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It was from the time that gods first traced the lights in the heavens with their eyes that the notion of "fate" was born.

Stellaris Phantasm is Mona's Elemental Burst.

Gameplay Notes[]

  • Illusory Bubble and Omen are both applied upon casting Stellaris Phantasm.
  • When Illusory Bubble is active on an enemy, there is a constellation-like marking on that enemy. When Omen is active on an enemy, there is a starry purple aura around that enemy.
  • Stellaris Phantasm is able to apply Wet up to twice: once when cast, and once when the Illusory Bubble bursts. However, standard ICD applies for the two applications.
  • If no outside source bursts the bubble, it automatically bursts after 8 seconds.
  • Omen status timer only starts after the bubble bursts. Since Omen is applied from the initial cast of the skill, if the bubble lasts for its whole duration (8s), Omen can have a maximum duration of 13s.
  • Illusory Bubble bursts when the affected target is hit by an attack that deals more than 0 Poise Damage. This means that attacks that deal no damage but do deal Poise Damage (e.g. Hu Tao's Elemental Skill activation) will burst the bubble, while hits that deal no Poise Damage will not burst it.
    • This mechanic can be used as a means to extend the effective duration of Omen, such as when combined with the Frozen Elemental Reaction: Frozen targets are immune to Poise Damage, so any attacks against them will not burst the Illusory Bubble until they unfreeze. As a result, the start of Omen's duration countdown is delayed while characters attacking the Frozen target still benefit from the DMG Bonus.
  • Illusory Bubble Explosion DMG does not snapshot and will be affected by changes in Mona's stats after Stellaris Phantasm is cast.
  • The DMG Bonus is additive to other sources of DMG Bonus, such as Mona's 4th Ascension Passive passive, Waterborne Destiny.
  • The Illusory Bubble applies a Struggle state to enemies whose weight is less than or equal to 100, preventing them from performing any actions. However, the Struggle state will not be applied to enemies more than 20 levels higher than Mona.
Constellation Effects
  • Constellation Level 1, Prophecy of Submersion Prophecy of Submersion: increases Electro-Charged DMG, Vaporize DMG, Hydro Swirl DMG, and Frozen duration by 15% when any of the player's own party members hits an opponent affected by Omen.
  • Constellation Level 3, Restless Revolution Restless Revolution: Increases this talent's level by 3, up to a maximum of 15.
  • Constellation Level 4, Prophecy of Oblivion Prophecy of Oblivion: "When any party member attacks an opponent affected by an Omen, their CRIT Rate is increased by 15%."

Advanced Properties[]

Internal CooldownPoise
Stagger EffectBlunt
TagTagTypeTypeS. L.S. L.H. F.H. F.V. F.V. F.
Wet Application On Cast1UElemental Burst2.5s/3 Hits50Shake00
Illusory Bubble Explosion DMG2U200Shake00



Attribute Scaling[]

Talent Levels past 10 require Elemental Burst Level Increase methods, such as Constellations and Event bonuses.

Illusory Bubble Duration8s
Illusory Bubble Explosion DMG (%)442.4475.58508.76553586.18619.36663.6707.84752.08796.32840.56884.8940.1995
DMG Bonus (%)42444648505254565860
Omen Duration4s4.5s5s
Energy Cost60

Talent Leveling[]

1 → 2
Mora 12,500[12,500]
Whopperflower Nectar 6[6]
Teachings of Resistance 3[3]
2 → 3
Mora 17,500[30,000]
Shimmering Nectar 3[3]
Guide to Resistance 2[2]
3 → 4
Mora 25,000[55,000]
Shimmering Nectar 4[7]
Guide to Resistance 4[6]
4 → 5
Mora 30,000[85,000]
Shimmering Nectar 6[13]
Guide to Resistance 6[12]
5 → 6
Mora 37,500[122,500]
Shimmering Nectar 9[22]
Guide to Resistance 9[21]
6 → 7
Mora 120,000[242,500]
Energy Nectar 4[4]
Philosophies of Resistance 4[4]
Ring of Boreas 1[1]
7 → 8
Mora 260,000[502,500]
Energy Nectar 6[10]
Philosophies of Resistance 6[10]
Ring of Boreas 1[2]
8 → 9
Mora 450,000[952,500]
Energy Nectar 9[19]
Philosophies of Resistance 12[22]
Ring of Boreas 2[4]
9 → 10
Mora 700,000[1,652,500]
Energy Nectar 12[31]
Philosophies of Resistance 16[38]
Ring of Boreas 2[6]
Crown of Insight 1[1]



  • Using this talent near most NPCs will cause them to clap.
  • While wearing her default outfit, Flowing Fate, or her alternate outfit, Pact of Stars and Moon, when Mona's Elemental Burst is ready, the red parts of the ornaments on her hat, leg, and pigtails will glow along with her Vision.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishStellaris Phantasm
Xīng Mìngdìng Guǐ
Star-Destined Path
Xīng Mìngdìng Guǐ
Seimei Teiki‍[!][!]
Starry Fate Certainty Wheel
Korean별의 운명
Byeol-ui Unmyeong
Fate of Star
SpanishÓrbita divinaDivine Orbit
FrenchVoie divineDivine Way
RussianЗвёздный фантазм
Zvyozdnyy fantazm
Starry Phantasm
ThaiStellaris Phantasm
VietnameseQuỹ Đạo Tinh MệnhOrbit of Destiny
GermanVorbestimmte LaufbahnPredetermined Orbit
IndonesianStellaris Phantasm
PortugueseÓrbita DivinaDivine Orbit
TurkishKaderin YıldızıStar of Destiny
ItalianFantasma stellarisStellaris Phantasm

Change History[]

