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Post-Sale Service is the commission that is given if the player gives Konda Densuke the wrong instructions during Inazuma Sales Specialist.


  1. Talk to Vahid
  2. Talk to Konda Densuke
  3. Pull out the Mushrooms in the field
  4. Talk to Konda Densuke

Gameplay Notes[]

  • All Fresh Mushrooms will be removed from the player's inventory upon the completion of the commission regardless of how many were collected.
  • The quest can be turned in after 5 Fresh Mushrooms are picked. However, if all 10 Fresh Mushrooms are given to Konda Densuke, this will grant the Wonders of the World achievement "Sorry for the Trouble!"
  • It is possible to get this commission multiple times after Inazuma Sales Specialist before getting the latter again.


This commission grants the following AR-dependent rewards upon completion:

Primogem Adventure EXP Mora Companionship EXP Fine Enhancement Ore Mystic Enhancement Ore
12–15 10 175 2,775 25 1–4 0–1
16–20 10 200 3,200 30 1–4 0–1
21–25 10 200 3,625 35 1–3 0–2
26–30 10 225 4,050 35 1–3 0–2
31–35 10 225 4,475 40 1–3 0–2
36–40 10 250 4,900 45 0–2 1–3
41–45 10 250 5,325 50 0–2 1–3
46–50 10 250 5,750 50 0–2 1–3
51–55 10 250 6,150 55 0–1 1–4
56–59 10 250 6,575 60 0–1 1–4
60 10 9,075 60 0–1 1–4


UI Quest Quest Description

Vahid, the owner of Syavushi Bakshesh Shoppe, seems to have received complaints from a client...
(Talk to Vahid)
Vahid: Oh no... how did this happen?
Icon Dialogue Talk What's the matter?
Vahid: Traveler, I was just looking for you!
Vahid: Do you still remember Konda Densuke? He came to the store several days ago, asking about the fertilizers.
Icon Dialogue Talk Is he satisfied with the fertilizers?
Vahid: I wouldn't put it in those terms. Strictly speaking, I think Mr. Konda Densuke is feeling lost.
Icon Dialogue Talk Lost?
Vahid: Well, here's the thing. After your previous promotion, Mr. Densuke did use our fertilizers according to your instructions.
Vahid: However, although the crops did grow well, at the same time... a lot of mushrooms came out of nowhere...
Vahid: To be honest, after Mr. Konda told me about it, I am also feeling a bit lost.
Vahid: But anyway, it definitely has something to do with the fertilizers.
Vahid: Traveler, could you please go to Konda Village and help Mr. Konda clear those mushrooms out of his fields?
Icon Dialogue Talk You can count on me.
Vahid: That I will. I will be doing some research in the store to see what exactly caused this...
Vahid: *sigh* If only Alrani were here. She would definitely have found the cause already.
Icon Dialogue Talk How about we ask Alrani to work on this issue?
Vahid: If she was here, we would have figured it out quite quickly.
Vahid: But she hasn't returned yet, and I have no idea where she went.
Vahid: I can only count on you, Traveler. I will be doing some research in the store to see what exactly caused this...

(Talk to Konda Densuke)
Konda Densuke: What is the matter with these mushrooms...
Icon Dialogue Talk I'm here to clear the mushrooms!
Icon Dialogue Talk Sorry for the trouble!
Konda Densuke: Oh, the mushrooms? Well, there's no shortage of them on my dining table, that's for sure.
Konda Densuke: Were you sent by Mr. Vahid to help me clear them away?
Konda Densuke: Hmm, then they're all yours. There are way too many mushrooms in the field. It's not a job for an old timer like me.
Konda Densuke: How could these mushrooms have grown so fast...
(Ten Fresh Mushrooms spawn in the field)
(Talk to Konda Densuke again, optional)
Konda Densuke: Why did these mushrooms grow so quickly?
(After collecting five Fresh Mushrooms)
Paimon: That should be all of them, right?
(After collecting ten Fresh Mushrooms)
Paimon: Phew, looks like that's that!

(Talk to Konda Densuke)
Konda Densuke: Have you cleared them all?
(If only 5-9 mushrooms were collected)
Icon Dialogue Talk All the mushrooms are here.
Konda Densuke: That's all? I remember there being a lot more. Did you really clear them all out?
Konda Densuke: Anyway, you have my appreciation, youngster. Take this as payment.
(If all 10 mushrooms were collected)
Icon Dialogue Talk Got all the mushrooms right here.
Konda Densuke: There were so many mushrooms, but looks like you did get them all.
Konda Densuke: Thank you, youngster. I really don't know what I would do without your help. Take this as a token of my gratitude.
Konda Densuke: I have to say that these fertilizers are quite amazing. The mushrooms grew so quickly. If only they could help the crops grow this fast as well...
Konda Densuke: When I've got the time, I will surely come buy some more and try them out...

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishPost-Sale Service
Shòu Hòu Fúwù
After-Sales Service
Shòu Hòu Fúwù
Afutaa Saabisu
After Service
Korean애프터 서비스
Aepeuteo Seobiseu
After Service
SpanishServicio posventaAfter-Sale Service
FrenchService après-venteAfter-Sale Service
RussianОбслуживание после продажи
Obsluzhivaniye posle prodazhi
After-Sales Service
After-Sale Service
VietnameseDịch Vụ Hậu MãiAfter-Sales Service
GermanDer Kunde ist KönigThe Customer Is King
IndonesianLayanan Pasca-PenjualanPost-Sale Service
PortugueseServiço Pós-venda
TurkishSatış Sonrası HizmetPost Sales Service
ItalianServizio post venditaPost Sale Service

Change History[]

