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Genshin Impact Wiki

Otogi "Kintake" Courtyard Gate is a Furnishing item that can be used in the Serenitea Pot.

The blueprint for Otogi "Kintake" Courtyard Gate is obtainable from a Remarkable Chest on Tsurumi Island.

How to Obtain[]

Obtained from a Remarkable Chest east of the Teleport Waypoint in Chirai Shrine on Tsurumi Island. It is normally available on the third day of Tsurumi Island's Three-Day Cycle; however, it is possible for Remarkable Chests to appear on different days if the cycle becomes desynced.


First time creation grants Trust Trust ×30.

Icon_Creation_SmallCreation for 12 hours
Icon Creation Recipe
Otogi "Kintake" Courtyard Gate 1 Otogi "Kintake" Courtyard Gate

Furnishing Sets[]

There is 1 Furnishing Set that uses Otogi "Kintake" Courtyard Gate as a component:

ItemCraft TypeComponents
Gift SetThe Wandering Bird Within The Wandering Bird Within ×1
Otogi "Tanin" Wood Barrel Otogi "Tanin" Wood Barrel ×1
"Kokutan" Thick-Walled Clay Water Tank "Kokutan" Thick-Walled Clay Water Tank ×1
Otogi "Kintake" Fence Otogi "Kintake" Fence ×10
High-Flying Fish Flag High-Flying Fish Flag ×1
Otogi "Kintake" Courtyard Gate Otogi "Kintake" Courtyard Gate ×1
Inazuman Bamboo-Roofed Home: Wild Heart Inazuman Bamboo-Roofed Home: Wild Heart ×1
Inazuman Bamboo-Roofed Home: The Long Peace Inazuman Bamboo-Roofed Home: The Long Peace ×1
The Fruit Farmer's Thrift The Fruit Farmer's Thrift ×6

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishOtogi "Kintake" Courtyard Gate
Yùjiā-mù "Jìnzhú" Yuàn Mén
Yùjiā-mù "Jìnzhú" Yuàn Mén
Otogi no "Kintake" Nakaniwa no Mon‍[!][!]
Korean오토기나무 「킨타케」 마당
Otogi-namu "Kintake" Madang Mun
Otogi Tree "Kintake" Garden Door
SpanishPuerta de patio kintake de madera de murmuradorWhispering (tree) Wood Kintake Patio Door
FrenchPorte de cour « Kintake » en bois de dulcinierOtogiOtogiOtogiOtogiTooltip for OtogiOtogi Wood "Kintake" Courtyard Gate
RussianДворовые ворота из отоги «Кинтакэ»
Dvorovyye vorota iz otogi "Kintake"
Otogi Court Gate "Kintake"
Thaiประตูสวน "Kintake" ไม้ Otogi
VietnameseCổng Sân "Kintake" Gỗ Otogi
GermanKintaku-Hoftor aus Otogi-Holz"Kintake" Yard Gate from Otogi Wood
IndonesianGerbang Halaman Otogi "Kintake"Otogi "Kintake" Courtyard Gate
PortuguesePortão de Madeira Otogi do Pavilhão "Kintake"
TurkishOtogi "Kintake" Bahçe Kapısı
ItalianCancello del cortile Kintake in legno Otogi

Change History[]

