The Greater Lord's Remaining Consciousness is a Quest Domain during the Archon Quest Where the Boat of Consciousness Lies in Chapter III: Act V - Akasha Pulses, the Kalpa Flame Rises.
- Defeat the monsters affected by forbidden knowledge pollution.
- Wave 1:
- Wave 2:
- Use the Four-Leaf Sigil to reach the next island.
- Defeat the affected monsters.
- Use the Four-Leaf Sigils to reach the next island with enemies.
- Defeat the affected monsters.
- Use the Four-Leaf Sigil to reach the Boat of Consciousness.
- Defeat the affected monsters.
- Wave 1:
- Wave 2:
- Interact with the helm of the boat on the upper deck.
Pyro Slime
Large Pyro Slime
Electro Slime
Hilichurl Fighter
Pyro Hilichurl Shooter
Hilichurl Grenadier
Electro Hilichurl Shooter
Anemo Samachurl
Dendro Samachurl
Electro Samachurl
Rock Shieldwall Mitachurl
Blazing Axe Mitachurl
Thunderhelm Lawachurl
Rockfond Rifthound
Rockfond Rifthound Whelp
No. | Soundtrack Name | Album | Played In |
64 | Silky Crooning | Forest of Jnana and Vidya | The Greater Lord's Remaining Consciousness, The Night-Bird Falls at the Curtain's Call (Domain) (Irminsul's inner region) Locations, Quests |
76 | Nameless Days | Forest of Jnana and Vidya | A Forest of Change (Domain), Mysterious Ruins, That Day Under Irminsul, The Greater Lord's Remaining Consciousness, The Night-Bird Falls at the Curtain's Call (Domain) (Irminsul's inner region) Locations |
77 | Whispers of Immensity | Forest of Jnana and Vidya | A Forest of Change (Domain), Mysterious Ruins, That Day Under Irminsul, The Greater Lord's Remaining Consciousness, The Night-Bird Falls at the Curtain's Call (Domain) (Irminsul's inner region) Locations, Quests |
Other Languages[]
Language | Official Name | Literal Meaning |
English | The Greater Lord's Remaining Consciousness | — |
Chinese (Simplified) | 大慈树王的残留意识 Dà-Císhùwáng de Cánliú Yìshi | |
Chinese (Traditional) | 大慈樹王的殘留意識 Dà-Císhùwáng de Cánliú Yìshì | |
Japanese | マハールッカデヴァータの残留意識 Mahaa Rukkadevaata no Zanryuu Ishiki | Great Rukkhadevata's Remaining Consciousness |
Korean | 위대한 룩카데바타의 남은 의식 Widaehan Ruk'kadebata-ui Nameun Uisik | Great Rukkhadevata's Remaining Consciousness |
Spanish | Consciencia remanente de la Reina Mayor Rukkhadevata | Remnant Consciousness of the Greater Queen Rukkhadevata |
French | Conscience restante de la Molrani | Remaining Consciousness of the Greater LordGreater Lord |
Russian | Остатки сознания великой властительницы Руккхадеваты Ostatki soznaniya velikoy vlastitel'nitsy Rukkkhadevaty | The Great Ruler Rukkhadevata's Remnants of Consciousness |
Thai | จิตสำนึกที่หลงเหลือของท่านหญิง Rukkhadevata ผู้ยิ่งใหญ่... | |
Vietnamese | Ý Thức Còn Sót Lại Của Đại Vương Rukkhadevata | The Remaining Consciousness of Great Lord Rukkhadevata |
German | Verbleibendes Bewusstsein der Höheren Herrin Rukkhadevata | Remaining Consciousness of Higher Lady Rukkhadevata |
Indonesian | Sisa Kesadaran Greater Lord Rukkhadevata | Greater Lord Rukkhadevata's Remaining Consciousness |
Portuguese | Resquício de consciência de Lorde Maior Rukkhadevata | |
Turkish | Mahadevi'nin Kalan Bilinci | |
Italian | La coscienza residua di Sua Eccellenza Maggiore | Her Greater Excellency's Residual Consciousness |
Change History[]
Released in Version 3.2