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Omni-Ubiquity Net is a consumable gadget that can be purchased from Wakamurasaki upon completing the World Quest Omni-Ubiquity Net.

It allows the user to capture the essence of small animals in the open world and place them in their Serenitea Pot by converting the player's Elemental Skill into an event-specific skill. When attempting to use the gadget on animals not marked by a net symbol in the Archive, the player will be prompted with the "This target cannot be captured" message. If the usage is invalid or the player misses the target, the gadget is not consumed. Up to 99 omni-ubiquity nets can be stored in the Inventory.

How to Obtain[]

Shop Availability[]

There is 1 Shop that sells Omni-Ubiquity Net:

Item NPC Mora Cost Stock Notes
Omni-Ubiquity Net Omni-Ubiquity Net Wakamurasaki 10,000 5 Weekly

Capturable Animals[]

Crow (Furnishing) Crow
Frog (Furnishing) Frog
Kitsune (Furnishing) Kitsune
Scarab (Furnishing) Scarab

Formerly Capturable[]


Omni-Ubiquity Net
Tutorial Adventure Omni-Ubiquity Net 1
Use the Omni-Ubiquity Net to capture and detain the essence of small animals in the open world. Afterward, you may use the Net as a medium to re-create their forms.
Animals so re-created may be placed inside your Serenitea Pot.

Tutorial Adventure Omni-Ubiquity Net 2
Unfortunately, Wakamurasaki's modifications to the Omni-Ubiquity Net still have some room from improvement, and there are some little critters who cannot be re-created using the Net.
Animals that can be captured using the Net will be marked out with a net symbol in the Archive.



There are 5 Achievements obtainable from Omni-Ubiquity Net:

Achievement Category Description Primogem
Zoo Tycoon Wonders of the World Wonders of the World Use the Omni-Ubiquity Net item to capture 1 wild animal. 5
Zoo Tycoon Wonders of the World Wonders of the World Use the Omni-Ubiquity Net item to capture 30 wild animals. 10
Zoo Tycoon Wonders of the World Wonders of the World Use the Omni-Ubiquity Net item to capture 100 wild animals. 20
"Not Flyin' Away This Time!" Wonders of the World Wonders of the World Use the Omni-Ubiquity Net item to capture 1 Crystalfly. 5
The Net Closes In Wonders of the World Wonders of the World Use the Omni-Ubiquity Net item to capture 1 Finch. 5


A net created using onmyoudou. It can be used to detain the essences of small animals and also serves as a medium to recreate their forms. There exits a training ground somewhere in Inazuma that uses onmyoudou to recreate monsters and villains. The technique used to make these nets may be the product of those same techniques following many long years of degradation in power and knoweledge.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishOmni-Ubiquity Net
"Sìfāng-Bāfāng zhī Wǎng"
"All-Directional Net"[• 1]
"Sìfāng-Bāfāng zhī Wǎng"
"Shihou Happou no Ami"
"All-Directional Net"
Korean사방팔방사방팔방 그물」
"Sabangpalbang-ui geu-mul"
"All-Directional Net"
SpanishRed de la ubicuidad supremaNet of Supreme Ubiquity
FrenchOmnifilet d'ubiquitéOmni-Net of Ubiquity
RussianСеть всевездесущности
Set' vsevezdesushchnosti
All-Ubiquity Net
ThaiOmni-Ubiquity Net
Vietnamese"Thiên La Địa VõngThiên La Địa Võng""Inescapable Net"[• 2]
GermanNetz der Omniubiquität"Net of Omni-Ubiquity"
IndonesianOmni-Ubiquity Net
PortugueseRede OniubíquaOmni-Ubiquitous Net
TurkishÜstün Ağ TopuUltimate Net Ball
ItalianRete dell'ubiquità suprema
  1. Chinese: Derived from the Japanese idiom 四方八方 shihou happou, "in all directions," lit. "four directions, eight directions."
  2. Vietnamese: Derived from the Chinese idiom 天羅地網 tiān luó dì wǎng, "inescapable net," lit. "nets above, snares below."

Change History[]

