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The Meaning of Lupical is the first act of Razor's Story Quest, the Lupus Minor Chapter. In order to unlock this quest line, the player must have completed the Archon Quest Prologue: Act III - Song of the Dragon and Freedom, Amber's Story Quest, Lepus Chapter: Act I - Wind, Courage, and Wings, and reached Adventure Rank 21.

During the act, the Traveler ventured the wildest place ruled in Mondstadt, ruled by powerful laws of fierce wolves.

List of Quests[]

  1. Wolves' Territory
  2. Another Day as an Outrider!
  3. Ravaged by Wolves
  4. Fate's Chosen Lupical


Wolves' Territory

Arriving at Wolvendom, the Traveler and Paimon explored the area and are immediately attacked by some slimes. They fend some off, but another group of slimes comes in, one of which grows to considerable size. As the Traveler and large slime charge at each other, a boy comes in and cuts the slime back down to size, prompting the slimes to flee. Introducing himself as Razor, he want them to help him find some raw meat as his intervention has ruined his wolf pack's hunt. The Traveler finds some raw meat and gives it to Razor. Although it is not enough for his pack, he considers it to be better than nothing, which the "red burny girl" often does, who the Traveler mistakes for Amber.

At Mondstadt's front gate, the Traveler finds Amber and asks if they met Razor before. Amber does not know who they are talking about, but asks them to accompany her for an investigation as she has heard reports of wolf attacks at Drunkard Gorge and Springvale. Upon investigating for clues, they find fur from different wolves, but also find a stray Wolfhook seed that indicates the attackers came from Wolvendom. Amber tells the people of Springvale to remain calm as she investigates, but the younger generation refuses to stand by and do nothing.

Ravaged by Wolves

Returning to the wilderness, Amber meets Razor for the first time. Razor states that Amber is not the girl he had talked about, but nonetheless accepts her aid. He asks them to help, smelling blood, causing Amber to be concerned about the villagers' safety. Razor's lack of social skills initially makes Amber believe that his pack had attacked the village. He leads them to an injured wolf and when Amber states that it doesn't prove that his pack is innocent, Razor tells her that another wolf pack from outside, led by a black wolf, had been attacking the villages.

Fate's Chosen Lupical

Venturing deeper into Wolvendom, Razor tells the Traveler to collect some Wolfhook seeds to tend to the injured wolf, while he answers Amber's questions. The Traveler returns with the seeds just as the Springvale villagers come and accuse Razor of orchestrating the wolf attacks. Boreas, the Wolf of the North, is enraged by the disturbance and orders Razor to fight him to prove his worth for protecting outsiders. With the Traveler's aid, Razor is able to calm Boreas down, who confirms that an outside wolf pack had been causing the problems. Boreas states that the foreign pack would pay for their actions, but Razor cannot intervene, as he is ultimately human and not wolf. Seeing the Traveler's worth, Boreas also allows them to spar with him as he departs from the scene.

Razor is upset that he cannot help his wolf pack and Boreas' words have caused him to question his identity. Amber offers to bring him to Mondstadt for his safety. Razor rejects the offer and thanks the three for their help, jokingly forgetting Amber's name, much to her disdain.


9 Characters appear in this Story Quest:


No.Soundtrack NameAlbumPlayed In
15Welp, Didn't Expect ThatCity of Winds and IdyllsKaeya's Troubles, Cooking Appointment, Cooking Showdown, Another Day as an Outrider!, To Mondstadt, A Bewildering Fate, Guizhong (Quest), Teucer's Terrific Tour, Ode to Flower and Cloud, The Snowy Past, The Golden Apple Vacation Returns! (Quest), Receiver of Friends From Afar: Part IV
Event Gameplay
24Tender StrengthCity of Winds and IdyllsCooking Showdown, Wangshu, Justice Is Its Own Reward, Fate's Chosen Lupical, Master's Day Off (Quest), Should You Be Trapped in a Windless Land (Quest), The Fond Farewell, Dream of Wind and Flowers, Lasting Promise, With You, A Secret Born From Ashes, Dream of Farewell, Farewell, My Shroom Buddies, The Currents of Life, Sincerity's Facade, Culminate! Chatter of Joyous Dreams, The Truest Thing, Receiver of Friends From Afar: Part IV
Event Gameplay, Serenitea Pot
23The Wolf BoyThe Shimmering VoyageWolves' Territory (cutscene)


  • The outside wolf pack that has been causing problems in Wolvendom are rifthounds, of which three Rockfond Rifthound Whelps will appear slightly north of Boreas' location after completing the quest.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishThe Meaning of Lupical
Lúpíkǎ de Yìyì
Lupical's Significance
Lúpíkǎ de Yìyì
Rupika no Imi
The Meaning of Lupical
Korean루피카의 의미
Rupika-ui Uimi
The Meaning of Lupical
SpanishEl significado de LupicalThe Meaning of Lupical
FrenchLa signification de lupicalThe Meaning of Lupical
RussianЧто значит Лупикал?
Chto znachit Lupikal?
What does Lupical mean?
Thaiความหมายของ Lupical
VietnameseÝ Nghĩa Của LupicalThe Meaning of Lupical
GermanBedeutung der LupicalThe Meaning of Lupical
IndonesianMakna dari LupicalThe Meaning from Lupical
PortugueseO Significado de LupicalThe Meaning of Lupical
TurkishLupical'ın Anlamı
ItalianIl significato di Lupical

Change History[]
