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Genshin Impact Wiki

Smoldering Flames is a Ley Line Disorder that deals Pyro DMG over time.

It can be removed via Elemental Reactions. If applied as a domain debuff, the player can also reduce the time affected by the debuff by using an artifact from Prayers for Illumination or the Soothing Water Elemental Resonance. However, the duration-shortening methods do not work if the debuff is applied by an enemy.

Smoldering Flames cannot damage off-field characters. Switching to a different character after becoming affected by Smoldering Flames will temporarily pause its DoT ticks. However, if the character becomes the active character again while still affected by Smoldering Flames, the DoT ticks will resume.


The Pyro DMG dealt by Smoldering Flames is calculated as . This DMG is affected by the player's Pyro RES, but unaffected by DEF or DMG Reduction. The final result is rounded down.

Debuff Level Multiplier Applied Gauge Units Duration Application Interval Sources
1 0.15 1 20s 30s Taishan Mansion I-III
2 0.4 2 20s 30s Taishan Mansion IV
Spiral Abyss
Special 0.6 1 20s 15s Enemies

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishSmoldering Flames
Yīnrán zhī Huǒ
Smoldering Fire
Yīnrán zhī Huǒ
Innen no Honoo
Smoldering Flames
Muhyeog-ui Bul
Intangible Fire
SpanishFuego llameanteFlaming Fire
FrenchFlammes dévoreusesDevouring Flames
RussianТлеющее пламя
Tleyushcheye plamya
Smoldering Flames
ThaiSmoldering Flames
VietnameseNgọn Lửa Âm Ỉ
GermanSchwelbrandSmoldering Fire
IndonesianSmoldering Flames
PortugueseChamas Fumegantes
TurkishKavuran Ateş
ItalianFiamme ardenti

Change History[]

