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Genshin Impact Wiki

Tasseled Lantern: Deck the Streets is a creatable Furnishing item that can be used in the Serenitea Pot.

The blueprint for Tasseled Lantern: Deck the Streets is obtainable from the Realm Depot for Realm Currency Realm Currency ×240.

This item's blueprint was temporarily obtainable from the Mimi Tomo event in Version 1.5, and was permanently added to the Realm Depot stock in Version 2.0.


First time creation grants Trust Trust ×90.

Icon_Creation_SmallCreation for 16 hours
Icon Creation Recipe
Tasseled Lantern: Deck the Streets 1 Tasseled Lantern: Deck the Streets

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishTasseled Lantern: Deck the Streets
Chuí Yīng Huādēng - "Dàdào Jǐnxiù"
Chuí Yīng Huādēng - "Dàdào Jǐnxiù"
Suiei Katou - "Kanren-na Oodoori"‍[!][!]
Korean 달린 화등-「아름다운 비단길」
Sul Dallin Hwadeung - "Areumdaun Bidangil"
SpanishFarola con borlas: Calles hermosas
FrenchLampadaire à pampille « Éclairage raffiné »
RussianФонарь с кисточкой: Блеск пути
Fonar' s kistochkoy: Blesk puti
Thaiโคมพู่ดอกไม้ - "ความงดงามที่ทอดยาว"
VietnameseĐèn Hoa Anh Đào - Gấm Hoa
GermanMit Quasten geschmückte Laterne Schöne Straßendekoration
IndonesianLampion Rumbai: Hiasan Sepanjang Jalan
PortugueseLanternas com Borlas: "Enfeites das Ruas"
TurkishPüsküllü Fener: Aydınlık Sokaklar
ItalianLampione a nappa Strade luminose

Change History[]

Version ???[verification needed]
  • The description was changed:
    • Old description: A stylish and elegant lantern fixed to a pole painted with red lacquer. As well as being a beautiful sight when placed on both sides of the road, they also symbolize a bright road ahead.
      New description: A stylish and elegant lantern fixed to a pole painted with red lacquer. When situated within one's home, they are not only a beautiful sight, but also symbolize a bright road ahead.

Version 2.0

  • The blueprint for Tasseled Lantern: Deck the Streets was added to the Realm Depot Furnishing Blueprints shop.

Version 1.5

  • Tasseled Lantern: Deck the Streets was released.
    • Its blueprint was temporarily available from the Mimi Tomo event.

