The Oni's Pride is the third and final part of Arataki Itto's Story Quest, Taurus Iracundus Chapter: Act I - Rise Up, Golden Soul.
- Go to check on the victim
- Hear from the victim
- Lie in wait at Nazuchi Beach for the ronin to show up
- Defeat the ronin
- Talk to the Blue Oni
- Defeat the Tenryou Commission members
Ishizaki ×1
Shogunate Infantry ×2
- You control only Arataki Itto for this fight.
- Ishizaki will summon more Shogunate Infantries until you defeat him.
- Square off against the Tenryou Commission members
- Follow the footprints and chase Takuya
- Search for Takuya's trail
- Investigate the trail
- Defeat the ambushing ronin
- Look for more trails
- Look for Takuya
- Ascertain the situation with Arataki Itto
- Go deeper into the ronin hideout
- Enter the Quest Domain: Crumbling Guilt
- Defeat the ronin guarding this place
- Rescue the people held there
- Defeat all the ronin
- Talk to Takuya
- Meet up with Takuya and Arataki Itto
- Tell Granny Oni everything that happened
Trial Character[]
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After Daisuke points out the inconsistencies in his story, Arataki Itto is forced to reveal to you that he is currently acting to protect the blue oni. To ascertain the truth, you agree to set out with Itto once again.
- (Upon reaching Masato at the Watatsumi Army camp at Fort Fujitou)
- Arataki Itto: Yo! You must be Masato?
- Masato: A—An oni!? Oh no, not another one...
- Arataki Itto: Oh — uh, yeah, not the one that robbed you though. So chill. I contacted you before, remember? I need your help.
- Masato: Oh, right... Sorry, I'm still a bit on edge after the incident. Ahem, so anyway here's what happened. I was just out transporting some goods when a group of ronin suddenly attacked me.
- Masato: It's not the first time that's happened to me. Usually, you just hand over some Mora and they'll leave you alone. At least you don't lose your goods that way.
- Masato: But this time was different. They weren't willing to talk things over, instead, they took my things and then started coming for me.
- Paimon: Huh!? That's totally uncalled for!
- Masato: I got down on my knees and begged. Said I had a family to care for and that my business is our only livelihood.
- Masato: Then I saw that there was an oni among the group. I thought he was gonna be the one to finish me off.
- Masato: But instead, he stopped the others and told them to let me go.
How strange...
So was there friction within the group?
- Masato: Yeah. That got them all arguing with each other. His cohort said that I was sure to retaliate if they released me.
- Masato: But the young oni was insistent that they shouldn't lay a finger on me. Things got real heated — I thought they were gonna come to blows.
- Masato: Luckily, they let me escape with my life in the end, and I scrambled to get myself here, where I'd be safe. *sigh* I never want to set foot outside of here again.
- Arataki Itto: So he'll steal, but he won't harm people. Hmph, seems he has some sort of standards.
- Arataki Itto: Did he say why they were robbing you?
- Masato: ...Surely it was Mora, right? What else could they have wanted with me?
- Masato: I mean, I can't say for sure. It's not like I asked... But what I did hear them say was, "The goods are worth more than the merchant's life," or something like that.
- Arataki Itto: Ugh, that idiot oni...
- Arataki Itto: Do you have any idea where they went after they robbed you?
- Masato: I have no clue, but I think they're pretty active in the Tatarasuna area.
- Masato: You aren't gonna go after them, are you? Seriously, I'd advise against it... There are too many of them, and they're all heavily armed.
- Arataki Itto: Ah, don't worry, it's just a bunch of no-name scumbags. I got a whole laundry list of scores to settle with them.
- Nazuchi Beach sooner or later. Arataki Itto: If these two islands are where they tend to hang around, we're sure to run into them at
- (Talk to Masato again)
- Masato: I still think you should leave it alone... they're too dangerous.
- Masato: Never mind the goods, I'm lucky just to have escaped with my life.
- (Upon reaching Nazuchi Beach)
- Arataki Itto: They gotta pass through here some time. So let's just hang tight for a while.
- Arataki Itto: If I'm not mistaken, they'll be showing up any time now.
- Paimon: Yeah, things might get a little rough, so we'd better be prepared.
- After you wait for a while, the suspicious people finally emerge.
- Paimon: Oh, here they come!
- Arataki Itto: Yeah, there they are. And one of them has horns.
- Arataki Itto: Alright, it's go time. Let's get 'em!
- (While fighting the Nobushi)
- Arataki Itto: Looks like you fellas aren't going down without a fight.
- Arataki Itto: Fine by me! Let's fight first and talk later!
- (After defeating the Nobushi and talking to Takuya)
- Arataki Itto: Hey! Don't even think about runnin'!
- Arataki Itto: It's me. Arataki Itto, descendant of the crimson oni!
- Takuya: Hmph, I know who you are.
- Takuya: From the day we are born, every blue oni knows their purpose. We all know our fate is one of self-sacrifice.
- Takuya: But what about the crimson oni, hmm? You don't know anything about us... Not our miserable history, or any of our names. Mine's Takuya, by the way. But you don't even care, do you?
- Takuya: Because those who get sacrificed should be forgotten, right?
- Arataki Itto: No, you're wrong. I never knew that the blue oni had survived to this day — and the moment I found out, I was determined that I would find you.
- Arataki Itto: Since you remember the pact between our two factions, I assume you also remember the pride we share as oni.
- Arataki Itto: So my question is, how could a proud oni like yourself go and abuse the weak and plunder the innocent? Why break the oath that our kind swore all those years ago?
- Takuya: Hahaha!
- Arataki Itto: Huh? What's so funny!?
- Takuya: Heh, who are you to talk about pride and oaths with me?
- Takuya: The blue oni gave up everything! Just so the crimson oni could live peacefully in human society!
- Takuya: But let me ask you, Arataki Itto, what exactly do you contribute to human society?
- Takuya: You're a blundering fool who can't hold down a real job, a laughingstock of the town, and worse still, you let them get your Vision during the Vision Hunt Decree. Protecting the oni pride? Hah! You wouldn't know how if you tried!
- Takuya: You're a disgrace to the oni kind!
- Arataki Itto: Hey, come on, none of that stuffs a big deal, I mean... heh, y—you're, uh, really hangin' me out to dry here, man...
- Takuya: Since when do you care what other people think? You just do whatever you want. It's not like anyone can stop you.
- Takuya: But do you have any idea of the kind of life my kin and I have lived while you've been hanging around in human society?
- Takuya: We were cut off from the rest of the world. We severed all contact with it, and since then we've had no place to live, no stable source of food...
- Takuya: No clothing, no medicine, nothing! Besides the oath we swore to uphold and our so-called oni pride, we had nothing!
- Arataki Itto: So that's why you joined a band of thieves?
- Takuya: That's right. Why should I accept that life? Is holding fast to a worthless oath supposed to help me provide for my family and friends?
- Takuya: I've abandoned our oni pride, it's meaningless. I want to live.
- Takuya: I've given everything that I've stolen from humans to my community. What I've taken will at least keep them from starving and ease their pain.
- Takuya: That's what matters most to me.
You don't need to go to such extremes.
That doesn't actually solve the root problem.
- Paimon: Yeah! And besides, the blue oni sacrificed themselves so that oni could be accepted as part of human society!
- Paimon: If people see oni causing trouble again, then that'll defeat the whole purpose of the sacrifice you made!
- Takuya: Hmph, you make a good point. But Arataki Itto's the one who needs to get that into his thick skull.
- Takuya: The blue oni are the bad guys, so we're expected to do bad things. Our actions won't tarnish the reputation of the crimson oni...
- Takuya: Unless, of course, this bonehead decides it'd be a great idea to take all the blame for himself, completely destroying the trust between humans and the crimson oni in the process...
- Takuya: He's the one that's wasted the sacrifice we've made.
- Arataki Itto: Huh!? I only had to do that because of you! I couldn't just stand back and let the Tenryou Commission drag you away!
- Takuya: You should get your priorities straight!
- Takuya: The blue oni are history, alright!? Forget about us! The crimson oni are the ones who must live on!
- Takuya: Why couldn't you have just stayed out of this!?
- Ishizaki: There they are! Seize them!
- Paimon: Oh no! It's the Tenryou Commission!
- Takuya: Ugh, forget it! This was a waste of time anyway.
- Takuya: Look, I don't expect you to understand me. But you could at least take a look in the mirror sometime.
- Paimon: Hey! Heyyy!
- Paimon: He got away! Uh oh, we need to get out of here, too!
It's too late!
They've got us surrounded!
- Arataki Itto: We can't get caught here.
- Arataki Itto: Looks like I'm up to bat. Just wait here, and we'll escape together when the time's right.
- Arataki Itto: Whatever you do, don't attack any of the Tenryou Commission or they'll be after you too.
- (While fighting the Tenryou Commission members)
- Ishizaki: C'mon men! He won't get away this time.
- Ishizaki: Just give yourself up, Arataki Itto.
- (After defeating Tenryou Commission members)
- Arataki Itto: Man, they really came out in force today. I'm kinda flattered the Tenryou Commission sent so many...
- Arataki Itto: But I still haven't completely recovered from the bean attack earlier... I'm starting to lose my edge here.
Why don't you let us explain the situation to them?
- Arataki Itto: No, no way!
- Arataki Itto: All that would do is send them after our blue oni friend instead. But, I have to settle things with him first, man to man!
- Paimon: Then what should we do!? The Tenryou Commission's about to arrest you!
- Arataki Itto: Ugh, no choice but to keep kicking some Tenryou butt!
- Akira: Hey Boss! Thought you'd have all the fun without us, huh?
- Genta: Granny Oni sent us. We're here to lend a hand!
- Mamoru: Maybe we can't take 'em, but we can sure slow 'em down. Now's your chance — go!
- Arataki Itto: Hey! I told you to stay outta this one!
- Akira: Well, we're in it now. C'mon, there's no time!
- Genta: Go do what you gotta do, Boss!
- Arataki Itto: Hmph, alright then!
- Arataki Itto: Watch yourselves. Soon as I'm done, I'm coming back for you!
- Arataki Itto: C'mon you two! Time to roll!
- Ishizaki: Don't let them get away! After them!
- Mamoru: Hey! You guys want some of this!? There's plenty to go around!
- Genta: Run for it, Boss!
- You manage to escape with the help of Arataki's gang
- Arataki Itto: As boss of the Arataki Gang, being rescued by my own boys feels... pretty humiliating.
- Arataki Itto: I promise never to let you down, boys! Alright, we got some footprints to follow. Let's find Takuya!
- Paimon: It was real touching and all, what they did, but those few guys weren't much of a gang...
- Arataki Itto: Hey, it takes Mora to run a gang, okay? They're all I got for now.
- (Continue following the footprints)
- Arataki Itto: Huh? Is it just me, or are there more and more footprints here?
- Arataki Itto: At least we know we're headed the right way. Let's see what else we can find ahead.
- (Investigate the cart)
- Arataki Itto: Wrecked carts and goods...
- Arataki Itto: Look alive, we've got company!
- (After defeating the Nobushi)
- Arataki Itto: Seems they definitely don't want us going any further.
- Arataki Itto: Let's see what's waiting for us up ahead.
- (Upon reaching the fourth location)
- Arataki Itto: Huh, besides the footprints, there are other signs of life here too. Must be plenty going on around here...
- Arataki Itto: Let's investigate. They couldn't have just disappeared into thin air... unless they're all ninjas or something.
- (Upon reaching the entrance to the ronin hideout)
- Arataki Itto: Ah! Hidden entrance! Yes! Alright! I think we just found their hideout.
- Arataki Itto: This is gonna be where they keep all the people they took.
- Paimon: Paimon thinks Takuya's probably going to be in there as well.
Before we go in, I have a question.
- Arataki Itto: Huh? Oh, fire away.
Did you really understand where Takuya was coming from?
- Arataki Itto: Heh, of course I did. C'mon, I'm not that dumb...
- Arataki Itto: But it takes a world-class blockhead like Takuya to think his ideas are actually going to work.
- Arataki Itto: So I'm here to save him, no matter what!
Alright, that's good to hear.
- Paimon: Huh? What were you two talking about? Are you keeping Paimon in the dark again?
- Arataki Itto: Hahahaha, let's go!
- (Upon descending into the first room of the hideout)
- Paimon: Whoa, this place is huge! Pretty fancy for a hideout...
- Arataki Itto: All acquired by less-than-legitimate means, no doubt. And all the more reason we gotta put an end to this.
- (Upon reaching the mechanism for the stairs)
- Paimon: Hmm, how come the stairs are over there? We can't go up if we can't reach them!
- Arataki Itto: No problemo! That'll be what this mechanism is for.
- (Upon using the mechanism)
- Paimon: Oh, it's moving!
- Arataki Itto: Hehe, see? What did I tell ya? Just trust my instincts.
- (Upon reaching the room with the imprisoned hostages)
- Paimon: Huh! Look at all the people locked up in here!
- Arataki Itto: They must be holding onto them for leverage. Alright, let's get them out of here.
- You free everyone inside.
- Paimon: Alright, you're all free to go now! Quick, get to safety!
- Misuzu: Sorry, but have you seen our little boy? We're awfully worried about him!
- Sugimoto: Calm down, dear. We don't even know if he was taken here or not.
- Misuzu: B—but... Oh, my little Daisuke...
- Paimon: Oh, you must be Daisuke's parents!
- Misuzu: Yes, that's right! Have you seen him? Where is he? Is he all right?
- Arataki Itto: Don't worry, he's safe and sound. Someone's looking after him now on Yashiori Island. Here, lemme show you on the map.
- Arataki Itto: He's been worried about you, I bet he'll be relieved to see you.
- Misuzu: You were the one who saved him? Oh, thank you, thank you!
He's the one you should be thanking.
- Arataki Itto: Hahaha, no need to thank me. It's my pleasure, really. It's just who I am... it's what I do.
- Arataki Itto: Before you go calling me a hero, lemme ask you this: Wouldn't any other self-respecting guy who saw another person in danger have done the exact same thing?
- Paimon: Really... Just one little compliment and it goes straight to his head...
Why did they seize so many people?
- Sugimoto: *sigh* These vagrants are insatiable. They'll do anything for money.
- Sugimoto: No one dares stand up to them for fear of what they might do...
- Paimon: W—Would they really do anything drastic?
- Sugimoto: Um... No, actually, because one of the guys — the one with oni horns on his head — has always shielded us so far.
- Sugimoto: Oh, in fact, his horns look just like the ones this guy has!
- Misuzu: At night, he would secretly bring us food and water. I don't understand what he was trying to do...
- Misuzu: Are you a friend of his? Or perhaps a relative?
- Arataki Itto: Uh, relative, I guess.
- Misuzu: Oh, maybe there's something secretly troubling him? He seemed different from the rest of the gang... They seem like heartless crooks, but I'd say he comes across more like a confused child who made some poor choices.
- Arataki Itto: Lemme put it this way... There are a few things he needs to straighten out in his head, and I'm here to point him in the right direction.
- Misuzu: I'm glad to hear that. He's lucky to have family like you.
- Arataki Itto: Hehe, don't worry, he'll be in my trusty hands. I'll help him see the light.
- Arataki Itto: Anyway, you should scram, it's still not safe here.
- Misuzu: Yes, thanks again. You've rescued our entire family... we are indebted to you.
- (After talking to Daisuke's parents)
- Arataki Itto: Heh, a child that made some poor choices...
- Arataki Itto: Anyway, let's get going, while we still have time.
- (Upon reaching the final room)
- Arataki Itto: This is the place. The jig's up, surrender while you can!
- (After defeating the Nobushi and Nogata)
- Nogata: Bet you think you've won, don't ya?
- Nogata: Haha, so naive! This is my home turf!
- Nogata: I'll let you in on a little secret. A long time ago, I picked up this rare paper charm. It's very precious to me.
- Nogata: What makes it so special is that if you tear one piece, the other piece starts tearing too.
- Arataki Itto: Uh, news flash, don't care about your little origami obsession.
- Nogata: You'd better stay where you are and let me finish!
- Nogata: Aren't you curious what the other piece is used for?
- Nogata: I'll tell you. It's now the critical component of a mechanism, and when it gets torn, this place goes up in smoke! Yeah. The whole hideout is rigged with explosives and ready to blow.
- Paimon: Wha— You're gonna blow this whole place up!?
You'll get yourself killed too.
- Nogata: Oh, don't worry about me. I made sure that I've got an escape route. The rest of you, though... you're gonna be buried deep among the rubble!
- Nogata: You've had your fun. Now it's goodbye!
- Nogata: ...Huh?
- Nogata: My paper charm! Wh—Where's my paper charm!?
- Takuya: I'm sorry, are you looking for this?
- Nogata: Yes, that's— But when did you...
- Takuya: I snatched it earlier, to stop you from doing anything hasty.
- Nogata: Why you... And now you're going to betray me!?
- Takuya: You're one to talk. What about burying everyone here? If you ask me, that sounds like you've already betrayed our agreement, no?
- Nogata: Agh! Just give it here!
- Arataki Itto: You done talking now? You sure? Great, 'cause I am done listening.
- Nogata: Ughhhh...
- Arataki Itto: Great work, Takuya. You arrived in the nick of time.
- Takuya: Stay away from me!
- Arataki Itto: Huh!?
- Takuya: I said stay away, or I'll tear the paper charm!
- Arataki Itto: Hey! Okay, okay... fine. Just calm down. What are you doing!?
- Takuya: Just because I won't let him blow this place to bits doesn't mean that I won't do it myself!
- Takuya: Unless you wanna get buried, then leave this place, now! Take everyone here and get out!
- Arataki Itto: Heh, you won't go through with it.
- Arataki Itto: If you were that cruel, then why bother protecting every person you've come across, huh?
- Takuya: I'm not here to reason with you! Go! Just get out of here!
- Takuya: This sacrifice is mine to make, mine alone! Why couldn't you just stay out of it!
- Arataki Itto: No one needs to sacrifice themselves!
- Takuya: Alright, then you tell me, what am I supposed to do!?
- Takuya: I've tarnished our oni pride and abandoned our ancestors' oath. Only sacrifice can restore my pride now!
- Takuya: I chose this path so I could provide for my fellow oni. I was ready to die from the very beginning.
- Takuya: This is between us blue oni! But you... If it wasn't for you, everything would have worked out perfectly!
- Ishizaki: They're here! We won't let them slip away this time!
- Paimon: Uh oh, there's nowhere else to run!
- Takuya: Hey, Tenryou Commission! I'm the one you're looking for! I did it, I'm behind everything! Arataki Itto is innocent!
- Takuya: You're the ones in charge of detaining criminals in human society, right? I'm sure you can tell who the criminal is here!
- Paimon: Huh! It's like he's trying to re-enact the fairytale! Sacrificing himself for the crimson oni...
- Arataki Itto: Ignore him, he doesn't know what he's talking about! It's me you've been looking for, and here I am! How're you ever going to report back without capturing me!
- Takuya: Grr! Stop fooling around, Itto!
- Arataki Itto: Listen Takuya, sacrificing yourself won't solve anything.
- Arataki Itto: Your sacrifice can't protect me or your fellow oni. And giving up your life isn't gonna make theirs any longer.
- Arataki Itto: Sacrificing yourself is one way to escape your fate, but the only one you'll be setting free is yourself.
- Arataki Itto: Listen to me! You wanna be the tough guy, huh? Well, this is the coward's way out! Don't let your sacrifice stain our oni pride!
- Takuya: ...
- Arataki Itto: The blue oni have been scraping the bottom of the barrel all these years, so let's give them a new beginning.
- Arataki Itto: We've made mistakes, but we can make up for them.
- Arataki Itto: Fate hasn't been kind to the oni? Well then, let's tear it up and start over!
- Arataki Itto: But before any of that can happen, you need to get yourself behind me and forget about all of that self-sacrifice stuff!
- Arataki Itto: Now, let's go. But we're not done talking about this. Takuya!!!
- Cutscene's Travel Log summary:
- (Cutscene plays)
- Arataki Itto: I'll take care of this
- Arataki Itto: There are still people in danger
- Arataki Itto: Go, help them!
- Paimon: But...!
- Arataki Itto: Hey, I got this!
- Ishizaki: Come on!
- (Paimon, Traveler, Ishizaki and the other Tenryou Commission members flee the hideout)
- Takuya: Forget about me!
- Takuya: Just go!
- Takuya: It's what I deserve...
- Arataki Itto: Ah, shaddap, wouldya?
- (Cutscene ends)
- Paimon: Whew, we managed to save everyone, but...
- Paimon: What about Itto and Takuya? Paimon hopes they're alright...
Let's wait a little longer.
Itto said he could take care of it.
- Paimon: Uhh...
- Paimon: Look! It's Itto and Takuya!
- Arataki Itto: Ugh, that's gonna hurt tomorrow...
- Arataki Itto: What's up with the looks on your faces? I said we'd be okay, didn't I?
- Arataki Itto: I'm sure I'd be looking a whole lot sharper right now if it wasn't for that brutal bean attack of yours earlier.
I'm just happy you made it out alive!
We didn't wanna make things too easy for you.
- Takuya: Why...
- Takuya: Wh—Why would you do this for me?
- Takuya: I'm the guilty one here... I don't deserve this.
- Arataki Itto: Because we are oni, that's why. We share the same blood, brother.
- Arataki Itto: Our parents and their parents before them never taught us that it was okay to abandon family in need.
- Arataki Itto: ...I just wish you'd come to find me sooner.
- Arataki Itto: If you knew about me all along, then you should've just come and asked me for help. I never would have dreamed of turning you away.
- Takuya: The blue oni disappeared so that they wouldn't bring trouble to the crimson oni. If I came to you for help, wouldn't that just undo everything the blue oni have done?
- Arataki Itto: Not to me! I've always respected the blue oni for their sacrifice. Nothing they did was in vain.
- Arataki Itto: It's only because of them that we have survived to see today, and built a world where oni and humans can live side by side.
- Arataki Itto: Honestly, everything that I have now, II owe to the blue oni. And lemme tell you, the Inazuma of today wouldn't see you as a villain just because of the color of your horns.
- Takuya: You say all that, but... in spite of everything, you're barely getting by...
- Arataki Itto: Hahaha, that's just how I roll, man.
- Arataki Itto: You remember the pact, don't ya? We're not supposed to suck up to the humans. We're supposed to earn their respect.
- Arataki Itto: Every member of the Arataki Gang's had a tough time trying to fit in.
- Arataki Itto: Take Akira, for example, he snores like you wouldn't believe... Or Genta, he's got a serious temper problem... And Mamoru, well, he's colorblind...
- Arataki Itto: Even Granny Oni, she got that name for taking me in as a kid. We're all rejects and outcasts in some way, but we don't care.
- Arataki Itto: You wanna talk about pride? Well, in our gang, we're proud to welcome anyone who's been through adversity with open arms.
- Takuya: But... I...
- Arataki Itto: Ah, don't worry! The Arataki Gang's already a bunch of misfits. You really think you could cramp our style?
- Ishizaki: We've dealt with the Kairagi and the people they took captive. I assume the two of you are finished talking?
- Ishizaki: Takuya, based on the findings of our investigation... I hereby announce that you are officially under arrest for forceful seizure of people and property. Please do not attempt to resist.
- Ishizaki: All stolen articles will be reclaimed. That means we'll be seizing all the goods you passed on to your kin.
- Takuya: N—No, please don't! Without those goods, they'll...
- Arataki Itto: It's alright, Takuya. Those goods never belonged to us anyway.
- Arataki Itto: Don't worry, I'll help take care of your kin. Now that I know the situation, I'll personally make sure that they never suffer again.
- Ishizaki: Might wanna put your grand plans on hold there. You're under arrest too, for numerous assaults on Tenryou Commission officers.
- Arataki Itto: Oh, hehe... I guess I forgot about that.
- Arataki Itto: But no worries! I'll put my gang on the case. My boys will take good care of the blue oni...
- Ishizaki: Yeah, we've already arrested them, too.
- Arataki Itto: Oh, right. Yeah, uh...
- Paimon: *sigh* That's what they get for resisting the Tenryou Commission.
- Arataki Itto: I guess it's up to you then, Traveler. Could ya be a pal and tell Granny Oni about the blue oni situation?
Sure, we'll tell her everything.
- Arataki Itto: Thanks... and thanks for sticking with me to the end. Once I'm out of the slammer, I'll find a way to make it all up to ya.
Now's your chance to clean up your act.
- Arataki Itto: Yeah, I know the drill, this isn't my first time... and it probably won't be my last.
- Ishizaki: As for you two, lending them your aid when you knew full well they were in the wrong means that the culpability extends to you too.
- Ishizaki: But, given your unique circumstances, and in light of the complexity of this case, we won't press charges this time.
- Paimon: Hehe, sorry for the trouble.
- Arataki Itto: Hey, wait! "Unique circumstances"? Are these guys, like, a big deal or something?
Nope, it's nothing like that.
- Arataki Itto: Hahaha, c—cool, 'cause I was gonna say, y'know... I'm kind of a big deal myself. You know...
- Arataki Itto: Alright, see you next time... Whenever that will be!
- (After Arataki Itto, Takuya, and the Tenryou Commission members leave)
- Paimon: Well, he's pretty...
- Paimon: Weird, but at least he's not a bad guy.
- (Approach Granny Oni)
- You tell Granny Oni everything that happened to you along the way.
- Granny Oni: Ahh yes, that does sounds like my Itto.
- Daisuke: So... did they take Uncle Itto away?
- Misuzu: Yes, they did. But don't be too upset, Daisuke. We will have the chance to see him again.
- Misuzu: He and his gang may have acted recklessly, but the fact remains that he still helped us.
- Daisuke: Yeah, I knew it! Uncle Itto helped us, and he's awesome!
- Granny Oni: Now don't get any ideas, Daisuke. Itto is a far cry from "awesome." He still caused a lot of trouble for a lot of people.
- Granny Oni: If you ask me, I'd say he's like one of those little Onikabuto you kids are playing with all the time.
- Granny Oni: Though he looks fierce on the outside, he has a kind heart. He's not a delinquent, but he will never back down from a fight.
- Daisuke: Uh, I don't really get it, but it sounds like a compliment. I can't wait for my next beetle fight with Uncle Itto!
- Sugimoto: Thank you, Granny, for taking care of our little boy. I hope that Itto and his friends will be released as quickly as possible.
- Granny Oni: Yes, you needn't worry. The officials in the Tenryou Commission will certainly exercise sound judgment.
- Sugimoto: It's time we started heading back. We'll be sure to visit again soon.
- (Sugimoto, Daisuke, Misuzu leave)
- Granny Oni: Ah, I'm glad that everything was resolved in the end. Things were looking quite dire, but now the future looks bright. Wonderful, wonderful.
- Granny Oni: As for the blue oni, just leave them to me. If there's one thing an old granny like myself can do, it's caring for others.
- Paimon: Do you need our help?
- Granny Oni: Haha, no, no. Go on ahead, I'm sure you have other adventures beckoning.
- Granny Oni: Besides, once Itto is released, he'll be here to help me.
Is he always like this?
- Granny Oni: Oh, yes... And you know what, I think that's what makes him adorable, wouldn't you agree? Hehe.
- Granny Oni: He does whatever he puts his mind to... He's sincere, brave, and determined.
- Granny Oni: Back when I took him in, everyone thought I was most unusual indeed. They started calling me Granny Oni.
- Granny Oni: But I've never been ashamed of this name. On the contrary, I'm quite proud of it.
- Granny Oni: Because Itto is my pride and joy.
- Cutscene's Travel Log summary:
- (A cinematic starts)
- A long, long time ago, in a village lost to time
- There lived a crimson oni and a blue oni
- They were the best of friends
- The crimson oni wanted to be friends with the humans
- So the blue oni played the role of the naughty kid...
- And then he left
- After a long time, the crimson oni was living happily with the humans
- But in his heart, he wanted to bring the blue oni back home
- The crimson oni didn't know where to find the blue oni
- His search took him up the highest mountains
- And across the widest rivers
- He found many traces of the blue oni
- But the more he found, the clearer it became:
- The blue oni was hiding on purpose
- So just as the blue oni had once done, the crimson oni left him a letter:
- "Dear Ao, I've made lots of human friends now"
- "And I want to have a big party for everyone"
- "I want all my friends to be there. That means you too, Ao"
- "If you don't want to meet me, you can just watch from a distance"
- The blue oni snuck back to the village, and hid in the shadows
- He saw the great feast and roaring fire, and longed to join in
- But though his stomach rumbled
- The blue oni remembered the oath of old, and kept his distance
- Suddenly, he jumped: The crimson oni was right behind him!
- "Hey, you're finally back!"
- "C'mon, I'll introduce you!"
- "It's time everyone met my best friend"
- (Cinematic ends)
- (Talk to Granny Oni again after the quest ends)
- Granny Oni: Just leave everything to me now.
- Granny Oni: It looks like Granny Oni's about to get a few more oni to look after.
Story Teaser - The Reunion of Best Friends - Genshin Impact
Other Languages[]
Language | Official Name | Literal Meaning |
English | The Oni's Pride | — |
Chinese (Simplified) | 鬼之傲 Guǐzhī'ào | The Oni's Pride |
Chinese (Traditional) | 鬼之傲 Guǐzhī'ào | |
Japanese | 鬼の誇り Oni no Hokori | The Oni's Pride |
Korean | 오니의 긍지 Oni-ui Geungji | The Oni's Pride |
Spanish | El orgullo de un oni | The Pride of an Oni |
French | La fierté oni | The Oni Pride |
Russian | Гордость óни Gordost' óni | The Oni's Pride |
Thai | ความภาคภูมิของ Oni Khwam Phakphumi khong Oni | Pride of the Oni |
Vietnamese | Kiêu Hãnh Của QuỷQuỷ | The Oni's Pride |
German | Der Stolz der Oni | The Pride of the Oni |
Indonesian | Kebanggaan Oni | Oni Pride |
Portuguese | Orgulho Oni | Oni Pride |
Turkish | Onilerin Onuru | |
Italian | L'orgoglio degli oni |
Change History[]
Released in Version 2.3