I'm sorry, Your Grace... I don't have anything more to say.
Wriothesley takes out the black gem from before...
Media:vo dyzlq002 11 wriothesley 39.ogg Wriothesley: This is what you're afraid of, correct? You can tell me everything. I'll do all I can for you.
Media:vo dyzlq002 11 avice 14.ogg Avice: I... I...
Media:vo dyzlq002 11 avice 15.ogg Avice: I've never seen that thing in my life.
Icon Dialogue Talk You can do it, Avice.
Media:vo dyzlq002 11 avice 16.ogg Avice: ...
Media:vo dyzlq002 11 dougier 08.ogg Dougier: Your Grace, I don't think there's anything else she would like to say. Pressuring her will not get you anywhere.
Media:vo dyzlq002 11 wriothesley 40.ogg Wriothesley: ...
Media:vo dyzlq002 11 wriothesley 41.ogg Wriothesley: It's alright, Avice. As long as you tell me what it is that you're terrified of...
Media:vo dyzlq002 11 wriothesley 42.ogg Wriothesley: No matter what it is, it will no longer be able to hurt you. I swear this on my name and honor as the Duke.
Media:vo dyzlq002 11 dougier 09.ogg Dougier: Your Grace... *sigh* Forget it. I'll keep my mouth shut. I've already said everything I could say about the matter.
Media:vo dyzlq002 11 avice 17.ogg Avice: I'm sorry, Your Grace, but I really don't have anything more to say. Please... don't press me further.
Media:vo dyzlq002 11 paimon 09.ogg Paimon: But... why?
Media:vo dyzlq002 11 dougier 10.ogg Dougier: In that case, Avice and I will be off. Once again, please accept my apologies for disturbing your peaceful evening, Your Grace.
Media:vo dyzlq002 11 wriothesley 43.ogg Wriothesley: Miss Avice, please show me your head. That is an order.
Wriothesley proceeds to examine Avice's head, but does not find anything suspicious.
Media:vo dyzlq002 11 wriothesley 44.ogg Wriothesley: There's nothing there...
Media:vo dyzlq002 11 dougier 11.ogg Dougier: Your Grace, I know you have long tired of my words, but please believe me when I say you've merely let your worries get to your head.
Media:vo dyzlq002 11 dougier 12.ogg Dougier: The Society has never caused trouble for you or any of the guards at the Fortress. We've spent all of our time working hard and trying to lead better lives.
Media:vo dyzlq002 11 dougier 13.ogg Dougier: Why are you doing everything in your power to prove our "guilt"? What's wrong with the current state of affairs?
Media:vo dyzlq002 11 dougier 14.ogg Dougier: I'll do anything for you as long as you give me the word. Why are you so intent on getting rid of someone who's been unfalteringly loyal?
Media:vo dyzlq002 11 wriothesley 45.ogg Wriothesley: Your words bore me. You know the consequences if I find you to be lying.
Media:vo dyzlq002 11 dougier 15.ogg Dougier: Everything that I do, I do for the Fortress of Meropide. But Your Grace is welcome to visit us anytime to confirm the true intent of our activities.
Media:vo dyzlq002 11 dougier 16.ogg Dougier: Alright, Avice, let's head back.
The two leave...
Media:vo dyzlq002 12 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Argh, just what's up with that guy!? He makes Paimon really, really mad!
Media:vo dyzlq002 12 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: We should have shown him his place!
Media:vo dyzlq002 12 wriothesley 01.ogg Wriothesley: Sooner or later, all will pay the price for their arrogance.
Media:vo dyzlq002 12 wriothesley 02.ogg Wriothesley: He must have been well-prepared for this exact scenario, or he wouldn't have dared to be so openly hostile — all the more reason for us to be patient.
Media:vo dyzlq002 12 wriothesley 03.ogg Wriothesley: The entire Society are his hostages. His subordinates would definitely react if he were taken into custody.
Media:vo dyzlq002 12 wriothesley 04.ogg Wriothesley: And that's why he dared to bare his fangs right in front of me.
Icon Dialogue Talk One thing's for sure, we won't let him get away with this.
Icon Dialogue Talk So now, our biggest problem is...
Media:vo dyzlq002 12 wriothesley 05.ogg Wriothesley: The true secret of the Society is neither on the hat, nor on the members' heads.
Media:vo dyzlq002 12 wriothesley 06.ogg Wriothesley: Dougier probably knew this from the very beginning, which is why he didn't panic.
Media:vo dyzlq002 12 wriothesley 07.ogg Wriothesley: However, if we were to look at the rules, it would also seem like the head has to be the place where they're keeping all of their secrets.
Media:vo dyzlq002 12 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Yeah, none of this makes sense to Paimon, either... What are they trying to hide?

(The Traveler enters Contemplation)
(Interpret "'Beret Society' Beret")
Media:vo dyzlq002 12 hero 01.ogg Media:vo dyzlq002 12 heroine 01.ogg (TravelerTraveler): (The hats are definitely being used to hide a secret. But there's nothing wrong with the hats themselves...)
(Interpret "Avice's Head")
Media:vo dyzlq002 12 hero 02.ogg Media:vo dyzlq002 12 heroine 02.ogg (TravelerTraveler): (But if there's nothing on her head, why did Avice feel the need to remove her hat?)
(Interpret "Dougier's Attitude")
Media:vo dyzlq002 12 hero 03.ogg Media:vo dyzlq002 12 heroine 03.ogg (TravelerTraveler): (From the way Dougier acted, he must have known from the beginning that we wouldn't be able to find any evidence.)
(Associate "Avice's Head" and "'Beret Society' Beret" to unlock "Lost Hair Clip")
(Submit the wrong conclusion)
Media:vo dyzlq002 12 hero 04.ogg Media:vo dyzlq002 12 heroine 04.ogg (TravelerTraveler): (I need to think about this a bit more... Just what is Dougier trying to hide?)
(Submit the wrong association)
Media:vo dyzlq002 12 hero 05.ogg Media:vo dyzlq002 12 heroine 05.ogg (TravelerTraveler): (I can't seem to make a connection here.)
(Submit the correct conclusion: Lost Hair Clip)
(Continue to next section)

Media:vo dyzlq002 12 wriothesley 08.ogg Wriothesley: I have an idea, but...
Icon Dialogue Talk What a coincidence. So do I.
Media:vo dyzlq002 12 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Huh? What is it? Tell Paimon about it!
Icon Dialogue Talk Avice didn't take off her hat to draw attention to her head.
Icon Dialogue Talk She did so to remove her hair clip.
Media:vo dyzlq002 12 wriothesley 09.ogg Wriothesley: You mean... this thing?
Media:vo dyzlq002 12 wriothesley 10.ogg Wriothesley: So, she handed a key piece of evidence over to us without Dougier noticing.
Media:vo dyzlq002 12 wriothesley 11.ogg Wriothesley: That would mean that Avice didn't stay silent out of fear. She stayed silent because she'd already given us what we needed.
Media:vo dyzlq002 12 wriothesley 12.ogg Wriothesley: Let me take a look.
Wriothesley tinkers with the hair clip for a brief moment.
Media:vo dyzlq002 12 wriothesley 13.ogg Wriothesley: I managed to remove this from the hair clip. It's long, slender, and conical, it's hollow on the inside, and looks something like a cross between a nail and a thorn.
The Proud "Beret Society" Quest Picture 1
Media:vo dyzlq002 12 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Uh, Paimon's lost again...
Media:vo dyzlq002 12 wriothesley 14.ogg Wriothesley: Let's see... What if we do this?
Wriothesley suddenly pierces the black gem with the hollow cone with great force...
Media:vo dyzlq002 12 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: Hey, what are you doing... Wait, some kind of dark liquid is leaking out of the gem...
The Proud "Beret Society" Quest Picture 2
Media:vo dyzlq002 12 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: And... some of it has been absorbed by this thorny-looking thing...
Icon Dialogue Talk The gem is used as a container for a type of liquid.
Media:vo dyzlq002 12 wriothesley 15.ogg Wriothesley: You've probably heard before that water is filled with the strongest emotions of humanity.
Media:vo dyzlq002 12 wriothesley 16.ogg Wriothesley: With that in mind, this liquid is probably a highly concentrated solution of "fear."
Media:vo dyzlq002 12 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: Ooh, so that's why even touching it will make you remember unpleasant things!
Icon Dialogue Talk So, with this infused thorn...
Media:vo dyzlq002 12 wriothesley 17.ogg Wriothesley: Dougier would be able to "censure" others. I can only imagine how it would feel to have this directly injected into your brain...
Media:vo dyzlq002 12 wriothesley 18.ogg Wriothesley: The moment it hits you... would be like being flooded with all the terrors you've ever experienced in your life.
Media:vo dyzlq002 12 wriothesley 19.ogg Wriothesley: Agony, desolation, and an overwhelming sense of despair... No wonder they're all so terrified of it.
Media:vo dyzlq002 12 paimon 09.ogg Paimon: So... was the hat meant to cover up their wounds?
Media:vo dyzlq002 12 wriothesley 20.ogg Wriothesley: That might not even be all. Let's go get them right away.
Media:vo dyzlq002 12 wriothesley 21.ogg Wriothesley: We can't let Dougier escape with all of the evidence.


No.Soundtrack NameAlbumPlayed In
25The Oratrice's VerdictFountain of BelleauThe City of Rains and Remembrance, Lies Cast Shadows Under Gathered Lights, When All Return to the Waters, Ever-Surging Memories, The Proud "Beret Society"

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishThe Proud "Beret Society"
"Saibou no Kai" wo Hokore
Korean자랑스러운 「챙모자회」
Jarangseureoun "Chaengmojahoe"
SpanishEl orgullo de Los Gorras PlanasThe Pride of the Flat Caps
FrenchLa fière Société des béretsThe Proud Beret Society
RussianГордость общества «Берет»
Gordost' obshchestva "Beret"
Thai"สมาคมเบเร่ต์" อันภาคภูมิ
Vietnamese"Hội Mũ Nồi" Đáng Tự Hào
GermanZum Stolze der BarettgesellschaftFor the Pride of the Beret Society
Indonesian"Komunitas Beret" yang MembanggakanThe Proud "Beret Community"
PortugueseA Orgulhosa "Sociedade da Boina"
TurkishGururlu "Bere Cemiyeti"
ItalianLa sprezzante "Società dei berretti"The Contemptuous "Beret Society"

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