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The Proscribed, Hidden in Plain Sight is the third part in the Teyvat storyline Archon Quest Chapter IV: Act III - To the Stars Shining in the Depths.


  1. Decide the morning schedule
  2. Go to the production zone to talk to Grainville
  3. Process widget
  4. Take the widget
  5. Give the products to Grainville

The subsequent steps depend on the dialogue options chosen, but generally follow the sequence in the Stage Objective.

  1. Walk around and look for clues
    • Talk to Lynette, Fitzroy, and Deakin
    • Talk to Sigewinne, Rowan, and investigate the notebook
      • Only available after receiving the strange meat
Pankration Ring
  1. Head to the Pankration Ring
  2. Complete the Pankration Ring Challenge
    • Hit the targets in the order in which they appear once the targeting light turns blue
  3. Talk to Collins
Pankration Match
  1. Walk around and look for clues
    • Talk to Promoter and Collins, and investigate the Pankration Ring, then eat at the Coupon Cafeteria

Gameplay Notes[]

Stage Objective[]

  • Complete the following objectives during your time in the Fortress of Meropide to advance the story
    1. Choose to go to the production zone in the morning and gather information
    2. While working the morning shift, apply for continuous working shifts with Grainville.
    3. Find an opportunity to look around and collect clues regarding the "strange meat." (0/3)
    4. Choose to go to the Pankration Ring in the afternoon and gather information
    5. Go to the Pankration Ring after earning 3,000 Credit Coupons (0/3000)
    6. Try to move about freely and gather clues regarding the Strange Blood-Colored Liquid (0/3)


UI Quest Quest Description

Although you met a familiar face, you have obtained no leads on Childe so far. Did you miss something that's hidden in plain sight?
(Continue from the previous quest)
Media:vo fdaq103 1 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: *stretching* Are you awake, (TravelerTraveler)?
Media:vo fdaq103 1 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Hmm? What's wrong? You seem to have something on your mind... Did you dream about something last night?
Icon Dialogue Talk I dreamed of Childe...
Icon Dialogue Talk Rather, in the dream, I was Childe...
Media:vo fdaq103 1 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Is that even possible? Unless... It wasn't an ordinary dream?
Media:vo fdaq103 1 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Ah.... Childe's Vision! So you had it with you this whole time...
Media:vo fdaq103 1 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Maybe the Vision connected Childe's consciousness to yours?
Icon Dialogue Talk Maybe I can use his Vision...
Icon Dialogue Talk To see everything he experienced from his perspective.
Media:vo fdaq103 1 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: And our investigation has its first major breakthrough! Good thing you brought the Vision with you here.
Media:vo fdaq103 1 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: So what did you see in the dream? Do you know where Childe went?
Icon Dialogue Talk The dream was a little hazy...
Icon Dialogue Talk And I didn't see anything particularly useful.
Media:vo fdaq103 1 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: Huh, okay... Well, hopefully it'll be a bit more helpful in the future.
Media:vo fdaq103 1 paimon 09.ogg Paimon: What's more important now is that it's the start of another new day as prisoners. Let's do our best to earn more Credit Coupons!
Media:vo fdaq103 1 paimon 10.ogg Paimon: What's the plan for today?
Icon Dialogue Talk Let's go work in the production zone.
Icon Dialogue Talk Let's spend some coupons to skip work.
Media:vo fdaq103 1 paimon 11b 1.ogg Paimon: Huh? You want to spend our coupons on slacking off already? We'd better go to work and earn some more coupons first. We'll have more room to relax once we've got some spare coupons to fall back on!
Media:vo fdaq103 1 paimon 12.ogg Paimon: Let's go, it's time to start working. If that guard Fielding catches us skulking about, he's sure to give us an earful.
You arrive at the Production Zone...
Media:vo fdaq103 3 grainville 01.ogg Grainville: Look who decided to show up! Get your butts in gear and get to work, time's a-wasting!
Icon Dialogue Talk Already on it!
Media:vo fdaq103 3 grainville 02a 1.ogg Grainville: Good, here you go! Remember to give me the widget once you're finished processing it.
Icon Dialogue Talk Could you explain the job to me again?
Media:vo fdaq103 3 grainville 02b 1.ogg Grainville: Your job is to use the machine over there to process these widgets.
Media:vo fdaq103 3 grainville 02b 2.ogg Grainville: You step on the pedal when the timing is right. If the machine gets jammed, give it a good whack or two and it'll fix it right up. You got it?
(Obtain Unprocessed Widget Unprocessed Widget ×1 and Clue Book (Fortress of Meropide) Clue Book (Fortress of Meropide))
(Talk to Grainville again, optional)
Media:vo dialog fdaq103 grainville 03.ogg Grainville: Why aren't you louts working? And don't go walking around with the widgets!
(Process the widget)
Media:vo fdaq103 3 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Alright, finished!
(Talk to Grainville)
Media:vo fdaq103 9 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Paimon's beat... but after so many shifts, it seems we're really getting the hang of it now.
Icon Dialogue Talk It does seem to be getting easier.
Icon Dialogue Talk All you do is float around telling me what to do.
Media:vo fdaq103 9 rowan 01.ogg Rowan: Hey there, fellow shift-mates! I saw you just finished your work so I thought I'd come over and say hi.
Media:vo fdaq103 9 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Oh, hey there! We've seen you before, your assigned workspace is really close, isn't it?
Media:vo fdaq103 9 rowan 02.ogg Rowan: Haha, that's right. The name's Rowan. These past few days I couldn't help but notice the new faces working nearby, I guess we were destined to meet.
Media:vo fdaq103 9 rowan 03.ogg Rowan: I've been working here for almost 15 years. Even the foreman, Grainville, always calls me "Chief."
Media:vo fdaq103 9 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Whoa, you've been working here a long time, Chief!
Icon Dialogue Talk Hey, Chief.
Icon Dialogue Talk In other words, you haven't managed any improvement in 15 years.
Media:vo fdaq103 9 paimon 04b 1.ogg Paimon: Hey! Not so loud...
Media:vo fdaq103 9 rowan 04.ogg Rowan: Hahaha... If there's anything you'd like to know, just ask me. I know the work here in the production zone better than the back of my hand.
Media:vo fdaq103 9 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Alright, Chief! We'll be sure to come to you first!
Icon Dialogue Talk I think I've got the work more or less down pat...
Icon Dialogue Talk We just haven't quite learned all the "rules."
Media:vo fdaq103 9 rowan 05.ogg Rowan: ...
Media:vo fdaq103 9 rowan 06.ogg Rowan: Did you just ask about... the "rules"?
Media:vo fdaq103 9 rowan 07.ogg Rowan: Heh, pretty sharp for newcomers. You've already heard about the "rules," huh? ...Who'd you hear it from?
Icon Dialogue Talk I don't think you need to know that.
Icon Dialogue Talk The "hidden rules"... That's what they're called, right?
Media:vo fdaq103 9 rowan 08.ogg Rowan: Hmm... Alright, seeing as I'm the one who came over here and you're already callin' me "Chief," I guess I can tell you a little.
Media:vo fdaq103 9 rowan 09.ogg Rowan: Truth is, you two keep workin' like this, you might be puttin' yourselves in danger.
Media:vo fdaq103 9 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: Huh? Wait, there's even a rule about that? What would've happened if you never told us about this...?
Media:vo fdaq103 9 rowan 10.ogg Rowan: Well, it's usually not that easy to break one on accident... The conditions of the "hidden rules" are usually pretty specific, but once you do break one, bad things happen.
Icon Dialogue Talk So the conditions in this case are...?
Media:vo fdaq103 9 rowan 11.ogg Rowan: If you work continuously in the production zone for three days, and if all you do besides eating and sleeping is just work...
Media:vo fdaq103 9 rowan 12.ogg Rowan: Then something bad will happen during lunch on the third day.
Media:vo fdaq103 9 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: Huh! Like what!? Oooh, don't scare Paimon!
Media:vo fdaq103 9 rowan 13.ogg Rowan: Heh, if I knew that, then I wouldn't be standing here talking to you, now would I?
Media:vo fdaq103 9 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: You mean, even you have never tried working three days like that before?
Media:vo fdaq103 9 rowan 14.ogg Rowan: There's actually a legend about this rule...
Media:vo fdaq103 9 rowan 15.ogg Rowan: They say that there was a worker who worked way harder than me. He was both efficient and eager on the job, and most other workers couldn't hold a candle to him.
Media:vo fdaq103 9 rowan 16.ogg Rowan: One time, he tried to test his limits and worked as long as he could. Then, during lunch on the third day...
Media:vo fdaq103 9 rowan 17.ogg Rowan: He disappeared into thin air, as if he'd evaporated. Later, some people went and asked some of his past friends about him, but they said... "Never heard of the guy."
Media:vo fdaq103 9 paimon 09.ogg Paimon: What the...!? How could that happen?
Icon Dialogue Talk What did that worker look like?
Icon Dialogue Talk Did you ever see him?
Media:vo fdaq103 9 rowan 18.ogg Rowan: Unfortunately, we were assigned different production zones. I never saw for myself what he looked like.
Media:vo fdaq103 9 paimon 10.ogg Paimon: Wait, are you thinking that it was...
Icon Dialogue Talk Thank you very much for the information.
Icon Dialogue Talk We'll give it a try...
Media:vo fdaq103 9 paimon 11.ogg Paimon: Huh!?
Media:vo fdaq103 9 rowan 19.ogg Rowan: Oh?
Media:vo fdaq103 9 rowan 20.ogg Rowan: You... *sigh* Listen, kid, this ain't the kind of thing you should be curious about. Let me tell you, you're better off forgetting about it and looking after yourself. Now I kinda regret ever telling you...
Media:vo fdaq103 9 paimon 12.ogg Paimon: Yeah, I agree with Chief here... Do you really want to try?
Icon Dialogue Talk It sounds like a good lead to me.
Icon Dialogue Talk Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
Media:vo fdaq103 9 paimon 13.ogg Paimon: Oh, alright... If you insist...
(Obtain Credit Coupons (For Use During Investigation) Credit Coupons (For Use During Investigation) ×400)
(Continue to Coupon Cafeteria)

Coupon Cafeteria[]

You finish your morning work and arrive at the Coupon Cafeteria...
(Welfare meals will be served at random)
(If Paimon receives the super lucky meal)
Media:vo fdaq103 4 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Whoa! Isn't this the super lucky meal!? Looks like hard work really does get rewarded!
Media:vo fdaq103 4 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Paimon's going to take her time and savor every bite!
(If Paimon receives the regular meal)
Media:vo fdaq103 4 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Oh... Just a regular meal set. Guess Paimon shouldn't get her hopes up...
(If Paimon receives the disgusting meal)
Media:vo fdaq103 4 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Wh—What is this garbage!? Ugh, it looks disgusting... Aw, Paimon misses your cooking now, (TravelerTraveler)
Media:vo fdaq103 4 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: What would you like to do this afternoon?
(Certain options may or may not be available based on quest progress)
Icon Dialogue Talk Let's go work in the production zone.
(Prior to receiving the strange meat)
(One of the following three lines is randomly chosen)
Media:vo fdaq103 2 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Let's go! Credit Coupons, here we come!
Media:vo fdaq103 2 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: Right, we just need to keep at it...
Media:vo fdaq103 2 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: But Paimon really hopes the foreman will be in a better mood today...
(After receiving the strange meat)
Media:vo fdaq103 3 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: After working here so long, we're really starting to get the hang of it.
Media:vo fdaq103 3 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: But doing the same thing all the time can get old pretty quickly. How are you holding up, (TravelerTraveler)?
Icon Dialogue Talk Let's see if there's any really easy work...
Media:vo fdaq103 3 paimon 08b 1.ogg Paimon: Yeah, it's good to kick back and relax once in a while.
(Continue to Production Zone)
Icon Dialogue Talk Let's go to the Pankration Ring.
(Prior to receiving the strange liquid)
(One of the following three lines is randomly chosen)
Media:vo fdaq103 4 paimon 06a 1.ogg Paimon: Sure! If we're not gonna go to work, then let's kill some time at the Pankration Ring.
Media:vo fdaq103 4 paimon 06a 2.ogg Paimon: Maybe we'll be able to find some leads there.
Media:vo fdaq103 4 paimon 06a 3.ogg Paimon: Knowing Childe, he must've been there all the time...
(Continue to Pankration Ring)
(After receiving the strange liquid)
Media:vo fdaq103 4 paimon 11.ogg Paimon: Seems you're really getting the hang of things at the Pankration Ring now.
Media:vo fdaq103 4 paimon 12.ogg Paimon: But just playing the same game over and over... it's getting kinda tiring.
Icon Dialogue Talk Maybe there's another way...
Media:vo fdaq103 4 paimon 14.ogg Paimon: Yeah, why don't we have Collins lower the difficulty a little? You know, so we can just breeze through each level!
After persuading Collins to lower the difficulty, you easily clear the challenge.
(Continue to End)
Icon Dialogue Talk Time to go to the Pankration Ring (-3,000 Credit Coupons) (after hearing about the pankration match and owning 3,000 Credit Coupons)
(One of the following three lines is randomly chosen)
Media:vo fdaq103 4 paimon 06a 1.ogg Paimon: Sure! If we're not gonna go to work, then let's kill some time at the Pankration Ring.
Media:vo fdaq103 4 paimon 06a 2.ogg Paimon: Maybe we'll be able to find some leads there.
Media:vo fdaq103 4 paimon 06a 3.ogg Paimon: Knowing Childe, he must've been there all the time...
(Continue to Pankration Match)
Icon Dialogue Talk Let's go investigate.
(One of the following three lines is randomly chosen)
Media:vo fdaq103 7 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: Since we have time now, let's focus on investigating some more.
Media:vo fdaq103 7 paimon 09.ogg Paimon: Okay! Let's see if we can find any new leads.
Media:vo fdaq103 7 paimon 10.ogg Paimon: Yeah, Paimon felt like some of the people here were a little strange the moment she saw them...
(Continue to Investigation)
Icon Dialogue Talk Investigate the clues we discovered.
(One of the following three lines is randomly chosen)
Media:vo fdaq103 7 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: Since we have time now, let's focus on investigating some more.
Media:vo fdaq103 7 paimon 09.ogg Paimon: Okay! Let's see if we can find any new leads.
Media:vo fdaq103 7 paimon 10.ogg Paimon: Yeah, Paimon felt like some of the people here were a little strange the moment she saw them...
(Continue to Investigation)
(If there are no clues to be found)
(TravelerTraveler): (I don't think there are any more clues to be found here. Perhaps we should check the Production Zone or the Pankration Ring out...)
(Return to option selection)

Production Zone[]

You arrive at the Production Zone...
(If chosen on the first afternoon)
Media:vo fdaq103 3 grainville 01.ogg Grainville: Look who decided to show up! Get your butts in gear and get to work, time's a-wasting!
Icon Dialogue Talk Already on it!
Media:vo fdaq103 3 grainville 02a 1.ogg Grainville: Good, here you go! Remember to give me the widget once you're finished processing it.
Icon Dialogue Talk Could you explain the job to me again?
Media:vo fdaq103 3 grainville 02b 1.ogg Grainville: Your job is to use the machine over there to process these widgets.
Media:vo fdaq103 3 grainville 02b 2.ogg Grainville: You step on the pedal when the timing is right. If the machine gets jammed, give it a good whack or two and it'll fix it right up. You got it?
(Process the widget)
Media:vo fdaq103 3 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Alright, finished!
(Talk to Grainville)
Media:vo fdaq103 3 grainville 04.ogg Grainville: Let me have a look... Hmm, not bad. Right, here's your Credit Coupons.
(Obtain Credit Coupons (For Use During Investigation) Credit Coupons (For Use During Investigation) ×400)
You finish your afternoon work and return to the dormitories...
(Continue to Dormitories)
(The first time production is chosen on a morning shift)
In order to investigate the reports about the "hidden rules," you decide to apply for working for three consecutive days to Grainville...
Media:vo fdaq103 3 grainville 01.ogg Grainville: Look who decided to show up! Get your butts in gear and get to work, time's a-wasting!
Icon Dialogue Talk If possible...
Icon Dialogue Talk I'd like to apply for three continuous working days.
Media:vo fdaq103 3 grainville 05.ogg Grainville: Oh? What's with suddenly wanting to work so hard? You need coupons that badly?
Media:vo fdaq103 3 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: S—Sure? Let's just say we really want to test our limits.
To investigate the "hidden rules," you and Paimon start working despite the lack of clarity...
You easily complete the first day of work...
Media:vo fdaq103 3 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Nice, we did well today! Let's keep it up!
You strive to complete the second day of work...
Media:vo fdaq103 3 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Whew, Paimon's had it... Who knew that processing these widgets would be so tiring?
You are completely exhausted as you finish the third day of work...
Media:vo fdaq103 3 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: That's it... Paimon doesn't even have the energy to talk anymore... Is it time to eat yet?
Icon Dialogue Talk C'mon. Lunchtime for Paimon.
(Obtain Credit Coupons (For Use During Investigation) Credit Coupons (For Use During Investigation) ×1,500)
(Continue to Strange Meat)
(After Strange Meat has been obtained)
You apply with Grainville to do some of the simpler processing tasks, and get some Credit Coupons without breaking a sweat.
(Obtain Credit Coupons (For Use During Investigation) Credit Coupons (For Use During Investigation) ×400)
(Continue to Coupon Cafeteria)

Pankration Ring[]

(If first time choosing the Pankration Ring)
(Talk to Collins)
Media:vo fdaq103 5 collins 11.ogg Collins: Oh? You must be (TravelerTraveler), huh? Sorry, mate, but competitors as strong as you are prohibited from participating. I don't make the rules, mind you, but I was given very specific instructions...
Media:vo fdaq103 5 collins 12.ogg Collins: Even convicts value their lives, don't they? I hope you can understand, haha...
Media:vo fdaq103 5 collins 13.ogg Collins: But we have a game here that'll let you show off your strength, and you'll even earn some Credit Coupons in the process. What do you think? Interested?
Media:vo fdaq103 5 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: And if we lose the game? Will it cost us Credit Coupons?
Media:vo fdaq103 5 collins 14.ogg Collins: Of course! That's the cruel reality facing every competitor in a place like the Pankration Ring.
Icon Dialogue Talk Alright, I'll give it a try.
Media:vo fdaq103 5 collins 05.ogg Collins: Great, let me walk you through the rules.
Media:vo fdaq103 5 collins 06.ogg Collins: The targets in front of you will pop up one after another.
Media:vo fdaq103 5 collins 07.ogg Collins: You'll need to hit the targets in the same order that they popped up. If you can complete a few rounds in a row with no mistakes, then you'll win Credit Coupons.
Media:vo fdaq103 5 collins 08.ogg Collins: But the second you mess up the order, you lose. Game over.
Media:vo fdaq103 5 collins 09.ogg Collins: The game costs 300 Credit Coupons to have a go. So, you up for it?
Icon Dialogue Talk Sure, got your coupons right here.
Media:vo fdaq103 5 collins 10.ogg Collins: Thanks for your patronage, mate. Now let the game begin!
(If returning to the Pankration Ring)
You arrive at the Pankration Ring [sic]
Media:vo fdaq103 5 collins 21.ogg Collins: Oh, back for another try? I hope you've brought enough Credit Coupons this time.
Icon Dialogue Talk Of course.
Media:vo fdaq103 5 collins 22.ogg Collins: Alright, then get ready to play!
(Lost Credit Coupons (For Use During Investigation) Credit Coupons (For Use During Investigation) ×300)
(Talk to Collins again, optional)
Media:vo dialog fdaq103 collins 02.ogg Collins: Machine's started, good luck!
(Begin the challenge)
Media:vo fdaq103 5 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Okay, do your best to hit the targets, just like Collins said!
(Complete the challenge)
Media:vo fdaq103 5 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Great job! You did it!
(Talk to Collins after completing the challenge)
(If chosen on the first day)
Media:vo fdaq103 6 collins 01.ogg Collins: I'll be... they weren't exaggerating about how strong you are. Don't worry, I wouldn't dream of shortchanging you... Here're the Credit Coupons you won, put 'em somewhere safe.
(Obtain Credit Coupons (For Use During Investigation) Credit Coupons (For Use During Investigation) ×400)
(If chosen during the afternoon shift after investigation)
Media:vo fdaq103 13 collins 01.ogg Collins: Your strength really shouldn't be underestimated. Now I get why you're prohibited from participating in any official fights.
Media:vo fdaq103 13 collins 02.ogg Collins: Nobody who values their life would be willing to get in the ring with you.
Icon Dialogue Talk You flatter me.
Icon Dialogue Talk Can't know for sure if you don't let me have a go.
Media:vo fdaq103 13 collins 03.ogg Collins: However... You two haven't tried betting on the outcome of a pankration match yet, have ya?
Media:vo fdaq103 13 collins 04.ogg Collins: Just go talk to Roussimoff. Buy a ticket for whichever fighter you think will win. There's a big payout if the fighter you support comes out on top.
Media:vo fdaq103 13 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: But we don't know anything about the fighters! How can we possibly know who to support...
Media:vo fdaq103 13 collins 05.ogg Collins: That's normal, just watch a few matches and get a feel for the fighters. It won't be long before you can pick winners in your sleep.
Media:vo fdaq103 13 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: He's got a point... Why don't we give it a try? If we have enough coupons, we could probably bet at random until we figure everything out!
Media:vo fdaq103 13 collins 06.ogg Collins: Bet at random, huh? Uh... Well, how should I put it? It's not like you can't do that, but I'd advise you to give it some more thought first, you wouldn't want to get too carried away, eh?
Media:vo fdaq103 13 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Huh? We shouldn't get carried away? What's the problem?
Icon Dialogue Talk Could it be that...
Icon Dialogue Talk There's some sort of "rule" here?
Media:vo fdaq103 13 collins 07.ogg Collins: ...
Media:vo fdaq103 13 collins 08.ogg Collins: Never even picked a boxer before and you already know about the "rules"? You're not just strong fighters, seems you're pretty perceptive, too.
Icon Dialogue Talk Just a guess, that's all.
Icon Dialogue Talk The "hidden rules"... That's what they're called, right?
Media:vo fdaq103 13 collins 09.ogg Collins: Ah, might as well tell you about it, since you already know that much... Plus, I think you've got the potential to be one of my greatest customers, I think I can let you in a bit.
Media:vo fdaq103 13 collins 10.ogg Collins: Besides, I don't want to risk ever losing a customer like you...
Media:vo fdaq103 13 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Huh, is it that serious?
Media:vo fdaq103 13 collins 11.ogg Collins: OK, the "hidden rule" here is... If you buy both boxers' tickets and support them both...
Media:vo fdaq103 13 collins 12.ogg Collins: Something bad will happen the next morning...
Media:vo fdaq103 13 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: So the rule is that we shouldn't pick both boxers in the same fight? But if anyone actually did that, wouldn't they be guaranteed to lose coupons... Who would do that anyway?
Media:vo fdaq103 13 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: And what do you mean by "something bad will happen"?
Media:vo fdaq103 13 collins 13.ogg Collins: How would I know? Not like I'm stupid enough to do that.
Media:vo fdaq103 13 collins 14.ogg Collins: But I've heard a story about the rule...
Media:vo fdaq103 13 collins 15.ogg Collins: According to the rumor, there was a masked boxer who possessed incredible skill and power. None of his opponents even stood a chance against him...
Media:vo fdaq103 13 collins 16.ogg Collins: However, in the final match, the organizers told him to take off his mask. He refused, and never showed up to the fight.
Media:vo fdaq103 13 collins 17.ogg Collins: And after that, he was never seen again. Some say he died, or that he was taken care of by the event's organizers. But everyone remembers that he was someone who cherished honor above all else...
Media:vo fdaq103 13 collins 18.ogg Collins: In his eyes, supporting both boxers in a match would dishonor the competition itself.
Media:vo fdaq103 13 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: So, you mean... It's like a curse? He'll take vengeance on anyone who does that?
Icon Dialogue Talk Do you know anything about him?
Icon Dialogue Talk Have you seen what he really looks like?
Media:vo fdaq103 13 collins 19.ogg Collins: No, he was always wearing a mask, like he was intentionally trying to hide his identity. I don't even know anything about his past.
Media:vo fdaq103 13 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: (TravelerTraveler), do you think that boxer was...
Icon Dialogue Talk Thank you very much for the information.
Icon Dialogue Talk We'll give it a try...
Media:vo fdaq103 13 paimon 09.ogg Paimon: Huh! We will!?
Media:vo fdaq103 13 collins 20.ogg Collins: You're not serious, are you?
Media:vo fdaq103 13 collins 21.ogg Collins: Look, here I was just trying to be nice and warn you, yet here you are trying to break it on purpose?
Media:vo fdaq103 13 paimon 10.ogg Paimon: Yeah, it sounds pretty scary to Paimon...
Icon Dialogue Talk It sounds like a good lead to me.
Icon Dialogue Talk Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
Media:vo fdaq103 13 paimon 11.ogg Paimon: *sigh* Seems you've made up your mind... Just be sure to protect Paimon, okay?
Media:vo fdaq103 13 collins 22.ogg Collins: Betting on both fighters will set you back about 3000 Credit Coupons. If you have enough, then go ahead and give it a try... Just don't come running back to me if something happens.
(Obtain Credit Coupons (For Use During Investigation) Credit Coupons (For Use During Investigation) ×700)
You leave the Pankration Ring and return to the dormitories...
(Continue to Dormitories)


(One of the following three lines is randomly chosen)
Media:vo fdaq103 8 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: *sigh* Looks like we won't get a chance to sleep in as long as we're here. Let's get to bed early.
Media:vo fdaq103 8 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: *yawn* We woke up so early today that Paimon's been nodding off all afternoon... Good thing it's finally time for bed.
Media:vo fdaq103 8 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Seems we had a productive day. Hope we can make even more progress tomorrow!
(Time passes)
(One of the following three lines is randomly chosen)
Media:vo fdaq103 2 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Ah, the dawn of a new day! Paimon feels like we're getting used to life as convicts. Uh, is that a good thing or a bad thing?
Media:vo fdaq103 2 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Oh, Paimon doesn't want to get up... Paimon still feels completely exhausted from yesterday...
Media:vo fdaq103 2 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Maybe we can make some progress in our investigation today.
Media:vo fdaq103 2 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: What do you have planned for us?
(Certain options may or may not be available based on quest progress)
Icon Dialogue Talk Let's go work in the production zone.
(Prior to receiving the strange meat)
(One of the following three lines is randomly chosen)
Media:vo fdaq103 2 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Let's go! Credit Coupons, here we come!
Media:vo fdaq103 2 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: Right, we just need to keep at it...
Media:vo fdaq103 2 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: But Paimon really hopes the foreman will be in a better mood today...
(After receiving the strange meat)
Media:vo fdaq103 3 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: After working here so long, we're really starting to get the hang of it.
Media:vo fdaq103 3 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: But doing the same thing all the time can get old pretty quickly. How are you holding up, (TravelerTraveler)?
Icon Dialogue Talk Let's see if there's any really easy work...
Media:vo fdaq103 3 paimon 08b 1.ogg Paimon: Yeah, it's good to kick back and relax once in a while.
(Continue to Production Zone)
Icon Dialogue Talk Let's spend some coupons to skip work. (-400 Credit Coupons) (after receiving the strange meat)
(If there are no more clues to gather)
(TravelerTraveler): (I don't think there are any more clues to be found here. Perhaps we should work at the Production Zone more often to see if we can discover anything unexpected...)
(Return to option selection)

Strange Meat[]

You finish your morning work and arrive at the Coupon Cafeteria...
During lunch, you go to the Coupon Cafeteria, just as you normally do...
Media:vo fdaq103 10 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Paimon's exhausted, it's just work, work, and more work... Paimon's little body can't handle this much longer...
Media:vo fdaq103 10 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Wait a sec, now that Paimon thinks about it... Haven't we been working nonstop for three days now? And now it's lunchtime!
Icon Dialogue Talk Mm.
Icon Dialogue Talk You're just realizing that now?
Media:vo fdaq103 10 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Oh, Paimon feels a shiver going down her spine! What's going to happen?
Media:vo fdaq103 10 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: But it doesn't seem like anything's changed at all... And we made it to the Coupon Cafeteria safely.
Media:vo fdaq103 10 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Are the so-called "hidden rules" only a rumor, after all?
Icon Dialogue Talk Don't get your hopes up.
Icon Dialogue Talk That would be quite a disappointment.
Media:vo fdaq103 10 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: Well, there's no use just guessing all day. Paimon's stomach has been grumbling the whole time, let's just eat already...
Media:vo fdaq103 10 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: Paimon wonders what we'll get today! Maybe we'll get the super lucky meal...
Media:vo fdaq103 10 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: Wait, what!?
Icon Dialogue Talk Huh!?
Icon Dialogue Talk This is...
Media:vo fdaq103 10 paimon 09.ogg Paimon: Wh—What in the world is this!? What's with Paimon's food? And yours is the same...
Media:vo fdaq103 10 paimon 10.ogg Paimon: Is this stuff... meat? But it looks and feels so bizarre... What kind of chef would make food like this?
Icon Dialogue Talk I've never seen a welfare meal like this.
Icon Dialogue Talk There's something wrong with this "meat."
Media:vo fdaq103 10 paimon 11.ogg Paimon: What do you think is going on, (TravelerTraveler)? Is this the "bad thing" that Rowan was talking about?
Icon Dialogue Talk Someone went missing before...
Icon Dialogue Talk And now our meals have this "strange meat"...
Media:vo fdaq103 10 paimon 12.ogg Paimon: N—no, stop right there, Paimon gets what you mean! Just don't say it!
Media:vo fdaq103 10 paimon 13.ogg Paimon: Hey, isn't that Wolsey over there? He must've made the food, right? So let's just ask him about the food and be done with it!
Media:vo fdaq103 10 paimon 14.ogg Paimon: Hey, Wolsey! Have a moment?
Media:vo fdaq103 10 wolsey 01.ogg Wolsey: Hmm, what is it? I'm about to go report the numbers for today's free meal, so you'd better make it quick.
Media:vo fdaq103 10 paimon 15.ogg Paimon: Uh, it's about the meat in our meals. Look, does it seem... normal to you?
Media:vo fdaq103 10 wolsey 02.ogg Wolsey: The meat? Oh, that... It looks perfectly fine to me, totally normal. You'd better hurry up and chow down.
Media:vo fdaq103 10 paimon 16.ogg Paimon: H—How could THIS be fine? Hey! Don't leave! You barely even looked at it... HEY!
Media:vo fdaq103 10 paimon 17.ogg Paimon: What should we do now? Wolsey wouldn't even give us the time of day... is he trying to hide something?
Icon Dialogue Talk Looks like we'll have to investigate it ourselves.
Icon Dialogue Talk The plot thickens.
Media:vo fdaq103 10 paimon 18.ogg Paimon: Yeah, looks like we have no other choice. Paimon was positively famished a minute ago, but now she's lost her appetite...
(Obtain Clue Book (Fortress of Meropide) entry, The Strange Meat)
(Continue to "What would you like to do this afternoon?" in Coupon Cafeteria with only the choice to investigate)


(Talk to Fitzroy)
Media:vo fdaq103 18 fitzroy 01.ogg Fitzroy: Oh, h—hello... Y—You two are the ones who were with His Grace...
Media:vo fdaq103 18 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: No need to be so nervous!
Media:vo fdaq103 18 fitzroy 02.ogg Fitzroy: Sorry, I couldn't help but think of His Grace once I saw you, and I—I...
Icon Dialogue Talk Are you that scared of him?
Media:vo fdaq103 18 fitzroy 03.ogg Fitzroy: It's hard to say... Maybe I am. He's got a very overwhelming presence. It makes me feel like I'm just some insignificant little bug...
Media:vo fdaq103 18 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Wait, seriously?
Media:vo fdaq103 18 fitzroy 04.ogg Fitzroy: I'm always indecisive, and I tend to make a mess of things... It's like a reflex, I just instantly start to tense up the moment I see a smart and capable person like His Grace...
Icon Dialogue Talk Oh, I get it, you want to take his place.
Media:vo fdaq103 18 fitzroy 05.ogg Fitzroy: What!? P—Please, d—don't say anything like that out loud... How could you possibly think something like that!?
(Talk to Fitzroy again, optional)
Media:vo dialog fdaq103 fitzroy 01.ogg Fitzroy: In the eyes of His Grace, I'm probably just a lowly, ordinary person... *sigh* I guess I need to start working on my nerves.
(Talk to Lynette)
Media:vo fdaq103 18 lynette 01.ogg Lynette: Oh wonderful! I was worried that you'd be busy trying to earn Reward Coupons all the time, but it seems like you haven't neglected your investigation work after all.
Media:vo fdaq103 18 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Paimon likes having more coupons, but no one wants to work all the time.
Media:vo fdaq103 18 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Have you also been investigating the area, Lynette?
Media:vo fdaq103 18 lynette 02.ogg Lynette: No, I was just slacking off and you happened to catch me.
Icon Dialogue Talk And how's Lyney holding up?
Media:vo fdaq103 18 lynette 03.ogg Lynette: My brother is still obsessed with anything remotely related to the "forbidden zone." But knowing him, it won't be long before we get more leads.
Media:vo fdaq103 18 lynette 04.ogg Lynette: Oh, before I forget, this is for you.
Media:vo fdaq103 18 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: Huh? Credit Coupons? Why are you giving us these?
Media:vo fdaq103 18 lynette 05.ogg Lynette: I've been here longer than you. Coupons aren't a resource in particularly short supply. What is in short supply are interesting people to talk with.
Media:vo fdaq103 18 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: Aw, that's so nice of you, Lynette. We'll be sure to make good use of these coupons then. Thanks a bunch!
(Obtain Credit Coupons (For Use During Investigation) Credit Coupons (For Use During Investigation) ×400)
(Talk to Deakin)
Media:vo fdaq103 18 deakin 04.ogg Deakin: Hey! It's (TravelerTraveler) and Paimon!
Icon Dialogue Talk Oh, so now you remember our names?
Media:vo fdaq103 18 deakin 05.ogg Deakin: Haha, no need to tease me, okay? I won't trip on the same step twice.
(If the "He's taken great care of us" option was chosen)
Media:vo fdaq103 18 deakin 06.ogg Deakin: Listen, I feel ashamed about last time... Thank you for praising me in front of His Grace. Here are the extra Credit Coupons he gave me. I'd like you to have them.
Media:vo fdaq103 18 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Huh? No, we couldn't take them. They're your reward, after all...
Media:vo fdaq103 18 deakin 07.ogg Deakin: But when I was welcoming you, I didn't do anything but give you the stink eye...
Media:vo fdaq103 18 deakin 08.ogg Deakin: *sigh* C'mon, I insist. These coupons are nothing compared to getting the attention of His Grace. I won't take no for an answer, haha.
(Obtain Credit Coupons (For Use During Investigation) Credit Coupons (For Use During Investigation) ×200)
(If the "His attitude could use some work" option was chosen)
Media:vo fdaq103 18 deakin 03.ogg Deakin: Just like His Grace said, paying attention to every little detail is the key to prosperity. Hmm, maybe this is the true meaning of "rebirth," not just earning Credit Coupons...
(Talk to Deakin again, optional)
Media:vo fdaq103 18 deakin 03.ogg Deakin: Just like His Grace said, paying attention to every little detail is the key to prosperity. Hmm, maybe this is the true meaning of "rebirth," not just earning Credit Coupons...
(Talk to Alexis, optional)
Media:vo dialog fdaq103 alexis 01.ogg Alexis: Haha, there's no one here that's anywhere near as strong as what you're describing. Believe me, I'd know if there was.
(Talk to Fielding, optional)
Media:vo dialog fdaq103 fielding 01.ogg Fielding: If I were you, I'd make the most of my time here. You might not believe me, but I can promise you that you'll miss this place once you're out.
(Talk to Grainville, optional)
Media:vo dialog fdaq103 grainville 02.ogg Grainville: Then what the blazes are you doing here? Your time would be better spent earning coupons. You afraid of suffering from success?
(Talk to Leonide, optional)
Media:vo dialog fdaq103 leonide 01.ogg Leonide: Sorry, I don't know who you're talking about. Are you sure they're an inmate here?
(Talk to Poirier, optional)
Media:vo dialog fdaq103 poirier 01.ogg Poirier: I'm not very good at remembering people's appearances... Anyway, no one comes to mind based on your description.
(Talk to Vidoc, optional)
Media:vo dialog fdaq103 vidoc 01.ogg Vidoc: Well? Have you gotten used to prison life yet?
Media:vo dialog fdaq103 vidoc 02.ogg Vidoc: Shh... Save the questions for now. I don't like to give away information for no reason, you know.
(After receiving the strange meat)
In order to investigate the truth behind the "strange meal box," you decide to look for more leads.
(Talk to Rowan)
You run into Rowan near the infirmary...
Media:vo fdaq103 11 paimon 13.ogg Paimon: Huh? Rowan? What are you doing here, Chief?
Media:vo fdaq103 11 rowan 01.ogg Rowan: Oh, uh... I was injured a bit just now. Nothing major, I think I just pulled something. Little mishaps like this are unavoidable at work, y'know...
Media:vo fdaq103 11 paimon 14.ogg Paimon: Huh, Paimon wouldn't have thought someone as experienced as the Chief would still get hurt on the job...
Media:vo fdaq103 11 rowan 02.ogg Rowan: Tch, I just knew you would say that... This is pretty embarrassing... *sigh* Ugh, where is Sigewinne when you need her anyway? The one time I need to make a quick trip to the infirmary...
Media:vo fdaq103 11 paimon 15.ogg Paimon: Oh? You mean she wasn't in the infirmary?
Media:vo fdaq103 11 rowan 03.ogg Rowan: Yeah, the rumors say that there's never anybody in the infirmary in the half hour before lunch, and nobody knows where Sigewinne gets off to.
Icon Dialogue Talk So this isn't just a coincidence...
Icon Dialogue Talk But she's always absent during lunch?
Media:vo fdaq103 11 paimon 16.ogg Paimon: Huh, that's actually really strange. Sigewinne's always super dedicated to her work, where else would she possibly go...?
Media:vo fdaq103 11 rowan 04.ogg Rowan: *sigh* Forget it, I can take care of a small sprain like this on my own anyway, no need to trouble her.
(Obtain Clue Book (Fortress of Meropide) entry, The Empty Infirmary)
(Approach the marked location)
You find research notes near the entrance to the infirmary...
Media:vo fdaq103 11 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: Hey look, there's something here... looks like a research notebook.
Media:vo fdaq103 11 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: That suspicious guy peeking into the infirmary just now... Are they a fan of Sigewinne?
Media:vo fdaq103 11 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: He must have dropped this. Let Paimon read it real quick...
Media:vo fdaq103 11 paimon 09.ogg Paimon: ...The Melusine perceive the world very differently from humans, there are significant deviations...
Media:vo fdaq103 11 paimon 10.ogg Paimon: ...As a result, their sense of aesthetics and beauty is also very different from that of humans. This must be taken into consideration when giving gifts.
Media:vo fdaq103 11 paimon 11.ogg Paimon: Whoa, this all sounds pretty serious... He sure did his homework.
Icon Dialogue Talk Won't he object to us looking through his notes?
Icon Dialogue Talk We should thank him for the intel.
Media:vo fdaq103 11 paimon 12.ogg Paimon: And as for the notebook... Let's take it.
(Obtain Clue Book (Fortress of Meropide) entry, Research About the Characteristics of Melusines)
(Talk to Sigewinne)
You see Sigewinne in the production zone...
Media:vo fdaq103 11 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Sigewinne? Aren't you supposed to be in the infirmary? What are you doing in the production zone?
Media:vo fdaq103 11 sigewinne 01.ogg Sigewinne: Hello, (TravelerTraveler), Paimon.
Media:vo fdaq103 11 sigewinne 02.ogg Sigewinne: Everyone's usually busy around now, and we don't have any patients to look after in the infirmary, I thought I'd come here and enjoy the sight of everyone hard at work.
Media:vo fdaq103 11 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Enjoy? What's there to enjoy here...?
Media:vo fdaq103 11 sigewinne 03.ogg Sigewinne: It's really worth watching... I often stand here and observe everyone. Humans are just so interesting and adorable, I like to watch your expressions while you work.
Media:vo fdaq103 11 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Uh... Are you talking about pets or people?
Icon Dialogue Talk Do you also happen to be a veterinarian as well as head nurse?
Media:vo fdaq103 11 sigewinne 04.ogg Sigewinne: Oh... I can see why you'd think that, but you shouldn't jump to conclusions.
Media:vo fdaq103 11 sigewinne 05.ogg Sigewinne: See, we Melusines are a different species, and we see the world very differently from humans. It's very easy for me to observe everyone's condition. All it takes is one look and I can tell which workers are exhausted.
Media:vo fdaq103 11 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Wait, Melusines can see that? Huh, that does sound useful for being a nurse.
Media:vo fdaq103 11 sigewinne 06.ogg Sigewinne: Yes, running around tending to everyone's health is very fulfilling, but I'd much prefer it if you were all happy and free from exhaustion and pain in the first place.
Media:vo fdaq103 11 sigewinne 07.ogg Sigewinne: Take care of your body and make sure you eat well. Always rest when you're tired from work and don't push yourself too hard.
Media:vo fdaq103 11 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: We'll definitely take care of ourselves, thanks for the reminder!
(Obtain Clue Book (Fortress of Meropide) entry, The Supervisor, Sigewinne)
(Return to the dormitories and sleep after finding all clues)
Media:vo fdaq103 7 paimon 11.ogg Paimon: Oh? You want to stop investigating and go rest?
Icon Dialogue Talk It's time for a rest.
Media:vo fdaq103 7 paimon 12.ogg Paimon: Okay, you should rest up. We'll be back at it tomorrow!
(Prior to receiving the strange meat)
(Continue to Dormitories)
(After receiving the strange meat)
Media:vo fdaq103 12 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: So after working for a few days straight, we got some strange meat in our lunch... What was that all about?
Media:vo fdaq103 12 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Hmm, has our investigation turned up anything useful recently?
Icon Dialogue Talk I think I've got something...
Icon Dialogue Talk But unfortunately, it's not related to Childe.
Media:vo fdaq103 12 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Really? Then it looks like that part of the investigation has hit a dead end.
Media:vo fdaq103 17 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Well, we'll keep searching for more clues tomorrow. Good night, (TravelerTraveler).
(Continue to the line after time passes in Dormitories)

Pankration Match[]

You arrive at the Pankration Ring
You have saved up enough Credit Coupons.
Media:vo fdaq103 14 roussimoff 01.ogg Roussimoff: Hmm? Are you two here to buy tickets? Better be quick about it, another match is about to start!
Media:vo fdaq103 14 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Who are the boxers in the next round?
Media:vo fdaq103 14 roussimoff 02.ogg Roussimoff: We have the reigning champ, "Le Grappleur," versus a contender from the eastern prison block, "Demon Horde."
Media:vo fdaq103 14 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Are those their nicknames? Or did they choose those names themselves... either way, suuuper weird.
Media:vo fdaq103 14 roussimoff 03.ogg Roussimoff: Since you're new around here, I'll help you out and give you a little suggestion. Even though Le Grappleur is the crowd favorite, Demon Horde is a first-class dark horse with incredible potential...
Media:vo fdaq103 14 roussimoff 04.ogg Roussimoff: Anyway, for this match, I recommend that you pick...
Icon Dialogue Talk We'll buy tickets for both fighters.
Media:vo fdaq103 14 roussimoff 05.ogg Roussimoff: Huh? F—For both fighters?
Media:vo fdaq103 14 roussimoff 06.ogg Roussimoff: Uh, I could tell you're new to this, but I didn't think you were completely clueless...
Media:vo fdaq103 14 roussimoff 07.ogg Roussimoff: Maybe you don't quite understand the rules, no? Let me try to explain again for you, more clearly. You see...
Media:vo fdaq103 14 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Oh, no need, no need... We're aware that we're going to lose coupons.
Media:vo fdaq103 14 roussimoff 08.ogg Roussimoff: ...Alright, then, if you're absolutely sure. Remember, no refunds once you buy the tickets.
Media:vo fdaq103 14 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Yeah, yeah, we got it. Just shut up and take our coupons!
You leave the Pankration Ring and return to the dormitories...
Media:vo fdaq103 8 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: *sigh* Looks like we won't get a chance to sleep in as long as we're here. Let's get to bed early.
(Time passes)
The next morning, you receive an unexpected package...
Media:vo fdaq103 15 fielding 01.ogg Fielding: Hey, Traveler, Paimon! Package here for ya.
Media:vo fdaq103 15 fielding 02.ogg Fielding: The next time you buy something, go pick it up yourself. I'm not a deliveryman, you know.
Media:vo fdaq103 15 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Huh? A package... For us? Did you buy something, (TravelerTraveler)? *yawn* Paimon's not quite awake yet, so why don't you go take a look...
Icon Dialogue Talk I didn't buy anything.
Icon Dialogue Talk Unless, this is...
Media:vo fdaq103 15 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Ah, right! Yesterday we broke the "hidden rule" and bought tickets for both boxers. Maybe this package is the "bad thing" that Collins said would happen...
Media:vo fdaq103 15 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Uh, Paimon suddenly feels wide awake! Wait, maybe let Paimon go hide somewhere first. Just call for Paimon AFTER you've opened it!
Media:vo fdaq103 15 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Hey, wait, wait! Paimon's still here, don't open it! Ahh!
Icon Dialogue Talk Doesn't seem especially scary.
Icon Dialogue Talk But there is something a little odd inside.
Media:vo fdaq103 15 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Huh? What is it? Are you okay?
Media:vo fdaq103 15 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: L—Let Paimon take a peek too...
Clue Book The Strange Blood-Colored Fluid
Media:vo fdaq103 15 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: Oh, it's just a small bottle... but the color of the liquid inside looks so wrong, almost like...
Icon Dialogue Talk Hmm, rumor has it that a boxer went missing...
Icon Dialogue Talk And the liquid in the bottle obviously looks like blood...
Media:vo fdaq103 15 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: Alright, that's enough of that! No need to say it out loud, Paimon already knows what you're trying to say...
Icon Dialogue Talk Do you want to give it a sniff?
Icon Dialogue Talk Do you want to give it a taste?
Media:vo fdaq103 15 paimon 09.ogg Paimon: Blegh, no way! Get that stuff away from Paimon!
Icon Dialogue Talk Seems we'll have to investigate.
Icon Dialogue Talk This place is chock-full of strange happenings after all...
Media:vo fdaq103 15 paimon 10.ogg Paimon: Paimon thinks we shouldn't open the bottle until we've figured out what's going on. Just trust Paimon on this one, okay!?
(Obtain Clue Book (Fortress of Meropide) entry, The Strange Blood-Colored Fluid)
Media:vo fdaq103 2 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: What do you plan on doing now?
Icon Dialogue Talk Investigate the clues you discovered (-400 Coupons)
In order to investigate the truth behind the "strange package," you decide to look for more leads.
Media:vo fdaq103 3 paimon 09.ogg Paimon: Though it feels nice to slack off a little, less work means less coupons... Let's make the most of our morning!
(Talk to Collins)
You and Collins discuss the matter...
Media:vo fdaq103 16 collins 01.ogg Collins: I heard you crazy fools really did it, you bought tickets to support both fighters, didn't ya? Well? Did anything happen?
Media:vo fdaq103 16 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Well, the next day we received a mysterious package, but we still haven't made any sense of the contents...
Media:vo fdaq103 16 collins 02.ogg Collins: So it is real... You didn't become cursed or anything like that, did ya? Are you both still okay? Wait, are you sure that it's still you controlling your bodies right now?
Media:vo fdaq103 16 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Uh, Paimon's not sure... What do you think, (TravelerTraveler)? Is Paimon still Paimon?
Icon Dialogue Talk Only you'd ever ask such a question, so I'm pretty sure you're fine.
Media:vo fdaq103 16 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Oh, okay... well, that's good!
Media:vo fdaq103 16 collins 03.ogg Collins: Yeah, you two don't seem to have changed at all, but I wouldn't let your guard down just yet...
Media:vo fdaq103 16 collins 04.ogg Collins: Still, I didn't expect you would actually do it. You'd actually throw away coupons like that, just to satisfy your curiosity?
Media:vo fdaq103 16 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Even if we bought tickets like everybody else, it's not like we could hope to earn any coupons...
Media:vo fdaq103 16 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: When it comes to things like this, it's always the organizer who makes the real profits.
Media:vo fdaq103 16 collins 05.ogg Collins: Hey, just what are you trying to imply? The Pankration Ring is an honest business, and we really don't make much from selling tickets...
Media:vo fdaq103 16 collins 06.ogg Collins: We make so little that even the current tournaments can only be held thanks to funding from the producer of Fonta.
Media:vo fdaq103 16 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: Oh, so it's the company that manufactures Fonta sponsoring the events? Paimon thought all of this was thanks to the Duke's support.
Media:vo fdaq103 16 collins 07.ogg Collins: Let's just say it's a mutually beneficial arrangement... They reached out to us first, hoping to promote Fonta products in the Fortress of Meropide.
Icon Dialogue Talk I understand.
Icon Dialogue Talk That's some important info.
Media:vo fdaq103 16 collins 08.ogg Collins: *sigh* Anyway, you try and take extra good care of yourselves these next few days, you hear?
(Obtain Clue Book (Fortress of Meropide) entry, Sponsor of the Pankration Tournament)
(Talk to Collins again, optional)
Media:vo dialog fdaq103 collins 01.ogg Collins: Oh, it's you. Heh, you must be absolutely loaded with coupons if you have time to stroll around like this.
(Approach the scattered papers near the Pankration Ring)
You find some scattered information around the Pankration Ring...
Media:vo fdaq103 16 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: Hey, what are these papers scattered all over the ground? Are they registration forms or something?
Media:vo fdaq103 16 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: Hmm, maybe not... Every page has the Fonta Co. symbol on it. Maybe it's some flyers from the company?
Icon Dialogue Talk Let's take a look before anyone else shows up.
Media:vo fdaq103 16 paimon 09.ogg Paimon: Uh, okay. But if someone catches us, they could accuse us of trying to steal the company's secrets, couldn't they?
Icon Dialogue Talk What're you afraid of? We're already convicted criminals.
Media:vo fdaq103 16 paimon 10.ogg Paimon: Oh, hehe, you're right! Guess there's nothing to worry about then, let Paimon have a look here...
Media:vo fdaq103 16 paimon 11.ogg Paimon: ...Without assistance from the Fontaine Research Institute, development of the new product has been slow, and some researchers on the project have voiced concerns.
Media:vo fdaq103 16 paimon 12.ogg Paimon: We have no choice but to let the new product undergo the first phase of promotional trials without a designated name or packaging. We will adjust the direction of future development according to feedback...
Media:vo fdaq103 16 paimon 13.ogg Paimon: We have decided to only conduct closed, small-scale trials for the time being...
Media:vo fdaq103 16 paimon 14.ogg Paimon: Sure doesn't seem like anything unusual... The company is just trying to develop some new products besides Fonta, but it sounds like things aren't going well at all.
Media:vo fdaq103 16 paimon 15.ogg Paimon: Let's put these papers back where we found them, and make it look like nobody went through them... Okay, good.
(Obtain Clue Book (Fortress of Meropide) entry, New Products Under Development)
(Talk to Promoter)
You meet a product promoter from the Fonta Company...
Media:vo fdaq103 16 promoter 01.ogg Promoter: *sigh* If there's no way to send it all out, then maybe I'll never get a chance to leave...
Media:vo fdaq103 16 paimon 16.ogg Paimon: Uh, who are you? We've never seen you before, and you don't look like a fellow convict.
Media:vo fdaq103 16 promoter 02.ogg Promoter: I'm not! Of course I'm not. Please don't mistake me for a criminal, I'm a good, law-abiding citizen.
Media:vo fdaq103 16 paimon 17.ogg Paimon: Then what are you doing here? You sure seem anxious about something.
Media:vo fdaq103 16 promoter 03.ogg Promoter: I'm a promoter for Fonta Co., and I'm usually responsible for promoting our drink products. I thought I could complete my task here quickly and return to headquarters, but I've been here way longer than I anticipated...
Media:vo fdaq103 16 paimon 18.ogg Paimon: Oh, a promoter from Fonta Co.! So what kind of problem did you run into?
Media:vo fdaq103 16 promoter 04.ogg Promoter: Ugh, I'm so upset... It's all because of that Duke.
Media:vo fdaq103 16 promoter 05.ogg Promoter: After discussing the company's promotional plans with him, he told me outright that my project was worthless.
Media:vo fdaq103 16 promoter 06.ogg Promoter: However, in light of our long history of successful collaboration, I still tried to patiently explain the details. However, to my surprise, he just cut me off while I was speaking!
Media:vo fdaq103 16 promoter 07.ogg Promoter: Let me take a moment and recall his exact words...
Media:vo fdaq103 16 promoter 08.ogg Promoter: I'm just gonna stop you there and say no. If anything, I'm saving you time.
Media:vo fdaq103 16 promoter 09.ogg Promoter: It seems you don't fully understand the value of Credit Coupons here, nor do you understand the value of your own products. The former is because you are from the overworld, that's understandable and I don't blame you for that.
Media:vo fdaq103 16 promoter 10.ogg Promoter: But as for the latter, only someone monumentally stupid, so breathtakingly stupid that they were completely ignorant of the value of Credit Coupons despite living in the underworld would ever possibly consider buying your drink. Let's just forget it.
Media:vo fdaq103 16 promoter 11.ogg Promoter: Anyway, that's how he rejected my proposal and asked me to come up with another solution with the condition that it doesn't cause any trouble for him. Can you believe that guy...?
Media:vo fdaq103 16 paimon 19.ogg Paimon: Uh, well, he is the head honcho here. Not much you can do about that. We met him too and could tell that he's the kind of guy that's hard to pin down.
Media:vo fdaq103 16 promoter 12.ogg Promoter: Fine, fine, I should just let it go... I'm on his turf, after all. His house, his rules.
(Obtain Clue Book (Fortress of Meropide) entry, Dissatisfaction with the Duke)
(Talk to Promoter again, optional)
Media:vo dialog fdaq103 promoter 01.ogg Promoter: I just don't want to be stuck here forever...
(Eat at the Coupon Cafeteria)
Media:vo fdaq103 7 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Huh, we ended up here without even thinking about it... Wanna grab something to eat?
Icon Dialogue Talk Let's end the shift.
Media:vo fdaq103 7 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Alright, but remember that we bought this time with coupons, so let's make better use of it next time.
(Continue to the meal in Coupon Cafeteria)


(After all relevant clues in this quest have been found and the day ends)
Media:vo fdaq103 17 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: A mysterious box, a bottle of crimson liquid... Paimon still doesn't know what to make of it.
Media:vo fdaq103 17 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Do you have any ideas, (TravelerTraveler)?
Icon Dialogue Talk I think I've got something...
Icon Dialogue Talk But unfortunately, it's not related to Childe.
Media:vo fdaq103 17 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Really? Then it looks like that part of the investigation led us nowhere...
Media:vo fdaq103 17 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Well, we'll keep searching for more clues tomorrow. Good night, (TravelerTraveler).
(Time passes and the quest ends)

Unsorted Voice-Overs[]

Media:vo dialog fdaq103 deakin 01.ogg Deakin: Just like His Grace said, paying attention to every little detail is the key to prosperity. Hmm, maybe this is the true meaning of "rebirth," not just earning Credit Coupons...
Media:vo dialog fdaq103 grainville 01.ogg Grainville: What're you two doing here? Don't know how to take a day off?
Media:vo dialog fdaq103 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: No, no, not at all! Not working really agrees with us!
Media:vo fdaq103 3 paimon 08a 1.ogg Paimon: Wow! Impressive philosophy. Could that be the secret sauce behind the blond Traveler's success?
Media:vo fdaq103 3 paimon 10.ogg Paimon: We don't have enough coupons to skip work, let's go earn some more before trying to take any time off.
Media:vo fdaq103 4 paimon 06b 1.ogg Paimon: Ugh, it costs 300 Credit Coupons to enter the ring.
Media:vo fdaq103 4 paimon 06b 2.ogg Paimon: Let's save enough coupons first, and do something else for now.
Media:vo fdaq103 4 paimon 13.ogg Paimon: Wow, giving it your all even when it's just a game. That's (TravelerTraveler) for ya!
Media:vo fdaq103 5 collins 01.ogg Collins: Oh? You must be (TravelerTraveler), huh? Sorry, mate, but competitors as strong as you are prohibited from participating. I don't make the rules, mind you, but I was given very specific instructions...
Media:vo fdaq103 5 collins 02.ogg Collins: Even convicts value their lives, don't they? I hope you can understand, haha...
Media:vo fdaq103 5 collins 03.ogg Collins: But we have a game here that'll let you show off your strength, and you'll even earn some Credit Coupons in the process. What do you think? Interested?
Media:vo fdaq103 5 collins 04.ogg Collins: Of course! That's the cruel reality facing every competitor in a place like the Pankration Ring.
Media:vo fdaq103 5 collins 15.ogg Collins: OK. Great, let me walk you through the rules.
Media:vo fdaq103 5 collins 16.ogg Collins: The targets in front of you will pop up one after another.
Media:vo fdaq103 5 collins 17.ogg Collins: You'll need to hit the targets in the same order that they popped up. If you can complete a few rounds in a row with no mistakes, then you'll win Credit Coupons.
Media:vo fdaq103 5 collins 18.ogg Collins: But the second you mess up the order, you lose. Game over.
Media:vo fdaq103 5 collins 19.ogg Collins: The game costs 300 Credit Coupons to have a go. So, you up for it?
Media:vo fdaq103 5 collins 20.ogg Collins: Then come back once you've got enough coupons, I'll still be here to start the game for ya.
Media:vo fdaq103 5 collins 23.ogg Collins: Not bad, not bad at all... Here, the coupons you won. Be sure not to lose 'em.
Media:vo fdaq103 5 collins 24.ogg Collins: You lost, mate... An off day for you, innit? You'll do better next time.
Media:vo fdaq103 5 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: And if we lose the game? Will it cost us Credit Coupons?
Media:vo fdaq103 5 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Guess we'll have to come back later. For now, we can either look for more leads or go back and rest.
Media:vo fdaq103 5 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: Oh no, we lost this time...
Media:vo fdaq103 6 collins 02.ogg Collins: Pity, mate, you lost... that's too bad. I bet you'll get it next time though, won't ya?
Media:vo fdaq103 7 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Alright... By the way, it seems like we haven't found all the clues regarding the strange meal box.
Media:vo fdaq103 7 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Paimon just hopes to get some normal food today.
Media:vo fdaq103 7 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Alright... By the way, it seems like we still haven't found all the clues regarding the strange liquid.
Media:vo fdaq103 7 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: No more strange packages are gonna show up... right?
Media:vo fdaq103 7 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: Oh, okay then...
Media:vo fdaq103 7 paimon 13.ogg Paimon: Alright... By the way, it seems like we still haven't found all the clues regarding the strange meal box.
Media:vo fdaq103 7 paimon 14.ogg Paimon: Paimon hopes tomorrow's food will be a little more normal...
Media:vo fdaq103 7 paimon 15.ogg Paimon: Alright... By the way, it seems like we still haven't found all the clues regarding the strange liquid.
Media:vo fdaq103 7 paimon 16.ogg Paimon: No more strange packages are gonna show up... right?
Media:vo fdaq103 7 paimon 17.ogg Paimon: Oh, okay then...
Media:vo fdaq103 12 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Well, maybe we'll have better luck tomorrow. Good night, (TravelerTraveler).
Media:vo fdaq103 18 deakin 01.ogg Deakin: Hey! It's (TravelerTraveler) and Paimon!
Media:vo fdaq103 18 deakin 02.ogg Deakin: Haha, no need to tease me, okay? I won't trip on the same step twice.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishThe Proscribed, Hidden in Plain Sight
Nì yú Rìcháng zhī Jìnjì
Nì yú Rìcháng zhī Jìnjì
Nichijou ni Kakusareta Kinki
Korean일상에 숨겨진 금기
Ilsang'e Sumgyeojin Geumgi
SpanishLos secretos del día a díaThe Secrets of the Day-to-Day
FrenchTabou caché en pleine lumièreTaboo Hidden in Plain Sight
RussianЗапретное в повседневном
Zapretnoye v povsednevnom
Forbidden in Everyday
VietnameseĐiều Cấm Kỵ Trong Ngày Thường
GermanDas im Alltag versteckte TabuThe Taboo Hidden in Everyday Life
IndonesianYang Terlarang, Tersembunyi di Tempat TerbukaThe Forbidden, Hidden in Plain Sight
PortugueseO Proscrito, Escondido Em Plena Vista
TurkishGörünmez YasaklarInvisible Prohibitions
ItalianAbolito, nascosto in bella vista

Change History[]

