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Return to Days of Winter is a Daily Commission. Upon completing this commission, Viktor will leave the Mondstadt Cathedral, while Lily and Rudolf's dialogue will change.

The commission will only appear after the Snezhnaya Does Not Believe in Tears: Series I achievement Telling It How It Is is obtained.


  1. Talk to Viktor
  2. Ask Marjorie about a present
  3. Look for Terrified Schuster
  4. Save Terrified Schuster
  5. Talk to Schuster
  6. Give the Wolfhooks to Marjorie
  7. Give the present to Viktor
  8. Deliver the present to Lily in turn
  9. Talk to Viktor


This commission grants the following AR-dependent rewards upon completion:

Note: These rewards are lower than for most commissions.

Primogem Adventure EXP Mora Companionship EXP Enhancement Ore Fine Enhancement Ore Mystic Enhancement Ore
12–15 10 175 1,850 15 0–1 1–4
16–20 10 200 2,125 20 1–4 0–1
21–25 10 200 2,400 20 1–4 0–1
26–30 10 225 2,675 25 1–4 0–1
31–35 10 225 2,950 25 1–4 0–1
36–40 10 250 3,225 30 1–3 0–2
41–45 10 250 3,500 30 1–3 0–2
46–50 10 250 3,775 35 1–3 0–2
51–55 10 250 4,075 35 1–3 0–2
56–59 10 250 4,350 40 0–2 1–3
60 10 6,850 40 0–2 1–3


UI Quest Quest Description

Viktor, a Fatuus stationed in Mondstadt, has finally received orders to return home...
(Talk to Viktor)
Viktor: Well, I guess I'm finally heading home...
Icon Dialogue Talk Leaving us, Viktor?
Viktor: Eh? Oh, it's you...
Viktor: That's correct. I received orders from above recently that I can return to Snezhnaya.
Viktor: Something about me being transferred to another Harbinger, and no longer needing to standby in Mondstadt for any new orders.
(Before completing The Night-Bird Falls at the Curtain's Call)
Viktor: I've got no clue which of them I'll be under this time, but I'm just praying that it's not Lord Scaramouche...
(After completing The Night-Bird Falls at the Curtain's Call)
Viktor: I've got no clue which of them I'll be under this time, though...
Icon Dialogue Talk When will you be leaving?
Viktor: The higher-ups didn't mention that. I was just told to pack my things and be ready to leave at a moment's notice.
Viktor: I mean, that's great, right? Finally, I'll be free from the judging gazes of those Sisters!
Viktor: Ah, right, Traveler. Seeing as how we've had dealings for so long... Won't you do a man one last favor?
Viktor: Like before, you'll do the deed, and I'll cough up the payment. You'll never work for free when you work with me.
Icon Dialogue Talk What stories will you tell me this time?
Icon Dialogue Talk Aye, never a lack of Fatui stories with you around...
Viktor: Haha. To tell the truth, I'm all out of Fatui stories to tell you.
Viktor: The payment this time will be Mora for sure. Sounds good?
Viktor: Well, unless you'd like me to tell you the same fairy tales I tell Lily...
Icon Dialogue Talk What do you need help with?
Icon Dialogue Talk You still keep Lily company?
Viktor: Err... Well... Sometimes...
Viktor: You know what? I'll come clean. The request this time also has something to do with her.
Viktor: She's... well, the only person in all of Mondstadt who'll listen to anything "the evil Fatui uncle" says — other than you, of course.
Viktor: I doubt I'll be returning to Mondstadt ever again... So I just wanted to send Lily one last memento.
Viktor: But as you know, I'd be walking into a shooting gallery if I were to just walk out there and buy something.
Viktor: So I can only leave this task to you.
Viktor: Just head over to Marjorie's and help me see if she's got any gifts that a child might like.
(Talk to Viktor again, optional)
Viktor: Did you get the present?
Icon Dialogue Talk What will you do once you get back home?
Viktor: What will I do? Well... I suppose I'll have to wait for my transfer orders.
Viktor: *sigh* If things go ill, I might get transferred to some archon-forsaken place and put on standby again.
Viktor: But I'm fine with whatever, so long as they don't toss me over to Inazuma...
Icon Dialogue Talk Why the sudden move?
Viktor: Why, you ask? It's because of Lady Signora's... Well... her sacrifice.
Viktor: Actually, you know what? I'm just a joiner. I listen to orders. There's no need for me to think too much.
Icon Dialogue Talk Where's Lily?
Viktor: I heard Rudolf mention that he was going to take her out to the square or something like that.
Viktor: Heh. I suppose he's got to keep his precious daughter away from the evil Fatui, eh?
Icon Dialogue Talk See you.
Viktor: Alright. I leave the matter of the present to you, then.

(Talk to Rudolf or Lily by the Anemo Archon Statue, optional)
Rudolf: Lily, you shouldn't be talking to that Fatui.
Lily: But why not? Mister Fatooey's told me loadsa stowies!
(Talk to Marjorie)
Marjorie: Hello there, Traveler. What can I do for you?
Icon Dialogue Talk Do you have any gifts for kids here?
Marjorie: A gift for a child... Let me think.
Marjorie: Hmm, actually, I've been attempting to fashion some small toys recently.
Marjorie: The only catch is that they need a lot of Wolfhook dye, and I'm all out of Wolfhooks.
Marjorie: I asked Schuster to help me gather some more, but he hasn't returned yet.
Marjorie: Could you help me look for Schuster, Traveler?
Marjorie: Once we have enough Wolfhooks, I should be able to make those toys for you.
Icon Dialogue Talk Alright. Leave it to me.
Icon Dialogue Talk Where has Schuster gone?
Marjorie: He said that he'd be going near Wolvendom to gather Wolfhooks. You can head over there to look for him.
Marjorie: In that case, I'm counting on you, Traveler.
(Talk to Marjorie again, optional)
Marjorie: I'm counting on you, Traveler.
Marjorie: He said that he'd be going near Wolvendom to gather Wolfhooks. You can head over there to look for him.

(Approach Schuster)
Terrified Schuster: Help! Help me! Someone, please!
(Talk to Schuster after defeating the monsters)
Terrified Schuster: Th—Thank you, Traveler.
Terrified Schuster: These monsters just kept coming after me, even after I ran all the way here...
Icon Dialogue Talk You came to gather some Wolfhooks, right?
Terrified Schuster: Eh? Yeah, it was Marjorie's request...
Icon Dialogue Talk Couldn't you have brought someone else with you?
Terrified Schuster: ...Come on, who would've agreed to come with me to work on a commission as simple as "gathering plants"?
Icon Dialogue Talk Please don't go out so far by yourself.
Terrified Schuster: I know how that's supposed to work, of course, but you can only find Wolfhooks here, you know?
Terrified Schuster: And the Wolfhooks that grow in safer areas have all been picked.
Terrified Schuster: So I had to go further in to gather Wolfhooks...
Terrified Schuster: But let's not talk about that now. Could you help me pass these Wolfhooks to Marjorie?
Terrified Schuster: I need a moment to rest. I thought my legs were going to give out on me back there...
(Obtain Fresh Wolfhooks Fresh Wolfhooks)
(Talk to Schuster again, optional)
Terrified Schuster: Could you help me deliver these Wolfhooks to Marjorie? I just need a moment to rest. I thought my legs were going to give out on me back there...

(Talk to Marjorie)
Marjorie: Did you manage to find Schuster, Traveler?
Icon Dialogue Talk He asked me to take these Wolfhooks back to you.
Marjorie: Ah! Thank you very much. I'll take these, then.
Marjorie: Once Schuster gets back, I'll make sure he gets paid.
Marjorie: Right, you wanted a gift for a child, yes? Well then. Coming right up...
Marjorie starts to make the present...
Marjorie: Well, that's a wrap! Here, take this. Thanks for bringing those Wolfhooks back, by the way.
Marjorie: This doll has a light scent to it, too. I'm sure the kid you're sending this to will love it.
(Obtain Marjorie's Gift Marjorie's Gift)

(Talk to Viktor)
Viktor: How did it go? Did you get the present?
Icon Dialogue Talk I did.
Viktor: Huh, I guess you're pretty good. Now let me see...
Viktor: What is this...
Viktor: This doll's all gangly and crooked, and its dye-job looks ridiculous... Well, it certainly smells nice, though.
Viktor: Are you sure this is suitable for children?
Icon Dialogue Talk This was Marjorie's recommendation.
Icon Dialogue Talk You could always buy one in Snezhnaya and have it shipped here.
Viktor: Oh, I'd love to. But just think about it. If a Fatuus were to send anything to Mondstadt, wouldn't it get stopped at the city gates by the Knights of Favonius?
Viktor: This gift will have to do. But where do I put the letter... Eh, you know what, I'll just put it underneath...
Icon Dialogue Talk You wrote Lily a letter?
Icon Dialogue Talk What did you write to her?
Viktor: Just some nonsense. Never you mind.
Viktor: Alright. Here, take it, and help me deliver it to Lily. She should be near the square.
Viktor: Heh. I can picture the stares I'd be getting from Rudolf if I were to give it to her myself already...
(Obtain Viktor's Gift Viktor's Gift)
(Talk to Viktor again, optional)
Viktor: Help me deliver the present to Lily. She should be near the city square.
Viktor: If I were to go myself, I'm sure Rudolf would be glaring daggers at me all the way...

(Talk to Lily or Rudolf)
Rudolf: Lily, you shouldn't be talking to that Fatui.
Lily: But why not? Mister Fatooey's told me loadsa stowies!
Icon Dialogue Talk Hey there, Lily, Viktor got you a gift.
Lily: Wow! Mister Fatooey got me a pwesent? Thank you!
Rudolf: Wait, why would that Fatuus send Lily a present? Don't tell me that he...
Lily: That's becoz I gave Mister Fatooey lots of stuff to eat! That's why he sent me a gift!
Rudolf: Lily, he's not a good person...
Lily: But he tells me stowies! He's a good guy!
Icon Dialogue Talk You can consider this Viktor's farewell gift.
Icon Dialogue Talk Viktor's going to leave Mondstadt soon.
Lily: Eh? Why does he have to go...
Rudolf: *sigh* He's leaving? Fine. I was beside myself with worry every day, what with that fellow talking to Lily every day and all.
Lily: Dadda, I wanna say bye bye to the Fatooey man!
Rudolf: *sigh* Lily, you shouldn't get too close to that man.
Lily: But why? That Fatooey... He's been really nice to me!
Lily: He tells me stowies. Lots of stowies! He's nice!
Rudolf: Lily, listen to Daddy. Things aren't that simple... *sigh* You know what? Daddy will tell you more when you're older.
(Talk to Lily or Rudolf again, optional)
Lily: But Dadda, he really is a good guy, and he tells great stowies!
Rudolf: Lily, things aren't that simple... *sigh* You know what? Daddy will tell you more when you're older.

(Talk to Viktor)
Viktor: Did you send the present to Lily?
Icon Dialogue Talk She's as pleased as punch.
Viktor: That's good. I suppose Rudolf had his own two Mora's worth to say on the subject?
Viktor: Hmph, you don't even have to say it. No one trusts a Fatuus here in Mondstadt.
Icon Dialogue Talk When are you leaving?
Viktor: The official order hasn't come down yet. I've just packed my things in advance, and I'll be staying at the Goth Grand Hotel for the time being — ready to leave at a moment's notice.
Viktor: Come on, what's with that serious expression? Are you going to formally bid me farewell?
Icon Dialogue Talk No.
Viktor: Hah, that's right. That's how it should be. We're not friends. We're just ad-hoc partners.
Viktor: If you should ever come to Snezhnaya, you can look for me there. We can continue doing business.
Viktor: Alright, enough small talk. Here's your payment. Take it. I suppose this will be our last "equivalent exchange" here in Mondstadt.
Viktor: *sigh* I just hope my next assignment isn't as troublesome...
(Talk to Viktor again, optional)
Viktor: *sigh* I just hope my next assignment isn't as troublesome...

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishReturn to Days of Winter
Xiàng Dōngrì Huíguī
Return to Winter Days
Xiàng Dōngrì Huíguī
Fuyu he no Kaiki
Return to Winter
Korean스네즈나야로 복귀
Seunejeunayaro Bokgwi
Return to Snezhnaya
SpanishDe vuelta al fríoReturn to the Cold
FrenchRetour aux jours d'hiverReturn to Days of Winter
RussianНазад в зиму
Nazad v zimu
Back in Winter
Return to Winter
VietnameseNgày Trở VềDay Of Return
GermanZurück zu den Tagen des WintersBack to the Days of Winter
IndonesianKembali ke Hari-Hari BersaljuReturn to the Snowy Days
PortugueseRetorno para o Inverno
TurkishKış Günlerine DönüşReturn to Days of Winter
ItalianRitorno ai giorni invernali

Change History[]

