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Secret Source Automaton: Firepower Enhanced is an enemy encountered in the On the Trail of Behemoths event.



Energy Drops
TypeHP ThresholdDrop(s)
Non-Elemental75%Orb ×1
50%Orb ×1
25%Orb ×1
0%Orb ×1


State Physical Pyro Hydro Electro Cryo Dendro Anemo Geo
Base 60% 60% 60% 60% 60% 60% 60% 60%
Paralyzed -30% -30% -30% -30% -30% -30% -30% -30%
Enhanced Boltsphere Cannon 360% 360% 360% 360% 360% 360% 360% 360%

Toggle Levels

Level Scaling

Note that HP and ATK values may change in Co-Op Mode, some Quests, and certain Domains (including Spiral Abyss and Imaginarium Theater). For more details, see Enemy/Level Scaling § Other Multipliers.


Adaptive Countermeasures
When characters enter and maintain the Nightsoul's Blessing state, the Configuration Device accumulates 15 points of Adaptive Countermeasures. When 200 points are accumulated, it will perform laser sweeps in a square pattern, dealing 30% ATK as Electro DMG upon contact with the beams, then immediately begin charging its Boltsphere Cannon.
Triple Airstrike
Fires 3 energy beams into the sky in succession, which strike down at the player's location, each dealing 70% ATK as Electro DMG. The airstrikes leave the affected ground electrified for 20 seconds, dealing 70% ATK as Electro DMG every 0.5 seconds to players within the area.
Laser Sweep
Activates 2 emitters that rotate while continuously firing laser beams. The laser beams deal 30% ATK as Electro DMG to targets that come in contact. At the beginning and the end of this attack, also releases a shockwave at its center, dealing 60% ATK as Electro DMG.
Tracking Beam
Fires a contiuous laser beam that follows the player, rapidly dealing 40% ATK as Electro DMG. Repeated hits have their DMG reduced according to the Damage Sequence. If the player approaches too close to the Configuration Device during this attack, it will cancel the attack and immediately use Dragonclaw.
Transforms its parts into a claw and strikes down at the player, dealing 60% ATK as Electro DMG. Afterwards, activates a cluster of lasers around itself, dealing 50% ATK as Electro DMG on contact. The lasers gather towards the center then cause an explosion, dealing 80% ATK as Electro DMG.
Claw and Barrage
Transforms its parts into a claw and performs a sideways swipe, dealing 60% ATK as Electro DMG, then fires a barrage of bullets at the player, each dealing 30% ATK as Electro DMG. Repeated bullet hits have their DMG reduced according to the Damage Sequence.
Sweeper Cannon
If Research Topic: Sweeper Cannon is enabled, this attack will be used before and after Boltsphere Cannon. Activates 7 emitters that span 180 degrees and rotates clockwise. The lasers deal 100% ATK as Electro DMG on contact.
Boltsphere Cannon
When the Adaptive Countermeasures gauge is full or after enough time has passed, the Secret Source Automaton: Configuration Device will begin charging its Boltsphere Cannon. While charging, spawns 2 Accretion Mechanisms atop Solid Phlogiston pillars, and intermittently fires laser beams at the player, dealing 50% ATK as Electro DMG and electrifying the struck ground, which deals 10% ATK as Electro DMG every 0.5s.

The Accretion Mechanisms are protected against ranged projectiles, but can be destroyed in melee if the player climbs on top of the pillar. The pillars can only be climbed by using the abilities of characters from the Children of Echoes or indwelling a Tepetlisaurus, but the player may still use other methods to reach the top of the pillar. If both mechanisms are destroyed, the charging is interrupted, and the Configuration Device loses 15% of its Max HP then becomes paralyzed for 15s with its RES to all DMG is reduced by 90%.

If charging completes successfully, a Boltsphere will be released, dealing 200% ATK as Electro DMG across the entire arena.
  • If Research Topic: Key Function Survey is enabled, the height of the Solid Phlogiston pillars will be increased.
  • If Research Topic: Area Obliteration Cannon is enabled, the Boltsphere Cannon will down all active characters regardless of HP remaining. During charging, all RES will be increased by 300%.


Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishSecret Source Automaton: Firepower Enhanced
Korean비밀근원 기계・화력 증강판
Bimilgeunwon Gigye - Hwaryeok Jeunggangpan
SpanishAutómata Fuentenigma - Fuego mejoradoEnigmatic Source Automaton - Improved Fire
FrenchAutomate de source secrète : Kit fortifiantSecret Source Automaton: Fortifying Kit
RussianАвтоматон таинственного источника: Усиленная огневая мощь
Avtomaton tainstvennogo istochnika: Usilennaya ognevaya moshch'
ThaiSecret Source Automaton: Firepower Enhanced
VietnameseCỗ Máy Bí Ẩn - Gia Tăng Hỏa Lực
GermanGeheimquellen-Automaton – Verstärkte Feuerkraft
IndonesianSecret Source Automaton: Firepower Enhanced
PortugueseAutômato da Fonte Secreta: Potência Aprimorada
TurkishGizli Kaynak Canavar Makinası: Gelişmiş Ateş Gücü
ItalianAutoma della Fonte segreta: Artiglieria potenziata

Change History[]

