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A fixed roster of regulars frequent Furina's Salon Solitaire. At other times, Mademoiselle Crabaletta, Surintendante Chevalmarin, and Gentilhomme Usher shall visit, and on gloomy Wednesdays, it is the singer who comes by.

Salon Solitaire is Furina's Elemental Skill.

Gameplay Notes[]

  • When a Salon Member's attack hits at least one enemy, it generates 1 Elemental Particle.
    • This particle generation has a cooldown of 2.5 seconds.
  • In Co-Op Mode, only one instance of Furina's Elemental Skill can exist at a time. The last player to use this skill will replace the already existing instance. Overriding another player's Elemental Skill will also remove their ability to walk on water. Only the last player to use this skill can change which version of the skill is active via Furina's Arkhe alignment.
  • The Singer of Many Waters will heal nearby active characters every 2s.
  • Salon Members drain HP when they attack, not when they hit a target. The HP drain will still occur even if the attack misses.
  • Salon Members will attack non-enemy targetable objects like campfires and Pneumousia Relays.
  • Salon Members have the same AI mechanics as enemies. See Cooldown#Enemy Cooldowns for more information on how their cooldowns function.
    Salon MemberAI Logic
    Gentilhomme Usher
    • Will attack if target is within 6m, with 2.9s CD.
    • Will teleport near target if out of range, with 1.5s CD.
    Surintendante Chevalmarin
    • Will attack if target is within 9.5m, with 1.19s CD.
    • Will teleport near target if out of range, with 1.5s CD.
    • Has 0.5s global CD for both teleporting and attacking.
    Mademoiselle Crabaletta
    • Will attack if target is within 20m, with 4.8s CD.
    • Will teleport near target if out of range, with 1.5s CD.
Passive Effects
  • Passive Talent 2, Unheard Confession Unheard Confession: "Every 1,000 points of Furina's Max HP can buff the different Arkhe-aligned Salon Solitaire in the following ways: Will increase Salon Member DMG dealt by 0.7%, up to a maximum of 28%. Will decrease active character healing interval of the Singer of Many Waters by 0.4%, up to a maximum of 16%."
Constellation Effects
  • Constellation Level 4, "They Know Not Life, Who Dwelt in the Netherworld Not!" "They Know Not Life, Who Dwelt in the Netherworld Not!": "When the Salon Members from Salon Solitaire hit an opponent, or the Singer of Many Waters restores HP to nearby active characters, Furina will restore 4 Energy. This effect can be triggered once every 5s."
  • Constellation Level 5, "His Name I Now Know, It Is.. "His Name I Now Know, It Is...!": Increases this talent's level by 3, up to a maximum of 15.
  • Constellation Level 6, "Hear Me — Let Us Raise the Chalice of Love!" "Hear Me — Let Us Raise the Chalice of Love!": During the first 10 seconds after using Salon Solitaire, Furina's first six Normal, Charged, or Plunging Attacks are converted into Hydro DMG, have their damage increased based on Furina's Max HP, and grant different effects based on Furina's Arkhe alignment when each attack is Transcription missing[started or completed? relevant for CA]:
    • If Furina is aligned with Ousia, all nearby characters are briefly healed over time.
    • If Furina is aligned with Pneuma, all nearby characters lose 1% of their current HP and the attack's damage receives another increase based on Furina's Max HP.

Advanced Properties[]

Internal CooldownPoise
Stagger EffectBlunt
TagTagTypeTypeS. L.S. L.H. F.H. F.V. F.V. F.
Ousia Bubble DMG1UNo ICD20Light2000
Gentilhomme Usher DMG1UOctopus30s/2 Hits15Light2000
Surintendante Chevalmarin DMG1USeahorse30s/2 Hits10Light2000
Mademoiselle Crabaletta DMG1UNo ICD30Heavy2000


Attribute Scaling[]

Ousia Bubble DMG (% Max HP)7.868.459.049.8310.4211.0111.812.5813.3714.1614.9415.7316.71
Gentilhomme Usher DMG (% Max HP)5.966.416.857.457.98.348.949.5410.1310.7311.3211.9212.67
Surintendante Chevalmarin DMG (% Max HP)3.233.473.724.044.284.524.855.175.495.826.146.466.87
Mademoiselle Crabaletta DMG (% Max HP)8.298.919.5310.3610.9811.612.4313.2614.0914.9215.7516.5817.61
Gentilhomme Usher HP Consumption (% Max HP)2.4
Surintendante Chevalmarin HP Consumption (% Max HP)1.6
Mademoiselle Crabaletta HP Consumption (% Max HP)3.6
Singer of Many Waters Healing4.8% Max HP
5.16% Max HP
5.5% Max HP
6% Max HP
6.36% Max HP
6.72% Max HP
7.2% Max HP
7.68% Max HP
8.16% Max HP
8.64% Max HP
9.12% Max HP
9.6% Max HP
10.2% Max HP

Talent Leveling[]

1 → 2
Mora 12,500[12,500]
Whopperflower Nectar 6[6]
Teachings of Justice 3[3]
2 → 3
Mora 17,500[30,000]
Shimmering Nectar 3[3]
Guide to Justice 2[2]
3 → 4
Mora 25,000[55,000]
Shimmering Nectar 4[7]
Guide to Justice 4[6]
4 → 5
Mora 30,000[85,000]
Shimmering Nectar 6[13]
Guide to Justice 6[12]
5 → 6
Mora 37,500[122,500]
Shimmering Nectar 9[22]
Guide to Justice 9[21]
6 → 7
Mora 120,000[242,500]
Energy Nectar 4[4]
Philosophies of Justice 4[4]
Lightless Mass 1[1]
7 → 8
Mora 260,000[502,500]
Energy Nectar 6[10]
Philosophies of Justice 6[10]
Lightless Mass 1[2]
8 → 9
Mora 450,000[952,500]
Energy Nectar 9[19]
Philosophies of Justice 12[22]
Lightless Mass 2[4]
9 → 10
Mora 700,000[1,652,500]
Energy Nectar 12[31]
Philosophies of Justice 16[38]
Lightless Mass 2[6]
Crown of Insight 1[1]



  • Using the Pneuma version of this talent near most NPCs will cause them to clap. Using the Ousia version of this talent will cause NPCs to flinch instead.
  • The salon members all have names of French origin:
    • Gentilhomme Usher means "Gentleman Usher."
    • Mademoiselle Crabaletta means "Miss Crabaletta."
    • Surintendante Chevalmarin means "Superintendant Sea Horse." Note that surintendante is the feminine form and the French for seahorse is hippocampe.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishSalon SolitaireFrench: Solitary Salon
Gūxīn Shālóng
Solitary Heart Salon
Gūxīn Shālóng
Saron - Soritia
Salon Solitaire
Korean고고한 살롱
Gogohan Sallong
SpanishSalón Solitaire
FrenchSalon solitaire
RussianСалон одиноких сердец
Salon odinokikh serdets
Solitary Hearts Salon
ThaiSalon Solitaire
VietnameseSalon Cô ĐộcLonely Salon
GermanSalon Solitaire
IndonesianSalon Solitaire
PortugueseSalon Solitaire
TurkishYalnızlık SalonuSolitary Salon
ItalianSalon Solitaire

Change History[]

Version 4.3
  • Fixes an issue whereby Salon Members invited by Furina's Elemental Skill would appear abnormally dim under certain circumstances.

Version 4.2

  • Salon Solitaire was released.

