Rejoice With Me, for What Was Lost Is Now Found is a World Quest that can be started in Tanit Camps after finishing the World Quest Series The Dirge of Bilqis.
Start Location[]
Start the quest by talking to Jeht in the Tanit camps
- Look for clues in Aderfi's tent
- Check on Benben
- Investigate within the tent
- View Letter
- Head over to the designated location in the letter
- Wait at the location of the secret meeting
- Defeat the Fatui
- Talk to the Fatui negotiator
- Go to the Fatui stronghold
- Collect a certain number of
Energy Transformation Capacitors
- Return to Jeht's tent
- Give the Energy Transformation Capacitors to Jeht
- Fix Benben
Gameplay Notes[]
- Completing the quest grants the Wonders of the World achievement Didn't Even Need a Manual...
- The designated location in step 5 is to the northeast of the Dunes of Steel's Teleport Waypoint

Though Jeht made quick work of Aderfi, who had been a traitor to the Tanit tribe, you can't help but wonder how Benben's doing after being entrusted to him...
- (Talk to Jeht)
- Jeht: How... how could I forget...
- Jeht: I hope it's not too late. We should at least search around his tent...
- Paimon: Jeht! ...What's going on? Are you going somewhere?
- Jeht: Paimon and (TravelerTraveler)... You came just in time. There's something I gotta do right now... I need to go to Aderfi's place.
- Paimon: Aderfi?
- Paimon: Isn't he that traitor who made shady deals with the Fatui? ...Oh, Paimon knows! You wanna go see if there's any valuable stuff he left behind!
- Jeht: No, I'm not interested in his stuff at all.
- Jeht: The tribe has its own rules on dealing with the belongings of traitors like Aderfi. Hmph... if it weren't for the rules, I would no doubt burn everything down the first chance I get.
- Jeht: I'm going to his tent because...
Because of Benben, right?
- Paimon: Ohh! Oh no, Benben's still over there at Aderfi's place!
- Paimon: Jehhht... Why did you leave Benben with someone like him?
- Jeht: I—I didn't know he was a traitor!
- Jeht: Anyway, I need to check on Benben as soon as possible.
- Paimon: (TravelerTraveler), we should go with her!
Then let's not wait any longer...
Let's get going right now!
- Paimon: Yeah... Paimon hopes Benben's okay...
- (Enter Aderfi's tent)
- Paimon: Look, it's Benben!
- Jeht: I'm glad Aderfi didn't get to take Benben away...
- Jeht: Or perhaps you could say that everything here looks exactly the same as before.
- Jeht: Did he really think he'd overturn the Matriarch and return to his tent safe and sound...? What a self-absorbed idiot.
- Jeht: But thanks to that, nothing bad happened to Benben.
- Paimon: You call this "nothing bad"? Ohh, poor Benben...
How did it come to this...
What's wrong with Benben?
- Paimon: Yeah, why is it lying on the ground...?
- Paimon: Anyway, what happened to Benben? Everything seemed fine the last time we saw it...
- Jeht: After leaving Khaj-Nisut, Benben gradually grew weaker... It looked like its parts were malfunctioning, and the sound of its beeps was getting lower...
- Jeht: Then it couldn't make any sounds or move at all. It felt as if I was watching its life slowly drain out.
- Jeht: At that time, no one in the tribe knew what was going on with Benben except Aderfi.
- Jeht: So I left Benben in his care...
- Paimon: Oh no... Is Benben gonna stay like this forever...?
- Jeht: ...
- Jeht: At the very least, Benben's still here with us. I'm sure we'll find a way to fix it, sooner or later...
- Paimon: But there's nothing we can work with...
- Jeht: Hmm, let me think. I remember Aderfi telling me that whatever's wrong with Benben, it's nothing too serious, and that it should be fixed within a few days...
- Jeht: Knowing him, if he performed some kind of investigation, he would've definitely left records behind. Let's have a look around the area!
- Jeht: If it really was "nothing too serious", maybe we could even try fixing Benben ourselves!
- (Talk to Jeht - optional)
- Jeht: Hmm... It looks like there's nothing useful here...
- (Talk to Benben - optional)
- Benben: (Benben lies still on the ground without making any of its familiar beeping sounds.)
- (Read the book near Benben - optional)
- Pursina's Essays: 26: (True knowledge is not something that can be drawn casually from the Akasha. Instead, the desert-dwellers get a more comprehensive education during their long walks across the sands...)
- Pursina's Essays: 26: (You notice that the bottom of the title page has an emblem belonging to the Akademiya Library... Perhaps this book is among those that have been smuggled.)
- (Read the book behind Jeht - optional)
- On Language and Rhetoric (IV): (A book mangled from how many times it's been read. Seems like it held quite the rapt audience)
- On Language and Rhetoric (IV): (You notice that the bottom of the title page has an emblem belonging to the Akademiya Library... Perhaps this book is among those that have been smuggled.)
- (Investigate the book on the table)
- Paimon: Hey look, there's something over here.
- Paimon: Doesn't look like investigation records to Paimon. It looks more like... a letter.
- Jeht: A letter? Let's open it up and see what's written inside!
- (Open Note Regarding an Exchange of Goods)
- Note Regarding an Exchange of Goods
- ...As per usual, our exchange will be carried out at the withered tree behind the mountain, and on the subject of "Benben," the special object inquired about previously, the problem does seem to be related to an inability to self-circulate due to a lack of energy...
- ...It just needs to be charged using energy obtained from Elemental Conversion, and its functions should return. As for a receptacle for that conversion and charging process, there is no need to worry. We can hand something over as part of the deal...
- ...However, we hope you could bring along that special object "Benben." Our researchers are quite interested in it, and it could be used as reference material for our research...
- Paimon: The letter says Benben simply ran out of energy...
- Paimon: Now that Paimon thinks about it, Benben opened the gates to the Mausoleum of King Deshret for us and activated our clearance... It really helped a lot during our journey.
- Jeht: And even mechanical creatures like Benben get tired. Maybe it ran low on energy after doing so much for us.
- Jeht: The letter mentioned something called Energy Transformation Capacitors, but I didn't see anything like that in the tent.
- Jeht: Could it be...
They might be hidden somewhere.
- Jeht: Doesn't look like it. If they were meant for repairing Benben, why would he try to hide them? Wouldn't it be more intuitive to use them right away?
- Jeht: Aha, I know! It must be because the transaction hasn't occurred yet!
He might've never received them.
- Jeht: Ah, I know what you mean! The transaction hasn't even taken place!
- Jeht: Aderfi didn't bring Benben to the transaction, so there shouldn't be any Energy Transformation Capacitors here anyway... There's only one question left: who did he strike the deal with?
- Jeht: Ha, that was a dumb question for me to ask. There's only one group outside the tribe he'll have dealings like this with...
Sumeru researchers?
- Jeht: It's the Fatui!
The Fatui!
- Jeht: Precisely. Who else could it be?
- Paimon: What should we do now?
- Jeht: What else? There's no negotiating with the Fatui. We go to the transaction site and steal the Capacitors from them!
- Paimon: Woohoo! Let's go steal them!
- Jeht: But Benben... We can't carry it with us in its current state, so we can't take it to the transaction site...
- Jeht: It isn't safe to leave it alone either. I don't wanna put it in a risky situation ever again.
- Paimon: Paimon and (TravelerTraveler) will go raid the Fatui! You just wait here with Benben.
- Paimon: Yeah! Let's raid the Fatui!
Let's raid the Fatui!
- Paimon: Yup yup! This won't be our first time!
- Jeht: I really wanna go myself, but... (TravelerTraveler), Paimon, I'm counting on you to help Benben recover!
- Jeht: And... even though they're just a bunch of Fatui, you should still be careful...
- Paimon: Don't worry! Just leave it to us!
- Jeht: I don't really wanna stay here in this traitor's tent with Benben though. I'll take it to my place.
- Jeht: Let's meet up in my tent after you retrieve the Capacitors!
- (Talk to Jeht, optional)
- Jeht: Energy Transformation Capacitors... I hope Benben will recover once we get them...
- Jeht: If you're still unsure, I can go with you!
You stay here with Benben.
We'll be back real quick.
- Jeht: Okay. I'll wait for your good news... Please stay safe!
- (Use Nahida's All Schemes to Know on Jeht, optional)
- Jeht: (...In that case, Benben will definitely be saved!)
- (Approach the location indicated on the map)
- Paimon: According to our map, this should be the stop where the deal's gonna take place.
- Paimon: Doesn't look like there's anyone here now, though. Let's sit over there and wait for a while, shall we?
- (Sit in the chair)
- Paimon: Look, it's the Fatui!
- (Approach the Fatui)
- Fatui: You're not Aderfi. Who are you?
- (Defeat the Fatui)
- Fatui Negotiator: P—Please stop...
- Fatui Negotiator: Please have mercy... We're gonna get killed if you keep this up...
- Paimon: Sure sounds convincing coming from the one who's been beaten.
- Paimon: Talk!
Spit it out!
- Fatui Negotiator: Y—Yes, I'll tell you everything! Anything you want to know!
- Paimon: Then start with what you know!
- Fatui Negotiator: W—We always had dealings with Aderfi... A—And it sounded like the Matriarch of the Tanit had a bias for Azariq... and the new girl.
- Fatui Negotiator: And I don't know why, but it seems like Azariq has gone missing too...
- Fatui Negotiator: That woman is cruel. She considers everyone who's no longer of any value to the tribe an eyesore... so Aderfi contacted us in order to maintain his status.
- Fatui Negotiator: Our business in the desert area never went according to plan, until... until we struck the deal with Aderfi.
No longer of any value... What does that mean?
- Fatui Negotiator: I don't know... I really don't! That has to do with the internal workings of the desert folks... But if I had to guess, it might've been because she thought we were no longer trustworthy...
- Fatui Negotiator: ...And so she began to keep her distance, and Aderfi, who had been in frequent contact with us, was very distressed because of that...
- Fatui Negotiator: After all, we can always leave this wretched place when needed. Aderfi, on the other hand, will be used by the tribe until he's no longer 'of value'. His life is virtually in their hands.
This... business you're doing in the desert. What is it?
- Fatui Negotiator: ...It's top secret.
- Paimon: See, now (TravelerTraveler)'s mad! You wouldn't want to mess with (himhim/
herher)! - Fatui Negotiator: Ugh...! Alright, alright! Please don't get mad, I'll tell! But it's... it's not like I know the full story...
- Fatui Negotiator: We were asked to investigate the current situation of various desert tribes. After infiltrating them through making business offers, we aimed to attract the Sages' attention... and ultimately work to the benefit of the Lord Harbinger in Sumeru City.
- Fatui Negotiator: Professor Froderock was looking for live specimens in the desert — he always defied The Doctor's orders... That's just pure jealousy, if you ask me.
- Fatui Negotiator: Ahem, I've gone too far... Anyway, Aderfi had been our point of contact, and he was in charge of everything that had to do with trade.
- Fatui Negotiator: But he was extremely cunning. He somehow made us fulfill his every request, while we, on the other hand, never heard anything of the items we asked for...
- Fatui Negotiator: And now the rumors say he's gotten himself in trouble... We weren't sure what exactly happened, but we saw it as a window of opportunity...
- Paimon: An opportunity for what?
- Fatui Negotiator: We assumed that there wouldn't be many opportunities for us to trade with Aderfi in the future, so we asked him to bring the special Primal Construct he mentioned in his letters...
- Fatui Negotiator: If we could get a hold of that Primal Construct before we left this place for good, we would've still gained something...
- Paimon: Huh, so you're here to steal stuff too? No wonder we couldn't find any goods OR the Energy Transformation Capacitors!
- Fatui Negotiator: Hold on... Did you just say "too"?
Yep. Now hand over the Capacitors.
It's bad luck you ran into us.
- Paimon: Argh... Don't tell Paimon the Energy Transformation Capacitors are all made up!
- Fatui Negotiator: No. The Energy Transformation Capacitors are very real, and there's a whole batch of them. They seem to be ancient relics, so we're not sure if any of them are still functional...
- Paimon: Tell us where these Energy Transformation Capacitors are!
Keep up the imposing tone, Paimon!
- Paimon: Hehe, Paimon will! ...Hey, (TravelerTraveler), don't change the subject!
- Paimon: Speak up! Tell us where the Capacitors are!
- Fatui Negotiator: ...They're at a camp not far away from here. Here's the key to its entrance... I've told you everything I know...
Then get moving!
Don't get in our way ever again!
- Fatui Negotiator: Alright, alright, I'll make myself scarce.
- (Obtain
Fatui Stronghold Key)
- (Obtain
- (Interact with the letter on top of the box - optional)
- Warehouse Inventory Records
- ......Froderock Fronkonsteen's order of one batch of Energy Transformation Capacitors, three batches of Fire-Water, and three batches of sweet Fontaine wine has reached the warehouse and awaits futher orders.
- ......Professor Froderock cannot function if he does not drink wine, so we must take care to ensure that the six batches of alcohol remain in good condition...
- (Approach the gate of the Fatui stronghold)
- Paimon: Looks like that's the spot. Let's get in there and look around!
- (Investigate one of the spots with a Energy Transformation Capacitor)
- Paimon: Looks like this is the Energy Transformation Capacitor. The Fatui said there are a lot of them. Let's see if there's any more...
- (After picking up 3 Energy Transformation Capacitors)
- Paimon: There's so many Energy Transformation Capacitors. We should be able to find a few that are still working...
- Paimon: Let's go back and talk to Jeht!
- (Talk to Jeht)
- Paimon: Jeht!
- Jeht: How was it? You didn't get into trouble, right?
- Paimon: Everything went as smooth as it could! Look! We got the Energy Transformation Capacitors!
- (Submit
Energy Transformation Capacitor ×3)
- (Submit
- Jeht: Huh, so this is what Energy Transformation Capacitors look like... But how are we supposed to use them?
- Benben: Beep... Beep-beep...
- Jeht: Benben?
- Benben connects to the Energy Transformation Capacitors and quickly extracts energy from them.
- Benben: Beep-beep! Beep-beep!
- Paimon: Whoa! We resurrected Benben!
- Jeht: Silly Paimon. Benben just woke up from a long nap, that's all!
- Benben: Beep... Bee-eep...
- Jeht: Hey, I wasn't worried! I knew you'd recover, no matter what!
- Paimon: Hmph. "I don't wanna put it in a risky situation ever again..."
- Jeht: Don't parrot me, Paimon!
- Benben: Beep-beeep.
- Jeht: Oh, yeah! (TravelerTraveler), Benben says thank you.
- Jeht: Even though Benben was lying still without saying anything, it knows everything you've done.
No need to thank me, Benben.
- Benben: Beep!
- Jeht: Mm...
- Paimon: Is anything else the matter?
- Jeht: Even though Benben has woken up, it still looks like it could use some rest...
- Paimon: Right! Have a good rest, Benben!
- Benben: Beep-beep...
- (Talk to Benben, optional)
- Benben: Beep-beep! Beep-beep!
- Benben: (Benben has recovered substantially. Things look pretty good right now...)
- (Use Nahida's All Schemes to Know on Jeht, optional)
- Jeht: (...Benben has finally recovered! Oh Benben...)
- The name of this quest may refer to the Bible chapter Luke 15 which contains three parables of what was once lost being found.
Other Languages[]
Language | Official Name | Literal Meaning |
English | Rejoice With Me, for What Was Lost Is Now Found | — |
Chinese (Simplified) | 失而复得者一同欢喜 Shī'érfùdé-zhě Yītóng Huānxǐ | Rejoice With Those Who Have Lost and Found |
Chinese (Traditional) | 失而復得者一同歡喜 Shī'érfùdé-zhě Yītóng Huānxǐ | |
Japanese | 失せ者を取り返す喜びをともに Usemono wo Torikaesu Yorokobi wo Tomo ni | Together We Share the Joy of Recovering the Lost |
Korean | 재회의 기쁨 Jaehoe-ui Gippeum | The Happiness of Reunion |
Spanish | Recuperando lo perdido | Recovering That Which Was Lost |
French | Perdu, mais enfin retrouvé | Lost, but Finally Found |
Russian | Возрадуйся обретению утраченного Vozraduysya obreteniyu utrachennogo | Rejoice in Finding What Was Lost |
Thai | ร่วมยินดีกับผู้ที่ได้รับของกลับคืนเถอะ | |
Vietnamese | Niềm Vui Khi Mất Rồi Lại Được | |
German | Das Glück des Wiederfindens | The Happiness of Finding One Another |
Indonesian | Bersukacitalah, Karena yang Hilang Telah Ditemukan | Rejoice, for What Was Lost Has Been Found |
Portuguese | Regozijo Por Reencontrar o Que Foi Perdido | |
Turkish | Kayıpların Bulunmasına Benimle Sevinin | |
Italian | Rallegratevi con me, perché ho trovato ciò che avevo perduto | Rejoice With Me, for I Have Found What I Had Lost |
Change History[]
Released in Version 3.4