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Rockfond Rifthounds are Elite Enemies that are part of the Riftwolves enemy group and the The Abyss family.



For Artifact and Weapon drop rates of Elite Enemies, see Loot System/Artifact Drop Distribution and Loot System/Material Drop Distribution.

Toggle Drops at Lower Levels

90+400605 + 25.26%1 + 40.06%35.02%


Energy Drops
TypeHP ThresholdDrop(s)
Geo66%Particle ×2
33%Particle ×2
0%Particle ×2


State Physical Pyro Hydro Electro Cryo Dendro Anemo Geo
Normal 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% 25%
Elemental Devourer 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% -40%

Toggle Levels

Level Scaling

Note that HP and ATK values may change in Co-Op Mode, some Quests, and certain Domains (including Spiral Abyss and Imaginarium Theater). For more details, see Enemy/Level Scaling § Other Multipliers.


Most ability names are unofficial.

All of the Rockfond Rifthound's attacks apply Corrosion on hit.
Devouring Bite
Backs away and readies itself to lunge at the player and bite, dealing 90% ATK as Geo DMG.
Corrosive Claws
Swipes at the player twice with its claws, dealing 85% ATK as Geo DMG with each swipe.
Crystal Cracker
If the player is far away, the Rifthound generates a rock in its mouth before launching it towards the player, dealing 95% ATK Geo DMG.
Tail Swipe
Teleports behind the player and swipes with its tail, dealing 100% ATK as Geo DMG.
Elemental Devourer
Gains 20% Fury whenever it takes Geo DMG. When full, the Rifthound gains enhanced attacks at the cost of lower Geo RES.
Pursuer's Mark
Quickly lunges at the player 2–4 times, dealing 85% ATK as Geo DMG. This attack is only performed while the Rifthound is in the Elemental Devour state.
When there are Rifthound Whelps nearby, roars to increase the Rifthound Whelps' ATK by 25% for 10 seconds.

AI Logic[]

  • An ability will only be used if all of the following conditions have been met:
    • The ability is not on cooldown
    • The target is within the range required by the ability
    • The ability has the highest priority out of all that meet the previous 2 conditions
      • A lower priority number indicates a higher priority.
      • If multiple abilities share the highest priority, one will be chosen at random.
State Ability Range Req. (m) Priority CD (s) Initial CD (s)
Normal Devouring Bite 1–7.5 3 9.5–11.5
Corrosive Claws 0–4.5 3 10.5–11.5
Crystal Cracker 7.5–22.5 3 12.5–15.5 20
Tail Swipe (Close) 0–7.5 4 18.5–22.5 2–7
Tail Swipe (Medium) 7.5–15.5 2 14.5–18.5 2–7
Tail Swipe (Far) 15.5–25.5 3 8.5–12.5 2–5
Elemental Devourer Devouring Bite 1–7.5 4 7.5–9.5
Corrosive Claws 0–4.5 4 7.5–8.5
Crystal Cracker 7.5–22.5 2 10–13 5
Tail Swipe (Close) 0–7.5 4 16.5–20.5 2–7
Tail Swipe (Medium) 7.5–15.5 2 12.5–16.5 2–7
Tail Swipe (Far) 15.5–25.5 3 8.5–12.5 2–5
Pursuer's Mark 5–10.5 2 15–18


There is 1 Achievement obtainable from Rifthounds:

Achievement Category Description Primogem
Beware of Angry Dog Wonders of the World Wonders of the World Defeat a roaring Rifthound. 5


Rockfond Rifthound
Tutorial Enemies Rockfond Rifthound
This is the mature form of a Rifthound Whelp... or so it would seem. However, these monsters do not have natural life cycles, and their growth remains a mystery. The Rifthound attacks can apply stacks of the "Corrosion" status, which will cause all characters in the party to continually lose HP. Additionally, when they take elemental damage from their respective element, Rifthounds will enter an Elemental Devourer state that will allow them to fight more fiercely at the cost of lessened RES to that particular element.


A beast with monstrous blood that is capable of eroding the boundaries of the world. They were created by "Gold".
They do display certain biological behaviors similar to those of real wolves. Perhaps they feel jealousy towards these their "next of kin," and dream of replacing them someday.


Genius Invokation TCG[]

Video Guides[]

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishRockfond Rifthound
Shìyán - Shòujìng Lièquǎn
Rock-Fond - Beast-Realm Hound
Shìyán - Shòujìng Lièquǎn
Juuiki Haundo - Iwa[1]
Beast-Realm Hound - Geo
Korean기암기암・수계(獸界) 사냥개
Gi'am - Sugye Sa'nyanggae
Rock-Fond - Beast-Realm Hunting Dog
SpanishSabueso Acechador LíticoLithic Lurker Scenthound
FrenchLimier de faille géophileGeophilic Rift Bloodhound
RussianГончая Разрыва: Камнегрыз
Gonchaya Razryva: Kamnegryz
Rift Hound: Rock-Gnawer[• 1]
ThaiRockfond - Rifthound
VietnameseThểThể NhamNham - Chó Săn Ma VậtMa VậtRock Form - Beast Hunting Dog
GermanFelsenfressender GarmRock-Devouring Garmr
IndonesianRockfond Rifthound
PortugueseCão da Fenda - Geofito
TurkishTaşlaşmış Hiçlik KurduPetrified Abyss Wolf
ItalianSegugio della Faglia SpaccarocciaRockcrushing Rifthound
  1. Russian: Камнегрыз Kamnegryz is a portmanteau of камень kamen', "rock" and грызть gryzt', "to gnaw."

Change History[]

Version 3.6
  • Updated icon:

Version 2.5

  • Fixed an abnormal collision effect during the Rockfond Rifthound's Bite attack.

Version 2.2

  • Rockfond Rifthound was released.


