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Icon Emoji Paimon's Paintings 02 Qiqi 2
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Visitor Messages

Each new monster apart from Slimes that visits gets a small descriptive blurb alongside a 150 Paradise Ticket Paradise Ticket reward.

Icon Doodle Name Visitor Description
Event Slime Paradise Grill Event Slime Paradise Hilichurls DoodleEvent Slime Park Paradise Hilichurl Grenadier Doodle Grill Hilichurl, Hilichurl Grenadier A Hilichurl has come to visit!

Hilichurls... When they aren't grilling meat, they're on their way to grill meat. Don't they have anything better to do!?

A Hilichurl Grenadier has come to visit!

It has come to Slime Paradise to reunite with its partner. Maybe they will go fish-blasting together.

Event Slime Paradise Pot Event Slime Paradise Pyro Slime Doodle Multi-Purpose Pot Pyro Slime A Pyro Slime moved in!

This pot is good for cooking anything, and even comes with its own ingredients.

Event Slime Paradise Shovel Event Slime Paradise Cryo Slime Doodle Wooden-Handle Shovel Cryo Slime A Cryo Slime moved in!

Welcome, O tiny king who presides over the pond. This is a small corner of the world where a Cryo Slime can reign supreme.

Event Slime Paradise Vase Event Slime Paradise Dendro Slime Doodle Porcelain Flower Vase Dendro Slime, Pyro Whopperflower A Dendro Slime moved in!

Slimes are small, jelly-like creatures that can squeeze themselves into just about anywhere, including flower vases.

A Pyro Whopperflower has come to visit!

An ancient, strange monster mimicking a plant. Perhaps it would make a good friend for a Dendro Slime... maybe.

Event Slime Paradise Tesla Event Slime Paradise Electro Slime Doodle Tesla Ball (Replica) Electro Slime An Electro Slime moved in!

...So, do people give slimes as gifts these days?

Event Slime Paradise House Event Slime Paradise Geo Slime Doodle Abandoned Stone House Geo Slime A Geo Slime moved in!

The small size provides a perfect level of coziness for a Geo Slime. The stone house has welcomed its first resident... Congratulations~

Event Slime Paradise Target Event Slime Paradise Electro Hilichurl Shooter Doodle Hilichurl Target Electro Hilichurl Shooter An Electro Hilichurl Shooter has come to visit!

This Electro Hilichurl Shooter is always looking for new archery targets to further hone its skill with a bow and arrow.

Event Slime Paradise Skeleton Event Slime Paradise Geovishap Hatchling Doodle Skeleton Geovishap Hatchling A Geovishap Hatchling has come to visit!

Attracted by the skeleton of an unknown creature. It dreams of becoming a true dragon one day... Keep at it, little friend!

Event Slime Paradise Trampoline Event Slime Paradise Anemo Slime Doodle Jumpy Trampoline Anemo Slime An Anemo Slime moved in!

Dreaming of becoming the next gliding champion, the Anemo Slime is practicing hard at flying!

Event Slime Paradise Simulator Dragonspine Simulator
Event Slime Paradise Phonograph Mysterious Phonograph
Event Slime Paradise Balloon Slime Hot Air balloon
Event Slime Paradise Stage Slime Stage

Gallery Pictures

Image Description
Slime Paradise Gallery 1 With Amber, Jean, Kaeya and Lisa
The park almost got shut down on the first day!? Well, at least it was a false alarm. Keep working hard at building the ultimate Slime Paradise!
Slime Paradise Gallery 2 With Razor and Hilichurls
The meat was tender, the grill was hot, the spices were fragrant... Everything was going smoothly...
Until a certain guest showed up to eat...
Slime Paradise Gallery 3 With Barbara

An idol's mission is to make their fans smile. The one and only Shining Idol of Mondstadt is here today to take the stage!

Slime Paradise Gallery 5 With Oz, Fischl, and Mutant Electro Slime
"A catalyst, the likes of which none have seen before? ...Perchance it hails from another world, as I do?"

"Remember your etiquette, mein Fräulein."

Slime Paradise Gallery 7 With Sucrose, Pyro Slime, Hydro Slime, and Electro Slime
A sincerely written letter that would tug on the heartstrings of anyone who reads it... Unless, of course, the reader is a slime.
Slime Paradise Gallery 8 With Bennett and Geo Slime
A true adventurer never misses a chance to hunt for treasure! Even if this time I didn't even find a Cabbage.
File:Slime Paradise Gallery -11.png With Mona
There used to be mushrooms in this park, but they've all been picked. The enigmatic astrologist Mona is hustling as usual today.
Slime Paradise Gallery 12 With Noelle
"Leave the sweeping to me." The "Wondermaid" of the Knights of Favonius, Noelle, has been helping all over the park today.