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Genshin Impact Wiki
Genshin Impact Wiki

Special Mushroom Pizza is a food item that can only be bought from the Kiminami Restaurant after either completing the World Quest Pizza From Another Land, or selecting the "local" ingredient options when writing down the recipe during the Food From Afar in Kamisato Ayaka's Story Quest, Grus Nivis Chapter: Act I - The Whispers of the Crane and the White Rabbit.

Special Mushroom Pizza is identical to its inspiration, the normal Mushroom Pizza, except for its description and its appearance, which includes blue and purple toppings.

Only the Regular version of this item exists.

Shop Availability[]

There is 1 Shop that sells Special Mushroom Pizza:

Item NPC Mora Cost Stock Notes
Special Mushroom Pizza Special Mushroom Pizza Kiminami Anna 6,075 2 Daily


  • While helping Kiminami Anna in the quest Pizza From Another Land, she asks for 1 Lavender Melon as an ingredient for the Special Mushroom Pizza in one branch. Along with constructive criticism that Kiminami took, it can be assumed that the pizza's toppings are made of Inazuma's local specialties. The pizza's base remains the same, however.
  • Its description seems to call the pizza a "pancake," despite the name of the food being "Special Mushroom Pizza."

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishSpecial Mushroom Pizza
Tèzhì Fēngwèi Kǎo Mógū Pīsà
Specially Flavored Grilled Mushroom Pizza
Tèzhì Fēngwèi Kǎo Mógū Pīsà
Tokusei Kinoko Piza
Special Made Mushroom Pizza
Korean특제 버섯피자
Teukje Beoseotpija
Specially Made Mushroom Pizza
SpanishPizza de champiñones especialSpecial Mushroom Pizza
FrenchPizza aux champignons spécialeSpecial Mushroom Pizza
RussianОсобая грибная пицца
Osobaya gribnaya pitstsa
Special Mushroom Pizza
ThaiSpecial Mushroom Pizza
VietnamesePizza Nấm Rơm Nướng Đặc BiệtSpecial Grilled Straw Mushrooms Pizza
GermanSpezielle PilzzaSpecial Mushroom Pizza[• 1]
IndonesianSpecial Mushroom Pizza
PortuguesePizza de Cogumelos Especial
TurkishÖzel Mantarlı PizzaSpecial Mushroom Pizza
ItalianPizza ai funghi speciale
  1. German: Pilzza is a portmanteau of pilz "mushroom" and "pizza."

Change History[]

