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Offer up Blazing Flint Ore to the Lord of the Night to strengthen your connection with the Night Kingdom

Primal Flame Resonance

Primal Flame Resonance is an Offering System that can be offered to with Blazing Flint Ores. It can be found at the Throne of the Primal Fire in Ochkanatlan, Natlan.

Primal Flame Resonance is unlocked by completing the quest Archon Quest Chapter V: Act V - Incandescent Ode of Resurrection.

As of Version 5.3, up to 5 Blazing Flint Ores can be offered.


Primal Flame Resonance
Tutorial Primal Flame Resonance
Building up your tribal reputation will grant you the reward "Blazing Flint Ore," which will further improve the Traveler's Pyro abilities.


Raising Primal Flame Resonance level requires Blazing Flint Ore Blazing Flint Ore offered in groups of 1.

Each level will unlock unlock bonus effects at each Constellation level for Pyro-aligned Traveler.

Constellation Starfire's Flowing LightStarfire's Flowing Light
Base Effect: When opposing the Lord of Eroded Primal Fire incarnated by Gosoythoth, while the Blazing Threshold or Scorching Threshold is active, the Traveler's ATK increases by 40%, they take 40% less DMG, and their interruption resistance is increased.
Unlocked With Blazing Flint Ore: While Blazing Threshold or Scorching Threshold are active, the current active character deals 6% increased DMG. If said character is in the Nightsoul's Blessing state, they will deal an additional 9% DMG.
Constellation Ever-Lit CandleEver-Lit Candle
Base Effect: When opposing the Lord of Eroded Primal Fire incarnated by Gosoythoth, while in the Nightsoul's Blessing state, after the Traveler hits an opponent with Pyro attacks, that opponent's Pyro RES is decreased by 20% for 6s. Max 2 stacks. Each stack's duration is counted independently.
Unlocked With Blazing Flint Ore: Within 12s of using the Elemental Skill Flowfire Blade, after nearby party members trigger a Pyro-related reaction on an opponent, the Traveler will regain 14 Nightsoul points. Each use of Flowfire Blade will restore at most 28 Nightsoul points in this way.
Constellation Relayed BeaconRelayed Beacon
Base Effect: When opposing the Lord of Eroded Primal Fire incarnated by Gosoythoth, the Traveler gains 40% Pyro DMG Bonus.
Unlocked With Blazing Flint Ore: Increases the Level of Flowfire Blade by 3.
Maximum upgrade level is 15.
Constellation Ravaging FlameRavaging Flame
Base Effect: When opposing the Lord of Eroded Primal Fire incarnated by Gosoythoth, after using the Elemental Burst Plains Scorcher, all nearby party members will restore 40% of their Max HP. Within the next 10s, the Traveler will regain 4 Energy per second.
Unlocked With Blazing Flint Ore: After using the Elemental Burst Plains Scorcher, the Traveler gains 20% Pyro DMG Bonus for 9s.
Constellation The Fire InextinguishableThe Fire Inextinguishable
Base Effect: When opposing the Lord of Eroded Primal Fire incarnated by Gosoythoth, the Traveler's CRIT Rate increases by 20%, and their CRIT DMG increases by 40%.
Unlocked With Blazing Flint Ore: Increases the Level of Plains Scorcher by 3.
Maximum upgrade level is 15.
Constellation The Sacred Flame ImperishableThe Sacred Flame Imperishable
  • Description
  • Gameplay Notes
  • Advanced Properties
Base Effect: When opposing the Lord of Eroded Primal Fire incarnated by Gosoythoth, while in the Nightsoul's Blessing state, the Traveler's Movement SPD increases by 20%, their Stamina consumption decreases by 30%, and when they use Normal or Charged Attacks, they will send flaming waves flowing forward, dealing 96% of their ATK to opponents in the wave's path as Nightsoul-aligned Pyro DMG.
Unlocked With Blazing Flint Ore: TBA
  • DMG dealt by flaming waves is not considered Normal or Charged Attack DMG.
  • Using a Charged Attack will fire 2 waves.
Internal CooldownPoise
Stagger EffectBlunt
TagTagTypeTypeS. L.S. L.H. F.H. F.V. F.V. F.
Flame Wave1UFlame Wave2.5s/3 Hits15Light2000
All Constellations are activated during the Archon Quest Where All Hopes Lie in Chapter V: Act V - Incandescent Ode of Resurrection with effects exclusive to the Lord of Eroded Primal Fire Weekly Boss. Unlocking the additional general effects for each Constellation requires one Blazing Flint Ore Blazing Flint Ore.

Retrospective Gifts[]

(Offer the first Blazing Flint Ore)
Throne of the Primal Fire: "The first flint lights up the distant past, and the land of journey's beginning — we call it home. The way back may be no more; yet when you and I embrace the night, pure as a mirror it remains, and forever shall it stay."
(Offer the second Blazing Flint Ore)
Throne of the Primal Fire: "The second flint lights up the juncture of setting forth, and the day the journey began — we call it farewell. In its departure, the unchanging world betrays us; yet still some try to grasp its shadow."
(Offer the third Blazing Flint Ore)
Throne of the Primal Fire: "The third flint lights up a daytime of celebration, and a moment when hearts are opened up — we call it friendship. This journey is far from a solitary trial; not only the winds, but human hearts too, embrace us along the way."
(Offer the fourth Blazing Flint Ore)
Throne of the Primal Fire: "The fourth flint lights up a tempestuous night of rain-soaked despair, and a sea of anguishing descent — we call it failure. Fighting against the rising tide, a little boat is very nearly submerged; yet thankfully, it cannot prize the oars from our hands."
(Offer the fifth Blazing Flint Ore)
Throne of the Primal Fire: "The fifth flint lights up those days of pushing onward, and the stones with which tall towers are built — we call it determination. Higher we climb, higher and higher; until at last, we glimpse the destination we have long dreamed of."

Other Languages[]

Primal Flame Resonance

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishPrimal Flame Resonance
Korean근원의 공명
Geunwonui Bul Gongmyeong
SpanishResonancia de fuego primigenioPrimal Fire Resonance
FrenchRésonance du feu primairePrimal Fire Resonance
RussianРезонанс первозданного огня
Rezonans pervozdannogo ognya
VietnameseCộng Hưởng Lửa Nguồn
IndonesianResonansi Api Purba
PortugueseRessonância do Fogo Original
TurkishKadim Ateş Rezonansı
ItalianRisonanza della Fiamma primordiale

Retrospective Gifts

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishRetrospective Gifts
Korean회고의 선물
Hoegoui Seonmul
SpanishRetrospectiva de obsequiosRetrospective of Offerings
FrenchCadeaux de rétrospectiveRetrospective Gifts
RussianПодарки воспоминаний
Podarki vospominaniy
VietnameseQuà Tặng Hồi Tưởng
IndonesianHadiah Kilas Balik
PortuguesePresentes de Retrospectiva
TurkishGeriye Dönük Hediyeler
ItalianOmaggi retrospettivi

Change History[]

