Genshin Impact Wiki
Genshin Impact Wiki
Icon Emoji Paimon's Paintings 02 Qiqi 2
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Secret Art is a Special Dish that the player has a chance to obtain by cooking Tatacos with Citlali.

Secret Art revives a character and restores 20% of Max HP, then restores an additional 1,500 HP to the target fallen character with a 120-second cooldown. Like most foods, this cannot target other players' characters in Co-Op Mode.


Icon Cooking Recipe
Secret ArtRevive 1 Secret Art

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishSecret Art
"Yuiitsu Muni no Hihou"
"One and Only Secret Art"
Korean「특별 비법」
"Teukbyeol Bibeop"
"Special Secret"
SpanishArte secretaSecret Art
FrenchArt secretSecret Art
RussianТайное искусство
Taynoye iskusstvo
ThaiSecret Art
Vietnamese"Bí Pháp Độc Quyền"
GermanGeheime Kunstform
IndonesianSecret Art
PortugueseArte SecretaSecret Art
TurkishGizli Büyü
ItalianArte segreta

Change History[]

