Genshin Impact Wiki
Genshin Impact Wiki
Genshin Impact Wiki

Statuses can be applied to Characters and Enemies to provide relevant effects. If a character is imposed with a buff, arrows surrounding the character will move upward. If a character is imposed with a debuff, arrows surrounding the character will move downward.

Status Effects are primarily broken into four main categories: Elements, Ley Line Disorders, Auras, and Climate effects. There are also character- and enemy-related status effects.

Elemental Auras[]

Icon Status Description
Pyro Pyro Enables Pyro Reactions.
Pyro Burning Enables Pyro Reactions; Disables further triggering of Burning; Steadily consumes Dendro aura to maintain Burning state.
Cryo Cryo Enables Cryo Reactions; Slows down all animation speed by 15%.
Cryo Frozen Enables Cryo Reactions except Frozen.
Cryo Freeze Freezes target in place; Enables Cryo Reactions except Frozen; Enables Shattered.
Hydro Wet Enables Hydro Reactions; Wet entities within the AoE of the Electro-Charged reaction become targets of its DMG.
Electro Electro Enables Electro Reactions; Enables interaction with certain Inazuma mechanics.
Anemo Anemo Enables Anemo Reactions.
Geo Geo No special effect.
Dendro Dendro Enables Dendro Reactions.
Dendro Quicken Enables Dendro Reactions except Quicken; Enables Aggravate and Spread.
Dendro Wood Enables Burning.


Most of these effects do not stack when applied using Food.

Icon Status Description
Icon ATK Up Attack Up Temporarily increases ATK by a set percentage.
Icon CRIT Rate Up CRIT Rate Up Temporarily increases the probability of scoring a critical hit.
Icon CRIT DMG Up CRIT Damage Up Temporarily increases the critical DMG dealt by a character.
Icon Cooldown Reduction Cooldown Reduction Decreases the cooldown of Elemental Skills and Elemental Bursts.
Icon DEF Up Defense Up Increases damage reduction by a set increase.
Icon Stamina Reduction Stamina Reduction Decreases the amount of stamina consumed by swimming/gliding/sprinting/attacks.
Icon Stamina Increase Stamina Increase Restores a set amount of stamina. This has a cooldown of 300 seconds.
Icon Movement Speed Up Movement Speed Up Increases the speed of the current character.
Icon Healing Healing Restores a set amount of HP.
Icon Regeneration Regeneration Restores a set amount of HP and automatically regenerates HP for a period of time.
Icon Revive Revive Revives the current character. This has a cooldown of 180 seconds.
Icon Sheer Cold Resistance Sheer Cold Resistance Decreases the rate of sheer cold accumulation.
Icon Anemo DMG Up Anemo DMG Up Increases Anemo DMG by 25% for 300s.
Icon Pyro DMG Up Pyro DMG Up Increases Pyro DMG by 25% for 300s.
Icon Hydro DMG Up Hydro DMG Up Increases Hydro DMG by 25% for 300s.
Icon Geo DMG Up Geo DMG Up Increases Geo DMG by 25% for 300s.
Icon Electro DMG Up Electro DMG Up Increases Electro DMG by 25% for 300s.
Icon Cryo DMG Up Cryo DMG Up Increases Cryo DMG by 25% for 300s.
Icon Anemo RES Up Anemo Resistance Up Increases Anemo RES by 25% for 300s.
Icon Pyro RES Up Pyro Resistance Up Increases Pyro RES by 25% for 300s.
Icon Hydro RES Up Hydro Resistance Up Increases Hydro RES by 25% for 300s.
Icon Geo RES Up Geo Resistance Up Increases Geo RES by 25% for 300s.
Icon Electro RES Up Electro Resistance Up Increases Electro RES by 25% for 300s.
Icon Cryo RES Up Cryo Resistance Up Increases Cryo RES by 25% for 300s.


Icon Status Description
Icon ATK Down Attack Down Temporarily decreases ATK power for a set amount of time.
Icon DEF Down Defense Down Temporarily decreases DMG reduction for a set amount of time.
Icon Movement Speed Down Movement Speed Down Temporarily decreases the speed of movement for a set amount of time.

Ley Line Disorders[]

9 Statuses match the category selection:

Name Element Effect
Energy Blasts Physical
  • When (desired reaction) is triggered, an Energy Blast will occur, dealing DMG to surrounding enemies.
  • When (undesired reaction) is triggered, you will be hit by a powerful blast, causing your character to take DMG.
Chaos Cluster Physical

A Chaos Cluster will chase characters around once the challenge begins. When the Chaos Cluster touches a character or opponents, it will deal immense DMG to them. If it touches a character, it will disappear. The size and DMG dealt by these clusters will gradually bleed away and grow smaller, but its speed will also gradually increase.


Characters being Corroded will lose a fraction of their HP every second. Active characters can be brought down by Corrosion. When a non-active character's HP is less than 15%, they will no longer lose HP due to Corrosion.

Plasma Field Electro

A plasma field will be generated at the edge of the challenge arena once the challenge begins. Characters outside the field will take Electro DMG every 5 seconds they are outside of the field. The field gradually shrinks in size as additional reinforcements appear.

Honed Spirit

Grants opponents 10% Physical and All Elemental RES. When opponents with Honed Spirit take hits from attacks that are considered Normal Attack DMG, they will lose 3% Physical and All Elemental RES. A maximum of 30% of each may be lost this way. The RES lost this way will be reset every 20s.

Smoldering Flames Pyro

Your character will be periodically inflicted with Smoldering Flames, causing you to take Pyro DMG until the inflicted Pyro element is removed.

Condensed Ice Cryo

Your character will be periodically inflicted with Condensed Ice, greatly increasing your Stamina Consumption until the inflicted Cryo element is removed.

Engulfing Storm Electro

Your character will be periodically inflicted with Engulfing Storm, continuously draining your Energy until the inflicted Electro element is removed.

Slowing Water Hydro

Your character will be periodically inflicted with Slowing Water, greatly increasing your skills' CD duration until the inflicted Hydro element is removed.





There are 13 Talents that match the category selection:

A Glimpse Into Arcanum A Glimpse Into Arcanum
Qiqi Qiqi
When Qiqi hits opponents with her Normal and Charged Attacks, she has a 50% chance to apply a Fortune-Preserving Talisman to them for 6s. This effect can only occur once every 30s.4th Ascension Passive
Adeptus Art: Preserver of Fortune Adeptus Art: Preserver of Fortune
Qiqi Qiqi
Qiqi releases the adeptus power sealed within her body, marking nearby opponents with a Fortune-Preserving Talisman that deals Cryo DMG.

Fortune-Preserving Talisman
When opponents affected by this Talisman take DMG, the character that dealt this DMG regenerates HP.
Elemental Burst
All Schemes to Know All Schemes to Know
Nahida Nahida
Sends forth karmic bonds of wood and tree from her side, dealing AoE Dendro DMG and marking up to 8 opponents hit with the Seed of Skandha.
When held, this skill will trigger differently.

Enters Aiming Mode, which will allow you to select a limited number of opponents within a limited area. During this time, Nahida's resistance to interruption will be increased.
When released, this skill deals Dendro DMG to these opponents and marks them with the Seed of Skandha.
Aiming Mode will last up to 5s and can select a maximum of 8 opponents.

Seed of Skandha
Opponents who have been marked by the Seed of Skandha will be linked to one another up till a certain distance.
After you trigger Elemental Reactions on opponents who are affected by the Seeds of Skandha or when they take DMG from Dendro Cores (including Burgeon and Hyperbloom DMG), Nahida will unleash Tri-Karma Purification on the opponents and all connected opponents, dealing Dendro DMG based on her ATK and Elemental Mastery.
You can trigger at most 1 Tri-Karma Purification within a short period of time.
Elemental Skill
Cutting Torrent Cutting Torrent
Tartaglia Tartaglia
Normal Attack
Performs up to 6 consecutive shots with a bow.

Charged Attack
Performs a more precise Aimed Shot with increased DMG.
While aiming, the power of Hydro will accumulate on the arrowhead. An arrow fully charged with the torrent will deal Hydro DMG and apply the Riptide status.

Opponents affected by Riptide will suffer from AoE Hydro DMG effects when attacked by Tartaglia in various ways. DMG dealt in this way is considered Normal Attack DMG.
  • Riptide Flash: A fully-charged Aimed Shot that hits an opponent affected by Riptide deals consecutive bouts of AoE DMG. Can occur once every 0.7s.
  • Riptide Burst: Defeating an opponent affected by Riptide creates a Hydro burst that inflicts the Riptide status on nearby opponents hit.

Plunging Attack
Fires off a shower of arrows in mid-air before falling and striking the ground, dealing AoE DMG upon impact.
When Tartaglia is in Foul Legacy: Raging Tide's Melee Stance, he cannot perform a plunging attack.
Normal Attack
Dance of Abzendegi: Distant Dreams, Listening Spring Dance of Abzendegi: Distant Dreams, Listening Spring
Nilou Nilou
Begins the dance of faraway dreams and springs that hear, causing a Lotus of Distant Waters to bloom, dealing AoE Hydro DMG based on Nilou's Max HP and applying the Lingering Aeon effect to all opponents hit.
After an interval, opponents affected by Lingering Aeon will take Hydro DMG.
Elemental Burst
Framing: Freezing Point Composition Framing: Freezing Point Composition
Charlotte Charlotte
Using the keen instincts of an ace reporter, Charlotte uses her photography skills to produce different effects based on whether the ability is Tapped or Held.

Takes a snapshot using Monsieur Verite, dealing AoE Cryo DMG to opponents in front of her and applying Snappy Silhouette to a maximum of 5 opponents. During this effect's duration, it will deal Cryo DMG to affected opponents at intervals.

Popping Monsieur Verite's viewfinder open, Charlotte enters Composition Mode, and during this time, the viewfinder will expand as you hold until you reach a Finisher Frame state. In this state, Charlotte can move and change direction freely.
When the hold state ends, Monsieur Verite will deal Cryo DMG to all opponents locked on within the viewfinder, and apply the same Snappy Silhouette as Tap Mode does to them. If you unleash this ability only after reaching Finisher Frame, you will instead apply Focused Impression, which lasts longer and deals more DMG, although the Skill CD will be longer.
Composition Mode lasts a maximum of 15s and allows a maximum of 5 opponents to be selected.
Elemental Skill
Guide to Afterlife Guide to Afterlife
Hu Tao Hu Tao
Only an unwavering flame can cleanse the impurities of this world.
Hu Tao consumes a set portion of her HP to knock the surrounding enemies back and enter the Paramita Papilio state.

Paramita Papilio
  • Increases Hu Tao's ATK based on her Max HP at the time of entering this state. ATK Bonus gained this way cannot exceed 400% of Hu Tao's Base ATK.
  • Converts attack DMG to Pyro DMG, which cannot be overridden by any other elemental infusion.
  • Charged Attacks apply the Blood Blossom effect to the enemies hit.
  • Increases Hu Tao's resistance to interruption.

Blood Blossom
Enemies affected by Blood Blossom will take Pyro DMG every 4s. This DMG is considered Elemental Skill DMG.
Each enemy can be affected by only one Blood Blossom effect at a time, and its duration may only be refreshed by Hu Tao herself.

Paramita Papilio ends when its duration is over, or Hu Tao has left the battlefield or fallen.
Elemental Skill
Induced Aftershock Induced Aftershock
Lisa Lisa
Hits by Charged Attacks apply Violet Arc's Conductive status to opponents.1st Ascension Passive
Planet Befall Planet Befall
Zhongli Zhongli
Brings a falling meteor down to earth, dealing massive Geo DMG to opponents caught in its AoE and applying the Petrification status to them.

Opponents affected by the Petrification status cannot move.
Elemental Burst
Ryuukin Saxifrage Ryuukin Saxifrage
Yoimiya Yoimiya
Yoimiya leaps into the air along with her original creation, the "Ryuukin Saxifrage," and fires forth blazing rockets bursting with surprises that deal AoE Pyro DMG and mark one of the hit opponents with Aurous Blaze.

Aurous Blaze
All Normal/Charged/Plunging Attacks, Elemental Skills, and Elemental Bursts by any party member other than Yoimiya that hit an opponent marked by Aurous Blaze will trigger an explosion, dealing AoE Pyro DMG.
When an opponent affected by Aurous Blaze is defeated before its duration expires, the effect will pass on to another nearby opponent, who will inherit the remaining duration.

One Aurous Blaze explosion can be triggered every 2s. When Yoimiya is down, Aurous Blaze effects created through her skills will be deactivated.
Elemental Burst
Stellaris Phantasm Stellaris Phantasm
Mona Mona
Mona summons the sparkling waves and creates a reflection of the starry sky, applying the Illusory Bubble status to opponents in a large AoE.

Illusory Bubble
Traps opponents inside a pocket of destiny and also makes them Wet.
Renders weaker opponents immobile.
When an opponent affected by Illusory Bubble sustains DMG, it has the following effects:
  • Applies an Omen to the opponent, which gives a DMG Bonus, also increasing the DMG of the attack that causes it.
  • Removes the Illusory Bubble, dealing Hydro DMG in the process.

During its duration, increases DMG taken by opponents.
Elemental Burst
Sword of Torrents Sword of Torrents
Tartaglia Tartaglia
When Tartaglia is in Foul Legacy: Raging Tide's Melee stance, on dealing a CRIT hit, Normal and Charged Attacks apply the Riptide status effects to opponents.4th Ascension Passive
Violet Arc Violet Arc
Lisa Lisa
Channels the power of lightning to sweep bothersome matters away.

Releases a homing Lightning Orb.
On hit, it deals Electro DMG and applies a stack of the Conductive status (max 3 stacks) to opponents in a small AoE.

After an extended casting time, calls down lightning from the heavens, dealing massive Electro DMG to all nearby opponents.
Deals great amounts of extra damage to opponents based on the number of Conductive stacks applied to them, and clears their Conductive status.
Elemental Skill


There are 3 Constellations that match the category selection:

Constellation Description Level
Pulsating Witch Pulsating Witch
Lisa Lisa
When Lisa takes the field, she applies 3 stacks of Violet Arc's Conductive status onto nearby opponents.
This effect can only occur once every 5s.
Oil Meets Fire Oil Meets Fire
Xiangling Xiangling
The last attack in a Normal Attack sequence applies the Implode status onto the opponent for 2s. An explosion will occur once this duration ends, dealing 75% of Xiangling's ATK as AoE Pyro DMG.2
Ominous Rainfall Ominous Rainfall
Hu Tao Hu Tao
Increases the Blood Blossom DMG by an amount equal to 10% of Hu Tao's Max HP at the time the effect is applied.
Additionally, Spirit Soother will also apply the Blood Blossom effect.


The following enemies are all capable of inflicting a unique status effect to the player.

Enemy Status Description
Mark When Azhdaha's Cryo, Pyro, Electro, and Hydro attacks hit characters who are not under the protection of a shield, that character will be marked. Marked characters will continuously take Elemental DMG.
Riptide (Hydro) While marked by Riptide, the player will be affected by a constant Hydro status until Riptide is removed.
Some attacks that hit characters already marked by Riptide will consume the mark to deal an additional 200% ATK as AoE Hydro DMG.
Riptide (Electro) While marked by Riptide, the player will be affected by a constant Electro status until Riptide is removed.
Some attacks that hit characters already marked by Riptide will consume the mark to deal an additional 200% ATK as AoE Electro DMG.
Brand of the Abyssal Flame When certain attacks by the Abyss Lector deal DMG to the player, they will apply the Brand of the Abyssal Flame status to the player. Shortly after being applied, the Brand of Abyssal Flame expires, causing the entire party to suffer HP Loss.
Eye of Stormy Judgement When a character is marked with the Eye of Stormy Judgement and hit with "The Final Calamity," it will trigger death for the active character.


