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Shade Upon Red Silk is the first part of Dehya's Story Quest, Mantichora Chapter: Act I - Lionsblood.


  1. Go to the Grand Bazaar
  2. Go to Caravan Ribat to learn more about the situation
  3. Watch over the trade route and wait for your moment
  4. Intercept the caravan and search for clues
    • A trial Dehya will join the party for this step.
  5. Talk to Sattar
  6. Look for clues among the goods

Note: Doing this quest before Archon Quest, Chapter IV, Act I - Prelude of Blancheur and Noirceur, Part 1: Soloist's Prologue will result in NPC conflict for step 2 that can only be resolved by advancing the Archon Quest 'past' the conflict.

Trial Character[]

WLWL Character
& Weapon
Talents & Artifacts Attributes


DehyaPyro Lv. 71 C3 Deh­ya
  • Normal Attack Lv. 5
  • Elemental Skill Lv. 5
  • Elemental Burst Lv. 8
Icon Attribute Health Max HP: 35,956
Icon Attribute Attack ATK: 1,599
Icon Attribute Defense DEF: 685
Icon Attribute Elemental Mastery Elemental Mastery: 92
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit Rate: 79.1%
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit DMG: 91.9%
Icon Attribute Energy Recharge Energy Recharge: 135.0%

Royal FloraRoyal PlumeRoyal Pocket WatchRoyal Silver UrnRoyal Masque
Artifact Lv. 16
Set Bonus
Noblesse Oblige 4-Piece


DehyaPyro Lv. 90 C3 Deh­ya
  • Normal Attack Lv. 8
  • Elemental Skill Lv. 8
  • Elemental Burst Lv. 8
Icon Attribute Health Max HP: 47,871
Icon Attribute Attack ATK: 1,834
Icon Attribute Defense DEF: 752
Icon Attribute Elemental Mastery Elemental Mastery: 145
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit Rate: 90.2%
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit DMG: 91.9%
Icon Attribute Energy Recharge Energy Recharge: 135.0%

Royal FloraRoyal PlumeRoyal Pocket WatchRoyal Silver UrnRoyal Masque
Artifact Lv. 20
Set Bonus
Noblesse Oblige 4-Piece

Trial Characters at Level 75 or above that are equipping the set Noblesse Oblige may be out of date.


UI Quest Quest Description

One day, you and Paimon stop by the Grand Bazaar...
(Enter the Grand Bazaar)
Media:vo dhylq001 1 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Hmm, Paimon's trying to remember... what else did we put on our shopping list...?
Media:vo dhylq001 1 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: *sniff* Oh, what a mouthwatering smell! Paimon would know the aroma of Biryani anywhere! Let's go get some!
Icon Dialogue Talk That wasn't on our list, was it?
Media:vo dhylq001 1 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Uh, we can still add it to the list!
Media:vo dhylq001 1 dehya 01.ogg Dehya: Well, if it isn't (TravelerTraveler) and Paimon. Wasn't expecting to see you here.
Media:vo dhylq001 1 dunyarzad 01.ogg Dunyarzad: Hello there! It's been quite a while.
Media:vo dhylq001 1 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Huh, so you two are still hanging out together! Dehya, didn't you say last time that you were gonna head back to the desert?
Media:vo dhylq001 1 dehya 02.ogg Dehya: Haha, I said I was going to resign from being her bodyguard, not that our friendship was over. We're still the best of friends.
Media:vo dhylq001 1 dehya 03.ogg Dehya: The Homayanis also still post jobs from time to time. Their pay is always generous, so me and the other mercs never pass them up.
Media:vo dhylq001 1 dunyarzad 02.ogg Dunyarzad: I told Dehya to just stay at our place when she took one of those jobs a few days ago.
Media:vo dhylq001 1 dunyarzad 03.ogg Dunyarzad: My parents were delighted. They even said that it always felt like we were missing someone whenever Dehya wasn't around.
Media:vo dhylq001 1 dehya 04.ogg Dehya: Pff, that sounds like something they would say alright. They are always so welcoming...
Media:vo dhylq001 1 dehya 05.ogg Dehya: Anyway, the job is already taken care of, so I was gonna head back to the brigade as soon as I finished a little shopping. But the master kept insisting and I ended up staying for another day.
Media:vo dhylq001 1 dunyarzad 04.ogg Dunyarzad: You can stay for as many days as you want, Dehya. Father hasn't even gotten around to treating you to his best dishes yet.
Media:vo dhylq001 1 dehya 06.ogg Dehya: Heh, you know I'm not the kind of person to stay put in one place like that, my lady. Don't worry though — there'll always be next time.
Media:vo dhylq001 1 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: But she said they'll treat you to the "best dishes"... Paimon can't believe you can still refuse that!
Media:vo dhylq001 1 dunyarzad 05.ogg Dunyarzad: Ah, but wait, didn't you say last time that you would take me on a trip to the desert? Why don't you just take me with you today when you leave?
Media:vo dhylq001 1 dunyarzad 06.ogg Dunyarzad: There are so many places I still haven't visited yet.
Media:vo dhylq001 1 dehya 07.ogg Dehya: I'm sorry, my lady, but no can do. There are still a few things I need to take care of back at the brigade. Besides, the desert hasn't exactly been the most peaceful place lately.
Media:vo dhylq001 1 dunyarzad 07.ogg Dunyarzad: Oh, come on, not this again! That's also what you said last time, and the time before that.
Media:vo dhylq001 1 dehya 08.ogg Dehya: I know, I'm sorry! Just give me some more time, and I promise I'll plan the best trip ever for you.
Media:vo dhylq001 1 dunyarzad 08.ogg Dunyarzad: Alright, fine. To be perfectly honest, it's not that I wanted to go, it's more like... I feel like something is off about you lately.
Media:vo dhylq001 1 dunyarzad 09.ogg Dunyarzad: Ever since you first set foot on the estate a few days ago, you've been acting anxious and even paranoid.
Media:vo dhylq001 1 dunyarzad 10.ogg Dunyarzad: Have you been delaying our trip because you've run into some kind of trouble?
Media:vo dhylq001 1 dehya 09.ogg Dehya: Nah, are you kidding? You're worrying too much.
Media:vo dhylq001 1 dunyarzad 11.ogg Dunyarzad: Would you swear on that? Friends shouldn't lie to each other, you know. I won't pry any further if you're willing to swear on what you just said.
Media:vo dhylq001 1 dunyarzad 12.ogg Dunyarzad: But if something really is bothering you, then just tell me. You know I'll help you however I can.
Media:vo dhylq001 1 dehya 10.ogg Dehya: ...
Media:vo dhylq001 1 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: Oh, looks like Dunyarzad was on to something.
Media:vo dhylq001 1 dehya 11.ogg Dehya: *sigh* You're too perceptive, my lady. Seems I can't hide anything from you.
Media:vo dhylq001 1 dehya 12.ogg Dehya: I just thought that nothing good could come out of telling you about the messy happenings of mercenaries. Knowing too much only leads to more trouble.
Media:vo dhylq001 1 dehya 13.ogg Dehya: Mercenary life is a dog-eat-dog world where Mora reigns supreme. Everything operates on a completely different set of rules.
Media:vo dhylq001 1 dunyarzad 13.ogg Dunyarzad: That doesn't change anything about what I just said, though. We're still friends, and I can only support you if I understand what's bothering you.
Media:vo dhylq001 1 dehya 14.ogg Dehya: My lady... *sigh* You're not gonna stop until you drag it out of me, are ya...
Media:vo dhylq001 1 dehya 15.ogg Dehya: Alright, I'll share what I know. Let's go somewhere else first, this isn't exactly the best place for a discussion.
You go talk somewhere else.
Media:vo dhylq001 1 dehya 16.ogg Dehya: Okay, let's talk here. Just try not to draw any extra attention.
Media:vo dhylq001 1 dehya 17.ogg Dehya: As you may already know, the Eremites have both a lot of mercenaries and a complex organizational structure. Many mercs are no different than me, just going around looking for jobs to earn some Mora.
Media:vo dhylq001 1 dehya 18.ogg Dehya: My brigade is called the "Blazing Beasts." We're not a large group, but every member is loyal and brave.
Media:vo dhylq001 1 dehya 19.ogg Dehya: However, not all Eremite brigades are like mine. Some are willing to cross all kinds of lines for the sake of Mora. The most notorious is a faction known as "Deshret's Relics."
Media:vo dhylq001 1 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: Deshret's Relics? Judging from the name, they must really look up to...
Icon Dialogue Talk King Deshret.
Icon Dialogue Talk Al-Ahmar.
Media:vo dhylq001 1 dehya 20.ogg Dehya: Yep, you got it. I've heard that you've already crossed paths with Ayn Al-Ahmar? They're one of the groups under the Relics' banner.
Media:vo dhylq001 1 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: Oh, you mean the group that tried to sell us the Divine Knowledge Capsule! Yeah, they weren't friendly at all...
Media:vo dhylq001 1 dehya 21.ogg Dehya: Deshret's Relics is composed of many smaller brigades like Ayn Al-Ahmar. The Relics' headquarters issues orders to all brigades under its control.
Media:vo dhylq001 1 dehya 22.ogg Dehya: On any other day, I would want nothing to do with them. Unfortunately though, the brigade that's stirring up trouble now is none other than Dakan Al-Ahmar.
Media:vo dhylq001 1 paimon 09.ogg Paimon: Dakan...?
Media:vo dhylq001 1 dehya 23.ogg Dehya: I think it means "beard" or something. Believe me, it's a really stupid name... I've found it insufferable for years.
Media:vo dhylq001 1 dehya 24.ogg Dehya: Anyway, the real issue is that Dakan Al-Ahmar is led by my father, Kusayla.
Media:vo dhylq001 1 paimon 10.ogg Paimon: Say what now!?
Media:vo dhylq001 1 dunyarzad 14.ogg Dunyarzad: I think I'm starting to understand your anxiety now... but what did they do?
Media:vo dhylq001 1 dehya 25.ogg Dehya: I won't go into details, my lady, but they've been involved in a lot of violent incidents. We're talking hundreds.
Media:vo dhylq001 1 paimon 11.ogg Paimon: ...Hundreds!?
Media:vo dhylq001 1 dehya 26.ogg Dehya: Yep. The scenes tend to be quite gruesome, too. They strip the victims of all their valuables before murdering them.
Media:vo dhylq001 1 dehya 27.ogg Dehya: Not only have they targeted merchant caravans and ordinary citizens, but other mercenary brigades as well.
Media:vo dhylq001 1 dunyarzad 15.ogg Dunyarzad: ...That's beyond terrible. They won't even spare their own kind.
Media:vo dhylq001 1 dehya 28.ogg Dehya: I don't know how Deshret's Relics sees it, all I do know is that Dakan Al-Ahmar has become more and more aggressive over the last few years.
Media:vo dhylq001 1 dehya 29.ogg Dehya: If I don't do something about them, then even my brigade or the people of Aaru Village could become their next target.
Media:vo dhylq001 1 dehya 30.ogg Dehya: *sigh* I just wish I knew what's driven him to do this...
Media:vo dhylq001 1 paimon 12.ogg Paimon: Yeah, how can your father do such terrible things?
Media:vo dhylq001 1 dehya 31.ogg Dehya: I dunno, people change. He's always been pretty pathetic, but at least in the past, there were still a few lines that he wouldn't cross.
Media:vo dhylq001 1 paimon 13.ogg Paimon: That's setting the bar pretty low...
Media:vo dhylq001 1 dehya 32.ogg Dehya: I mean, if he was even remotely decent, then why would I have to leave the brigade and cut all ties with him?
Media:vo dhylq001 1 dehya 33.ogg Dehya: He was loud and foolish, with no real sense of purpose. Instead of doing anything useful, he spent most of his time drinking and chasing after women.
Media:vo dhylq001 1 dehya 34.ogg Dehya: Of course, the other brigade members were just like him. Their ruckus would go on night after night...
Media:vo dhylq001 1 paimon 14.ogg Paimon: Sounds like a nightmare...
Media:vo dhylq001 1 dunyarzad 16.ogg Dunyarzad: What about your mother? Did she ever step in to stop them?
Media:vo dhylq001 1 dehya 35.ogg Dehya: ...Unfortunately, I never knew my mother.
Media:vo dhylq001 1 dunyarzad 17.ogg Dunyarzad: Ah... I'm sorry, Dehya. I didn't know...
Media:vo dhylq001 1 dehya 36.ogg Dehya: It's alright, my lady. That's pretty common in mercenary circles. Didn't I mention that my father was chasing after women? I was the result of one of those encounters with some random person.
Media:vo dhylq001 1 dehya 37.ogg Dehya: He told me that he wasn't sure who my mother was, and in any case, she never came to see me.
Media:vo dhylq001 1 dehya 38.ogg Dehya: He'd say, "You'll be fine as long as you remember to stick with Dad," but even then, he left most of the parenting to the brigade. The one thing I do remember is that he used to tell me stories.
Media:vo dhylq001 1 dehya 39.ogg Dehya: But the problem was that he had terrible taste. He only knew a few stories, and even those tended to be pretty stale...
Media:vo dhylq001 1 dehya 40.ogg Dehya: They were tales of desert warriors defeating dragons in the forest, or stories of mercenaries rescuing princesses from rebel armies.
Media:vo dhylq001 1 paimon 15.ogg Paimon: Sounds like your typical fairy tales...
Media:vo dhylq001 1 dehya 41.ogg Dehya: More or less, yeah. They were interesting maybe the first or second time around, but after about 20 repeats, they started to get a little dull...
Media:vo dhylq001 1 dehya 42.ogg Dehya: He seemed to think those stories were the best things ever, though. He was so into 'em that he'd call the whole brigade over and make them perform the whole thing as a play.
Media:vo dhylq001 1 dehya 43.ogg Dehya: Even the toys he gave me would all be story props... I'd get helmets, shields, and toy swords.
Media:vo dhylq001 1 dehya 44.ogg Dehya: It was only much later when I realized that the shows were more for him than they ever were for me.
Media:vo dhylq001 1 paimon 16.ogg Paimon: ...What an interesting guy.
Icon Dialogue Talk But it doesn't sound like he had all bad intentions?
Media:vo dhylq001 1 dehya 45.ogg Dehya: Yeah, I've always found him pretty childish, but that was something I could just shrug off. I had no reason to despise him...
Media:vo dhylq001 1 dehya 46.ogg Dehya: ...Until I grew up, and learned the true face of Deshret's Relics for myself.
Media:vo dhylq001 1 dehya 47.ogg Dehya: Looting, blackmail, violence, and fraud... They not only accepted such heinous acts, they would even openly boast about them.
Media:vo dhylq001 1 dehya 48.ogg Dehya: No one in the brigade was any kind of hero, instead, my father and his cronies were more like the bad guys that needed to be taken down.
Media:vo dhylq001 1 dehya 49.ogg Dehya: Did they really think that as long as they didn't do any of that stuff right in front of me, I would never know?
Media:vo dhylq001 1 dunyarzad 18.ogg Dunyarzad: I think I can understand your feelings. The difference between perception and reality must have hit hard...
Media:vo dhylq001 1 dehya 50.ogg Dehya: Yeah, but don't worry, my lady, it's all water under the bridge to me now. I had a huge argument with my father, and left that place behind for good.
Media:vo dhylq001 1 dehya 51.ogg Dehya: I'm not investigating them due to any bitter feelings I still have towards my father. I just want to protect those that are close to me.
Icon Dialogue Talk You just want to find out...
Icon Dialogue Talk Why they suddenly started causing so much more trouble.
Media:vo dhylq001 1 dehya 52.ogg Dehya: Yeah, I told the boys to gather as much information as they could. Most of the reports concern violent incidents, but there's also some talk of smuggling.
Media:vo dhylq001 1 dunyarzad 19.ogg Dunyarzad: I see... But isn't this investigation incredibly dangerous?
Media:vo dhylq001 1 dehya 53.ogg Dehya: It is, but every mercenary lives life on the edge. It's a lifestyle that I enjoy.
Media:vo dhylq001 1 dunyarzad 20.ogg Dunyarzad: That may be true, but it'll be impossible for those who care about you not to worry.
Media:vo dhylq001 1 dehya 54.ogg Dehya: Well... now you get why I didn't want to share any of this with you.
Media:vo dhylq001 1 paimon 17.ogg Paimon: What should we do? They both have valid concerns...
Icon Dialogue Talk I'll go back to the desert with Dehya.
Media:vo dhylq001 1 dehya 55.ogg Dehya: Huh? But there's no need for you to get caught up in this mess, too.
Media:vo dhylq001 1 paimon 18a.ogg Media:vo dhylq001 1 paimon 18b.ogg Paimon: Well, (‍hehe/sheshe‍)'s super tough, so if (‍hehe/sheshe‍) went to the desert with you, then Paimon bets the problem would be solved in no time!
Media:vo dhylq001 1 dunyarzad 21a.ogg Media:vo dhylq001 1 dunyarzad 21b.ogg Dunyarzad: Hmm... I'm inclined to agree. I'd feel a lot more at ease if you took (‍himhim/herher‍) along to help.
Icon Dialogue Talk You can count on me!
Icon Dialogue Talk I'll do my best.
Media:vo dhylq001 1 dunyarzad 22.ogg Dunyarzad: I'll wait for news from you in the city until then. Please, stay safe.
Media:vo dhylq001 1 dehya 56.ogg Dehya: I'm honored that you care so much for me, my lady.
Media:vo dhylq001 1 dehya 57.ogg Dehya: Alright, then let's get moving. Our first stop will be Caravan Ribat, where we can catch up a bit with my fellow mercs.
(Talk to Dunyarzad, optional)
Media:vo dialog dhylq001 dunyarzad 01.ogg Dunyarzad: Please be careful. I'll stay in the city and wait for news from you.
Media:vo dialog dhylq001 dunyarzad 02.ogg Dunyarzad: Just don't do anything reckless, alright?
(Use Nahida's All Schemes to Know on Dunyarzad, optional)
Media:vo dhylq001 1 dunyarzad 23a.ogg Dunyarzad: (I sure hope they'll be okay...)

Icon Quest Step Step Description

While at the Grand Bazaar, you and Paimon encountered Dehya and Dunyarzad. Through conversation, you learned that Dehya's father had committed a great many wrongs, spurring Dehya to see an end to this familial disgrace. To prevent Dunyarzad from worrying too much, you and Paimon decide to accompany Dehya on her task.
(Use Nahida's All Schemes to Know on Harun, optional)
Media:vo dhylq001 2 harun 01.ogg Harun: (I think something's definitely up with Dakan Al-Ahmar.)
(Approach Harun in Caravan Ribat)
Media:vo dhylq001 2 harun 02.ogg Harun: Hey, Dehya, you're back! Are these two friends of yours?
Icon Dialogue Talk It's a pleasure to meet you.
Media:vo dhylq001 2 harun 03a 1.ogg Harun: Hahaha, likewise. There's no need to be so formal with us. We're a pretty casual crew.
Icon Dialogue Talk I'd trust Dehya with my life.
Media:vo dhylq001 2 harun 03b 1.ogg Harun: Oh? So you've already become like one of us then, haha. That's good to know.
Media:vo dhylq001 2 harun 04.ogg Harun: Anyway, since we've got newcomers, let me fill you in on what Dakan Al-Ahmar's been up to lately.
Media:vo dhylq001 2 harun 05.ogg Harun: They've become extremely aggressive. Apparently even their own now have become acceptable targets.
Media:vo dhylq001 2 harun 06.ogg Harun: They even attack other Relics brigades just the same as any other mercenary brigade.
Media:vo dhylq001 2 dehya 01.ogg Dehya: Even the most ferocious beasts still protect their own. It sounds like they've thrown that straight to the wind.
Media:vo dhylq001 2 harun 07.ogg Harun: That's right. Once they've collected enough loot off the other mercenaries, they sell it off to a different brigade, or turn to merchants on the black market.
Media:vo dhylq001 2 harun 08.ogg Harun: A portion of their profits is immediately exchanged for more food and weaponry to be used in their next violent operation.
Media:vo dhylq001 2 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: That's terrible...
Media:vo dhylq001 2 harun 09.ogg Harun: Yeah, and it really makes you wonder why they're so desperate for Mora.
Media:vo dhylq001 2 harun 10.ogg Harun: A few days ago, Hisham and I trailed them for a while, and even disguised ourselves as merchants to conduct trade with them. We were able to learn a few things from the exchange.
Media:vo dhylq001 2 harun 11.ogg Harun: Rather than saying they're out to plunder and hoard Mora, it'd probably be more accurate to say that they're experiencing an internal power struggle.
Media:vo dhylq001 2 dehya 02.ogg Dehya: Wait, a power struggle?
Media:vo dhylq001 2 harun 12.ogg Harun: You heard me right. The vast majority of their victims are mercenaries from the other brigades of Deshret's Relics.
Media:vo dhylq001 2 harun 13.ogg Harun: If their only goal was Mora, they could have gone after anybody. The targeted nature of their attacks points to a power struggle between the different brigades within the Relics, that's the only plausible explanation we have.
Media:vo dhylq001 2 harun 14.ogg Harun: Unfortunately, we weren't able to find out anything more specific. It seems they're also trying to keep things under wraps.
Media:vo dhylq001 2 harun 15.ogg Harun: Oh, one last thing we discovered was that over the past few years, as Dakan Al-Ahmar became more and more active, Deshret's Relics as a whole became a lot weaker.
Icon Dialogue Talk They were able to cause so much damage...?
Icon Dialogue Talk That somehow makes things even more confusing.
Media:vo dhylq001 2 dehya 03.ogg Dehya: Sounds mighty strange to me, too. Harun, you can leave the rest of the investigation to us.
Media:vo dhylq001 2 dehya 04.ogg Dehya: Gotta say though, I didn't expect you to go on a whole undercover mission during the few days I was gone. Sounds like you were really putting your necks on the line, no?
Media:vo dhylq001 2 harun 16.ogg Harun: Nah, it was nothin'. We're just as concerned about the situation as you are. Dakan Al-Ahmar is your father's crew, after all.
Media:vo dhylq001 2 hisham 01.ogg ???: Haha, what he said. Besides, Dehya, haven't you done more dangerous things than all of us combined? What we did is nothing compared to your experiences.
Media:vo dhylq001 2 khalaf 01.ogg ???: Yeah! And while they went to talk with Dakan Al-Ahmar, I took a look at the last camp they attacked.
Media:vo dhylq001 2 khalaf 02.ogg ???: Any survivors of the attack were already long gone. There was nothing of value left in the camp.
Media:vo dhylq001 2 dehya 05.ogg Dehya: Ah, Hisham and Khalaf, you're here too.
Media:vo dhylq001 2 hisham 02.ogg Hisham: We rushed over as soon as we saw you come into Caravan Ribat.
Media:vo dhylq001 2 hisham 03a.ogg Media:vo dhylq001 2 hisham 03b.ogg Hisham: Although this new friend of yours looks a little green behind the ears, I'm sensing a special vibe from (‍himhim/herher‍).
Media:vo dhylq001 2 hisham 04.ogg Hisham: Now that we know you'll have a capable partner with you, we can also rest easy.
Media:vo dhylq001 2 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Hey, what about Paimon? Feel anything special?
Media:vo dhylq001 2 hisham 05.ogg Hisham: Oh, uh... You're also planning to tag along with them?
Media:vo dhylq001 2 paimon 03a.ogg Media:vo dhylq001 2 paimon 03b.ogg Paimon: Of course! Paimon is the Traveler's most important guide. Wherever (‍hehe/sheshe‍) goes, Paimon will follow!
Media:vo dhylq001 2 hisham 06.ogg Hisham: Oh, in that case... then you'd better take care of her too, Dehya.
Media:vo dhylq001 2 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Ugh, don't underestimate Paimon!
Media:vo dhylq001 2 dehya 06.ogg Dehya: Hahaha, don't worry about her. She may look tiny and helpless, but she's been through just as many battles as the Traveler here.
Media:vo dhylq001 2 dehya 07.ogg Dehya: Even if she had only survived on sheer luck, then that alone would still make her quite formidable.
Media:vo dhylq001 2 hisham 07.ogg Hisham: Hah, I had no idea... I guess I shouldn't judge by appearances, haha.
Media:vo dhylq001 2 khalaf 03.ogg Khalaf: Oh, one other thing, Dehya. When you're free, why don't you update the deputy about your upcoming schedule?
Media:vo dhylq001 2 khalaf 04.ogg Khalaf: We held another recruitment event a few days ago, but everyone only came to see the Flame-Mane. You weren't around at the time, so people were pretty disappointed to only find our crew of rough, unkempt guys.
Media:vo dhylq001 2 khalaf 05.ogg Khalaf: The deputy put a lot of effort into the event, but it was basically for nothing... only a few people chose to stay, and that really got to him.
Media:vo dhylq001 2 dehya 08.ogg Dehya: Ah, sorry to hear that. I'll be sure to bring him some great liquor next time... I left in a hurry, and I couldn't make it back in time for the event.
Media:vo dhylq001 2 hisham 08.ogg Hisham: Gotta admit, I can understand their disappointment, though. You're our brigade's main selling point, after all.
Media:vo dhylq001 2 hisham 09.ogg Hisham: Now, if only the deputy could figure out a way to bring a few more smokin' hot members into our ranks...
Media:vo dhylq001 2 dehya 09.ogg Dehya: Hah, keep dreaming. Remember the last time I invited a couple gals into the brigade? You all just froze up with your mouths gaping, like a bunch o' scarecrows.
Media:vo dhylq001 2 dehya 10.ogg Dehya: The awkward silence and weird expressions left quite the impression on 'em. They were originally interested in joining us, but after that, they both told me they were too uncomfortable to stick around.
Media:vo dhylq001 2 hisham 10.ogg Hisham: Hey, didn't we agree to never bring that up again!?
Media:vo dhylq001 2 khalaf 06.ogg Khalaf: Huh? Wait, are you serious? Why've I never heard about this?
Media:vo dhylq001 2 harun 17.ogg Harun: I don't think you were a part of the brigade yet.
Media:vo dhylq001 2 khalaf 07.ogg Khalaf: Are you kidding me!? I missed a once-in-a-lifetime moment like that, and you weren't even gonna tell me!?
Media:vo dhylq001 2 harun 18.ogg Harun: Alright, alright! We can tell you about it later. Now's not the time.
Media:vo dhylq001 2 khalaf 08.ogg Khalaf: Hey, don't you try to change the subject! You and Hisham get your butts over here and tell me everything right now.
Media:vo dhylq001 2 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Uh, are they... always like this?
Media:vo dhylq001 2 dehya 11.ogg Dehya: Haha, more or less.
Media:vo dhylq001 2 dehya 12.ogg Dehya: There aren't many rules or graces when it comes to mercenaries. We're used to just speaking our minds.
Media:vo dhylq001 2 dehya 13.ogg Dehya: If someone starts getting under your skin, you just yell right back at 'em. If that doesn't put an end to it... eh, then you just challenge 'em to a fight.
Media:vo dhylq001 2 dehya 14.ogg Dehya: But we also don't tend to take many things too seriously. Being direct and getting it all out of your system as soon as things come up is better than keeping everything bottled up and never talking about it.
Media:vo dhylq001 2 dehya 15.ogg Dehya: That's also why I never spare their feelings when I talk to them. If I wanna laugh, I'll laugh. If I'm angry, then I'll unload on 'em. It's hard to stop once you get used to it, though I can never do that when I'm with the Homayanis.
Media:vo dhylq001 2 dehya 16.ogg Dehya: Hey, knuckleheads. Can you at least tell me the rest of the intel before you go back to your bickering?
Media:vo dhylq001 2 harun 19.ogg Harun: Yeah, you hear her, Khalaf? Told ya we gotta focus on the investigation first. Ahem, I drew up a map — right here's the spot — there you'll find the merchant caravan responsible for getting rid of Dakan Al-Ahmar's looted goods.
Media:vo dhylq001 2 harun 20.ogg Harun: All you gotta do is wait and ambush them in the evening. They'll have no idea what hit 'em.
Media:vo dhylq001 2 dehya 17.ogg Dehya: Perfect, thanks for that. Be sure to pass my regards to everyone else in the brigade as well.
Media:vo dhylq001 2 harun 21.ogg Harun: Will do. You stay safe, Dehya.
(Talk to Harun, Hisham, or Khalaf, optional)
Media:vo dialog dhylq001 harun 01.ogg Harun: Now, like I said... The two ladies Dehya brought with her were also like super-mercs, I'm talkin' same level as Flame-Mane here.
Media:vo dialog dhylq001 harun 02.ogg Harun: You should have seen it, the aura of the two of 'em when they were standing together... it was incredible! I was just at a loss for words, that's all!
Media:vo dialog dhylq001 khalaf 01.ogg Khalaf: So pathetic...
Media:vo dialog dhylq001 harun 03.ogg Harun: H—Hey, shut up!
(Use Nahida's All Schemes to Know on Khalaf, optional)
Media:vo dhylq001 3 khalaf 01.ogg Khalaf: (How could I have missed a moment like that!?)
(Use Nahida's All Schemes to Know on Harun, optional)
Media:vo dhylq001 3 harun 01.ogg Harun: (C'mon, you can only trash us like this because you weren't there...)
(Use Nahida's All Schemes to Know on Hisham, optional)
Media:vo dhylq001 3 hisham 01.ogg Hisham: (Admit it, you would have frozen up just like everyone else if you were there...)

(Approach the marked area)
Media:vo dhylq001 3 dehya 01.ogg Dehya: This should be the place. Let's find a spot to hide and bide our time.
Media:vo dhylq001 3 dehya 02.ogg Dehya: It's gonna come down to a fight one way or another, so let's all be careful.
Media:vo dhylq001 3 paimon 01a.ogg Media:vo dhylq001 3 paimon 01b.ogg Paimon: No need to worry! (‍HeHe/SheShe‍) knows (‍hishis/herher‍) way around a fight.
Media:vo dhylq001 3 dehya 03.ogg Dehya: Haha, I'm not worried about that! What I meant is that we probably shouldn't go too hard on the enemy. After all, we still need to get information out of them.
(Time passes)
Media:vo dhylq001 3 dehya 04.ogg Dehya: Ah, here they come! You ready?
Media:vo dhylq001 3 dehya 05.ogg Dehya: Let's not give them a chance to react and end this quickly.
(Defeat the Eremites)
Media:vo dhylq001 3 sattar 01.ogg Sattar: A—Argh!
Media:vo dhylq001 3 sattar 02.ogg Sattar: Y—You're... the Flame-Mane!
Media:vo dhylq001 3 dehya 06.ogg Dehya: Good, that saves me an introduction. Alright, time for a little talk. Are you buddies with Dakan Al-Ahmar now? Tell me, what're they after?
Media:vo dhylq001 3 sattar 03.ogg Sattar: Hmph... You know the code of being a mercenary just like everyone else. The first rule is to never divulge key information about our employer. What makes you think I'd talk?
Media:vo dhylq001 3 dehya 07.ogg Dehya: Heh, that might have worked on an amateur, but I know you're just looking to protect your reputation.
Media:vo dhylq001 3 dehya 08.ogg Dehya: Think about it, though. What's your reputation worth if you won't have the other tools you need to succeed in this line of work? Tools like, I dunno... your limbs, or eyes?
Media:vo dhylq001 3 dehya 09.ogg Dehya: You've got five seconds. You might want to think twice about how much your employer's information is worth to you.
Media:vo dhylq001 3 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Wh—Whoa!
Icon Dialogue Talk It's alright, Paimon.
Icon Dialogue Talk She knows what she's doing.
Media:vo dhylq001 3 dehya 10.ogg Dehya: I'm not joking around. We can do this the easy way, or the painful way.
Media:vo dhylq001 3 dehya 11.ogg Dehya: Two seconds...
Media:vo dhylq001 3 sattar 04.ogg Sattar: I'll save you the trouble... Hmph!
Media:vo dhylq001 3 dehya 12.ogg Dehya: Huh!? Are you crazy!?
Media:vo dhylq001 3 dehya 13.ogg Dehya: He tried to bite off his own tongue! Quick, search the area for any first aid supplies!
With Dehya's emergency treatment, the bleeding in Sattar's mouth is brought under control...
Media:vo dhylq001 3 dehya 14.ogg Dehya: Ugh, I definitely didn't expect him to go that far. Thankfully, the wound wasn't too deep, and he just passed out from the pain.
Media:vo dhylq001 3 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: But why would he be so extreme...?
Media:vo dhylq001 3 dehya 15.ogg Dehya: I just wanted to test his mettle. You can get a lot of mercenaries to talk just by threatening them.
Media:vo dhylq001 3 dehya 16.ogg Dehya: I didn't expect him to be willing to go through so much pain just to deny us some intel.
Media:vo dhylq001 3 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Well, he's out cold for now... We could wait for him to wake up, but maybe it's not a good idea to interrogate him any further... What should we do?
Media:vo dhylq001 3 dehya 17.ogg Dehya: Yeah, don't worry about it. It'll be a waste of time to interrogate him again after that. He might just hurt himself again if we start asking.
Media:vo dhylq001 3 dehya 18.ogg Dehya: There are lots of goods around here. Let's search the area, maybe we'll be able to find something.
Media:vo dhylq001 3 dehya 19.ogg Dehya: ...I'm really sorry.
(Interact with Sattar, optional)
Observe: (Sattar is not gravely injured, and will probably wake up soon. It should be okay to leave him here for a little while.)
(Investigate the box, optional)
Observe: (There are some weapons in the boxes, as well as a bunch of medicine and bandages. It seems like Dakan Al-Ahmar is really up to no good.)
(Investigate the wagon, optional)
Observe: (There are a lot of daily necessities like food and water in the boxes. It doesn't seem like there's anything noteworthy.)
(Investigate the backpack)
Media:vo dhylq001 4 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: We found a piece of paper with a bunch of names on it! Maybe it's a record of something?
Media:vo dhylq001 4 dehya 01.ogg Dehya: Lemme take a look. If this really is a merchant caravan, they should have a record of their transactions.
Media:vo dhylq001 4 dehya 02.ogg Dehya: Hmm... Yep, I see an entry for Dakan Al-Ahmar right here. Kusayla, Idrisi, Bashar, and Tikriti...
Media:vo dhylq001 4 dehya 03.ogg Dehya: All familiar names. Dakan Al-Ahmar has been trading for a hefty supply of food, weapons, and medicine. It seems that in the past, they used to receive some Canned Knowledge as well.
Media:vo dhylq001 4 dehya 04.ogg Dehya: This caravan is just one link in their logistics chain. Once in the rainforest, the caravan will exchange the looted goods for Mora, and the funds will then be passed to a specific person.
Media:vo dhylq001 4 dehya 05.ogg Dehya: That person will then pack the caravan full of necessary goods, which will then be brought right back to Dakan Al-Ahmar...
Media:vo dhylq001 4 dehya 06.ogg Dehya: ...Wait. Why is there no Mora value recorded for the final transaction?
Media:vo dhylq001 4 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Hmm? No value?
Media:vo dhylq001 4 dehya 07.ogg Dehya: Yeah. Every transaction before the last one was marked with an exact amount of Mora. But the final one, where they paid for everything to be brought back to the desert... was simply marked as "delivered."
Icon Dialogue Talk Maybe the Mora amounts just happened to cancel each other out?
Media:vo dhylq001 4 dehya 08.ogg Dehya: Hmm, perhaps, but they couldn't have known how much they would make off selling the loot. Do they not care about profit margins at all?
Media:vo dhylq001 4 dehya 09.ogg Dehya: Anyway, the next part's the records of the goods themselves. There are a lot of entries... everything was probably sourced from the rainforest.
Media:vo dhylq001 4 dehya 10.ogg Dehya: Huh!?
Media:vo dhylq001 4 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: What's wrong?
Media:vo dhylq001 4 dehya 11.ogg Dehya: Shahzaman Homayani...
Media:vo dhylq001 4 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Homayani!? You mean Dunyarzad's family?
Media:vo dhylq001 4 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Uhh, c—could it just be another family with the same last name?
Media:vo dhylq001 4 dehya 12.ogg Dehya: I'd be surprised to find someone with the exact same first and last name. Shahzaman Homayani is Dunyarzad's father, and the head of the Homayani family.
Media:vo dhylq001 4 dehya 13.ogg Dehya: Just what the heck is going on here...
Icon Dialogue Talk Calm down, Dehya.
Icon Dialogue Talk Let's analyze the situation first.
Media:vo dhylq001 4 dehya 14.ogg Dehya: I'm sorry... You're right. I'll consider what we've found, and not jump to conclusions just yet.
Media:vo dhylq001 4 dehya 15.ogg Dehya: But what this piece of paper confirms is that the Homayani family has been providing goods to Dakan Al-Ahmar.
Media:vo dhylq001 4 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: What if the Homayanis have been kept in the dark, and don't know they've been trading with Dakan Al-Ahmar?
Media:vo dhylq001 4 dehya 16.ogg Dehya: That's a possibility, but if that was the case, why has this caravan specifically named Shahzaman as their person of contact?
Media:vo dhylq001 4 dehya 17.ogg Dehya: They could have just as easily bought goods such as food and medicine directly from Caravan Ribat or Port Ormos.
Icon Dialogue Talk If Shahzaman was actually aware of this...
Icon Dialogue Talk Then perhaps he's been supplying the brigade's operations this entire time.
Media:vo dhylq001 4 dehya 18.ogg Dehya: Yeah... Funding violence and looting. The brigade gets the goods, and he is paid the proceeds from the sale of the loot.
Media:vo dhylq001 4 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: B—But why would he do something like this? It's not like the Homayanis are in need of money...
Media:vo dhylq001 4 dehya 19.ogg Dehya: I honestly have no idea...
Media:vo dhylq001 4 dehya 20.ogg Dehya: I've been to their estate many times, and I've never noticed anything suspicious.
Media:vo dhylq001 4 dehya 21.ogg Dehya: The only potentially large expenditure I can think of would be the treatment costs for Dunyarzad's Eleazar. Maybe they borrowed a lot of Mora in the past?
Media:vo dhylq001 4 dehya 22.ogg Dehya: But that's still just a speculation. I don't think the master would stoop so low to make Mora.
Icon Dialogue Talk I don't think Dunyarzad knows anything about this, either.
Media:vo dhylq001 4 dehya 23.ogg Dehya: You're probably right. I know my lady's personality, and she wouldn't deliberately keep something like this from us.
Media:vo dhylq001 4 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: But what should we do now? All we've found is just another mystery...
Icon Dialogue Talk If we want to get to the bottom of this, we won't be able to turn back.
Media:vo dhylq001 4 dehya 24.ogg Dehya: Hmm...
Media:vo dhylq001 4 dehya 25.ogg Dehya: If you ask me, we already have no choice but to confront her about this.
Media:vo dhylq001 4 dehya 26.ogg Dehya: I'm not worried, it's too early to make a verdict yet. I still have faith in the Homayanis.
Media:vo dhylq001 4 dehya 27.ogg Dehya: Let's go find my lady again. We'll tell her everything, and see if she's willing to lend us her support.
Media:vo dhylq001 4 dehya 28.ogg Dehya: If we're lucky, we can not only figure out the mystery of this paper, but also follow the trail of breadcrumbs to the people responsible at Dakan Al-Ahmar.
Media:vo dhylq001 4 paimon 09.ogg Paimon: Uhh... Dehya, are you sure this is the best decision? What if instead of getting the help we need, we just end up revealing everything we've discovered to the enemy?
Media:vo dhylq001 4 dehya 29.ogg Dehya: I've considered that possibility, but even still, I want to tell her what we've found. I think I owe her that much... True friendship is built on trust.
Media:vo dhylq001 4 dehya 30.ogg Dehya: She showed genuine concern for me when we first brought up the topic. I can't repay her kindness with doubt and suspicion.
Media:vo dhylq001 4 dehya 31.ogg Dehya: That's not how I deal with people.
Media:vo dhylq001 4 paimon 10.ogg Paimon: You're right. Paimon wants to trust Dunyarzad. too!
Icon Dialogue Talk I hope we'll be of help to her.
Media:vo dhylq001 4 dehya 32.ogg Dehya: Yeah. Let's pay another visit to Sumeru City.
(Obtain Caravan Accounts)


No.Soundtrack NameAlbumPlayed In
13Perilous PathCity of Winds and IdyllsShadow Over Mondstadt, Kaeya's Gain, Mondstadt Glider, Justice, for Books' Sake, The Fond Farewell, Festering Desire (Quest), Archon's Rival, Involuntary Sacrifice, Blind Loyalty, Reckless Courage, To Hear Mortal Hearts, The Snowy Past, The Oni's Pride, Sky-Gazers, Land-Walkers, A Centuries-Long Dream, As by a God's Side, Where the Boat of Consciousness Lies, Dream of Falling, Fragmented Testimony, Shade Upon Red Silk, The Truth Shrouded in Shadow, An Opportunity for Rebirth, Fiction and Reality Inside and Outside the Frame (Quest), Memories That Should Not Exist, Switcheroo, Pilgrimage of the Return of the Sacred Flame (Quest), Liyue Celebrates and Eight Adepts Face a Hidden Calamity
Event Gameplay
28A Wicked PlotThe Shimmering VoyageInvoluntary Sacrifice, A Herald Without Adherents, Dishonorable Trial, A Flower Blooms in a Prison, Jade Chamber Rising, The Stars Inscribe the Year's Wishes, Foregone Conclusion, As by a God's Side, Jnagarbha Day, The Strongest Opponent! The Biggest Crisis!, Pride and Prejudice, Shade Upon Red Silk, It's What He Deserves, The Woven and the Cut, Underground Crime, Give Her Sweetness

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishShade Upon Red Silk
Hēirǎn Hóngchóu
Red Silk Dyed Black
Hēirǎn Hóngchóu
Kuroku Somatta Akai Kinu‍[!][!]
Blackened Red Silk
Korean검게 물든 붉은 비단
Geomge Muldeun Bulgeun Bidan
Red Silk Dyed Black
SpanishSombras que se ciernen sobre un sedoso escarlataShadows That Loom Over a Silky Scarlet
FrenchOmbre sur soie rougeShade Upon Red Silk
RussianТень на красном шёлке
Ten' na krasnom shyolke
Shade on Red Silk
VietnameseBăng Đỏ Nhuộm Đen
GermanGeschwärzte rote SeideBlackened Red Silk
IndonesianBayangan di Sutra MerahShadows on the Red Silk
PortugueseSombra Sobre Seda Rubra
TurkishKırmızı İpekteki Gölge
ItalianOmbra sulla seta rossaShade on the Red Silk

Change History[]
