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Promotional Character Event Wish: Sparkling Steps/2020-10-20
KleePyro Klee
Klee specializes in bringing unlimited enjoyment — and explosions. Be it thrown bombs or mines left in the wake of her Elemental Skill, Jumpy Dumpty, she can blow the toughest of obstacles to bits.Klee is the only character in the party.
XingqiuHydro Xingqiu
When Xingqiu's Elemental Skill hits opponents, they will form Rain Swords that protect him and his allies. His Elemental Burst activates Rainbow Bladework, which will immediately summon the largest possible number of Rain Swords, and launch consecutive attacks at opponents along with Xingqiu and his allies.Xiangling also participates as a trial character
SucroseAnemo Sucrose
Sucrose specializes in using the power of Anemo to control enemy positioning.
Her Elemental Skill is capable of gathering opponents in one spot on the ground, while her Elemental Burst attracts opponents while periodically attacking with waves of Anemo that cover a wide area.
Lisa also participates as a trial character

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