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The Great Adventurer Stanley is a Quest Domain during The South Wind Brings Adventure in Venti's Story Quest, Carmen Dei Chapter: Act I - Should You Be Trapped in a Windless Land. It takes place in the Temple of the Lion.

Trial Character[]

WLWL Character
& Weapon
Talents & Artifacts Attributes


VentiAnemo Lv. 58 C3 Ven­ti
  • Normal Attack Lv. 4
  • Elemental Skill Lv. 4
  • Elemental Burst Lv. 7
Icon Attribute Health Max HP: 14,868
Icon Attribute Attack ATK: 1,351
Icon Attribute Defense DEF: 425
Icon Attribute Elemental Mastery Elemental Mastery: 94
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit Rate: 50.6%
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit DMG: 72.4%
Icon Attribute Energy Recharge Energy Recharge: 158.8%

Medal of the BraveProspect of the BraveFortitude of the BraveOutset of the BraveCrown of the Brave
Artifact Lv. 16
Set Bonus
Brave Heart 4-Piece


VentiAnemo Lv. 68 C3 Ven­ti
  • Normal Attack Lv. 5
  • Elemental Skill Lv. 5
  • Elemental Burst Lv. 8
Icon Attribute Health Max HP: 17,092
Icon Attribute Attack ATK: 1,362
Icon Attribute Defense DEF: 568
Icon Attribute Elemental Mastery Elemental Mastery: 102
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit Rate: 51.8%
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit DMG: 91.9%
Icon Attribute Energy Recharge Energy Recharge: 194.0%

Royal FloraRoyal PlumeRoyal Pocket WatchRoyal Silver UrnRoyal Masque
Artifact Lv. 16
Set Bonus
Noblesse Oblige 4-Piece


VentiAnemo Lv. 87 C3 Ven­ti
  • Normal Attack Lv. 8
  • Elemental Skill Lv. 8
  • Elemental Burst Lv. 11
Icon Attribute Health Max HP: 22,857
Icon Attribute Attack ATK: 1,799
Icon Attribute Defense DEF: 782
Icon Attribute Elemental Mastery Elemental Mastery: 165
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit Rate: 57.1%
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit DMG: 91.9%
Icon Attribute Energy Recharge Energy Recharge: 219.7%

Royal FloraRoyal PlumeRoyal Pocket WatchRoyal Silver UrnRoyal Masque
Artifact Lv. 20
Set Bonus
Noblesse Oblige 4-Piece


VentiAnemo Lv. 89 C3 Ven­ti
  • Normal Attack Lv. 8
  • Elemental Skill Lv. 8
  • Elemental Burst Lv. 11
Icon Attribute Health Max HP: 23,091
Icon Attribute Attack ATK: 1,820
Icon Attribute Defense DEF: 793
Icon Attribute Elemental Mastery Elemental Mastery: 165
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit Rate: 57.1%
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit DMG: 91.9%
Icon Attribute Energy Recharge Energy Recharge: 219.7%

Royal FloraRoyal PlumeRoyal Pocket WatchRoyal Silver UrnRoyal Masque
Artifact Lv. 20
Set Bonus
Noblesse Oblige 4-Piece

Trial Characters at Level 75 or above that are equipping the set Noblesse Oblige may be out of date.


  1. Hold Venti's Elemental Skill to generate a wind current and glide onto the elevator, moving up to the next room.
  2. Activate the device to open the door.
  3. Defeat the Hilichurls before the next door.
  4. Defeat the Hilichurls in the next room.
  5. Defeat the enemies in the next room.
  6. Talk to Jack and Stanley.
    • There is a Common Chest behind them.
  7. Use the wind current to glide up to the next room.
  8. Activate 4 Anemo Elemental Monuments in quick succession.
    • Stand in the middle and use Venti's Elemental Skill (Hold) to light all of them at once.
    • A Common Chest will spawn next to the Elemental Monuments after unlocking the device.
  9. Activate the unlocked device to open the door.
  10. Defeat the Hilichurls in the next room.
  11. Hold Venti's Elemental Skill to generate a wind current, glide up, and go through the Anemo Rings in the air to reach the final room.
  12. Defeat two Abyss Mages in the final room.

Completion Rewards[]

Mora 10,000
Adventurer's Experience 2
Mystic Enhancement Ore 2
Vayuda Turquoise Fragment 1


No.Soundtrack NameAlbumPlayed In
58Magic IntriguesCity of Winds and IdyllsCipher for the Ciphertext, Find the Stolen Book, Hidden Palace of Lianshan Formula, Temple of the Lion, Deep Within the Temple of the Lion, The Great Adventurer Stanley
Event Gameplay

Video Guides[]

The Great Adventurer Stanley Guide (5 Chests)

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishThe Great Adventurer Stanley
Dà Màoxiǎnjiā Sītǎnlì
The Great Adventurer Stanley
Dà Màoxiǎnjiā Sītǎnlì
Dai Boukensha Sutanree
The Great Adventurer Stanley
Korean대모험가 스탠리
Daemoheomga Seutaenri
The Great Adventurer Stanley
SpanishGran aventurero StanleyGreat Adventurer Stanley
FrenchStanley, le légendaire aventurierStanley, the Legendary Adventurer
RussianВеликий искатель приключений Стэнли
Velikiy iskatel' priklyucheniy Stenli
The Great Adventurer Stanley
Thaiนักผจญภัยผู้ยิ่งใหญ่ Stanley
Nak Phachon Phai Phu Ying Yai Stanley
The Great Adventurer Stanley
VietnameseNhà Mạo Hiểm StanleyAdventurer Stanley
GermanGroßer Abenteurer StanleyGreat Adventurer Stanley
IndonesianPetualang Legendaris StanleyThe Legendary Adventurer Stanley
PortugueseO Grande Aventureiro StanleyThe Great Adventurer Stanley
TurkishBüyük Maceracı Stanley
ItalianStanley, il grande avventuriere

Change History[]

