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Termination of Desires is a soundtrack from the album The Stellar Moments Vol. 2.

Soundtrack Usage[]

Event Gameplay


Other Arrangements[]

Production Credits[]

Position Staff[1]
Composer Yu-Peng Chen (陈致逸), Dimeng Yuan (苑迪萌)
Arranger Dimeng Yuan (苑迪萌)
Shakuhachi Jiannan Gu (顾剑楠)
Electric Guitar Dimeng Yuan (苑迪萌)
Electric Bass Dimeng Yuan (苑迪萌)
Strings International Master Philharmonic Orchestra (国际首席爱乐乐团)
Recording Studio 52Hz Studio, Jintian Recording Studio (金田录音棚)
Recording Engineer Zach Huang (黄巍), Xiaosi Wang (王小四)
Mixing Engineer Dimeng Yuan (苑迪萌)
Mastering Engineer Dimeng Yuan (苑迪萌)
Production HOYO-MiX


Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishTermination of Desires
Hé Wàng Hé Zhí
Why Delude, Why Cling[• 1]
Hé Wàng Hé Zhí
Mounen to Shuunen
Prepossession and Obsession[• 2]
KoreanTermination of Desires[3]
SpanishEl fin de los deseos[3]The End of Desires
FrenchFin des désirs[3]End of Desires
RussianРазрушенные мечты[3]
Razrushennyye mechty
Destroyed Dreams
ThaiTermination of Desires[3]
VietnameseNgông Cuồng Cố Chấp[3]
GermanWahnvorstellung und Sehnsucht[3]Delusion and Desire
IndonesianTermination of Desires[3]
PortugueseTérmino dos Desejos[3]
  1. Chinese:  in this context is likely associated with having unrealistic thoughts, and (or ) likely associates with excessive attachment. can mean "what" instead of "why", so an alternative translation would be "For What Do We Crave, To What Do We Cling". Since the subject is omitted in the original text, "we" can be substituted with any other pronouns.
  2. Japanese: “妄念” (mounen) is a Buddhist term denoting conviction in flawed or obtrusive thoughts.


