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Qingxin Flower Cake is a food item that the player can cook. The recipe for Qingxin Flower Cake is obtainable from Lianfang at Lianfang Dim Sum for 2,500 Mora.

Depending on the quality, Qingxin Flower Cake restores 40/50/60 Stamina with a 300-second cooldown. Like most foods, this has no effect for other players in Co-Op Mode.

When Lan Yan cooks Qingxin Flower Cake, there is a chance Jade-Cut Flowers will be created instead.


Icon Cooking Recipe
Qingxin Flower CakeStamina Increase 1 Qingxin Flower Cake

Manual Cooking[]

No manual cooking data available for Qingxin Flower Cake

Shop Availability[]

No Shops sell Qingxin Flower Cake.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishQingxin Flower Cake
Seishin[1] no Hana Pai
Qingxin Flower Pie
Korean청심 전병
Cheongsim Jeonbyeong
SpanishPastelito de flor chingxinLittle Qingxin Flower Cake
FrenchGâteau aux fleurs de QingxinQingxin Flower Cake
RussianПирог с цинсинь
Pirog s tsinsin'
ThaiQingxin Flower Cake
VietnameseBánh Thanh Tâm
IndonesianQingxin Flower Cake
PortugueseBolo de Flor Qingxin
TurkishQingxin Çiçeği Çöreği
ItalianTorta ai fiori di Qingxin

Change History[]


  1. Story Quest, Xiangling, Trulla Chapter: Act I - Mondstadt Gastronomy Trip, Part 2: Cooking Appointment (Japanese Voice-Over)