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Pride and Prejudice is the third and final part of Alhaitham's Story Quest, Vultur Volans Chapter: Act I - The Illusions of the Mob.


  1. Head to Siraj's hideout
  2. Talk to Ilyas
  3. Enter the research base
  4. Continue to explore the research base
  5. Talk to Alhaitham
  6. Head into the heart of the research base
  7. Listen to Ilyas's thoughts
  8. Head into the heart of the research base
  9. Listen to Ilyas's thoughts
  10. Head into the heart of the research base
  11. Listen to Ilyas's thoughts
  12. Head into the deepest part of the research base
  13. Defeat opponents
  14. Witness the internal conflict within the Hive
  15. Talk to Alhaitham
  16. Talk to the test subjects
  17. Leave the Domain
  18. Talk to Alhaitham
  19. Follow Alhaitham
  20. Listen to Alhaitham's thoughts

Trial Character[]

WLWL Character
& Weapon
Talents & Artifacts Attributes


AlhaithamDendro Lv. 82 C3 Al­hai­tham
  • Normal Attack Lv. 6
  • Elemental Skill Lv. 9
  • Elemental Burst Lv. 6
Icon Attribute Health Max HP: 26,452
Icon Attribute Attack ATK: 1,729
Icon Attribute Defense DEF: 876
Icon Attribute Elemental Mastery Elemental Mastery: 105
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit Rate: 61.1%
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit DMG: 172.4%
Icon Attribute Energy Recharge Energy Recharge: 135.0%
Icon Attribute Dendro DMG Bonus: 28.8%

Royal FloraRoyal PlumeRoyal Pocket WatchRoyal Silver UrnRoyal Masque
Artifact Lv. 20
Set Bonus
Noblesse Oblige 4-Piece


AlhaithamDendro Lv. 90 C3 Al­hai­tham
  • Normal Attack Lv. 8
  • Elemental Skill Lv. 11
  • Elemental Burst Lv. 8
Icon Attribute Health Max HP: 27,632
Icon Attribute Attack ATK: 1,804
Icon Attribute Defense DEF: 926
Icon Attribute Elemental Mastery Elemental Mastery: 105
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit Rate: 61.1%
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit DMG: 180.1%
Icon Attribute Energy Recharge Energy Recharge: 135.0%
Icon Attribute Dendro DMG Bonus: 28.8%

Royal FloraRoyal PlumeRoyal Pocket WatchRoyal Silver UrnRoyal Masque
Artifact Lv. 20
Set Bonus
Noblesse Oblige 4-Piece

Trial Characters at Level 75 or above that are equipping the set Noblesse Oblige may be out of date.


UI Quest Quest Description

While stopping by Gandharva Ville, Ilyas managed to recover his memories. It's now time to follow him to Siraj's hideout.
(Approach the marked location in Apam Woods)
Media:vo ahlq003 1 ilyas 01.ogg Ilyas: This is the place.
Media:vo ahlq003 1 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: It's so well-hidden, but there's nothing spooky about it. Hm, let's go inside and take a look!

(Approach the open area in the Domain)
Media:vo ahlq003 2 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Weird, it's bigger on the inside than Paimon imagined. Are you sure it's still a work in progress?
Media:vo ahlq003 2 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Ilyas, do you remember this place? ...Huh? Uh... Ilyas? Where'd he go?
Media:vo ahlq003 2 alhaitham 01.ogg Alhaitham: I don't sense him nearby.
Media:vo ahlq003 2 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Did he get separated from us? Should we wait here or turn around and look for him?
Media:vo ahlq003 2 alhaitham 02.ogg Alhaitham: There's no need for that. Let's keep moving.
Media:vo ahlq003 2 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Uhh, alright. We'll continue in and see if he catches up to us.
Icon Quest Step Step Description

This research base lined with numerous rooms seems to have been completed a long time ago. Confoundingly, Ilyas has also disappeared, making the truth ever murkier. All you can do is probe further...
(Approach the next hut)
A sudden dizziness sets in, and a scene starts to play in your mind...
Media:vo ahlq003 3 radju 01.ogg Raju: It's okay, Ilyas. You've done more than enough for me already...
Media:vo ahlq003 3 ilyas 01.ogg Ilyas: I don't understand. Everyone knows that Jani is stealing your research. Why is no one willing to go public with the truth?
Media:vo ahlq003 3 ilyas 02.ogg Ilyas: He shamelessly used your thesis to send in a project application, and whenever the project hits a wall, he asks you for help. Everyone knows what's going on...
Media:vo ahlq003 3 radju 02.ogg Raju: Do you know how many people are working on that project? If Jani was kicked out because of academic fraud, that'd be the end of the project. Too many people would be affected!
Media:vo ahlq003 3 ilyas 03.ogg Ilyas: But he's obviously taking advantage of you!
Media:vo ahlq003 3 ilyas 04.ogg Ilyas: He throws you the hardest work. After you're done pulling all-nighters, he struts around with your research data and takes credit for it.
Media:vo ahlq003 3 ilyas 05.ogg Ilyas: That's not right! Why are you putting up with this?
Media:vo ahlq003 3 radju 03.ogg Raju: A lot of people warned me to not say anything, and I think they have a point. This is just how things are. All I want is to graduate without any problems...
Media:vo ahlq003 3 ilyas 06.ogg Ilyas: ...
Media:vo ahlq003 3 radju 04.ogg Raju: It's okay. He's at least paying me.
Media:vo ahlq003 3 ilyas 07.ogg Ilyas: Half a year of your time and effort, countless all-nighters, and casual threats and insults — all for a measly 20,000 Mora?
Media:vo ahlq003 3 ilyas 08.ogg Ilyas: He's treating people like cattle...
Media:vo ahlq003 3 radju 05.ogg Raju: Enough. It's fine. I just need to suck it up and get it done.
The scene ends there.
Media:vo ahlq003 3 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: What's the matter?
Icon Dialogue Talk I think I saw a glimpse of Ilyas's past.
Media:vo ahlq003 3 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Eh? You could read minds this whole time and you never told Paimon!?
Media:vo ahlq003 3 alhaitham 01.ogg Alhaitham: Of course not.
Media:vo ahlq003 3 alhaitham 02.ogg Alhaitham: I was also able to see those memories just now. They were probably the ones that leaked out while Ilyas was connecting to the collective consciousness.
Media:vo ahlq003 3 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Connecting? Collective consciousness?
Media:vo ahlq003 3 alhaitham 03.ogg Alhaitham: It's clear that this place isn't a work in progress. The Hive has long been finished.
Media:vo ahlq003 3 alhaitham 04.ogg Alhaitham: The collective consciousness project is already complete, and Ilyas is now returning to the collective.
Icon Dialogue Talk So he tricked us?
Media:vo ahlq003 3 alhaitham 05.ogg Alhaitham: Not entirely... Keep walking and you'll see why.
Icon Quest Step Step Description

Your mind has been flooded by Ilyas's memories. They seem to be painting a picture of why he joined the Hive...
(Approach the open area)
Media:vo ahlq003 13 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: It's completely different from what Ilyas said. This place looks like it's been done for a while...
(Ride the platform to the first stop)
Media:vo ahlq003 3 pouyan 01.ogg Member of the Collective Consciousness: Contributing to the collective by only thinking to your strengths... How easy!
(Ride the platform to the second stop)
Media:vo ahlq003 3 amaya 01.ogg Member of the Collective Consciousness: Alhaitham... Just thinking of that name fills me with hatred. We must get rid of him.
(Ride the platform to the third stop and get off)
A new scene plays in your mind...
Media:vo ahlq003 4 janaki 01.ogg Janaki: An entire year's worth of work down the drain, and for what? Your reputation? Do you have any idea how many people you've brought down?
Media:vo ahlq003 4 jaap 01.ogg Jaap: You could've played hero any time, so why couldn't you have waited until the project was complete?
Media:vo ahlq003 4 ilyas 01.ogg Ilyas: I don't understand what you guys are saying. Are you saying you don't care that Raju jumped to his death!?
Media:vo ahlq003 4 jaap 02.ogg Jaap: It's a shame, what happened to him. I thought he was stronger than that.
Media:vo ahlq003 4 jaap 03.ogg Jaap: Everyone has been working hard to complete the project. He could have endured for a bit longer, but he chose now of all times to...
Media:vo ahlq003 4 janaki 02.ogg Janaki: In any case, we're done with you. Because of your recklessness, the matra are putting Jani on trial. This project is done for.
Media:vo ahlq003 4 janaki 03.ogg Janaki: None of this affects you at all, but do you know how many people, myself included, needed this project to complete their studies...?
Media:vo ahlq003 4 janaki 04.ogg Janaki: Now, our futures are up in the air. If worst comes to pass, we might not be able to graduate. Do you understand now?
Media:vo ahlq003 4 ilyas 02.ogg Ilyas: I'm sorry.
Media:vo ahlq003 4 janaki 05.ogg Janaki: There's no need for an apology. It's not like I'll accept it, anyway. You'll pay for this.
The scene ends there.
Media:vo ahlq003 4 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Hey, you're blanking out again... What did you see this time?
Icon Dialogue Talk Ilyas...
Media:vo ahlq003 4 alhaitham 01.ogg Alhaitham: Don't jump to conclusions just yet. Save your words for when we see him.
(Use Nahida's All Schemes to Know on the person in the nearby hut, optional)
Media:vo ahlq003 13 goli 01.ogg Member of the Collective Consciousness: (No need to choose, no responsibilities. Life has become so easy, just like that...)
(Use Nahida's All Schemes to Know on the person sleeping on a bed in the hut on the highest platform, optional)
Media:vo ahlq003 13 karwan 01.ogg Member of the Collective Consciousness: (I just have to stay here... Just follow the collective...)
(When bringing only one key to the next gate)
Media:vo ahlq003 13 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Just in case, why don't we take both keys with us?
(Approach the next open area)
The scene is much clearer this time, likely because it happened recently...
Media:vo ahlq003 5 pitar 01.ogg Pitar: Ilyas, this is all very strange. Is there really no research group that will take you?
Media:vo ahlq003 5 pitar 02.ogg Pitar: To pass this course, you must complete a paper with other researchers. I know you're a hero for fighting academic fraud, but we can't make exceptions for heroes, now can we?
Media:vo ahlq003 5 pitar 03.ogg Pitar: Maybe you should try to improve your relationship with the other researchers. Getting a reputation for being too unconventional will not stand you in good stead in the long run.
Media:vo ahlq003 5 ilyas 01.ogg Ilyas: ...I understand.
Media:vo ahlq003 5 ilyas 02.ogg Ilyas: ...
Media:vo ahlq003 5 siraj 01.ogg ???: You seem troubled.
Media:vo ahlq003 5 ilyas 03.ogg Ilyas: Who are you?
Media:vo ahlq003 5 siraj 02.ogg Siraj: Ah, where are my manners? My name is Siraj.
Media:vo ahlq003 5 ilyas 04.ogg Ilyas: Siraj... I've heard of you before. Do you need something from me?
Media:vo ahlq003 5 siraj 03.ogg Siraj: The world hates people who don't fit in. I imagine you've had your fair share of trouble.
Media:vo ahlq003 5 siraj 04.ogg Siraj: After you reported Jani for academic fraud, you were ostracized and shunned. Even your family can't understand your actions.
Media:vo ahlq003 5 siraj 05.ogg Siraj: However, I'm working on some research that will help you "merge into a collective." That way, your life won't be so dolorous.
Media:vo ahlq003 5 siraj 06.ogg Siraj: How about it? Want to have a go?
The scene ends there.
Media:vo ahlq003 5 alhaitham 01.ogg Alhaitham: What did you see?
Icon Dialogue Talk Siraj persuaded Ilyas to join the Hive.
Icon Dialogue Talk Ilyas wasn't forced.
Media:vo ahlq003 5 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Paimon can't believe it! He really did trick us, that giga jerk!
Media:vo ahlq003 5 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: No, Siraj is the real giga jerk here! Ilyas is just a regular jerk!
Media:vo ahlq003 5 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Ooh, Paimon's so mad! We're gonna find him, and we're gonna make him explain himself!

Icon Quest Step Step Description

You are nearly at the deepest part of the research base. What might you be able to find there?
(Use Nahida's All Schemes to Know on Ilyas, optional)
Media:vo ahlq003 13 ilyas 01.ogg Ilyas: (I must... return... to the Hive.)
(Approach Ilyas)
Media:vo ahlq003 6 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Ilyas!
Media:vo ahlq003 6 ilyas 01.ogg Ilyas: You've come.
Media:vo ahlq003 6 ilyas 02.ogg Ilyas: I intentionally slowed my integration into the collective consciousness because I wanted to see you one last time as Ilyas.
Media:vo ahlq003 6 ilyas 03.ogg Ilyas: And I wanted to apologize to you as him. It was only at Gandharva Ville that the second thing I must do occurred to me: Bring you all here.
Media:vo ahlq003 6 ilyas 04.ogg Ilyas: To throw off the matra and bring Alhaitham to the Hive — that was my task as Siraj Number 36.
Media:vo ahlq003 6 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Y—You were already Siraj Number 36? But you passed the matra's lie detector test...! [sic]
Media:vo ahlq003 6 ilyas 05.ogg Ilyas: Yes, I truly did forget many things during that time, even my identity and assigned responsibilities.
Media:vo ahlq003 6 ilyas 06.ogg Ilyas: However, it's not that I got scared and forgot. I... chose to delete those memories.
Media:vo ahlq003 6 ilyas 07.ogg Ilyas: It's difficult to fool Alhaitham, so I had to create the perfect guise for myself.
Media:vo ahlq003 6 alhaitham 01.ogg Alhaitham: And the best guise is when you believe your own lies.
Media:vo ahlq003 6 ilyas 08.ogg Ilyas: Correct, I only told you that the Hive was incomplete because I had deleted my memories of its completion.
Media:vo ahlq003 6 ilyas 09.ogg Ilyas: It was finished a long time ago. Before I left, I was already living as Number 36. Now, I choose to return to that identity.
Media:vo ahlq003 6 ilyas 10.ogg Ilyas: Only here can I truly be free.
Media:vo ahlq003 6 ilyas 11.ogg Ilyas: That's all I wanted to say. After I enter this room, my consciousness will merge back into the collective. And so, this is goodbye.
Media:vo ahlq003 6 alhaitham 02.ogg Alhaitham: Is this your decision?
Media:vo ahlq003 6 ilyas 12.ogg Ilyas: ...
Media:vo ahlq003 6 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Yeah, the person we know is Ilyas, not Siraj Number 36!
Media:vo ahlq003 6 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: The outside world is painful sometimes, but Paimon doesn't think that's a reason to run away!
Media:vo ahlq003 6 siraj 01.ogg Siraj: Do you need more time to consider, Ilyas?
Media:vo ahlq003 6 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Hey, who are—
Media:vo ahlq003 6 alhaitham 03.ogg Alhaitham: That is Siraj.
Media:vo ahlq003 6 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: So you're that giga jerk!
Media:vo ahlq003 6 siraj 02.ogg Siraj: "Giga jerk"... How bold of you. Have I done something to offend you?
Media:vo ahlq003 6 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: You—
Media:vo ahlq003 6 siraj 03.ogg Siraj: I modified Akasha Terminals to allow users to share memories and emotions. Then, I recruited researchers from the Akademiya to build a collective consciousness.
Media:vo ahlq003 6 siraj 04.ogg Siraj: I assigned numbers to everyone and divided the experiment's tasks amongst themselves.
Media:vo ahlq003 6 siraj 05.ogg Siraj: Here, people can live easily and happily without needing to exercise complex mental thought. This is what they have chosen. All I've done is fulfill their wishes.
Media:vo ahlq003 6 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: Y—You're just trying to justify yourself!
Media:vo ahlq003 6 siraj 06.ogg Siraj: Then I ask you: What's the difference between here and the outside?
Media:vo ahlq003 6 siraj 07.ogg Siraj: There are researchers at the Akademiya who engage in dangerous research in extreme environments, while others become idle and listless.
Media:vo ahlq003 6 siraj 08.ogg Siraj: People are so obsessed with "collective will" that even those on the fringes will attempt to fit in after suffering setbacks.
Media:vo ahlq003 6 siraj 09.ogg Siraj: Isn't that right, Ilyas?
Media:vo ahlq003 6 ilyas 13.ogg Ilyas: ...
Media:vo ahlq003 6 siraj 10.ogg Siraj: There's no need to deny this, as it is fact. It is natural for social creatures to conform.
Media:vo ahlq003 6 siraj 11.ogg Siraj: And the terminus of "conformity" is a collective consciousness, through which even an ordinary bee colony can become a powerful swarm. Replace the bees with humans, and this model becomes even more potent.
Media:vo ahlq003 6 siraj 12.ogg Siraj: Welcome to the Hive, Alhaitham. You once arrogantly denied the merits of this project before the Grand Sage.
Media:vo ahlq003 6 siraj 13.ogg Siraj: A few simple words from you, and my research was consigned to nothingness. Of course, I'm well aware that you don't care about any of this. You don't care about the pain of others.
Media:vo ahlq003 6 siraj 14.ogg Siraj: But I didn't give up. I made my thesis into reality!
Media:vo ahlq003 6 alhaitham 04.ogg Alhaitham: When we arrived, I noticed many empty rooms in the Hive.
Media:vo ahlq003 6 siraj 15.ogg Siraj: Oh, you noticed that. Then can you guess where their inhabitants are?
Media:vo ahlq003 6 siraj 16.ogg Siraj: The answer is the Akademiya. They're executing another phase of the plan... the plan to install me as a sage.
Media:vo ahlq003 6 siraj 17.ogg Siraj: The collective consciousness links all of us into a single mind, showcasing our individual strengths as we work together. We are able to execute complex undertakings while instantaneously modifying our strategies in response to unexpected situations.
Media:vo ahlq003 6 siraj 18.ogg Siraj: Everything has been proceeding smoothly — you are our biggest obstacle. With you out of the way, I'll use my growing influence to turn the collective consciousness into a legitimate study.
Media:vo ahlq003 6 siraj 19.ogg Siraj: The project will snowball until ultimately, everyone will be part of my Hive. I— no, the Hive will be in control, and it will lead the Akademiya towards a new future.
Media:vo ahlq003 6 paimon 09.ogg Paimon: We won't let you do this!
Media:vo ahlq003 6 siraj 20.ogg Siraj: What can you achieve with mere words? You weren't even able to change Ilyas's mind.
Media:vo ahlq003 6 siraj 21.ogg Siraj: Return to the Hive, Number 36.
Media:vo ahlq003 6 ilyas 14.ogg Ilyas: ...Yes.
Media:vo ahlq003 6 paimon 10.ogg Paimon: Wait, don't go back! Uh... Look, there are lots of people out there worried about you!
Media:vo ahlq003 6 paimon 11.ogg Paimon: And you aren't an outcast. Aren't we your friends?
Media:vo ahlq003 6 siraj 22.ogg Siraj: That's easy for you to say, given that you're travelers. Will you two continue to stay at the Akademiya? When you leave, tragedy will repeat itself.
Media:vo ahlq003 6 siraj 23.ogg Siraj: Return, Number 36. You know as well as I do that comforting words don't make life any easier.
Media:vo ahlq003 6 paimon 12.ogg Paimon: Ilyas... Why...?
Media:vo ahlq003 6 siraj 24.ogg Siraj: You two are just as arrogant as Alhaitham.
Media:vo ahlq003 6 siraj 25.ogg Siraj: You think that everyone should be like you and live according to their own truths, but you don't realize that most people simply want easy lives.
Media:vo ahlq003 6 siraj 26.ogg Siraj: I allowed Number 36 to leave the Hive without his memories only because I knew he would eventually return. This proves that I know more about human nature than you do.
Media:vo ahlq003 6 siraj 27.ogg Siraj: Alhaitham, do say a word or two. I will consider them as your last.
Media:vo ahlq003 6 alhaitham 05.ogg Alhaitham: I made those words quite clear a year ago. The model you presented was extremely unstable. No amount of garish packaging will change its fragile nature.
Media:vo ahlq003 6 alhaitham 06.ogg Alhaitham: *sigh* It can't be helped. If you were clever enough to realize those problems, then you would've been aware that the Hive changed when Ilyas returned to this collective consciousness of yours.
Something has changed around you...
Media:vo ahlq003 6 siraj 28.ogg Siraj: What...?
Media:vo ahlq003 6 paimon 13.ogg Paimon: What's happening...?
Media:vo ahlq003 6 alhaitham 07.ogg Alhaitham: The collective needs motivation to execute its plans, just as machinery requires energy to operate.
Media:vo ahlq003 6 alhaitham 08.ogg Alhaitham: That's why you, as the Overmind, synchronized your hatred of me into the collective, prompting them to create and execute a plan to eliminate me.
Media:vo ahlq003 6 alhaitham 09.ogg Alhaitham: However, when Ilyas returned to the collective, his memories and emotions were shared with the rest of its members. This includes his perception of me.
Media:vo ahlq003 6 ilyas 15.ogg Thoughts From Memory: Thanks for that. You know, you don't seem like such a bad person.
Media:vo ahlq003 6 ilyas 16.ogg Thoughts From Memory: Strange, isn't it? Why did I have those thoughts at that time?
Media:vo ahlq003 6 alhaitham 10.ogg Alhaitham: This contradicts the hatred you had provided them, and these two differing emotions will give rise to new conflict.
Media:vo ahlq003 6 paimon 14.ogg Paimon: So that's it! Wait, so you knew that Ilyas would return to the Hive?
Media:vo ahlq003 6 paimon 15.ogg Paimon: And then you pretended to keep him around, just to fool Siraj...
Media:vo ahlq003 6 paimon 16.ogg Paimon: Wouldn't expect any less from you, Alhaitham! Once the collective consciousness bugs out, we'll take that opportunity to—
Media:vo ahlq003 6 paimon 17.ogg Paimon: Eh? Wait, it's back to normal already!?
Media:vo ahlq003 6 siraj 29.ogg Siraj: Alhaitham, I told you: You're too arrogant! Did you really think that your little scheme would be enough to destabilize the Hive?
Media:vo ahlq003 6 siraj 30.ogg Siraj: Ilyas's return had indeed introduced abnormal emotions into the Hive, but such a meager drop cannot give rise to waves.
Media:vo ahlq003 6 siraj 31.ogg Siraj: Your struggle has been in vain, and it's time to end it. Allow me to show you what makes the collective consciousness so formidable...
Media:vo ahlq003 6 paimon 18.ogg Paimon: So many monsters! Where did they come from?
Media:vo ahlq003 6 paimon 19.ogg Paimon: And, something feels off about them...
Media:vo ahlq003 6 siraj 32.ogg Siraj: I also integrated monsters into the collective, though I ranked them last. Even so, they are part of it.
Media:vo ahlq003 6 siraj 33.ogg Siraj: Despite their lack of intelligence, perfect cooperation can be achieved, much like soldiers who have undergone strict training.
Media:vo ahlq003 6 siraj 34.ogg Siraj: Now then, drown in endless waves of monsters. You... you will all pay for your ceaseless arrogance.
Media:vo ahlq003 6 paimon 20.ogg Paimon: Hey, Alhaitham? Uhh... Your plan didn't work, so what do we do now?
Media:vo ahlq003 6 alhaitham 11.ogg Alhaitham: I've already sent my "gift" to the collective. It will take some time for the recipient to receive it.
Media:vo ahlq003 6 alhaitham 12.ogg Alhaitham: You two just need to brace yourselves for the nuisance in front of us.
Media:vo ahlq003 6 paimon 21.ogg Paimon: Well, all right. Paimon doesn't know how you get so confident, but we'll hold them off for as long as we can!

Icon Quest Step Step Description

In the end, Ilyas still chose to return to the Hive. However, this still somehow fell within Alhaitham's calculations. He seems to have made contingency plans against the tricky situation you now find yourselves in. All you need to do is to get rid of the opponents in front of you.
(After defeating the first wave)
Media:vo ahlq003 7 voice1 01.ogg White Noise From the "Collective": Alhaitham... isn't that bad of a person...
Media:vo ahlq003 7 voice2 01.ogg White Noise From the "Collective": But it has to be done. He must be eliminated so that we can evolve.
(After defeating the second wave)
Media:vo ahlq003 7 siraj 01.ogg Siraj: You see? That is the will of the collective.
Media:vo ahlq003 7 siraj 02.ogg Siraj: Even with the hatred gone, they continue their work. An external anomaly cannot shake the collective's stability.
(After defeating the third wave)
Media:vo ahlq003 7 voice3 01.ogg White Noise From the "Collective": He won't hold out for much longer.
Media:vo ahlq003 7 voice4 01.ogg White Noise From the "Collective": He's a lot tougher than we imagined...
Media:vo ahlq003 7 voice5 01.ogg White Noise From the "Collective": Something's gone wrong at the Akademiya... The matra...
(After defeating the fourth wave)
Media:vo ahlq003 7 siraj 03.ogg Siraj: What's going on...? What's with this sudden influx of information?
Media:vo ahlq003 7 siraj 04.ogg Siraj: Silence! As the Overmind, I command you—
(After the Jadeplume Terrorshroom appears)
Media:vo ahlq003 7 voice6 01.ogg White Noise From the "Collective": How is that possible? Why hasn't it been resolved yet?
Media:vo ahlq003 7 voice7 01.ogg White Noise From the "Collective": Was there an error in our judgment...?
Media:vo ahlq003 7 voice8 01.ogg White Noise From the "Collective": The will of the collective cannot be wrong. The Overmind must have made an error in his judgment.
Media:vo ahlq003 7 voice9 01.ogg White Noise From the "Collective": But Siraj is the most intelligent amongst us. He is Number 1. His judgment is the optimal one!
Media:vo ahlq003 7 voice10 01.ogg White Noise From the "Collective": Is that true? No, not necessarily...
(After defeating the Jadeplume Terrorshroom)
Cutscene's Travel Log summary:
Red lights begin to blaze throughout the room. Something has, without a shadow of doubt, gone wrong with the Hive. Siraj reads the state of the collective consciousness and discovers that Alhaitham had led Ilyas to doubt the number sequencing system, with these suspicions having become shared amongst the collective. As Siraj's prestige as the Overmind drops, the selfish desires and doubts of the Hive members begin to drown him. As he begins to unravel amidst excruciating pain, Alhaitham destroys the device controlling the Hive.
(A cinematic plays)
Siraj: What have you done!?
Alhaitham: Calm down
Alhaitham: Don't you have an easy way to figure this out?
(Siraj examines Ilyas's memories)
Alhaitham: You were only designated as Number 36?
Alhaitham: What a shame
Alhaitham: From what I can see, your talents merit a smaller number
Alhaitham: Putting aside the validity of the data
Alhaitham: It is meaningless to judge individuals based solely on their Jnana Energy
Siraj: What you said to Ilyas
Siraj: Has now become a memory shared by all members of the Hive...
Siraj: I see it now
Siraj: You've channeled and amplified their selfish desires!
Siraj: You're trying to destroy my Hive from the inside out!
Alhaitham: Human minds are not infinitely pliable
Alhaitham: And your Hive has stretched many of them to their limit
Alhaitham: Once your authority as Overmind starts to wane
Alhaitham: It won't be long before your subjects snap back
Alhaitham: "Is it worth living here like a machine, being a tool for the rest of my life?"
Alhaitham: As soon as one person begins to have these thoughts
Alhaitham: Selfishness, doubt, and fear will propagate thanks to the web of consciousness that you built
Alhaitham: At this stage, your so-called Hive has already fallen
(Siraj's visor device turns red)
Siraj: It's not over yet!
Siraj: I am the Overmind!
Siraj: There has to be a way...
(In a frenzy, Siraj accidentally steps off the stage)
Alhaitham: It's too late
(Siraj is seen falling through tunnels of the Hive network)
Alhaitham: Once the desires of the Hive accumulate...
Alhaitham: Beyond a certain threshold, they will kill their king
(Alhaitham summons a sword and throws it towards the terminal on the stage)
Member of the Collective Consciousness: I wouldn't have suffered such a disgraceful defeat
Member of the Collective Consciousness: If I was the Overmind...
Member of the Collective Consciousness: My number shouldn't be so far down in the list!
Member of the Collective Consciousness: Siraj is a liar!
Member of the Collective Consciousness: This isn't what we agreed to...
Member of the Collective Consciousness: I should be the one in your position!
(Siraj wakes up to see Alhaitham's sword in the terminal, causing it to shut down)
(Cinematic ends)
Icon Quest Step Step Description

The collective under Siraj's control has now collapsed. Siraj's staring at Alhaitham with resentment. Alhaitham seems to want to tell him something as well.
Media:vo ahlq003 8 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: The Hive... shut down?
Icon Dialogue Talk It's over.
Media:vo ahlq003 8 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: What happened just now?
Media:vo ahlq003 8 alhaitham 01.ogg Alhaitham: Members of a collective consciousness are more likely to reach a consensus because of their shared memories and emotions.
Media:vo ahlq003 8 alhaitham 02.ogg Alhaitham: For example, Ilyas did have differing perceptions, but he ultimately followed the collective consciousness's judgment.
Media:vo ahlq003 8 alhaitham 03.ogg Alhaitham: However, this system is far from perfect. Based on this logic, the collective consciousness will generate an intractable diffusion effect upon encountering negative emotions.
Icon Dialogue Talk Selfish desires...
Media:vo ahlq003 8 alhaitham 04.ogg Alhaitham: The disturbance that Ilyas caused wasn't for naught. It made the collective question the Overmind.
Media:vo ahlq003 8 alhaitham 05.ogg Alhaitham: Setbacks in the plan further amplify doubt, which diminishes the Overmind's influence. This inevitably causes the collective to generate negative emotions.
Media:vo ahlq003 8 alhaitham 06.ogg Alhaitham: Apprehension, disappointment, panic, avarice... These negative emotions can be very well hidden, as humans generally do not share completely transparent channels of communication.
Media:vo ahlq003 8 alhaitham 07.ogg Alhaitham: But in the Hive, where there are no secrets, negativity can spread like a tidal wave. Of course, what I said to Ilyas was the trigger for all of this.
Media:vo ahlq003 8 alhaitham 08.ogg Alhaitham: A few words were enough. Believe in the power of words, Siraj.
Media:vo ahlq003 8 siraj 01.ogg Siraj: You were already thinking of a way to destroy the collective consciousness, even back then...
Media:vo ahlq003 8 siraj 02.ogg Siraj: You knew that Ilyas was the bait all along? But how did you know? Since when?
Media:vo ahlq003 8 alhaitham 09.ogg Alhaitham: I knew it from the moment I saw him.
Media:vo ahlq003 8 alhaitham 10.ogg Alhaitham: Moreover, I've never looked down on you. My opinion of you has always been objective.
Media:vo ahlq003 8 alhaitham 11.ogg Alhaitham: You have a naive view towards the concepts of collective consciousness and human evolution, but you are intelligent and disciplined.
Media:vo ahlq003 8 alhaitham 12.ogg Alhaitham: You would never let a test subject escape. Mistakes like that are beneath you, and you also won't leave any mistake without a resolution.
Media:vo ahlq003 8 siraj 03.ogg Siraj: Hahaha... I never thought I'd hear those words come from you, but if you're saying that out of sympathy, spare me.
Media:vo ahlq003 8 siraj 04.ogg Siraj: I know very well that you've never viewed me as an equal. When you were with us, you always had a distant look in your eyes.
Media:vo ahlq003 8 siraj 05.ogg Siraj: You don't need to hide it. I know it better than anyone else — the arrogance that comes with being a genius. Nobody likes being treated like that!
Media:vo ahlq003 8 alhaitham 13.ogg Alhaitham: Your perspective is entirely born from your habitual way of looking at things.
Media:vo ahlq003 8 alhaitham 14.ogg Alhaitham: From your perspective, you probably think I'm like you: Someone who doesn't "fit in." However, I've never placed myself on a pedestal.
Media:vo ahlq003 8 alhaitham 15.ogg Alhaitham: I just want to distance myself from meaningless noise and look at everything objectively.
Media:vo ahlq003 8 alhaitham 16.ogg Alhaitham: On the other hand, you have failed to come to terms with who you truly are. You care too much about winning and how others perceive you.
Media:vo ahlq003 8 siraj 06.ogg Siraj: You mean to say that... I'm the arrogant one here?
Media:vo ahlq003 8 alhaitham 17.ogg Alhaitham: Is that not so? Arrogant, and emotionally fragile.
Media:vo ahlq003 8 alhaitham 18.ogg Alhaitham: You view people as a simple, mediocre collective, while you regard me as "one of your kind."
Media:vo ahlq003 8 siraj 07.ogg Siraj: ...
Media:vo ahlq003 8 siraj 08.ogg Siraj: Regardless, I have lost. You can take me back to the Akademiya to stand trial.
Media:vo ahlq003 8 alhaitham 19.ogg Alhaitham: You will stand trial, yes, but arresting people isn't in my job description.
Media:vo ahlq003 8 alhaitham 20.ogg Alhaitham: I'm just an ordinary staff member. I believe it is the General Mahamatra's duty to escort you away.
Media:vo ahlq003 8 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Cyno! What are you doing here?
Media:vo ahlq003 8 cyno 01.ogg Cyno: I followed the symbols. Looks like things have already been settled.
(Siraj walks off with Aarav)
Media:vo ahlq003 8 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Symbols?
Media:vo ahlq003 8 alhaitham 21.ogg Alhaitham: I left a simple picture in my letter to him, and I made several similar symbols on the way here.
Media:vo ahlq003 8 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Wait, what do you mean you left a letter...?
Media:vo ahlq003 8 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: Ohhh, Paimon remembers! When Paimon first saw you, Aarav said that you had left a letter for Cyno!
Media:vo ahlq003 8 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: So you really did know that something was up with Ilyas from the start! Argh, you lied to us, too!
Media:vo ahlq003 8 alhaitham 22.ogg Alhaitham: It'd be best if you didn't spout nonsense. I never employed any mode of trickery on you.
Media:vo ahlq003 8 alhaitham 23.ogg Alhaitham: By the way, I came across some information at the Akademiya a few days ago. If you practice the method discussed therein, your vision may improve. Do you need it?
Media:vo ahlq003 8 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: Seriously? This guy...
Media:vo ahlq003 8 paimon 09.ogg Paimon: Oh, by the way Cyno, Paimon heard that Siraj sent more people to the Akademiya. We can't let those jerks get away!
Media:vo ahlq003 8 cyno 02.ogg Cyno: Don't worry. The matra have started screening suspicious persons, and we've already arrested many of Siraj's associates.
Media:vo ahlq003 8 cyno 03.ogg Cyno: This was likely one factor that caused the Hive's consciousness to waver. Everything went as you predicted, Alhaitham.
Media:vo ahlq003 8 alhaitham 24.ogg Alhaitham: Good. Hm, seems like the interesting part is already over. I'll leave the arrests to you all.
Media:vo ahlq003 8 alhaitham 25.ogg Alhaitham: See you.
Media:vo ahlq003 8 paimon 10.ogg Paimon: And off he goes... *sigh* There still are a lot of test subjects here, so let's stick around for a while.
Icon Quest Step Step Description

Alhaitham entrusted the arrests to Cyno and left the Hive. The arrested test subjects are showing signs of shame and guilt. Maybe they will share their thoughts.
(Use Nahida's All Schemes to Know on Cyno, optional)
Media:vo ahlq003 13 cyno 01.ogg Cyno: (Sheep without a shepherd.)
(Use Nahida's All Schemes to Know on Ilyas, optional)
Media:vo ahlq003 13 ilyas 02.ogg Ilyas: (Was I wrong?)
(Use Nahida's All Schemes to Know on Aarav, optional)
Media:vo ahlq003 13 aarav 01.ogg Aarav: (As expected of Mahamatra Cyno...)
(Use Nahida's All Schemes to Know on Karwan, optional)
Media:vo ahlq003 13 karwan 02.ogg Karwan: (What have I done?)
(Use Nahida's All Schemes to Know on Goli, optional)
Media:vo ahlq003 13 goli 02.ogg Goli: (He's sure to get revenge on us!)
(Use Nahida's All Schemes to Know on Pouyan, optional)
Media:vo ahlq003 13 pouyan 01.ogg Pouyan: (Pride and prejudice are frightening...)
(Approach the recovered test subjects)
Media:vo ahlq003 9 karwan 01.ogg Karwan: Oh no, oh no... I was involved in all these plans to get rid of the Acting Grand Sage?
Media:vo ahlq003 9 karwan 02.ogg Karwan: What came over me? How could I do something like this...?
Media:vo ahlq003 9 goli 01.ogg Goli: We were accomplices without knowing it, but I'm afraid that Alhaitham might pressure the matra into giving us heavier sentences.
Media:vo ahlq003 9 goli 02.ogg Goli: Whether he's the scribe or the Acting Grand Sage, we can't afford to offend him. It seems our future at the Akademiya will be full of uncertainties...
Media:vo ahlq003 9 pouyan 01.ogg Pouyan: We can discuss the future later. Leaving the collective left me with a strange sense of guilt.
Media:vo ahlq003 9 pouyan 02.ogg Pouyan: I didn't feel anything towards Alhaitham at first since he wasn't well-known. All the opinions I heard about him were negative, though.
Media:vo ahlq003 9 pouyan 03.ogg Pouyan: Siraj made us hate Alhaitham, and we blindly accepted that hatred and thought of him as a bad person.
Media:vo ahlq003 9 pouyan 04.ogg Pouyan: From how things look, we've done a lot of irrational things.
Media:vo ahlq003 9 karwan 03.ogg Karwan: I guess we're getting what we deserve. *sigh* ...Could you help us apologize to Alhaitham?
Media:vo ahlq003 9 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Sure, Paimon will help you tell Alhaitham, but whether he chooses to forgive you is up to him.
Media:vo ahlq003 9 karwan 04.ogg Karwan: It's okay. No matter what he chooses, apologizing will make us feel slightly better. If he chooses to remember this, we're prepared for our punishment.
Media:vo ahlq003 9 aarav 01.ogg Aarav: It's time to go.
Media:vo ahlq003 9 goli 03.ogg Goli: *sigh* Let's go.
(Karwan, Goli, and Pouyan leave with Aarav)
Media:vo ahlq003 9 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: So... were they all duped?
Media:vo ahlq003 9 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: We can ask Alhaitham about that later.
Media:vo ahlq003 10 ilyas 01.ogg Ilyas: ...Looks like I can't exist as Siraj Number 36, yet my life as Ilyas goes on.
Media:vo ahlq003 10 ilyas 02.ogg Ilyas: When I was at Gandharva Ville, I thought about whether I should just come forward with the truth.
Media:vo ahlq003 10 ilyas 03.ogg Ilyas: But... I didn't have the courage then.
Media:vo ahlq003 10 ilyas 04.ogg Ilyas: So in the end, I lost my sense of justice, but I also wasn't able to conform.
Media:vo ahlq003 10 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Ilyas...
Media:vo ahlq003 10 ilyas 05.ogg Ilyas: Don't be sad. I'm the one who deceived you.
Media:vo ahlq003 10 ilyas 06.ogg Ilyas: However, I didn't come out of this completely empty-handed. The moment the Hive collapsed, an idea popped into my head.
Media:vo ahlq003 10 ilyas 07.ogg Ilyas: I realized that the "collective" I was always trying to fit into wasn't as powerful as I had imagined.
Media:vo ahlq003 10 ilyas 08.ogg Ilyas: Understanding that gave me courage somehow... Perhaps one day, I can be just like Alhaitham and not care about what anyone else thinks.
Media:vo ahlq003 10 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: You can do it! Paimon believes in you.
Media:vo ahlq003 10 ilyas 09.ogg Ilyas: Thanks. Well, I should get going. I'm one of the primary suspects in the case, so I'll have to receive my due punishment.
Media:vo ahlq003 10 ilyas 10.ogg Ilyas: Can you keep this a secret from my parents and my sister? I just don't want them to worry.
Media:vo ahlq003 10 ilyas 11.ogg Ilyas: Also, please apologize to Alhaitham for me. Goodbye, you two.
Media:vo ahlq003 10 cyno 01.ogg Cyno: All the test subjects have been taken away.
Media:vo ahlq003 10 cyno 02.ogg Cyno: I'll have my subordinates seal the place, retrieve all documentation, and destroy the system.
Media:vo ahlq003 10 cyno 03.ogg Cyno: Are you two hurt? I brought bandages and hemostatics.
Media:vo ahlq003 10 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Paimon's fine! Whew, just a little tired.
Media:vo ahlq003 10 cyno 04.ogg Cyno: Get some rest. Alhaitham is probably waiting for you at the entrance. Go see him when you're done here.
Media:vo ahlq003 10 cyno 05.ogg Cyno: Watch out for any of Siraj's associates who might still be in hiding. If you encounter anything you can't take care of, come find me at the Akademiya.
Media:vo ahlq003 10 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Okay! You stay safe too, Cyno!
Media:vo ahlq003 10 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Let's go meet up with Alhaitham!
Icon Quest Step Step Description

The matra have seized all the research data in this place. It's time to go.
(Exit the Domain)
Media:vo ahlq003 11 alhaitham 01.ogg Alhaitham: The matter's settled. We can return now.
Media:vo ahlq003 11 alhaitham 02.ogg Alhaitham: I actually thought it would've been settled sooner. This took much longer than I expected.
Media:vo ahlq003 11 alhaitham 03.ogg Alhaitham: Judging by your faces, it seems like you two still have some questions.
Icon Dialogue Talk That's right.
Icon Dialogue Talk I'm quite curious.
Media:vo ahlq003 11 alhaitham 04.ogg Alhaitham: I respect your curiosity, but I'm off the clock now, so I'm not going to field any questions.
Media:vo ahlq003 11 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Hey! We're not your colleagues!
Media:vo ahlq003 11 alhaitham 05.ogg Alhaitham: ...You couldn't tell that was an excuse just now?
Media:vo ahlq003 11 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: What? Are you kidding me?
Media:vo ahlq003 11 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: You're not leaving today until you explain what happened back at Siraj's secret base!
Media:vo ahlq003 11 alhaitham 06.ogg Alhaitham: See ya.
Media:vo ahlq003 11 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Ahhh! Hold it right there!
Media:vo ahlq003 11 alhaitham 07.ogg Alhaitham: Are you done? Your behavior is reminding me of some other people.
Media:vo ahlq003 11 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Stop changing the subject!
Media:vo ahlq003 11 alhaitham 08.ogg Alhaitham: ...
Media:vo ahlq003 11 alhaitham 09.ogg Alhaitham: It's too much of a hassle to explain everything from the top... You know what? Come with me.
Media:vo ahlq003 11 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: Eh? Where to?
Media:vo ahlq003 11 alhaitham 10.ogg Alhaitham: You'll know when we get there.

Icon Quest Step Step Description

You want to learn more about the truth of the collective consciousness from Alhaitham, but he claims to be off the clock. He said that he might have some other method to placate Paimon's curiosity. It's time to follow him and find out.
(Enter Alhaitham's Home)
Icon Quest Step Step Description

You arrived at Alhaitham's house, only to be greeted by someone unexpected...
Media:vo ahlq003 12 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Is this... your home?
Media:vo ahlq003 12 alhaitham 01.ogg Alhaitham: Yes.
Media:vo ahlq003 12 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Pfft... What's with you all of a sudden, being all polite and inviting us over?
Media:vo ahlq003 12 kaveh 01.ogg ???: Ah, you're back. Quick, come help me see if this painting's all straightened... Huh? Who are they!?
Media:vo ahlq003 12 alhaitham 02.ogg Alhaitham: Stop making a fuss. They're obviously guests.
Media:vo ahlq003 12 kaveh 02.ogg Kaveh: You're... not from the Akademiya, are you?
Icon Dialogue Talk No, we're not.
Media:vo ahlq003 12 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Paimon's sure she's seen you before... Huh!? You're the person from that time, in that one place!
Media:vo ahlq003 12 kaveh 03.ogg Kaveh: Wait, what? How do you know me!? Oh no, oh no, do people know that I live here...?
Media:vo ahlq003 12 alhaitham 03.ogg Alhaitham: What? You're embarrassed only now of all times?
Media:vo ahlq003 12 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Oh, you guys are roommates!
Media:vo ahlq003 12 kaveh 04.ogg Kaveh: Yes, yes, we are, but keep that to yourselves! Please don't tell anyone else!
Media:vo ahlq003 12 alhaitham 04.ogg Alhaitham: I keep a few books on collectives and the subconscious here at home. I'll get them. You all chat in the meantime.
Media:vo ahlq003 12 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Uh, hey!
Media:vo ahlq003 12 kaveh 05.ogg Kaveh: Hey! You're leaving, just like that? What's the deal, Alhaitham!?
Media:vo ahlq003 12 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: ...
Icon Dialogue Talk ...
Media:vo ahlq003 12 kaveh 06.ogg Kaveh: ...
Media:vo ahlq003 12 kaveh 07.ogg Kaveh: Sorry, I know we've only just met but I have to ask... Are you, um... You wouldn't happen to be actors that Alhaitham hired to pretend to be his friends, would you?
Media:vo ahlq003 12 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: Uh... what?
Media:vo ahlq003 12 kaveh 08.ogg Kaveh: Guess not. I've never seen him invite friends home before, so please excuse my surprise. You guys get it, right? You know, with his temperament and stuff...
Media:vo ahlq003 12 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: But... aren't you friends with him?
Media:vo ahlq003 12 kaveh 09.ogg Kaveh: ...Uh... I wouldn't say "friends," exactly...
Media:vo ahlq003 12 kaveh 10.ogg Kaveh: Okay, well, we used to be. But we're not anymore.
Media:vo ahlq003 12 paimon 09.ogg Paimon: (Huh?)
Media:vo ahlq003 12 kaveh 11.ogg Kaveh: Don't worry about it. My name is Kaveh. I'm sorry to have met you under these circumstances. Anyway, please don't say anything about me living here.
Media:vo ahlq003 12 paimon 10.ogg Paimon: You seem like you got a lot going on... So maybe some Mora will make Paimon shut up.
Media:vo ahlq003 12 kaveh 12.ogg Kaveh: Are you serious!? How could you... Ugh, of course — you're Alhaitham's friends!
Media:vo ahlq003 12 paimon 11.ogg Paimon: What!? That was a normal response! You exposed your own weakness!
Media:vo ahlq003 12 kaveh 22.ogg Kaveh: Still... Why do you have to treat me like he does?
Media:vo ahlq003 12 alhaitham 05.ogg Alhaitham: Judging by the deafening din coming from the living room, you all must be getting along quite well.
Media:vo ahlq003 12 kaveh 13.ogg Kaveh: Hmph, entertain your own friends, why don't you?
Media:vo ahlq003 12 alhaitham 06.ogg Alhaitham: I'll leave the books here.
You skim through a few pages, but its contents are too esoteric and difficult to understand...
Media:vo ahlq003 12 paimon 12.ogg Paimon: Uh, Paimon's dizzy from reading... This is way too complicated... Why don't we just ask questions instead?
Media:vo ahlq003 12 paimon 13.ogg Paimon: Paimon wants to know... Uh... Oh, how did you know about the collective consciousness's weakness?
Media:vo ahlq003 12 alhaitham 07.ogg Alhaitham: A year ago, Siraj presented his thesis to the Grand Sage, who offhandedly asked for my opinion. I actually responded with two lines of reasoning.
Media:vo ahlq003 12 alhaitham 08.ogg Alhaitham: The first, as I've already said, was that his research was on human evolution, a subject prohibited by the Akademiya.
Media:vo ahlq003 12 alhaitham 09.ogg Alhaitham: The second was that I thought the direction of his research was too extreme, but his approach too conservative.
Media:vo ahlq003 12 paimon 14.ogg Paimon: Wait, that's too conservative? He built such a large lab, gathered all those people, and even tried to get rid of you!
Media:vo ahlq003 12 alhaitham 10.ogg Alhaitham: One way to stabilize a collective consciousness is to remove the test subjects' humanity altogether.
Media:vo ahlq003 12 alhaitham 11.ogg Alhaitham: The optimal solution to achieve collective consciousness is to focus solely on the Overmind and treat the other test subjects as tools.
Media:vo ahlq003 12 paimon 15.ogg Paimon: That's way too dangerous! Y—You're not seriously considering that, are you? 'Cause uh...
Media:vo ahlq003 12 alhaitham 12.ogg Alhaitham: I'm merely stating the facts. If Siraj had done that, I would've felt his work to be just as senseless.
Media:vo ahlq003 12 alhaitham 13.ogg Alhaitham: It's impossible for any species to evolve overnight, and humans without their humanity cannot be called humans.
Media:vo ahlq003 12 alhaitham 14.ogg Alhaitham: That's why the Akademiya prohibited research into human evolution — most research of this kind tends to run contrary to evolution.
Media:vo ahlq003 12 paimon 16.ogg Paimon: Huh, Paimon gets it now.
Media:vo ahlq003 12 kaveh 14.ogg Kaveh: Hah, that's rich coming from you. If humans aren't humans without their humanity, then you'll probably evolve into some other species in another decade, I wager?
Media:vo ahlq003 12 alhaitham 15.ogg Alhaitham: What about you? Are you going to devolve into a fungus?
Media:vo ahlq003 12 kaveh 15.ogg Kaveh: At least I'd be a fungus with empathy.
Media:vo ahlq003 12 kaveh 16.ogg Kaveh: Sorry for eavesdropping, but what happened to you guys? Are you in trouble?
Media:vo ahlq003 12 paimon 17.ogg Paimon: Sort of. We encountered a strange researcher that had it out for us...
Media:vo ahlq003 12 kaveh 17.ogg Kaveh: ...Are you all okay?
Icon Dialogue Talk To be more precise, they had it out for Alhaitham.
Icon Dialogue Talk We just happened to be there.
Media:vo ahlq003 12 kaveh 18.ogg Kaveh: Huh, so that's how things went...
Media:vo ahlq003 12 kaveh 19.ogg Kaveh: *sigh* Such is life. If only he'd known, Alhaitham could have stayed indoors today, and the whole thing could have been avoided. Right?
Media:vo ahlq003 12 kaveh 23.ogg Kaveh: Plus, he could have helped me with the housework for once. See those books? They've been sitting there waiting for someone to sort through them for an age. If you're not gonna read them, tidy them away! They don't belong there!
Media:vo ahlq003 12 paimon 18.ogg Paimon: Ah... Uh...
Media:vo ahlq003 12 alhaitham 16.ogg Alhaitham: ...
Media:vo ahlq003 12 alhaitham 17.ogg Alhaitham: Can you feel the awkwardness in the air? I hope you're aware of your lack of conversational skills.
Media:vo ahlq003 12 kaveh 20.ogg Kaveh: Oh, so the pot's calling the kettle black, is he? Hmph, well, having said all that, are you okay?
Media:vo ahlq003 12 alhaitham 18.ogg Alhaitham: I'm doing quite well — much better than that painting you're trying to hang on the wall.
Media:vo ahlq003 12 kaveh 21.ogg Kaveh: You...! You don't understand anything! Stop criticizing my taste in decoration!
(TravelerTraveler): (Kaveh seems to be upset again...)
Media:vo ahlq003 12 paimon 19.ogg Paimon: Paimon can't tell which of them is more problematic... Let's just get this over with and leave...
Icon Dialogue Talk I blame your curiosity, Paimon...
Media:vo ahlq003 12 alhaitham 19.ogg Alhaitham: You whisper very loudly.
Media:vo ahlq003 12 paimon 20.ogg Paimon: Oh, um... Yeah, Paimon's been told that...
Media:vo ahlq003 12 alhaitham 20.ogg Alhaitham: Do you have any more questions?
Media:vo ahlq003 12 paimon 21.ogg Paimon: Let Paimon think... Oh, uh, by the way, the other researchers apologized to you. They hope that you can forgive them.
Media:vo ahlq003 12 alhaitham 21.ogg Alhaitham: I bear them no ill will. More accurately, I don't really care about what they think of me.
Media:vo ahlq003 12 alhaitham 22.ogg Alhaitham: To some extent, they were also fooled by Siraj. The matra will take this into account at their trials.
Media:vo ahlq003 12 paimon 22.ogg Paimon: Ilyas also said that he wanted to tell us the truth at Gandharva Ville, but he didn't have the courage.
Media:vo ahlq003 12 paimon 23.ogg Paimon: He apologized to you, too.
Media:vo ahlq003 12 alhaitham 23.ogg Alhaitham: It doesn't matter. I never considered asking him to come forward with the truth.
Media:vo ahlq003 12 alhaitham 24.ogg Alhaitham: Judging from his experiences, he's more courageous than the average person. There's no need to lay even more criticism on him. Criticizing the brave only shows how weak you yourself are.
Media:vo ahlq003 12 alhaitham 25.ogg Alhaitham: I'm going for dinner in ten minutes, so I'll field one last question.
Media:vo ahlq003 12 paimon 24.ogg Paimon: Paimon doesn't have any more questions. How about you?
Icon Dialogue Talk What were you actually interested in, Alhaitham?
Media:vo ahlq003 12 paimon 25.ogg Paimon: Ooh yeah, that's a good question.
Media:vo ahlq003 12 paimon 26.ogg Paimon: You only started investigating with the matra at the Akademiya because you were interested in something, right?
Media:vo ahlq003 12 paimon 27.ogg Paimon: But after meeting Siraj, it didn't seem like you were interested in him or his experiment...
Media:vo ahlq003 12 alhaitham 26.ogg Alhaitham: I had no interest in him personally, but I was curious as to why so many people were willing to form a collective consciousness with him.
Media:vo ahlq003 12 alhaitham 27.ogg Alhaitham: I now understand the reason.
Icon Dialogue Talk Something to do with the current atmosphere at the Akademiya, I suppose?
Media:vo ahlq003 12 alhaitham 28.ogg Alhaitham: Correct. The fall of the sages and the shutdown of the Akasha Terminals deeply affected the Akademiya.
Media:vo ahlq003 12 alhaitham 29.ogg Alhaitham: The fact that Siraj's project attracted so much interest despite not being approved speaks to the lack of research projects as of late.
Media:vo ahlq003 12 alhaitham 30.ogg Alhaitham: As the Acting Grand Sage, I'll have to figure something out.
Media:vo ahlq003 12 alhaitham 31.ogg Alhaitham: In addition, what happened to Ilyas is worth our attention. Reporting academic fraud was the right thing to do. He didn't deserve the outcome that he had received.
Media:vo ahlq003 12 paimon 28.ogg Paimon: Paimon understands now! You're pretty serious when it comes to work, huh?
Media:vo ahlq003 12 alhaitham 32.ogg Alhaitham: I think "minimum viable seriousness" is a more apt description. I'll do my best to take care of this mess until my resignation is approved.
Media:vo ahlq003 12 paimon 29.ogg Paimon: Wait, your resignation?
Media:vo ahlq003 12 alhaitham 33.ogg Alhaitham: Yes. I've already submitted my resignation to the Akademiya. Soon, I'll resign as the Acting Grand Sage and go back to being its scribe.
Media:vo ahlq003 12 alhaitham 34.ogg Alhaitham: I don't think Siraj knew about that. If he had waited just a few more days before acting, I would have already resigned.
Media:vo ahlq003 12 alhaitham 35.ogg Alhaitham: What he'd do then wouldn't have been any concern of mine. However, even without my input, his unstable model would have collapsed for some other reason, so it makes no difference.
Media:vo ahlq003 12 paimon 30.ogg Paimon: But... why do you wanna resign?
Media:vo ahlq003 12 alhaitham 36.ogg Alhaitham: I'm not suited to be a sage, nor do I want to be one. The official process to select the new sages is already underway, but this process is long and takes far too much time.
Media:vo ahlq003 12 alhaitham 37.ogg Alhaitham: If I serve as Acting Grand Sage for too long, the position might become permanent. That would be troublesome. This job isn't something I want to spend the rest of my life doing.
Icon Dialogue Talk You have a pretty clear direction for yourself.
Media:vo ahlq003 12 alhaitham 38.ogg Alhaitham: It's important to keep your priorities straight. Well, it's about time. You two should grab some dinner, as well.
Media:vo ahlq003 12 paimon 31.ogg Paimon: Oh, now that you say that, Paimon's kinda hungry! See ya! We're gonna grab some yummies!
Icon Dialogue Talk Goodbye!
Media:vo ahlq003 12 alhaitham 39.ogg Alhaitham: See ya.
(Quest ends)

(Enter the office, optional)
Media:vo dialog ahlq003 kaveh 01.ogg Kaveh: The name Siraj doesn't ring a bell. Was he in your class?
Media:vo dialog ahlq003 alhaitham 01.ogg Alhaitham: He isn't someone who would leave an impression, so it's expected that you don't remember him.
Media:vo dialog ahlq003 kaveh 02.ogg Kaveh: I've always had a hard time appreciating the way that the Akademiya pressures people by labeling them as geniuses.
Media:vo dialog ahlq003 kaveh 03.ogg Kaveh: But even so, the Akademiya can't be left to you.
Media:vo dialog ahlq003 kaveh 04.ogg Kaveh: Or perhaps I should say that I'm delighted to see that you have a base amount of self-awareness. If the people in the Akademiya haven't gone mad, they'd know that I'm much more suited to be a sage than you.
Media:vo dialog ahlq003 alhaitham 02.ogg Alhaitham: And I suppose they'd let everyone know that your career as a sage will be as shaky as that painting?
Media:vo dialog ahlq003 kaveh 05.ogg Kaveh: Again, that's mighty rich coming from someone about to resign. In a few days, you'll be managing files again. You'll be back at rock bottom.
Media:vo dialog ahlq003 alhaitham 03.ogg Alhaitham: But my salary will likely stay the same.
Media:vo dialog ahlq003 kaveh 06.ogg Kaveh: Wait, what? How come!? Why do you get special treatment!?
Media:vo dialog ahlq003 alhaitham 04.ogg Alhaitham: At least I don't have to be an architectural designer who works himself to death just to get a smile from his client.
Media:vo dialog ahlq003 kaveh 07.ogg Kaveh: Y—You...
Media:vo dialog ahlq003 kaveh 15.ogg Kaveh: I took time out of my day to clean the living room for you, and this is the thanks I get for it!? I'd have been better off catching up on my work — I still have designs to finish.
Media:vo dialog ahlq003 alhaitham 05.ogg Alhaitham: Make sure to pay back the rent you owe me. I'm going to buy some furniture with that Mora.
Media:vo dialog ahlq003 kaveh 08.ogg Kaveh: Wha... Are you trying to annoy me to death!? The decorations you buy keep getting uglier and uglier. What's the point of having a boring wood carving in your house?
Media:vo dialog ahlq003 alhaitham 06.ogg Alhaitham: You'll have to blame that on my financial freedom.
Media:vo dialog ahlq003 kaveh 09.ogg Kaveh: Fine, go ahead and hide behind your financial success if you want. But if we forget Mora for a second, do you have anything of true value to boast about?
Media:vo dialog ahlq003 alhaitham 07.ogg Alhaitham: I think I'd have too many choices, to be honest. You, on the other hand... can you think of any redeeming features at all?
Media:vo dialog ahlq003 kaveh 10.ogg Kaveh: Artistry, for sure! You don't know the first thing about interior design. Don't go off buying random furniture unless you take me with you!
Media:vo dialog ahlq003 alhaitham 08.ogg Alhaitham: So I'll have to bring you along and then buy you drinks?
Media:vo dialog ahlq003 kaveh 11.ogg Kaveh: Of course!
Media:vo dialog ahlq003 alhaitham 09.ogg Alhaitham: But why would I do that? It would just be another form of a loan, and you'd have to pay me back eventually.
Media:vo dialog ahlq003 kaveh 12.ogg Kaveh: Can't you just be nice and not ask for the Mora back?
Media:vo dialog ahlq003 alhaitham 10.ogg Alhaitham: Pretending that you're not in debt is as ridiculous as pretending you're not living in someone else's home. Word will get out sooner or later.
Media:vo dialog ahlq003 kaveh 13.ogg Kaveh: Speaking of which, your friends won't say anything, right? Tell them to keep all this a secret.
Media:vo dialog ahlq003 alhaitham 11.ogg Alhaitham: There's no need to hide it so carefully — I think the truth's already out. You're such a lightweight that a few drinks at the tavern had you spilling all your beans.
Media:vo dialog ahlq003 kaveh 14.ogg Kaveh: What? ...No, it can't be...
(Use Nahida's All Schemes to Know on Alhaitham, optional)
Media:vo ahlq003 14 alhaitham 01.ogg Alhaitham: (There's dust on the bookshelves. I should tidy them up sometime and bring any unused books to the House of Daena.)
(Use Nahida's All Schemes to Know on Kaveh, optional)
Media:vo ahlq003 14 kaveh 01.ogg Kaveh: (Alhaitham isn't thinking about revealing my secret, is he? Geez, why does he always have these horrible thoughts!? Does he really want to mess with me that much?)
Media:vo ahlq003 14 kaveh 02.ogg Kaveh: (And what he said just now... D—Does he know about my drunken scribbling?)
Media:vo ahlq003 14 kaveh 03.ogg Kaveh: (No... Wait, did someone tell him? Was it the people at the tavern or the liquor shop...? Why, that owner! He promised to keep this a secret!)
Media:vo ahlq003 14 kaveh 04.ogg Kaveh: (Also, is it really true that I can't hold my liquor? I thought that impulsive speaking and writing were normal after a few drinks. Oh well, everyone loves to write random stuff on the message boards anyway, so...)


No.Soundtrack NameAlbumPlayed In
51The Name Is LegionThe Shimmering Voyage Vol. 3Pride and Prejudice (cutscene)
24Battle PreparationThe Shimmering VoyageA Herald Without Adherents, The Shadows Deepen, Pride and Prejudice, Culminate! Chatter of Joyous Dreams, All the World's a Stage, Memories That Should Not Exist, Tracks Through the Wilderness, Time for the Showdown
28A Wicked PlotThe Shimmering VoyageInvoluntary Sacrifice, A Herald Without Adherents, Dishonorable Trial, A Flower Blooms in a Prison, Jade Chamber Rising, The Stars Inscribe the Year's Wishes, Foregone Conclusion, As by a God's Side, Jnagarbha Day, The Strongest Opponent! The Biggest Crisis!, Pride and Prejudice, Shade Upon Red Silk, It's What He Deserves, The Woven and the Cut, Underground Crime, Give Her Sweetness


  • The name of the quest may be a reference to the 1813 novel of manners Pride and Prejudice by English novelist Jane Austen.
  • Re-entering the office will replay the final cutscene between Alhaitham and Kaveh.
  • Alhaitham's Home cannot be entered again after leaving it.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishPride and Prejudice
Àomàn Piānjiàn
Pride and Prejudice
Àomàn Piānjiàn
Gouman to Henken
Pride and Prejudice
Korean오만과 편견
Oman'gwa Pyeon'gyeon
Pride and Prejudice
SpanishOrgullo y prejuicioPride and Prejudice
FrenchOrgueil et préjugésPride and Prejudice
RussianГордость и предубеждение
Gordost' i predubezhdeniye
Pride and Prejudice
VietnameseThành Kiến Ngạo Mạn
GermanArroganz und VorurteilArrogance and Prejudice
IndonesianKebanggaan dan PrasangkaPride and Prejudice
PortugueseOrgulho e Preconceito
TurkishAşk ve Gurur
ItalianOrgoglio e pregiudizioPride and Prejudice

Change History[]
