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Teucer's Terrific Tour is the second part of Tartaglia's Story Quest, Monoceros Caeli Chapter: Act I - Mighty Cyclops' Adventure!.


  1. Take Teucer out to the toy store
  2. Talk to Teucer
  3. Bring Teucer to Wanmin Restaurant
  4. Talk to Teucer
  5. Bring Teucer to the wharf
  6. Talk to Teucer
  7. Talk to Teucer
  8. Talk to Teucer
  9. Bring Teucer to where Childe is
  10. Complete the Treasure Hoarder's test by obtaining the treasure
    • Claim the treasure within 80 seconds
    • If the player fails the challenge, talk to Slippery Wu and restart the challenge
  11. Talk to the member of the Treasure Hoarders
  12. Go to Childe's location to look for Teucer
  13. Defeat all the Fatui recruits

Gameplay Notes[]

  • If the World Quest Home Lies Over the Ocean is active, complete the delivery of the letter to be able to bring Teucer to the wharf.
  • There is some randomness involved with the negotiation. Acceptable values may vary.
    • The lowest amount that can be negotiated for is roughly:
    • After haggling, the player may keep the remaining Mora given by Childe. This bag of Mora can be exchanged for regular Mora with Ekaterina.

Trial Character[]

  • If Childe is not already in the party, he will be added as a Trial Character during the Treasure Hoarder challenge and the sparring match against the Fatui recruits.
WLWL Character
& Weapon
Talents & Artifacts Attributes


TartagliaHydro Lv. 71 C3 Tar­ta­glia
Polar Star Lv. 71 R1 Po­lar Star
  • Normal Attack Lv. 6
  • Elemental Skill Lv. 8
  • Elemental Burst Lv. 5
Icon Attribute Health Max HP: 21,011
Icon Attribute Attack ATK: 1,501
Icon Attribute Defense DEF: 755
Icon Attribute Elemental Mastery Elemental Mastery: 42
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit Rate: 79.1%
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit DMG: 91.9%
Icon Attribute Energy Recharge Energy Recharge: 135.0%
Icon Attribute Hydro DMG Bonus: 21.6%

Royal FloraRoyal PlumeRoyal Pocket WatchRoyal Silver UrnRoyal Masque
Artifact Lv. 16
Set Bonus
Noblesse Oblige 4-Piece


TartagliaHydro Lv. 90 C3 Tar­ta­glia
Polar Star Lv. 90 R1 Po­lar Star
  • Normal Attack Lv. 9
  • Elemental Skill Lv. 11
  • Elemental Burst Lv. 8
Icon Attribute Health Max HP: 27,247
Icon Attribute Attack ATK: 1,977
Icon Attribute Defense DEF: 963
Icon Attribute Elemental Mastery Elemental Mastery: 105
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit Rate: 90.2%
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit DMG: 91.9%
Icon Attribute Energy Recharge Energy Recharge: 135.0%
Icon Attribute Hydro DMG Bonus: 28.8%

Royal FloraRoyal PlumeRoyal Pocket WatchRoyal Silver UrnRoyal Masque
Artifact Lv. 20
Set Bonus
Noblesse Oblige 4-Piece

Trial Characters at Level 75 or above that are equipping the set Noblesse Oblige may be out of date.


UI Quest Quest Description

The Snezhnayan boy that you met by chance while investigating the Ruin Guards turned out to be Childe's younger brother Teucer. Childe requests that you keep his "identity" a secret and that you give the boy a tour of Liyue.
(Leave the Northland Bank)
Media:vo gzlq002 1 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Looks like we'll be hanging out with Childe's kid brother for a while...
Media:vo gzlq002 1 teucer 01.ogg Teucer: So, so, so where are we going to play first?
Media:vo gzlq002 1 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Um... how about we start with the toy store?

(Approach the toy store)
Media:vo gzlq002 1 teucer 02.ogg Teucer: Eh? What are those super-colorful winged things?
Media:vo gzlq002 1 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: They're called kites. The kids in Liyue love them!
Media:vo gzlq002 1 grannyshan 01.ogg Granny Shan: Hello there, dear! You look like you've come a very long way. Let granny guess — from what you're wearing, I would say... Snezhnaya?
Media:vo gzlq002 1 teucer 03.ogg Teucer: Hee-hee, that's right. How do you play with these kite things, Granny?
Media:vo gzlq002 1 grannyshan 02.ogg Granny Shan: When the wind picks up, you let out the string, and whoosh! The kite will fly into the air, up, up and away!
Media:vo gzlq002 1 teucer 04.ogg Teucer: Wow... That's amazing. Do you have any Mr. Cyclops ones?
Media:vo gzlq002 1 grannyshan 03.ogg Granny Shan: Mr. Cyclops...? I'm sorry, I—
Media:vo gzlq002 1 teucer 05.ogg Teucer: I wanna fly Mr. Cyclops high into the sky so all the kids can get to know him!
Media:vo gzlq002 1 grannyshan 04.ogg Granny Shan: Well, I can do custom builds, but I'll need some amount of reference material...
Media:vo gzlq002 1 teucer 06.ogg Teucer: Will this picture do? I drew it myself. I bring it with me everywhere!
Media:vo gzlq002 1 grannyshan 05.ogg Granny Shan: Hmm... I'll manage. Still, I must warn you that custom builds can really be quite expensive...
Media:vo gzlq002 1 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Ah, we should be fine, Childe was pretty generous with that entertainment fund...
Media:vo gzlq002 1 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Um... But then again, throwing money around willy-nilly is, y'know, kinda irresponsible...
Icon Dialogue Talk What do you really mean...?
Media:vo gzlq002 1 paimon 06a.ogg Paimon: Well, um, so... Yes, technically speaking, these funds are earmarked for Teucer's entertainment... But, if there's any left over when we're done...
Icon Dialogue Talk You think we should pocket the change?
Media:vo gzlq002 1 paimon 06b.ogg Paimon: Eh-heh, your words not mine! But yes, we're on the same page here.
Media:vo gzlq002 1 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: Either way... it's time to talk prices!
(Opens the bartering menu; a mood gauge appears starting at a random value around 4.25 Hearts)
(If the price is higher than acceptable)
Media:vo gzlq002 1 grannyshan 06.ogg Granny Shan: This price is fair. Well then, I'll get that custom order done for you.
Media:vo gzlq002 1 paimon 08a.ogg Paimon: Hee-hee, thanks, Granny!
Media:vo gzlq002 1 grannyshan 07a.ogg Granny Shan: Worry not, just leave it to me.
(Go to next section)
(If the price is acceptable)
Media:vo gzlq002 1 grannyshan 07b 1.ogg Granny Shan: *sigh* Fine, fine. I've neither the time nor energy to bargain with you at my age. I suppose this price will do.
Media:vo gzlq002 1 paimon 08b.ogg Paimon: Hee-hee, thanks, Granny!
Media:vo gzlq002 1 grannyshan 07b 2.ogg Granny Shan: Worry not, just leave it to me.
(Go to next section)
(If the price is too low)
Media:vo gzlq002 1 grannyshan 07c.ogg Granny Shan: Hmm, this price is a little too low...
(Continue bartering)
(If the price is very low)
Media:vo gzlq002 1 grannyshan 07d.ogg Granny Shan: No, that won't do... This amount won't even pay for the materials...
(Continue bartering)
(If bartering is unsuccessful)
Media:vo gzlq002 1 grannyshan 07e 1.ogg Granny Shan: Children, children, I do hope you're not trying to make a mockery of me.
Media:vo gzlq002 1 grannyshan 07e 2.ogg Granny Shan: I'll stick to my price, and not a Mora less... If you seriously want this custom build, then I would hope you can be serious about the price.
Media:vo gzlq002 1 paimon 08e.ogg Paimon: Sorry, Granny! We didn't mean it like that... Alright, Granny, we'll go with your price.
Media:vo gzlq002 1 grannyshan 07e 3.ogg Granny Shan: That's more like it. Not to worry, now. Just leave it to me.
(Continue bartering)

Media:vo gzlq002 4 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: For our next stop... why don't we head to Wanmin Restaurant? It would be a mighty crying shame to come all the way to Liyue and never try the food!

(Approach Wanmin Restaurant)
Media:vo gzlq002 5 chefmao 01.ogg Chef Mao: Hello! Welcome! Table for three?
Media:vo gzlq002 5 teucer 01.ogg Teucer: Whew, this restaurant has a really... choking smell...
Media:vo gzlq002 5 chefmao 02.ogg Chef Mao: A "choking smell"? You must be referring to our signature spicy chili scent.
Media:vo gzlq002 5 teucer 02.ogg Teucer: Spicy chili? But I... can't eat spicy food.
Media:vo gzlq002 5 chefmao 03.ogg Chef Mao: Ah, what a pity. A person who can't eat spicy food misses out on half of life's joys.
Media:vo gzlq002 5 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Is it really that bad?
Media:vo gzlq002 5 teucer 03.ogg Teucer: My meals have to have lots and lots of sugar, and the oil has to be extra virgin vegetable oil.
Media:vo gzlq002 5 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Wow, we've got a real rich kid on our hands...
Media:vo gzlq002 5 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Looks like Wanmin Restaurant's dishes aren't to Teucer's tastes... Maybe we should go somewhere else...
Media:vo gzlq002 5 chefmao 04.ogg Chef Mao: —Will that be all? Any more special requests?
Media:vo gzlq002 5 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Eh? What do you mean, Chef Mao?
Media:vo gzlq002 5 chefmao 05.ogg Chef Mao: Ha! Giving the people what they want is the very reason Wanmin Restaurant exists.
Media:vo gzlq002 5 chefmao 06.ogg Chef Mao: If I thought for one second that I couldn't make a dish to satisfy this child's tastes, I would have absolutely no business calling myself a chef ever again.
Media:vo gzlq002 5 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Whoa, there seems to be a lot of professional pride riding on this...
Media:vo gzlq002 5 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: Then we'll leave it to you Chef Mao. We will be eating here after all.
Media:vo gzlq002 5 teucer 04.ogg Teucer: Sure!
Media:vo gzlq002 5 chefmao 07.ogg Chef Mao: But let me say this first: special requests are going to cost you more than normal.
Media:vo gzlq002 5 chefmao 08.ogg Chef Mao: Of course, we aren't going to demand prices anywhere near as exorbitant as the likes of Liuli Pavilion or Xinyue Kiosk.
Media:vo gzlq002 5 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: Is it just Paimon, or are premium custom orders in fashion lately?
Media:vo gzlq002 5 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: Still... Hehe... Surely there must be a little room for negotiation, right?
(Opens the bartering menu; a mood gauge appears starting at a random value around 4.25 Hearts)
(If the price is higher than acceptable)
Media:vo gzlq002 5 chefmao 09a 1.ogg Chef Mao: Done. I'll go prepare the food then.
Media:vo gzlq002 5 paimon 09a.ogg Paimon: Great! It's time for a nice meal!
Media:vo gzlq002 5 chefmao 09a 2.ogg Chef Mao: Please sit wherever you like. Your food will be with you shortly.
(Go to next section)
(If the price is acceptable)
Media:vo gzlq002 5 chefmao 09b 1.ogg Chef Mao: Ah, you folks... *sigh* Let's go with this, then. Any more haggling, and we'll ruin the other customers' appetites.
Media:vo gzlq002 5 paimon 09b.ogg Paimon: Hehe. Thanks, Chef Mao!
Media:vo gzlq002 5 chefmao 09b 2.ogg Chef Mao: Please sit wherever you like. Your food will be here shortly.
You enjoyed a meal specially made for Teucer by Chef Mao at Wanmin Restaurant...
(Go to next section)
(If the price is too low)
Media:vo gzlq002 5 chefmao 09c.ogg Chef Mao: That seems a bit on the low side... You do realize these dishes will be prepared specially to your requirements, don't you?
(Continue bartering)
(If the price is far too low)
Media:vo gzlq002 5 chefmao 09d.ogg Chef Mao: Hey now, come on. I can barely cover the cost of the ingredients at that price.
(Continue bartering)
(If bartering is unsuccessful)
Media:vo gzlq002 5 chefmao 09e 1.ogg Chef Mao: *sigh* All this haggling and wrangling... At this rate, everyone's appetites will be ruined.
Media:vo gzlq002 5 chefmao 09e 2.ogg Chef Mao: I won't argue with you any further. You can take my price, or you can take your order elsewhere.
Media:vo gzlq002 5 paimon 09e.ogg Paimon: Um, we're sorry, Chef Mao. We didn't mean to make you mad. We'll pay what you asked — all this bargaining's made us hungry too.
Media:vo gzlq002 5 chefmao 09e 3.ogg Chef Mao: Ha, now that's better! Go find a place to sit. Your food will be with you shortly.
(Go to next section)

You enjoyed a great meal in Wanmin Restaurant
Media:vo gzlq002 5 paimon 10.ogg Paimon: Blergh, it was a little... too sweet. Paimon feels a little sick...
Media:vo gzlq002 5 teucer 05.ogg Teucer: I thought it was just right! Almost exactly like how sister Tonia makes it!
Media:vo gzlq002 5 paimon 11.ogg Paimon: But this doesn't feel right, somehow... Didn't we bring Teucer here to try Liyue's specialties?
Media:vo gzlq002 5 paimon 12.ogg Paimon: ...Meh, whatever. So, where do you wanna go next, Teucer?
Media:vo gzlq002 5 teucer 06.ogg Teucer: The wharf! I was so caught up looking for my brother when I first got here that I didn't get a good look around.
Media:vo gzlq002 5 paimon 13.ogg Paimon: Good idea. The hustle and bustle at the wharf is a specialty of Liyue Harbor too.

(Approach the wharf)
Media:vo gzlq002 7 teucer 01.ogg Teucer: Wow, this place is huge! And there's so many people!
Media:vo gzlq002 7 teucer 02.ogg Teucer: Are the waves here always like this? Don't they ever freeze?
Media:vo gzlq002 7 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Uh, given Liyue's climate, the area around the harbor's mouth probably never gets cold enough to freeze.
Media:vo gzlq002 7 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Paimon is kinda the Traveler's exclusive personal tour guide, but... since this is a special occasion, Paimon can make an exception to help Teucer get to know the place.
Media:vo gzlq002 7 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: This place is Liyue's commercial hub, and it's been the biggest port in the seven nations ever since it was decided that Liyue would take on the world through trade.
Media:vo gzlq002 7 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Other than merchant vessels, many fishing boats and industrial transports dock here to replenish their, uh, fishery supplies and daily necessie— necessities, which, thanks to the... immense... throughput capacity of the wharf... Um...
Icon Dialogue Talk Paimon, Teucer won't understand a word you're saying...
Icon Dialogue Talk How about a topic kids would be interested in...
Media:vo gzlq002 7 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Uh... Yeah, Paimon can't remember how the rest goes anyway...
Media:vo gzlq002 7 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: Well, guess Paimon will just have to explain this Paimon-style! So, this harbor is like Teyvat's mouth, and it's the biggest mouth you've ever seen.
Media:vo gzlq002 7 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: All the nations float their boats over the sea into the mouth. The harbor goes om-nom-nom-nom-nom and has a taste of each boat and the cargo it has on board...
Media:vo gzlq002 7 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: Then, Liyue Harbor rubs its big round belly in satisfaction, because it's all stuffed full of delicious Mora!
Icon Dialogue Talk That's how you explain throughput capacity?
Icon Dialogue Talk Yes, this is all very... Paimon-style...
Media:vo gzlq002 7 teucer 03.ogg Teucer: Hey, what's that big metal hook over there? I wanna see!
(Teucer runs to the anchor)
Media:vo gzlq002 7 paimon 09.ogg Paimon: Wait, Teucer, don't run off!
Media:vo gzlq002 7 paimon 10.ogg Paimon: Ugh, after all that, he wasn't even listening!
Teucer: What a big metal hook!
(Approach Teucer at the anchor)
Media:vo gzlq002 9 teucer 01.ogg Teucer: That metal hook is huge! And it gets bigger the closer we get!
Media:vo gzlq002 9 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: This is an anchor. Docked ships use it to hold themselves in position, to stop the wind and waves from blowing them away.
Media:vo gzlq002 9 teucer 02.ogg Teucer: Hmm, an anchor... Got it.
Media:vo gzlq002 9 teucer 03.ogg Teucer: But I think I might get it mixed up with Commodore Hook...
Media:vo gzlq002 9 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Commodore Hook? Is this another one of your weird toy names...
Media:vo gzlq002 9 teucer 04.ogg Teucer: My brother always sends me a really big toy for my birthday.
Media:vo gzlq002 9 teucer 05.ogg Teucer: Commodore Hook, Blacksteel Jack, Iron Tony... We keep them all in our backyard.
Icon Dialogue Talk Are they as big as that anchor?
Icon Dialogue Talk They're all made of metal?
Media:vo gzlq002 9 teucer 06.ogg Teucer: Yeah, and that's why I can't bring them with me all the time. It's a shame...
Media:vo gzlq002 9 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Wow, using Fatui funds for personal gain. To think Snezhnaya would let their Harbingers do that, all for some giant toys...
Media:vo gzlq002 9 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: But suddenly, it doesn't seem so strange that Teucer would treat a Ruin Guard as a giant toy...
Media:vo gzlq002 9 teucer 07.ogg Teucer: But my favorite has to be Mr. Cyclops. Even though I mostly came here to see my brother, the other big thing I wanted to do was play with Mr. Cyclops!
Media:vo gzlq002 9 teucer 08.ogg Teucer: Ooh, are they selling fish over there? Let's have a look!
(Teucer runs to the fish stall)
Media:vo gzlq002 9 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Hey! Quit! Running! Off!
(Approach Teucer at the fish stall)
Media:vo gzlq002 11 teucer 01.ogg Teucer: Is this where they sell fish? Wow, the fish here in Liyue are so... small.
Media:vo gzlq002 11 unclegao 01.ogg Uncle Gao: Hey! Whose fish are you calling small? Little kids shouldn't go around ruining others' business.
Media:vo gzlq002 11 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: He's just a curious kid... No need to get worked up...
Media:vo gzlq002 11 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: That said... These fish are actually pretty big by Paimon's standards. Just how big are the ones you're used to, Teucer?
Media:vo gzlq002 11 teucer 02.ogg Teucer: Um, maybe two hundred times your size?
Icon Dialogue Talk That's crazy big...
Icon Dialogue Talk Actually, that's still pretty small...
Media:vo gzlq002 11 paimon 03b.ogg Paimon: Hey! Two hundred of Paimon would squish you flat, you know!
Media:vo gzlq002 11 teucer 03.ogg Teucer: There are legends in my hometown about it. It's supposed to be a super delicious fish.
Media:vo gzlq002 11 teucer 04.ogg Teucer: I told my brother about it, and he went out to sea to catch one for me.
Media:vo gzlq002 11 teucer 05.ogg Teucer: A few days later, he returned with a humongous fish slung over his shoulder. Anthon and I were so happy...
Media:vo gzlq002 11 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Are you sure that was a fish? Paimon thinks it sounds more like some sort of... leviathan...
Icon Dialogue Talk Sounds like a topic that would interest Xiangling...
Icon Dialogue Talk Your brother spoils you too much.
Media:vo gzlq002 11 teucer 06b.ogg Teucer: Hee-hee...
Media:vo gzlq002 11 teucer 07a.ogg Media:vo gzlq002 11 teucer 07b.ogg Teucer: Hey, (‍Mr. Nice GuyMr. Nice Guy/Ms. Nice LadyMs. Nice Lady‍), let's go over there to see the boats!
(Teucer runs to see the boats)
(Approach Teucer as he looks at the boat)
Media:vo gzlq002 12 teucer 01.ogg Teucer: ...
Media:vo gzlq002 12 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: What's wrong, Teucer? Are you tired? You don't seem so happy.
Media:vo gzlq002 12 teucer 02.ogg Teucer: I miss my brother...
Media:vo gzlq002 12 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: What? But we were just with him!
Media:vo gzlq002 12 teucer 03.ogg Teucer: Yeah, but for such a short time that it doesn't count!
Media:vo gzlq002 12 teucer 04.ogg Teucer: Take me to see my brother! I don't want to play anymore!
Icon Dialogue Talk That's children for you...
Media:vo gzlq002 12 paimon 03a.ogg Paimon: Yep, you can have all the patience in the world, but it won't help you at a time like this...
Icon Dialogue Talk Guess we've got no choice...
Media:vo gzlq002 12 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Well, we've played with Teucer long enough, haven't we? Paimon thinks we've tried our best here...
Media:vo gzlq002 12 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Childe said that he'd be by the river near Qingxu Pool. Why don't we look for him there?
Media:vo gzlq002 12 teucer 05.ogg Teucer: Yay! Let's go, let's go!

(Approach Childe)
Media:vo gzlq002 14 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Found him! There's Childe!
Media:vo gzlq002 14 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Wait, he's talking to... the Treasure Hoarders?
Media:vo gzlq002 14 tartaglia 01.ogg Childe: You know what I'm here for, I trust?
Media:vo gzlq002 14 slipperywu 01.ogg Slippery Wu: Oh, you've got lip. Makin' us guess, are you?
Media:vo gzlq002 14 slipperywu 02.ogg Slippery Wu: If you wanna join up, let me just say this first — dandy kid like you? You ain't welcome.
Media:vo gzlq002 14 tartaglia 02.ogg Childe: Oh ho. What a commendable imagination.
Media:vo gzlq002 14 tartaglia 03.ogg Childe: Well, in the Tsaritsa's name, I suppose I should forgive you country bumpkins for your ignorance. For I am—
Media:vo gzlq002 14 teucer 01.ogg Teucer: Brother!
Media:vo gzlq002 14 teucer 02.ogg Teucer: You're selling them toys, aren't you, brother? That's so cool! I've always wanted to watch you work!
Media:vo gzlq002 14 tartaglia 04.ogg Childe: ...Why, yes, of course! For I am, uh...
Media:vo gzlq002 14 tartaglia 05.ogg Childe: ...The greatest toy salesman in Snezhnaya!
Media:vo gzlq002 14 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Pfft...
Media:vo gzlq002 14 teucer 03.ogg Teucer: So cool!
Media:vo gzlq002 14 slipperywu 03.ogg Slippery Wu: ...
Media:vo gzlq002 14 slickwu 01.ogg Slick Wu: You playin' games, pretty boy?
Media:vo gzlq002 14 tartaglia 06.ogg Childe: ...So, will you buy, or not? The toys that Snezhnaya produced three months ago will run you... yes, 600,000 Mora. To be paid in full.
Media:vo gzlq002 14 sneakywu 01.ogg Sneaky Wu: T—Toys? And h—how much money!?
Media:vo gzlq002 14 slipperywu 04.ogg Slippery Wu: Wow, is that what it's gonna cost to fix that head of yours?
Media:vo gzlq002 14 walla 01.ogg Treasure Hoarder Crowd: Hahahaha!
Media:vo gzlq002 14 teucer 04.ogg Teucer: Look at that! Spreading joy and laughter to everyone — that's what toy selling's all about!
Media:vo gzlq002 14 tartaglia 07.ogg Childe: I'll say it again. Toys from Snezhnaya, three months prior, 600,000 Mora, paid in full.
Media:vo gzlq002 14 slipperywu 05.ogg Slippery Wu: Yeah... No. Sorry, salesboy — the same joke isn't funny twice.
Media:vo gzlq002 14 slipperywu 06.ogg Slippery Wu: Or were you always cruisin' for a bruisin'?
Media:vo gzlq002 14 tartaglia 08.ogg Childe: *sigh* Alright then, I'll make things a little easier for you. I'll join the Treasure Hoarders. Perhaps you'll be more willing to pay when we're brothers-in-arms?
Media:vo gzlq002 14 slipperywu 07.ogg Slippery Wu: Huh! Would you listen to yourself!? You think we just let any old person into the Treasure Hoarders? I'm not so sure you could hack it...
Media:vo gzlq002 14 tartaglia 09.ogg Childe: *chuckles* Well then, why don't you put me to the test, dear seniors? I like to think of myself as quite talented in the field of treasure hunting.
Media:vo gzlq002 14 slipperywu 08.ogg Slippery Wu: Hmph, looks like you're not gonna pack it up until someone packs you in. Alright then. Show us what you got.
Media:vo gzlq002 14 slipperywu 09.ogg Slippery Wu: Truth be told, we've set up shop here because there's a fine little loot cave nearby. But the treasure hasn't been easy to get at. We've been at it for two days now.
Media:vo gzlq002 14 slipperywu 10.ogg Slippery Wu: If you think you're up to snuff, why don't you have a crack at it on our behalf? 'Course, that means that once you've got it, it's ours. Don't you try to sneak off with the prize, now...
Media:vo gzlq002 14 sneakywu 02.ogg Sneaky Wu: Hahaha... Come on. If we can't do it, do you really think this guy stands a chance?
Media:vo gzlq002 14 tartaglia 10.ogg Childe: An initiation test, eh? Interesting. It's been a while since I've been assessed by someone else.
Media:vo gzlq002 14 slipperywu 11.ogg Slippery Wu: The loot's on the opposite cliff. We're gonna hang back here and watch the show...
Media:vo gzlq002 14 tartaglia 11.ogg Childe: No problem. Don't blink, though, or you might miss it.

(Talk to Sneaky Wu)
Media:vo dialog gzlq002 sneakywu 01.ogg Sneaky Wu: Seems mighty confident... Maybe he really does know a thing or two...
(Talk to Slippery Wu)
Media:vo dialog gzlq002 slipperywu 01.ogg Slippery Wu: Huh! I for one would like to see what this dandy boy's made of...
(Talk to Slick Wu)
Media:vo dialog gzlq002 slickwu 01.ogg Slick Wu: As long as I'm watching, he's not getting away with the treasure!
(If the time challenge is abandoned or failed)
Quest Failed - Treasure not claimed in time
(Talk to Slippery Wu again)
Media:vo gzlq002 14 slipperywu 11.ogg Slippery Wu: The loot's on the opposite cliff. We're gonna hang back here and watch the show...
Media:vo gzlq002 14 tartaglia 11.ogg Childe: No problem. Don't blink, though, or you might miss it.

(After opening the Treasure Chest)
Childe returns to the Treasure Hoarders with the treasure in hand
Media:vo gzlq002 16 tartaglia 01.ogg Childe: Well, I have the goods. Here you go. So, how'd I do? Pretty well, I'd say.
Media:vo gzlq002 16 slickwu 01.ogg Slick Wu: B—Brother... What do we do? This fellow isn't normal...
Media:vo gzlq002 16 slipperywu 01.ogg Slippery Wu: Please... hold on a moment, sir. We need to discuss something amongst ourselves.
(The Treasure Hoarders huddle together)
Media:vo gzlq002 16 slipperywu 02.ogg Slippery Wu: He ain't here for an initiation. He just wanted to show off.
Media:vo gzlq002 16 sneakywu 01.ogg Sneaky Wu: Honestly, we'd be no match for him if he wanted to fight...
Media:vo gzlq002 16 slipperywu 03.ogg Slippery Wu: Guys... do you think that maybe...
Media:vo gzlq002 16 slipperywu 04.ogg Slippery Wu: ...we're being robbed?
Media:vo gzlq002 16 sneakywu 02.ogg Sneaky Wu: I don't know... surely he wouldn't have come here all dressed up like that if he was only after us? Unless... Maybe his words have hidden meaning?
Media:vo gzlq002 16 slickwu 02.ogg Slick Wu: Snezhnaya, three months, 600,000... Oh, I get it! It was insider talk!
Media:vo gzlq002 16 slickwu 03.ogg Slick Wu: I remember that the boss took out a 600,000 Mora loan from that Snezhnayan bank about three months ago, and still hasn't repaid it.
Media:vo gzlq002 16 slipperywu 05.ogg Slippery Wu: So this guy must be the debt collector... But why didn't he just say so? What's with all the toy talk?
Media:vo gzlq002 16 slickwu 04.ogg Slick Wu: Haha, and that's where you're still green. See, in a lot of professions like this, people speak in code to protect the privacy of their business partners and clients.
Media:vo gzlq002 16 slipperywu 06.ogg Slippery Wu: Makes sense... Owing money is pretty embarrassing.
Media:vo gzlq002 16 sneakywu 03.ogg Sneaky Wu: This guy isn't one to mess with, I tell you. He's a professional. Way too professional.
(The Treasure Hoarders turn back towards Childe)
Media:vo gzlq002 16 slipperywu 07.ogg Slippery Wu: So, Mister... Salesman. My apologies, but we can't have you joining us.
Media:vo gzlq002 16 tartaglia 02.ogg Childe: Oh? I didn't pass? I must say, I never imagined that the Treasure Hoarders would have such strict entry requirements...
Media:vo gzlq002 16 slipperywu 08.ogg Slippery Wu: No, it's not that. What we mean is that you're too big a fish for our little pond.
Media:vo gzlq002 16 slipperywu 09.ogg Slippery Wu: But we fully understand the situation with the... uh, toys, sir — we'll fetch that 600,000 for you right away.
Media:vo gzlq002 16 tartaglia 03.ogg Childe: ...
Media:vo gzlq002 16 tartaglia 04.ogg Childe: I see. Well then, it's been a pleasure doing business with you. We get paid, and everyone stays happy. A wonderful outcome, wouldn't you say?
Media:vo gzlq002 16 slipperywu 10.ogg Slippery Wu: Yes, couldn't agree more, sir!
Media:vo gzlq002 16 teucer 01.ogg Teucer: That's my brother for you! Toy sellers are so cool!
Icon Dialogue Talk He's a bit of a special case...
Icon Dialogue Talk That went more smoothly than I thought...
Media:vo gzlq002 16 felix 01.ogg Felix: Ah, Master Childe, you're here.
Media:vo gzlq002 16 felix 02.ogg Felix: A new batch of fresh recruits have just...
Media:vo gzlq002 16 tartaglia 05.ogg Childe: Hey now, keep your voice down. Can't you see I'm entertaining some clients over here?
Media:vo gzlq002 16 felix 03.ogg Felix: Clients? ...Uh, well anyway, the motherland has dispatched a new batch of recruits to Liyue. They've just arrived, and I'm afraid we must trouble you to speak to them...
Media:vo gzlq002 16 tartaglia 06.ogg Childe: Ugh, do I have to? Now is hardly the best time...
Media:vo gzlq002 16 felix 04.ogg Felix: I must apologize for troubling you, Master Childe, but they are already waiting for you south of Lingju Pass...
Media:vo gzlq002 16 felix 05.ogg Felix: Every new batch of recruits must be baptized by the Tsaritsa's will through the words of her Harbingers. This has always been our rule.
Media:vo gzlq002 16 felix 06.ogg Felix: At present, Master Childe, you are the only Harbinger in Liyue. Please, everyone is standing in formation and waiting for you to bestow this honor upon them...
Media:vo gzlq002 16 tartaglia 07.ogg Childe: Well alright then, I'll go. Just give me a moment to catch up with my brother, and I'll be right with you.
Media:vo gzlq002 16 teucer 02.ogg Teucer: Do you have to keep working?
Media:vo gzlq002 16 tartaglia 08.ogg Childe: Yes, Teucer. We have a group of new toy sellers fresh in from the motherland, and I need to go teach them the ropes.
Media:vo gzlq002 16 teucer 03.ogg Teucer: Wow, that's great! When I grow up, I wanna be a toy seller too! Can I go listen?
Media:vo gzlq002 16 tartaglia 08a.ogg Childe: Hmm... I'm afraid you're still too young, Teucer. I'm not sure if you'd understand much of it, and most of it's rather boring, anyhow. Why don't you go play with the Traveler (‍guyguy/ladylady‍) instead? Sound good?
Icon Dialogue Talk You're dumping him on us, again?
Icon Dialogue Talk No.
Media:vo gzlq002 16 tartaglia 09b.ogg Childe: Please. I'll compensate you...
Media:vo gzlq002 16 teucer 04.ogg Teucer: But... But...
Media:vo gzlq002 16 tartaglia 10.ogg Childe: I really do have to go now, Teucer. A lot of people are waiting to see me.
Media:vo gzlq002 16 tartaglia 11.ogg Childe: I'll see you around, alright?
(Childe and Felix leave)
Media:vo gzlq002 16 teucer 05.ogg Teucer: ...
Media:vo gzlq002 16 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Childe really dotes on his brother, but now he's gotta ditch him again. Must be a really tough job...
Icon Dialogue Talk I think that covering it up is the tough part.
Icon Dialogue Talk It'd be a lot less tough if he just came clean...
Media:vo gzlq002 16 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Yeah, you're right... He hasn't done himself any favors with the whole toy-seller cover story.
Media:vo gzlq002 16 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: To think he'd go this far just to prevent his family from seeing his... dark side.
Icon Dialogue Talk He's being a bit overprotective.
Media:vo gzlq002 16 paimon 04a.ogg Paimon: Maybe, but he has good intentions, doesn't he?
Icon Dialogue Talk I wonder how much longer he can hide it from Teucer...
Media:vo gzlq002 16 paimon 04b.ogg Paimon: Paimon wonders too. But hey, let's at least help him out while we're all in Liyue...
Media:vo gzlq002 16 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Wait... Where's Teucer?
Media:vo gzlq002 16 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: Agh! We were too busy chatting! Where'd he go?
Icon Dialogue Talk I didn't notice...
Media:vo gzlq002 16 paimon 07a.ogg Paimon: Did he sneak off to follow his brother?
Icon Dialogue Talk At a guess, he probably snuck off to follow his brother...
Media:vo gzlq002 16 paimon 07b.ogg Paimon: Seems likely! Teucer did seem really eager to hear his brother's speech...
Media:vo gzlq002 16 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: Either way, let's head over there first!

(Approach Childe and the Fatui)
Media:vo gzlq002 18 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Teucer. So you did come here!
Icon Dialogue Talk Don't you ever run off like that again, young man!
Icon Dialogue Talk Your brother would have been worried sick.
Media:vo gzlq002 18 teucer 01.ogg Teucer: Shh... Quiet, my brother's giving his speech!
Media:vo gzlq002 18 tartaglia 01.ogg Childe: ...From this day forward, you will honor the oaths you have made to Her Majesty the Tsaritsa, and you will stop at nothing to bring Snezhnaya victory.
Media:vo gzlq002 18 tartaglia 02.ogg Childe: You shall sweep through this land like the icy winds of the furthest north, as strong as the hoar frost of Zapolyarny Palace. You will chill the very marrow in our enemies' bones!
Media:vo gzlq002 18 tartaglia 03.ogg Childe: Her Majesty expects of you loyalty, ruthlessness, and meticulousness...
Media:vo gzlq002 18 tartaglia 04.ogg Childe: For the trials that we face are harsh, and our enemies are like...
As Childe looks around, he spots an expectant-looking Teucer...
Media:vo gzlq002 18 tartaglia 05.ogg Childe: ...
(Childe spots Teucer and Paimon waving at him, while the Traveler stares at him)
Media:vo gzlq002 18 tartaglia 06.ogg Childe: ...Ahem, like kites and rattle drums...
Media:vo gzlq002 18 tartaglia 07.ogg Childe: Who shall become redoubtable foes of Mr. Cyclops in the marketplaces of Liyue...
Media:vo gzlq002 18 teucer 02.ogg Teucer: Uh—huh. Kites are really fun, too.
The Fatui Recruits are plunged into confusion...
Fatui Recruit: ...
Media:vo gzlq002 18 tartaglia 08.ogg Childe: This is, of course, an analogy. As they say, "the marketplace, too, is a battlefield."
Media:vo gzlq002 18 fatuuisoldier 01.ogg Fatui Recruits: ...
Media:vo gzlq002 18 tartaglia 09.ogg Childe: So as your... sales manager here in Liyue, I demand that you obey my every order.
Media:vo gzlq002 18 tartaglia 10.ogg Childe: A refusal shall be considered a betrayal, and the price for betrayal is to be dishonorably discharged from... Ahem, from the Liyue Institute of Toy Research.
Media:vo gzlq002 18 teucer 03.ogg Teucer: Whoa, that's really strict... Won't people be really sad if they get fired from the Institute?
Media:vo gzlq002 18 fatuuisoldier 02.ogg Fatui Recruits: ...
Media:vo gzlq002 18 tartaglia 11.ogg Childe: Eh... uh...
Media:vo gzlq002 18 tartaglia 12.ogg Childe: (Seeking to please everyone pleases no one at all. Time to try something else...)
Media:vo gzlq002 18 tartaglia 13.ogg Childe: Forget it. Perhaps a round of hands-on training will suit us better.
Media:vo gzlq002 18 fatuuisoldiera 01.ogg Fatui Recruit: Hands-on... training?
Media:vo gzlq002 18 tartaglia 14.ogg Childe: After all... a strong body is the proof of one's capacity.
Media:vo gzlq002 18 fatuuisoldierb 01.ogg Fatui Recruit: Hey. Did... did he just say that we're doing hands-on training?
Media:vo gzlq002 18 fatuuisoldierc 01.ogg Fatui Recruit: A Harbinger wants to spar with us personally? Wh—What an honor!
Media:vo gzlq002 18 fatuuisoldiera 02.ogg Fatui Recruit: I can't believe it... are recruits like us really worthy?
Media:vo gzlq002 18 tartaglia 15.ogg Childe: Am I hearing a hint of objection to this idea?
Media:vo gzlq002 18 fatuuisoldier 03.ogg Fatui Recruits: Not at all, sir!
Media:vo gzlq002 18 tartaglia 16.ogg Childe: That's the spirit!
Media:vo gzlq002 18 tartaglia 17.ogg Childe: Now, come at me, you lot.

(After defeating the Fatui)
Media:vo gzlq002 19 tartaglia 01.ogg Childe: Well then. Do you all understand what I said earlier?
Media:vo gzlq002 19 fatuuisoldier 01.ogg Fatui Recruits: Yes, sir!
Media:vo gzlq002 19 tartaglia 02.ogg Childe: Excellent. And, you all almost managed to get me limbered up.
Media:vo gzlq002 19 tartaglia 03.ogg Childe: In other words...
Media:vo gzlq002 19 tartaglia 04.ogg Childe: You have done well — for new recruits.
Media:vo gzlq002 19 fatuuisoldier 02.ogg Fatui Recruits: Thank you, Lord Harbinger!
Media:vo gzlq002 19 tartaglia 05.ogg Childe: Alright, hush now.
Media:vo gzlq002 19 tartaglia 06.ogg Childe: Now, then. I wish you all glorious victory — for Snezhnaya, for Her Majesty the Tsaritsa, and for yourselves.
Media:vo gzlq002 19 tartaglia 07.ogg Childe: Dismissed!
(The Fatui leave)
Media:vo gzlq002 19 teucer 01.ogg Teucer: Brother! You were amazing!
Media:vo gzlq002 19 tartaglia 08.ogg Childe: Oh, Teucer! What in the world are you doing here?
Media:vo gzlq002 19 tartaglia 09.ogg Childe: There I was thinking that the Traveler had taken you to play at Wangshu Inn, haha!
Media:vo gzlq002 19 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Yikes, that's some terrible acting.
Icon Dialogue Talk You really did get stronger.
Icon Dialogue Talk That was a good showing.
Media:vo gzlq002 19 tartaglia 10.ogg Childe: Haha. I told you, didn't I? I never pass on an opportunity to improve my strength.
Media:vo gzlq002 19 tartaglia 11.ogg Childe: I'm not the man I was when we first met.
Icon Dialogue Talk You didn't go all out, though.
Media:vo gzlq002 19 tartaglia 12a.ogg Childe: By that, I assume you mean that I didn't use the Foul Legacy Transformation, yes?
Icon Dialogue Talk Didn't see your black armor anywhere.
Media:vo gzlq002 19 tartaglia 12b.ogg Childe: Haha. You must mean my Foul Legacy Transformation.
Media:vo gzlq002 19 tartaglia 13.ogg Childe: It puts a great strain on my body, so it's best saved for crucial moments.
Media:vo gzlq002 19 tartaglia 14.ogg Childe: I still haven't fully recovered from the injuries I suffered when I used it at the Golden House.
Media:vo gzlq002 19 tartaglia 15.ogg Childe: Anyway, I'm no Signora — I don't use lethal force against recruits, come on now...
Media:vo gzlq002 19 teucer 02.ogg Teucer: The Foul Legacy Transformation? Does it make you stronger than Mr. Cyclops?
Media:vo gzlq002 19 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: You could say that.
Media:vo gzlq002 19 teucer 03.ogg Teucer: I wanna learn to fight too. I wanna be cool like you!
Media:vo gzlq002 19 tartaglia 16.ogg Childe: Now, Teucer. Fighting isn't about looking cool. You can only continue to get stronger if you know the reason why you're fighting.
Media:vo gzlq002 19 tartaglia 17.ogg Childe: I can teach you. But think carefully, first. Why do you want to fight?
Media:vo gzlq002 19 teucer 04.ogg Teucer: I...
Media:vo gzlq002 19 tartaglia 18.ogg Childe: Hmm?
Media:vo gzlq002 19 teucer 05.ogg Teucer: I... I want to protect sister Tonia.
Media:vo gzlq002 19 tartaglia 19.ogg Childe: That's a good answer, Teucer.
Media:vo gzlq002 19 tartaglia 20.ogg Childe: When I return to Snezhnaya, I will start teaching you fighting techniques. Then, you'll have to protect Tonia for me. How does that sound?
Media:vo gzlq002 19 teucer 06.ogg Teucer: Hehe... Leave it to me!
Media:vo gzlq002 19 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: You know, Teucer's a good kid when he's not being so stubborn.
Icon Dialogue Talk Agreed.
Icon Dialogue Talk Protecting family is an admirable motivation.
Media:vo gzlq002 19 tartaglia 21.ogg Childe: You've had a nice long time here in Liyue, haven't you, Teucer? Isn't it about time that you took the boat back home?
Media:vo gzlq002 19 teucer 07.ogg Teucer: But, but... but you've been so busy, and we didn't get any time to play together yet...
Media:vo gzlq002 19 tartaglia 22a.ogg Childe: Teucer, you know I'm very busy at work... And hasn't it been fun traveling all over the place with (‍himhim/herher‍), a proper traveler?
Media:vo gzlq002 19 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: (He's just worried he won't be able to keep up the toy seller act forever...)
Media:vo gzlq002 19 teucer 08.ogg Teucer: W—Well, how about this? If you just do one little thing for me, I'll be a good boy and go back home!
Media:vo gzlq002 19 tartaglia 23.ogg Childe: Oh dear, who taught this little devil to bargain... *chuckle* Alright. What'll it be?
Media:vo gzlq002 19 teucer 09.ogg Teucer: Take me to visit the Institute of Toy Research!
Media:vo gzlq002 19 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: ...Do you think he means that ruin that the Millelith was telling us about? The one where all those Ruin Guards were coming from?
Icon Dialogue Talk A reasonable wish.
Icon Dialogue Talk A risky wish.
Media:vo gzlq002 19 tartaglia 24.ogg Childe: Done deal. After all, you've come all this way for me, Teucer...
Media:vo gzlq002 19 tartaglia 25.ogg Childe: As your brother, it's only right for me to grant you one last wish before you leave.
Media:vo gzlq002 19 teucer 10.ogg Teucer: Exactly! Hee-hee.
Media:vo gzlq002 19 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: Um, are you sure this is a good idea? It doesn't seem like the best place for kids...
Media:vo gzlq002 19 teucer 11a.ogg Teucer: You should come along too, Traveler! This time, it's Teucer's turn to take you sightseeing!
Media:vo gzlq002 19 tartaglia 26.ogg Childe: Let me think... Yes, the Institute of Toy Research is not far at all from Lingju Pass. Now, Traveler... you're not the sort of person who would disappoint a kid now, are you?
Media:vo gzlq002 19 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: Ugh, the brothers are ganging up on us again... Fine! (TravelerTraveler) and Paimon will go.


No.Soundtrack NameAlbumPlayed In
15Welp, Didn't Expect ThatCity of Winds and IdyllsKaeya's Troubles, Cooking Appointment, Cooking Showdown, Another Day as an Outrider!, To Mondstadt, A Bewildering Fate, Guizhong (Quest), Teucer's Terrific Tour, Ode to Flower and Cloud, The Snowy Past, The Golden Apple Vacation Returns! (Quest), Receiver of Friends From Afar: Part IV
Event Gameplay


Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishTeucer's Terrific Tour
Tuōkè de Líyuè Jiànwén Lù
Record of Teucer's Experiences in Liyue
Tuōkè de Líyuè Jiànwén Lù
Teuseru no Riiywe Kenbunroku
Teucer's Liyue Experience Record
Korean테우세르의 리월 견문록
Teusereu-ui Riwol Gyeonmunrok
Teucer's Liyue Travelog
SpanishEl increíble tour de TeucerTeucer's Incredible Tour
FrenchL'incroyable visite de TeucerThe Incredible Visit of Teucer
RussianНевероятные приключения Тевкра в Ли Юэ
Neveroyatnyye priklyucheniya Tevkra v Li Yue
Teucer's Incredible Adventures in Liyue
Thaiประสบการณ์ใน Liyue ของ Teucer
Pra-sop-kan nai Liyue khong Tuecer
Teucer's Liyue Experience
VietnameseChuyến du lịch Liyue của TeucerTeucer's Liyue Tour
GermanTeucers tolle TourTeucer's Great Tour
IndonesianTur Hebat TeucerTeucer's Great Tour
PortugueseA Maravilhosa Tour de TeucerTeucer's Wonderful Tour
TurkishTeucer'ın Harika Gezisi
ItalianIl tremendo tour di Teucer

Change History[]

Version 2.2

Version 1.1

  • Teucer's Terrific Tour was released.

