Sea Beast's Scourge is Beidou's Level 1 Constellation.
Other Languages[]
Language | Official Name | Literal Meaning |
English | Sea Beast's Scourge | — |
Chinese (Simplified) | 鱼龙沉四方 Yúlóng Chén Sìfāng | |
Chinese (Traditional) | 魚龍沉四方 Yúlóng Chén Sìfāng | |
Japanese | 四方に沈む魚龍 Shihou ni Shizumu Gyoryuu | Sea Beast's Watery Grave |
Korean | 사방사방으로 잠긴 어룡어룡 Sabang-euro Jamgin Eoryong | Fish-Dragon Sinked in All Direction |
Spanish | Cazadora de ictiosaurios | Hunter of Ichthyosaurs |
French | Fléau des monstres marins | Sea Monsters' Scourge |
Russian | Хищник морей Khishchnik morey | Predator of the Seas |
Thai | Sea Beast's Scourge | — |
Vietnamese | Ngư Long Trầm Tứ PhươngNgư Long Trầm Tứ Phương | |
German | Untergang der Ungeheuer | Doom of the Monsters |
Indonesian | Sea Beast's Scourge | — |
Portuguese | Flagelo da Fera do Mar | Scourge of the Sea Beast |
Turkish | Deniz Canavarının Musibeti | Sea Monster's Scourge |
Italian | Flagello della Regina dei mari | Scourge of the Queen of the Seas |
Change History[]
Released in Version 1.0
Version 1.0
- Around the Immovable Polaris, the Dipper Turns was renamed to Sea Beast's Scourge and was released.
- The effect of this constellation was changed:
- Old description: Hold Tidecaller to increase its max damage absorption by 35%.
- New description: When Stormbreaker is used:
Creates a shield that absorbs up to 16% of Beidou's Max HP for 15s.
This shield absorbs Electro DMG 250% more effectively.
- Around the Immovable Polaris, the Dipper Turns was available.