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Scroll of the Fiery Firmament is an Item used to unlock the Tletl Ilhuicatl realm layout in the Serenitea Pot. It can be purchased from Tubby in the Realm Depot after completing the Archon Quest Chapter V: Act I - Flowers Resplendent on the Sun-Scorched Sojourn.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishScroll of the Fiery Firmament
"Shiten no Emaki"‍[!][!]
"Scroll of the Fiery Firmament"
Korean「불 하늘의 두루마리」
"Bul Haneurui Durumari"
SpanishPergamino del cielo abrasadorParchment of the Scorching Sky
FrenchParchemin du firmament enflamméParchment of the Flaming Firmament
RussianСвиток Огненной Твердыни
Svitok Ognennoy Tverdyni
ThaiScroll of the Fiery Firmament
Vietnamese"Cuộn Tranh Bầu Trời Rực Lửa"
GermanFeuriges Firmament
IndonesianScroll of the Fiery Firmament
PortuguesePergaminho dos Céus Escaldantes
TurkishAlevli Göklerin Parşömeni
ItalianRotolo del firmamento infuocato

Change History[]

