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Genshin Impact Wiki

Ruin Guard is an unobtainable Character Card in Genius Invokation TCG.


Stern Blow Character Card SkillStern BlowNormal Attack3
Deals 2 Physical DMG.
Spiral Close-In Character Card SkillSpiral Close-InElemental Skill3
Deals 1 Physical DMG and then separately performs "Prepare Skill" for High-Frequency Whirling Assault and Hyperspeed Whirling Assault.
Spiral Close-In Character Card SkillHigh-Frequency Whirling AssaultElemental Skill0
(Prepare for 1 turn)
Deals 1 Physical DMG. Then, perform "Prepare Skill" for Hyperspeed Whirling Assault.
Spiral Close-In Character Card SkillHyperspeed Whirling AssaultElemental Skill0
(Prepare for 1 turn)
Deals 1 Physical DMG. This character also gains 1 bonus Energy.
Suppressive Volley Character Card SkillSuppressive VolleyElemental Burst42
Deals 4 Physical DMG, creates 1 Seeking Missile in the opponent's play area.

Seeking Missile
After a character switch takes place in this play area: Deal 2 Physical DMG to the character activated.
Usage(s): 2
Standard Armor Character Card SkillStandard ArmorPassive Skill
(Passive) The Physical DMG this character receives is halved (Rounded up)

Stage Appearances[]

Ruin Guard appears in 2 stages:

Prince Icon PrinceGame of Wits: Curious CountermeasuresAdventure Challenge
Rena Icon RenaThe Joys and Woes of AutomationAdventure Challenge


Attack or ConditionAudio & Transcription
Character SelectMedia:vo gcg monster defender selectonstage 01.ogg
Suppressive VolleyMedia:vo gcg monster defender elementalburst 01.ogg
DefeatedMedia:vo gcg monster defender die 01.ogg

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishRuin Guard
Yíjì Shǒuwèi
Ruin Guardian
Yíjī Shǒuwèi
Iseki Shuei
Ruin Guard
Korean유적유적 가디언
Yujeok Gadieon
Ruin Guardian
SpanishGuardián de las RuinasGuardian of the Ruins
FrenchGardien des ruinesRuin Guardian
RussianСтраж руин
Strazh ruin
Guardian of the Ruins
ThaiRuin Guard
VietnameseThủ Vệ Di TíchRuin Guard
GermanRuinenwächterRuin Guard
IndonesianRuin Guard
PortugueseGuarda das RuínasGuard of the Ruins
TurkishHarabe MuhafızıRuin Guard
ItalianGuardia delle rovineRuin Guard

Change History[]

