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The Blaze Lilies is a soundtrack from the album The Shimmering Voyage Vol. 3.

Soundtrack Usage[]




Production Credits[]

Position Staff[1]
Composer Yu-Peng Chen (陈致逸), Qian Ding (丁谦)
Arranger Qian Ding (丁谦), Yijun Jiang (姜以君)
Orchestra Budapest Scoring Orchestra, International Master Philharmonic Orchestra (国际首席爱乐乐团)
Dizi Xiaokui Ding (丁晓逵)
Pipa Yankun Duan (段妍堃)
Guzheng Yijing Shen (申依靖)
Erhu Chao Li (李超)
Electric Guitar Yijun Jiang (姜以君)
Recording Studio Budapest Scoring, SKY FIRE STUDIO (九紫天诚录音棚), 2496 Top Music
Recording Engineer Dénes Rédly, Wanqiu Liu (刘婉秋), Kun Wang (王昆)
Mixing Engineer Zach Huang (黄巍)
Mastering Engineer Zach Huang (黄巍)
Production HOYO-MiX


During the cutscene in A Single Harmony for an Irreplaceable Soul, Hu Tao and Xinyan sing along as the soundtrack plays. The lyrics sung depend on the player's choice of the language of the game's voiceover. However, the soundtrack featured in the album is instrumental and does not include any singing voice.


Xinyan's part
I'm up here blazin' trails through the midnight sky, lightin' up the world below
And when the crowds all hear my voice, they'll meet the spirit of rock n' roll
Hu Tao's part
Let's go! / Hey you, butterfly / You too, buzzin' by / Guidin' your way / To the afterlife
Openin' the path without a fright / Oh!
I'll light the fire / Watch it blaze / 'cross the universe
I'll spit my rhymes / Watch your step / Or you'll get burned


Chinese Transcript Pinyin
Xinyan's part
我乃是广寰宇唯一奥妙 Wǒ nǎishì guǎng huányǔ wéiyī àomiào
盖世界第一嗓喉 Gài shìjiè dìyī sǎnghóu
世人见我皆不识 Shìrén jiàn wǒ jiē bùshí
我的气海心中藏宇宙 Wǒ de qìhǎi xīnzhōng cáng yǔzhòu
Hu Tao's part
龙盘虎踞 Lóngpán-hǔjù
蝶羞蜂妒 Dié xiū fēng dù
张三李四 Zhāngsān-lǐsì
入不敷出 Rùbùfūchū
无所得故 Wúsuǒ dé gù
无有恐怖 Wúyǒu kǒngbù
冯陈诸卫 Féng Chén Zhū Wèi
宇宙洪荒 Yǔzhòu hónghuāng
买椟还珠 Mǎidú-huánzhū
智圆行方 Zhì yuán xíng fāng
舌战群儒 Shézhànqúnrú
吻槊唇枪 Wěn shuò chún qiāng


Japanese Transcript Rōmaji
Xinyan's part
無限の宇宙で唯一の 不思議最高シンガー Mugen no uchuu de yuuitsu no fushigi saikou shingaa
分からなくたっていい このハートの宇宙を Wakaranakutatte ii kono haato no uchuu wo
Hu Tao's part
YO!竜蟠 .虎踞、羞花 .閉月 YO! Ryuuban kokyo, shuuka heigetsu
張三李四 .環堵蕭然 Chousanrishi kantoshouzen
徒手空拳、一騎当千。YEAH! Toshukuuken, ikkitousen. YEAH!
張王李趙、高談雄弁 Chouourichou, koudan'yuuben
得匣還珠。智円行方、喧々囂々、宇宙洪荒。YO!YO!YO!YO!YO! Tokkoukanshu. Chienkouhou, kenkengougou, uchuukoukou. YO! YO! YO! YO! YO!


Korean Transcript Romanized
Xinyan's part
나는야 우주 유일의 심비, 세계 제일 목소리!
세상이 몰라줘도, 마음엔 우주를 품고 있지
Hu Tao's part
YO! 내가 누구? 왕생당의 당주!
두려움 따윈 없어!
아이 세이 호! 유 세이 두!
세상의 이치, 내 손아귀의 경치
이건 마치, 승리를 위한 잔치!



Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishThe Blaze Lilies
Táo Zhī Huǒ Lín
Branches of Peach Tree, Fire Scales
Táo Zhī Huǒ Lín
Branches of Peach Tree, Fire Scales


