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Genshin Impact Wiki

Ruin Drake: Earthguard is an unobtainable Character Card in Genius Invokation TCG.


Close Expulsion Character Card SkillClose ExpulsionNormal Attack3
Deals 2 Physical DMG.
Sudden Charge Character Card SkillSudden ChargeElemental Skill3
Deals 3 Physical DMG.
Energy Surge Character Card SkillEnergy SurgeElemental Burst32
Deals 5 Physical DMG. If this character has absorbed Elemental Energy, it will release that element for +1 DMG and change DMG type to the absorbed element.
Standard Armor Character Card SkillStandard ArmorPassive Skill
(Passive) The Physical DMG this character receives is halved (Rounded up)
Elemental Absorption Character Card SkillElemental AbsorptionPassive Skill
(Passive) When no element has been absorbed and this character takes Elemental DMG, absorb that element.
Halve DMG of that element taken by this character. (Rounded up)

Stage Appearances[]

Ruin Drake: Earthguard appears in 3 stages:

Prince Icon PrinceGame of Wits: Curious CountermeasuresAdventure Challenge
Prince Icon PrinceGame of Wits: Storm of ArrowsAdventure Challenge
Rena Icon RenaThe Joys and Woes of AutomationAdventure Challenge


Attack or ConditionAudio & Transcription
Character SelectMedia:vo gcg monster gargoyle ground selectonstage 01.ogg
DefeatedMedia:vo gcg monster gargoyle ground die 01.ogg

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishRuin Drake: Earthguard
Yíjì Lóngshòu - Dìxún
Ruin Drake - Ground Patrol
Yíjī Lóngshòu - Dìxún
Iseki Doreiku - Rikkou
Ruin Drake - Go by Land
Korean유적유적 드레이크・대지대지 수호자수호자
Yujeok Deureikeu - Daeji-ui Suhoja
Ruin Drake - Guardian of Land
SpanishDragón de la Ruinas - Vigía terrestreRuin Dragon - Ground Lookout
FrenchDragon des ruines terrestreTerrestrial Ruin Dragon
RussianДракон руин: Страж земли
Drakon ruin: Strazh zemli
Ruin Dragon: Earth Guard
ThaiRuin Drake: Earthguard
VietnameseRồng Di Tích - Địa VệRuin Dragon - Earth Guard
GermanRuinendrache - ErdwächterRuin Dragon - Earth Guard
IndonesianRuin Drake: Earthguard
PortugueseDragão das Ruínas - Vigia Terrestre
TurkishHarabe Ejderi: Yeryüzü MuhafızıRuin Dragon: Earth Guard
ItalianDrago delle rovine Guardiano della terraRuin Dragon Guardian of the Earth

Change History[]

