The Five Colors' True Form is the second part of the True Tales of the Violet Garden: Act IV - The Palace, Dyed in Black during the Hues of the Violet Garden event.
- Return to The Five Kasen Plaza
- Speak to Albedo
- Look for your friends on-site (0/4)
- Return to The Five Kasen Plaza
- Talk to the Editor-in-Chief
- Look for "that person"
- The quest resets to Step 1 if the Traveler leaves the area
- Wait for night (00:00–05:00)

The much-awaited final phase of the Irodori Festival has begun. Not only will the new volume release event occur today, but Albedo will also unveil his portrait of Kuronushi to everyone.
- (Approach the Plaza)
- The Irodori festival goes into full festive swing and your work is going well. Finally, the day of the release event arrives...
- Paimon: Today's the final stage of the Irodori Festival. Not only will there be Xingqiu's signing event, but Albedo's painting of Kuronushi will also be unveiled.
- Paimon: Let's take a stroll through the festival venue, maybe we'll find everyone there.

The much-awaited final phase of the Irodori Festival has begun. Not only will the new volume release event occur today, but Albedo will also unveil his portrait of Kuronushi to everyone. Go speak to Albedo first.
- (Examine Kuronushi's likeness)
- Kuronushi's Likeness: (Albedo's portrait of Kuronushi. The portrait has been covered up by a piece of cloth.)
- Kuronushi's Likeness: (It seems like you'll only know what is on it during the unveiling ceremony itself.)
- (Talk to Albedo)
- TravelerTraveler), Paimon. Albedo: Hello (
- Paimon: Albedo, why is the portrait of Kuronushi all covered up? Paimon wants to see what your Kuronushi portrait looks like.
- Albedo: Don't worry, the unveiling ceremony will be starting shortly. You'll see what it looks like then.
- Albedo: I will say that I'm most satisfied with this particular work. I even made a special trip to see someone in order to complete it. They gave me some very valuable suggestions.
Things are starting to sound pretty mysterious.
Sounds pretty suspicious if you ask me.
- Albedo: Hehe, is that so? Anyway, there is still time before the ceremony, you may have a look around the venue first.
- (Talk to Albedo again)
- Albedo: You should have a look around the venue first, today will likely be the busiest day of the Irodori festival.

Other than Xingqiu, who is at the signing event, Venti, Kazuha, and Ayaka should all be around here somewhere. Go see what they're doing at the moment.
- (Talk to Venti or Yae Miko)
- Yae Miko: Well, hello everyone.
- Paimon: Hey, what are you two doing together!? Don't think we didn't see you two chatting up a storm just now. The moment we came over, you stopped talking.
- Yae Miko: Is that so? I'm afraid you're just overthinking things.
- Venti: We were merely discussing wine and food, I'm sure you two wouldn't be interested.
- Yae Miko: Ahem, speaking of good sides with sake, I personally prefer fried tofu...
- Paimon: Ugh, forget it. Even if those two are plotting something, they'd still never let us know.
- (Talk to Venti or Yae Miko again)
- Miko and Venti: (Miko and Venti are drinking and chatting in a corner. The empty bottles are starting to pile up at an alarming rate... But it seems that they've really been discussing the best sides to go with sake this whole time.)
- (Talk to Kaedehara Kazuha)
- Paimon: Kazuha, what are you doing here? Why aren't you at the festival?
- Kaedehara Kazuha: I came here to take in the sea breeze. Such a bustling atmosphere is never really to my liking.
Are you really alright, Kazuha?
- Kaedehara Kazuha: Heh, I knew you were still worried about me.
- Kaedehara Kazuha: Thank you, but please don't worry. The things I said in front of everyone weren't just pretty-sounding excuses.
- Kaedehara Kazuha: Look, see this familiar harbor in front of us? Before, you could sit here all day without seeing a single ship pass through. Instead, all you would see were soldiers from the Kanjou Commission guarding against possible intruders.
- Kaedehara Kazuha: But now, it's become a bustling place.
- Kaedehara Kazuha: Not only are foreigners coming to Inazuma again, but traffic between here and Watatsumi Island has also been picking up.
- Paimon: Yeah, Inazuma's already started to change, huh.
- Kaedehara Kazuha: I was thinking... In some ways, each and every one of us are similar to this country.
- Kaedehara Kazuha: It might take a different amount of time for different people, but there will inevitably come a day when each person can let go of their burdens.
- Kaedehara Kazuha: And when they finally let go, they are free to follow the wind as they please.
- (Talk to Kaedehara Kazuha again)
- Kaedehara Kazuha: Don't worry about me. You should go enjoy the festival.
- (Talk to Kamisato Ayaka or Kamisato Ayato)
- Kamisato Ayato: Greetings Traveler, Paimon.
- Paimon: Oh, Ayato! We finally get to see the busiest person of all.
- Kamisato Ayato: Yes, there were many things which required my attention these past few days.
- Kamisato Ayato: Fortunately, the Irodori Festival is proceeding smoothly. The Tri-Commission cooperated closely to prepare this festival, so at long last, I can take a break today.
- Kamisato Ayaka: Brother and I are very grateful for your help.
- Kamisato Ayato: Hmm, Thoma sure is taking his sweet time...
Oh, you're waiting for Thoma?
- Kamisato Ayaka: Yes, today is one of the rare occasions when brother isn't busy. I was going to buy some books but he said he wanted to come along, "his treat." However, he forgot his wallet at home, so he asked Thoma to go back and fetch it for him.
- Paimon: Paimon didn't think Ayato could ever be forgetful like that.
- Kamisato Ayaka: Hehe, brother always works diligently, and it's rare for him to ever put his duties to the side and relax.
- Kamisato Ayaka: So, Thoma and I really cherish such moments when he's forgetful.
- (Talk to Kamisato Ayaka or Kamisato Ayato again)
- The Kamisato Siblings: (The two people talk about various things regarding the Irodori Festival while they wait for Thoma. You can hear snatches of their conversation: "Brother, even if Thoma is here, you cannot simply forget to bring your purse"...)
- (Approach Xingqiu)
- TravelerTraveler), Paimon, it's a pleasure to see you! Xingqiu: (
Did today’s [sic] signing go as planned?
- Xingqiu: Indeed, it did. Thanks to you, the signing event went off without a hitch! And I must say, the readers seemed most satisfied.
- Paimon: Uh, Xingqiu... Is it just Paimon, or are you on the lookout for something?
- Xingqiu: You aren't mistaken. Though I'm ashamed to admit it, but in fact, I have been on the watch for tourists from Liyue.
- Xingqiu: After all, I came to Inazuma under the pretext of evaluating a potential investment. If an acquaintance were to see me sitting here, then there would be no way to hide the truth from my father.
- Xingqiu: Fortunately, the crowds of readers that came flocking over have kept the usual tourists at bay.
- Xingqiu: Oh, I should mention, Xu is also unaware of the real purpose of my trip. If you happen to meet him, please, remember to keep it secret.
Don't worry, we've got you covered.
- Xingqiu: Then please accept my thanks in advance. I'm sorry that I can't chat long, there are still readers waiting in line.
- Xingqiu: I'll see you later at the unveiling ceremony for Kuronushi's portrait.
- (Talk to Xingqiu again)
- Xingqiu: (Xingqiu currently seems to be carefully signing books for his readers. His penmanship is quite smooth. Even though the stamp designed by Albedo is not very complicated, he must have practiced for quite a long time just to make his readers happy...)
- (Talk to Onodera)
- Onodera: The release event has been a huge success. It's all thanks to you, Traveler.
- (Talk to Kadenokouji Kenzaburou)
- Kadenokouji Kenzaburou: Lots of people came to buy books today. Though the signing process wasn't difficult, after so many copies, I can barely lift my hand.
- (Talk to Satomi)
- Satomi: I heard that not only is Zhenyu heir to a Liyue merchant family, but he also created the entire novel without ever telling his family. Come to think of it, that's quite similar to the plot in the novel.
- Satomi: Hmm... Perhaps next time we should try to write a story about a novelist based on Zhenyu.
- (After talking to Ayaka, Kazuha, Venti, and Xingqiu)
- Paimon: It's time for the portrait's unveiling ceremony, let's head over to The Five Kasen Plaza.

The unveiling of Kuronushi's portrait is about to begin. Return to The Five Kasen Plaza and admire this masterpiece together with everyone else.
- (Approach the Plaza)
- Hirayama: Everyone, welcome to the Magnificent Irodori Festival!
- Hirayama: Today, we have ushered in the final stage of our festival.
- Hirayama: And now, we will reveal the final portrait of The Five Kasen — Kuronushi, which was done by none other than our guest artist from Mondstadt, Calx.
- (Everyone claps)
- Paimon: Paimon has no idea what Albedo's portrait looks like... Ugh, this is so nerve-racking!
- Hirayama: Let's all count down together! Three, two, one!
- Guest: Huh? What's this? This piece depicts nothing but a background!
- Guest: I suppose Calx must have forgotten to include the character.
- Hirayama: Ahem. Uh, let's hear some words from Calx himself regarding the creative process behind this piece.
- Albedo: Hello everyone. First, I would like to say that it was an honor to be invited to create the portraits of The Five Kasen.
- Albedo: The Five Kasen are legendary figures from ancient Inazuma, famous for their works of poetry. As time passed, poems were composed about them, and they became the subjects of many stories.
- Albedo: I learned from existing sources about those stories that the character of Kuronushi is the deepest and most differing of The Five Kasen.
- Albedo: Moreover, Kuronushi lacks a dedicated chapter among the stories. It's as if he is a "behind-the-scenes role" of The Five Kasen.
- Albedo: Perhaps we can assume that every creator had a different understanding of Kuronushi. So, in the same way, I also wanted to leave this character to everyone's own imagination.
- Albedo: After all, the Irodori Festival is a place for everyone to express their minds through creative works.
- Paimon: Yep, that's Albedo for ya! His super logical explanation is sure to win everyone's approval.
- Paimon: Well, it seems that our adventures at the Irodori Festival have come to a close, hehe.
Are you sure?
Aren't you forgetting something, Paimon?
- Paimon: Huh? Wh—What are you talking about?
- Paimon: Oh... Ohhh! Right, we still haven't figured out who left those stories of The Five Kasen for us to find.
But, I have an inkling of who it might be.
- Paimon: Really? C'mon then, who is it? Tell Paimon!
First, it's someone that knows every one of us.
- Paimon: Well, that makes sense... Otherwise, there'd be no way to give the right paper to the right person every time.
Also, they are connected with the Kaedehara Clan.
- Paimon: Right, even though they were using stories to hint us toward Xingqiu's troubles, the real goal was to lead us to solve the secrets of the Kaedehara Clan...
- Paimon: *gasp* Paimon gets it now! Well, at least Paimon thinks she knows...
- Paimon: Let's go! We'll get to the bottom of this!

The person who left the various tales behind should be near The Five Kasen Plaza. Look for "this person" and solve the final mystery behind the Irodori Festival.
- (Examine Kuronushi's Likeness)
- Kuronushi's Likeness: (Albedo's portrait of Kuronushi. There is no sign of any personage here. Only a backdrop adorns this image.)
- Kuronushi's Likeness: (Albedo said that he wanted to leave this to everyone's imagination. Perhaps you too, already have some clear idea of what this person might have looked like...)
- (Talk to Venti)
- Venti: Oh, are you asking about the one who left the stories of The Five Kasen? Hehe, I do happen to know their true identity.
- Venti: But things may be little more complicated than you think.
- (Talk to Xingqiu)
- Xingqiu: Are you discussing the person who left The Five Kasen stories? They are indeed a meticulous person who's good at reading the situation.
- (Talk to Albedo)
- Albedo: Yes, in fact, before doing the portrait of Kuronushi, I visited the person who left those stories and confirmed a few things.
- Albedo: I think my current approach to this portrait is the most correct one. after all, there are something things that are better left obscure and out of the public eye.
- (Talk to Kamisato Ayaka)
- Kamisato Ayaka: The person who left behind the stories of The Five Kasen probably chose to do so for Kaedehara's sake.
- Kamisato Ayaka: After all, if they wanted to simply tell me what happened, there'd be far easier ways of doing it.
- (Talk to Kaedehara Kazuha)
- Kaedehara Kazuha: To be honest, I am very grateful to the one who left those stories for us to find. This journey allowed me to uncover the truth behind my family.
- Kaedehara Kazuha: And, I am also very fortunate to have you to accompany me and find the answers.
- (Talk to Yae Miko)
- Yae Miko: The one who left the stories of The Five Kasen? Haha, I'm afraid you guessed wrong, Paimon. It wasn't me~
- Paimon: Huh? Really!? Paimon thought for sure you'd be the sneaky and tricky one!
- Yae Miko: Hah, but seeing as you stumbled upon me, you aren't far from finding that person now.
- Yae Miko: Because other that me, there's only one person left.
- (Talk to Ayato)
- Paimon: Ayato! you're the one behind the stories of The Five Kasen!
- Paimon: But, don't you think you overdid it a little, leading all your friends on a wild hunt like that!
- Kamisato Ayato: Haha. As it just so happens, one of the reasons I'm here today is to explain the details behind this "wild hunt."
- Paimon: Hmph, Paimon wants to see how you'll explain yourself out of this one.
- Kamisato Ayato: First of all, the start of this whole incident was due to mere happenstance. You see, Lady Yae happened to catch sight of Xingqiu and the editor carrying the books away one night. She thought it was interesting, so she asked me to tease them a bit.
- Paimon: Huh!? So it was Miko after all!
- Paimon: Paimon knew it! This thing had Miko written all over it...
- Kamisato Ayato: That's right, but using the story of The Five Kasen to guide you to the Kaedehara family's secrets was my personal touch.
- Kamisato Ayato: As for my roundabout approach... Well, that was something which I had no choice but to do.
You had no choice?
- Kamisato Ayato: Yes. Due to a certain incident that occurred earlier, I happened to notice the bonsai plants left behind by Kaedehara Yoshinori, as well as the blank papers hidden inside.
- Kamisato Ayato: I knew there was more than meets the eye regarding those papers, but it took me some time to figure out the secret behind the ink, the kind that would only appear when exposed to water.
- Kamisato Ayato: What Kaedehara Yoshinori said in the letter is very important for both the Kamisato Clan and the descendants of the Kaedehara Clan, especially Kazuha.
- Kamisato Ayato: The Kaedehara Clan used to be subordinates of the Kamisato Clan. It was my ancestors who were unable to protect them all those years ago. So now, this obligation fell on my shoulders.
- Kamisato Ayato: Although he has the right to know the truth, the closer he draws to things hidden out of sight, the closer he also draws to danger. I had to confirm whether Kazuha has both the will and ability to be privy to the truth.
- Kamisato Ayato: Of course, I could outright tell him the truth that I had discovered, but maybe he doesn't have the will that's required. In that case, the truth would only become a burden to him.
- Kamisato Ayato: If he lacks the ability, then he wouldn't be able to find the truth in the first place. In which case, it would be better to keep him away from danger altogether.
- Kamisato Ayato: Kaedehara Yoshinori left his message in a roundabout way precisely for this reason.
- Kamisato Ayato: For a long time, I yearned for a suitable opportunity to convey this matter, right up until the night when "A Legend of Sword" was smuggled away.
- Paimon: Oh, Paimon gets it now...
But why was everyone else involved, too?
- Paimon: Yeah, it wasn't only Kazuha. You brought all the rest of us into this plan of yours!
- Kamisato Ayato: Hahaha, I figured you would ask this question eventually.
- Kamisato Ayato: I merely saw that this matter would be of value to you.
- Kamisato Ayato: And more importantly, I hoped that while Kazuha and Ayaka were looking for the answers together, they would have some reliable friends by their side.
- Kamisato Ayato: Reliable friends who would be willing to protect them and make measured decisions. Friends who would spare no effort to lend a helping hand in times of trouble.
- Kamisato Ayato: Because it is also very likely that you will face the same enemy together in the future.
So who is Kunikuzushi?
- Kamisato Ayato: You already know the answer deep down inside, don't you?
- Kamisato Ayato: The answer is actually hidden in the portrait of Kuronushi.
- Kamisato Ayato: When there is no one else near the portrait, you can confirm with your own eyes.
- Kamisato Ayato: As for the means of revealing that answer... well, you have used it many times before.

According to Ayato, the truth is buried within the portrait of Kuronushi. The method of revealing the truth is one you've used several times before already. The Five Kasen Plaza is a little crowded at the moment. It might be best to return to this place later at night.
- (When the time arrives)
- Paimon: It's getting pretty late, so nobody else is around now.
- Paimon: So Ayato must have been telling us to splash water on the portrait, right?
- (The Traveler walks up to the painting and makes a splash. After the pair waits several moments, their expressions change to troubled concern. A figure painted with special ink appears, revealing...)
- the Balladeer! Paimon: *gasp* It's... It's
- Paimon: So he was the one behind the trouble all those years ago!
- (Flashback begins of the Traveler and Paimon's continuing conversation with Ayato)
- Kamisato Ayato: When there is no one else near the portrait, you can confirm with your own eyes.
- Kamisato Ayato: As for the means of revealing that answer... well, you have used it many times before.
- Kamisato Ayato: Also, there's one last thing that we must discuss.
- Kamisato Ayato: I mentioned earlier that the occurrence of "a certain incident" made me notice the bonsai plants. I wish to tell you of that incident now.
- Kamisato Ayato: It was just after the Shogun announced the abolition of the Sakoku Decree. I heard that something had happened at the Tenryou Commission.
- Kamisato Ayato: They had discovered signs that someone had entered the warehouse storing the commission's articles of evidence and confiscated items. But, nothing was stolen.
- Kamisato Ayato: I felt something unusual about that incident, so I told Kujou Sara of the Tenryou Commission to treat it as if nothing happened. She was not to increase the guard or relocate the warehouse contents.
- Shuumatsuban to keep watch over the warehouse. And sure enough, someone was sneaking in and rummaging through the belongings of the Kaedehara Clan. Kamisato Ayato: In the meantime, I sent a member of the
- Paimon: You mean, he was also looking for...
- Kamisato Ayato: Heh, I let him search for a while, but in the end, he found nothing. Soon after, he had to leave Inazuma by boat.
- Paimon: Why didn't you send someone to catch him?
- Kamisato Ayato: Hehe. The best way to protect a secret is to treat it as if it doesn't exist, is it not? Besides, the identity of this person is not hard to guess.
- Kamisato Ayato: After he left Inazuma, I carefully checked the Kaedehara Clan's belongings one by one, and eventually discovered the papers in the hidden compartment of the flower pot.
- Kamisato Ayato: I am certain that the papers are the secret which the infiltrator sought to find, though he couldn't confirm whether this secret existed at all.
- Kamisato Ayato: So, now on to my final question...
- Kamisato Ayato: Which part of Kaedehara Yoshinori's experiences was the secret that needed to be protected?
That Kaedehara Yoshinori knew that the family was framed?
That Kaedehara Yoshinori knew that the culprit was named Kunikuzushi?
That Kaedehara Yoshinori was spared by his opponent?
- Kamisato Ayato: Hahaha, I don't have an answer to this question at present, so I'll leave it to your future self.
- Kamisato Ayato: As for now, please enjoy yourselves at the Irodori Festival.
- (Quest ends)
- (Examine Kuronushi's Likeness)
- Kuronushi's Likeness: (This is Albedo's portrait of Kuronushi.)
- Kuronushi's Likeness: (He used a special ink here to depict "Kunikuzushi," a secret that was only revealed when the canvas' surface touched water.)
- Kuronushi's Likeness: (The way Ayato puts it, it seems that the person who tried to furtively search for the secret was a Fatui spy. But "who" would want to hide Kunikuzushi's past?)
- Kuronushi's Likeness: (And what effect might this secret have on your own destiny?)
No. | Soundtrack Name | Album | Played In |
14 | Everlasting Devotion | Realm of Tranquil Eternity | The Five Colors' True Form Locations, Serenitea Pot |
- After completing this quest, the player may reveal Scaramouche's likeness on Kuronushi's portrait again by applying Hydro to the portrait. (This cannot be done prior to quest completion.)
- Unlike all five canvases, Scaramouche's likeness is technically an object, so a silhouette may also be seen via Elemental Sight, and it counts as a target for some Talents, such as Kamisato Art: Kyouka's watery illusion and Icy Paws. (The object does not exist before it is time for the Traveler to splash water on the portrait.)
Other Languages[]
Language | Official Name | Literal Meaning |
English | The Five Colors' True Form | — |
Chinese (Simplified) | 五彩光华本相 Wǔcǎi Guānghuá Běnxiàng | |
Chinese (Traditional) | 五彩光華本相 Wǔcǎi Guānghuá Běnxiàng | |
Japanese | 五彩光華に隠されし真相 Gosai Kouka ni Kakusareshi Shinsou[!][!] | The Hidden Truth of the Five Color Beautiful Light[※][※] |
Korean | 오색의 빛나는 진상 Osaek-ui Binnaneun Jinsang | The Five Colors' Shining True Form |
Spanish | La verdadera forma de los cinco colores | The True Form of the Five Colors |
French | La véritable forme des cinq couleurs | The True Form of the Five Colors |
Russian | Истинная форма пяти цветов Istinnaya forma pyati tsvetov | The Five Colors' True Form |
Thai | เรื่องราวแห่งสีสันแสนสดใส | |
Vietnamese | Diện Mạo Ngũ Sắc | |
German | Die wahre Form der fünf Farben | The True Form of the Five Colors |
Indonesian | Pancaran Lima Warna | Radiance of the Five Colors |
Portuguese | A Verdadeira Forma das Cinco Cores |
Change History[]
Released in Version 2.6